Alright guys time for the PPV to start. Now Martin and Crow swap Championships during a ZWE show

Chapter 1:IC Ladder Match


Tonight a briefcase for any title on both ICW and ZWE will be high above the ground. Seven men (Pictures of participants appear) will get this chance

A unifaction of championships will a superstar make history. (Matches of Sami,Shadow and Axel flashes) Find out tonight.

Now ZWE and New Balance presents



Pyro exploded as Higher and Higher by Blackout plays as the crowd cheers as it switches to the announcer table

"Welcome to the one night that ZWE goes high above ground. Welcome to ZWE Ladder Defence"TheDarkRyder said

"We are here at Washington D.C. the Verizon Center as we are sold out as 25,500 fans are in attendace"Dragonic said

(Flight Of The Valkyries)

The crowd went berserk as Daniel Bryan came out as he began to do the Yes! Chants as Daniel Bryan did his enteance

"YES! YES! YES!"The Crowd chanted as Daniel came down to the announcer table

"We ate starting things off with Daniel Bryan"Alex said as Daniel took his seat

"Hey guys"Daniel said

"Daniel what are you doing here"DarkRyder asked Daniel

"Well for tonight. I am here to be a guest announcer throughout the PPV"Daniel said

(In The Ring)

"The following is a Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship"Kira said as it showed the ring surrounded by Ladders

"It is time for IC Ladder Match to kick off the night"Dragonic said

(Boulevard Of Broken Dreams-Green Day)

As Crow came out from the crowd wearing his Aztec Gear as the crowd cheered as he made his way to the ring

"Introducing first from San Diego,California The underdog Crow"As Crow entered the ring

(My Time Is Now by John Cena)

As John Cena came out to a crowd of cheers as he did his entrance

"Next from West Newbury,Massachusetts John Vena"As Cena entered the ring

(Alchemy Of The Black Sun by Goatwhore)

As Wolfgang came out to a mixed reaction as he did his entrance

"Their opponent from Montreal,Quebec Canada Wolfgang"As Wolfgang entered the ring

(Kick A** by Egyptian Central)

As Ced came out to a massive crowd of cheers and began to do his entrance

"From Miami,Florida Ced"As Ced entered the ring

(Second Coming)

Seth came out to a roar of boos as he did his entrance

"Next from Buffalo,Iowa Seth Rollins"As Rollins entered the ring

(Phenomenal by CFO)

As An came out to a mix reaction as he did his entrance

"From Gainsville,Georgia The Phenomenal Aj Styles"As Aj entered the ring

"The only way to win is to climb the ladder and retrieve the title"DarkRyder said as the bell rings as everyone of the superstars went out and grabbed a ladder as Seth and Cena began to fight.

Cena then used a clothesline but Rollins dodged and went for a crossbody followed by using a dropkick onto the ladder that Ced carried but Aj used a roundhouse on Seth as he rolled out of the ring

An then set's up the ladder as as began to climb as Crow went to the other side as he began to climb as he and Aj began to fight at the top as they exchange blows then Wolfgang entered as he pushed the ladder as Aj and Crow came crashing down

Ced used a springboard uppercut on to Wolfgang as he then settled up the ladder as Ced began to climb it then Seth came in as he climbed it and began to exchange blows as Seth used a right hook as Ced fell down the ladder

Cena pushed the ladder as Seth came crashing in to Aj and Crow as Cena prepared the ladder as he began to climb then Wolfgang went in and began to fight at the top as Cena punched Wolfgang as he came crashing down

Cena was pulled down by Crow as he sent him to the ropes and used a 619. Ced came in as he used a Lariat to the back of the head. Rollins came in and used a Pedigree on Ced. Wolfgang went in and used a Tiger Driver '91 on Seth. Aj then used a phenomenal forearm on Wolfgang. Cena then used a AA on Aj as he setted up the ladder then climbed it and

(My Time Is Now)

As Cena holds the title belt as the crowd cheered

"Here is your winner and new Intercontinental Champion. John Cena"Kira announced as John celebrated

"Congrats to bog match John"Dragonic said

"Wow just wow every superstar gave it their all nothing to take away from them"Daniel said

"Yeah next is the US Championship match"Alex said
