Well, here I start again. I will try to get this as a long chapter as I can, but I have no guarantee that it would be great. I have been planing the story out, and there will be a few more people that other fanfics made me love that I just can't exclude for the life of me into this , the more I think about,the more this story continues it has some clichés ,but other quirks to it that I am still planning 's going to be a mishmash of ideas, and some new ones, but that is what makes me like it so much.


-Saipher's P.O.V-

I had never seen anything exactly like this.


Not even in the multitude of fanfic's and fandoms that I indulged into daily have I even thought about someone like aunt Sirin do something like this to us! Okay, that was a lie, but still, this seemed a little too extreme.

Never the less, it had a genius method. The ability of being powerful, but having to practice it to achieve and 'over powered' status. Abide with a 'con' of equal value for having the 'pro', some of the con's actually seemed like pros for me.

It was...an interesting thing my aunt achieved here.

You see, at first glance, I though we were almost Mary Sues. Really! With a quick flick of an eye I saw our arsenal that was provided by my creepy aunt.(Though admittedly she reminds me of those jerky viewers that appear in many of these things.) My concern, though, was thinking over the notice left on the pamphlet by her.



Many of these new changes will happen in a day or two

and some are very seem extreme,I am sure

of that,but they will help you in the long run.I hand chose

many of you two's new abilities as you read below. You

don't need to do anything like the cat needed to do. Don't

panic to much, and you will be there is still any pain

for you and your group, you can sleep it off. Hope you like

the changes!

-Your dear and considerate aunt Sirin


"..." Considerate aunt my ass. Really, was she really tiring to help us? Seriously, did she just get a dartboard, blindfold herself, and start shooting darts at the dam thing?

*Flashback With Sirin*

"Eh, I need to give them something so that they don't die there. If I don't, I know that she will blame me for this. Now, what to choose. There is so much I can do. Ah wait. I wonder if I can make them do it themselves."

Sirin started moving her hands around a crystal ball like a stereo typical witch, but seemed no older than 40 and without many wrinkles. She had on a long robe, with black wavy hair that was slowly greying at spots on her head.

She looked into the minds and recent past of the two girls, finding interesting and intriguing things in their minds and on what they watched. Two things caught her grey eye in particular.

"Hy...brids? What in the world is that?"She learned about it soon enough, and she put a note down about it on a sticky note. Said sticky note was put on a dart wheel as she went back to the ball for at least another idea.

"Hm, what else can I exploit...ah ha!" She smirked in victory as she spotted the other idea. It was on magical powers that you had to learn, like herself. She took the other sticky note and stuck it on the other part of the dart board.

"Well, time for the unveiling." She got out a blind fold and three darts as she moved to the dart board and started spinning it with a strong tug of her hand.

She put on said blind fold, and threw all three darts rapidly at the board.

"And the winner is..." She took off the blind fold, and saw what the outcome was.

"Leave it to the kids to do all the thinking for me." She smirked wickedly as she got out her book of spells, exited with her results.

*End of Flashback*

Knowing my luck, it's what she probably did.

I could only continue to stare blankly at the list, unwilling to take my eyes off it and accept it as my-our...our new reality.

I looked at our list, noticing that mittens had the shortest one.


Pros / Cons

-Mold the body into any shape and size but limits to the user / -Freak out all people when they see this for the first few times

-Store anything in thick fur or a fluffy mane ~personal choice / -Be prone to itchiness and irritation on random days of the month

I compared her pros and cons to our pros and cons, and I only had one thought as I compared them to us.

Why does the damn cat get the easy stuff?

So for our powers, we had many more at our disposal, but the cons somewhat dwindled on me.


Pros / Cons

-Half gem/Half human Hybrid / -All powers are connected to emotions/Emotional traumas and such

-Summon other weapons other than rose's shield 'easily' during battle / -Overload in weapons cause dreariness. Can grow stronger in time

-Feel others emotions and thoughts and reflect memories -Experience said person's worst memories and emotions with such memories

-Create telekinetic bonds with close nakama and family and share emotions through the user of said bond; can become permanent if practiced enough or strong feeling are felt most of the time / -Has to be practiced constantly and can be broken with to much strain on the user and hurt others in said bonds

I read over nina's new powers over. Shese, those were serious. Wait...does that mean we can fuse!? That would be totally awesome, but I need to tell her about this soon. Though no fuseing, for now.

I also came to the conclusion of what could be called as the 'bye bye cool head, welcome emotions' situation for her. These things can and will seriously change us if I read it correctly. I suddenly dreaded reading over my own, unsure if I would be satisfied with.


Pros / Cons

-Half mister/half weapon / -Have to collect all corrupt souls

-See people's true intentions and their souls / -See all the 'bad' things a person has done in their life

-Control black blood, and can 'purify' their own blood when they need to / -Easily fall into madness if not careful and betray their cause

-Turn into other weapons other / -Take's time to master other forms and than a scythe can be stuck if not practiced enough

"...Huh, neat." Well, I personally thought overall that those were good trade in's for these kinds of things.

"Neat what!?" Nina screamed this at me as I passed the paper holding our new identities to her and went to the corner where Mittens was chilling.

She had shape shifted back to her normal self, though now she had a fluffy mane to her and was curled into a cat loaf. Typical cat. Though now I was slowing accepting this as my life and got over that calamity.

"So...how did you get the hang of your powers that easily?" I questioned her, giving her a glare as she frowned at being disturbed when she was about to nap again.

"I was *yawn* practicing for about an hour or two when you were both away."

"..." I had a neutral face on and I wasn't amused with her answer.

"What? That's literally all I did! Don't blame me for getting used to it in such a short amount of time. Also did you read my other power? I can be your mobile suitcase now for all that useless tech and stuff that you don't need!"

"...Hm..." I though for a few more seconds, thinking over Mittens' words and came with a satisfying answer and a small smile started to adorn my face. "So now we can store those computers and speakers and all the heavy stuff now, huh?"

Mittens started to sweat as she thought over her choice of wording as she struggled on what to say next.

In the end, she didn't say anything else, hoping to keep herself from digging a deeper hole than what she was in for now.

I gave a smug face to her as I went over to Nina, wanting to see her reaction to the news of our soon to be changes.

"..." Nina was silent as I saw her eyes continually scan the page over and over again.

"So...what do you think" I asked her, knowing full well on her reaction.

"...I don't know, what do you think?" Huh, not what I was intending on, but still pretty close to what I was aiming for coming from her.

"I think it's pretty cool. I mean, were not overpowered, and we aren't going to master this quickly. Though Mittens seems like its a second Christmas to her."

"..yeah, that cat seems to know everything about her new abilities. Though, she's luck to get some so simple." I could hear her edge of jealous if I strained my ears to pick it up.

"Eh, simple doesn't mean easy all the time. She seems to know how to overall handle her powers, so she will be the suitcase from now on." I gave a flat smile as she seemed to get the memo and a flash of sympathy when over her face to Mittens, who seemed to be thinking over life's choices to what got her to this point.

"Okay, now thats over, what will we do of Makino? We will have to tell her sometime. I personally didn't like that twinkle of her eye when we said we were Luffy's new friends. ...probably thinks were tricking him or something." Ah, the other current obstacle we have encountered so far.

"I don't think she's to upset with us. I think she's happy about the fact that Luffy made friends. I think the only problem was us coming from a portal and the talking cat." Little do they know, things are going to get a lot weirder soon with us thanks to my aunt.

"Whatever, I'm tired and want some more rest. While I'm out, I hope that you can talk to her about all this stuff."

"Wait, what! I thought you were going to help to!" I was planing on having us split the conversation in half because it would probably be a doozie to go over with one person.

"To fudging bad, I am upset and tired, not to mention this is mostly your fault."

"That all!? I thought we were friends?" I whined about my new responsibility for now, just cause Nina was tired she didn't need to go and do that to me.

"Yup, and I think I hear Makino getting up. Better figure out a plan soon."

"...Fuck you too Nina. Fuck you too." That was all that came to mind when she answered me like that.

~Ten Minutes later~

"Okay, Saipher...don't worry yourself to much..." I said this to myself with a shaky voice. I was breaking into a cold sweat as I though about telling most of the truth to Makino, as she did deserve to know, but how to tell her without freaking her out to much.

I started walking to the kitchen, already hearing Makino cooking for a big breakfast, and I slightly stopped at the door way to see how she cooked. I felt a little bit of nostalgia as I watched...it reminded me of my mother's way of cooking.

"Oh, Aphmau! Nice to see you awake already." She started to focus more on the food as I went to the table to think over my jumble thoughts more and more.

~A Few Minutes Later~

Makino had started putting the food down for breakfast (Eggs, sausage, bacon, and pancakes. Sure to be delicious) as my already speed up heart rate increased tenfold as she sat down the plates and was almost done.

"Hm...what's wrong Aphmau? You seem a little uncomfortable." I could practically feel the cold sweat as it went down my back and cooled on my face, it was now or never.

"Um..." I struggled to get the beginning of a long explanation going, but after an awkward pause of silence, I finally found something I could say to her.

"Well...Makino...my real name...isn't Aphmau." That came out a little to slow for my taste, but, oh well.

"...well, do you want to by Saipher then?" Oh gosh, what do I say now?

"No...well, yes, but that's not what I mean." Insert second awkward pause here.

"What do you mean then?" I was having chill going up and down my spine with the tone she used right there.

"Well, I mean...my real name is Saipher A.C. Marcy...I'm sorry for lying to you for that yesterday." Guilt started to weight me down as I got the feeling that what I now had to tell her was going to either be noted off as child's play or...I didn't really want to think about it now.

"And Nina's first name was right, but her last name she mentioned to you isn't actually Tan Leven. It's Lin." I cut her off before she could say anything else, and I continued to cut her off from there as I explained the situation to her.

"I want to say it right now, we had a good reason for lying to you...Okay, not the best reasons, but even if we told you then, I have a feeling that you wouldn't take us very seriously." I forgot that mittens counted as proof from now on, but we need to be careful with what we had. I got up from the stool I was on and stood in front of Makino with a very serious face that was starting to tear up.

"It's true that we come from far away, in fact where we came from isn't even on this planet. And I will...explain that if you really want me to, but the other thing I have to tell you is that I thank you for taking us in for the night and giving food to us even when we just met you. Me and Nina will leave if you ask us too, but I want you to know that even though we meet Luffy yesterday, we both will cherish this friendship and will continue to be friends with him if you send us away." I felt the coldness of small, fresh tears at the corners of my face as I bowed down to her as much as I could without going to my hands and feet and or tipping over then and there on the floor.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting from Makino at this point, but what she did surprised me, but fit her character very well.

She chuckled and put a hand on my head and started rubbing it in small circles.

"It's fine if you stay, but I want you to tell me everything from now on." That one line was very reassuring to me that she was as kindhearted as in the story.

"..okay...that's fine by me, but can we talk about it tomorrow, with Nina and Mittens here?" I muttered in a shaky breath as I cried a little.

"That's fine. Now then, I'm sure your hungry, so go get Nina and Mittens, that's the cat, right, so we can all have breakfast." I nodded as I ran back to our room to get them.


I was just coming down the short stairwell with a drowsy Nina next to me and equally tired Mittens on my shoulder when I saw...someone. I...didn't know this person at all, seeing her the first time. She looked familiar, with a bob of black hair, a red vest, jeans, and wooden sandals similar to you know who, and to complete the look big brown eyes that looked cute that held a sliver of mischief I knew anywhere because I have had that face more than a few times. She burst into the bar like a ball of energy and yelled something I knew was told to early into the day.

"Makino! I'm back from the woods gramps threw me in! Sorry for taking so long this time!" I noted all the dirt on her, and I guess me and Saipher froze up at the appearance of someone who wasn't exactly supposed to be here.

"It's fine Lunna, but you came just in time for breakfast!" Makino yelled this from the kitchen as she finished up some pancakes she was making. Guess what, me and Saipher were still frozen on the newcomer to the point were she noticed us. I could tell she was about to question us from that shocked as well look she had changed to before Luffy yelled "Meat!" and burst into the room and pretty much making Lunna stop her question before she looked back at us with a curious look mingling in her eyes.

We all sat at the bar as Makino brought out our soon to be breakfast of bacon, ham, eggs, and lots of pancakes for us. I swear that women could do miracles when I saw...let's just say a lot of food that would be physically impossible to cook in that amount of time.

With the final words muttered, we all pretty much started eating as Mittens stayed silent in front of the food I had set aside from my own.

~Another break later~

I helped Makino with washing the dishes alongside Saipher who was staying quiet as thanks for the great food this morning. Mittens took her usual spot on my shoulder and once we finished our trio of three were practically dragged outside by our collars by none other than Lunna as soon as she noticed we were the only ones there.

"So, who are you? And no lies! I can tell very easily if your lying." Lunna had a very serious face on and it kind of scared me a little from the tone she used that she was dead set on figuring us out. Saipher held out on me though seeing as I wasn't going to answer her just yet.

"Well...I'm Lin Nina and this is Marcy A.C. Saipher , and the cat is Mittens. We meet Luffy yesterday and now we are probably staying with Makino because we have nowhere to go along with the fact that were his new friends. Now that I told something about us, how about you tell us something about you?"

There was a slight pause before Lunna said her answer. Though there was a slight whine of something that I heard in the back of my head, I ignored it and just waited to listen to Lunna's answer.

"I'm Monkey D. Lunna, and I'm Luffy's twin sister. Garp left us with Makino when we were little. So, what do you know?" Uh...

"Uh..." I answered dumbly as Mittens and Saipher just gaped at her from shock.

There was an awkward moment of silence until she specified what she wanted.

It was then I felt a wave of annoyance for no apparent reason.

"I can tell by how you saw me that you know a lot more than you should. Well, I have something to tell you too, I also come from another universe altogether."

Our jaws collectively dropped to the ground comedically, my thoughts on what else was different here and what has changed.

"You know, Earth, U.S.A, world wide web, any of that ring a bell?" Que the next wave of annoyance.

"We...yea...we all do know. Though I want to know if we come from the same dimension or...parallel dimension." Mittens spoke up this time, savoring the same look that was on Lunna's face as she talked again.

"I think we should talk about this later, I'm really not comfortable talking about things we shouldn't talk in public. Maybe later, but some really secure place at least." The words were hissed at all of us from Nina's lips, but I think Lunna got the message that maybe we should talk elsewhere. People were starting to look at us, for peats sake!

Lunna walked back into the bar and came back a minute later, signaling to us that we just got a few hours of talking time to ourselves. Then another wave of emotion hit me, but I couldn't exactly tell what it was.

I have a feeling that we are not going to like this one bit.


After four-ish months of unexpected hiatus, I have finally come back from the dead and started working on this little crappy fanfic in the corner of my mind. The main reason for such a long pause? Idea searching, for at first this was going to be simple. It was going to be the cookie cutter equivalent of normal 'fall into one piece when they where little'. Yup, that was how simple this was going to be. (P.s, The beginning authors notes was also written four months ago, but I am to lazy to edit it out. But you might want to ignore it for now.) Forgive me for such a long pause, but now we got an okay storyline to this that isn't so strait forward, yay! That and I think I shouldn't make chapters this long for a good while.

Well, I say no more to little changes, nope, it will be complete and utter crushing of canonicity. Oda had created one of the best pieces of ideas since it came out, and the Cross-Brain made one of the greatest and insane fanfic project that had almost never been seen before, and put a new level of quality and quantity on making fan fictions. Ideas come from funny places, and when I though about it, I wanted something that made my idea stand up from the rest of those other fanfic's, and I had to rethink the idea over and over again to get something with a decently crazy idea but with plot to it. I have only one thing to tell you.

Everything changes from here on out.