I'm baaack! America was fun! Saw family and friends while there for a month and a half. Soooo happy to be home but my heart is breaking to leave loved ones *sniff*

Found out a few things about myself.

1) It's the best thing to be on the same page with your spouse when traveling.

2) I need good friends and fellowship in my life ( I'm a bit of a anti-social hermit where I live)

3) I need to be open and honest


4) I'm pregnant with baby #2! Woohooooo! So excited! But so nauseous. Yes, please to baby...no, thank you to morning sickness.

So because I'm feeling a little out of sorts...my writing seems to suffer.

Here you go...


Lila slowly drifted towards wakefulness and sleepily opened her eyes. After blinking a few times to clear her blurred vision, she scrambled off her bed and took off running towards the stairs.

Her sharp hearing had informed her of a familiar laugh that she loved so much.

"Daddy!" she squealed out in joy as he caught her in his outstretched arms at the base of the stairs.

"How you doing, munchkin?" Clint asked giving her a quick kiss and picked her up.

"Daddy, I had a funny dream!" She informed him with a huge smile and hugged him as hard as she could.

"Why don't you tell it to me while we have breakfast?" He said as he carried her to the warm kitchen. "Mommy made pancakes!"

Cooper was already in the kitchen setting the table while Laura was putting the last of the cooked bacon onto a pile of paper towels.

"I see Sleeping Beauty finally woke up." Laura teased as she handed the plate of perfectly crisp bacon to her husband and leaned forward to give a quick kiss on her daughters forehead.

Clint swiveled, Lila still in his arms, and stole the kiss intended for his daughter.

"Ewwww!" Cooper grimaced as he as stuck his tongue out in disgust. He turned away from them, covering his face with the silverware and tried to hide a grin that was forming in spite of himself. As much as he protested his parents displays of affection he loved the fact that his parents loved each other deeply.

After everyone had settled into their seats they began to fill their plates.

"Woah there, buddy. Go easy with the butter." Clint raised his eyebrow as he watched Cooper cut a good half inch off the stick of butter and prepared to spread it all on a single pancake.

Cooper sheepishly grinned and offered some to his sister. "Here Lila, you can have some."

"NOoooo! I want my own butter!" Lila started to whine loudly and pouted as she pushed the offending piece of butter away from her pancake.

"Young lady, nothing is wrong with it. Don't have a bad attitude about it." Laura's voice was stern but soft as she leaned over her daughter.

Lila pouted, eyebrows furrowed together, as she considered her options: Have a better attitude and use the butter or potentially have to leave the table, go up to her room and miss breakfast time.

Being a smart child she chose the first.

Shaking her head in amusement, Laura looked over at her husband with a wry grin only to narrow her eyes.

Clint had grabbed the can of whip cream and was starting to make a target on his pancake.

She sighed knowing where this was going. She mentally prepared herself to not mind the mess that the next coming events would create.

I guess I'm the one that needs a better attitude about it. Laura thought as she watched Clint and Cooper prop up two plates with target's on each pancake and walk away from the table holding a bowl of blueberries and cut up bananas.

Clint and Cooper lined up where the carpet met the kitchen floorboards and started taking turns throwing fruit at the whip cream targets.

Naturally, every single piece of fruit Clint threw stuck to the whip cream's bullseye. Cooper's pieces weren't so lucky as some pieces bounced off or splattered the whip cream everywhere.

"Daddy! I want fruit too!" Lila squealed as Laura obligingly added some whip cream to her daughters plate.

Clint smiled to his daughters delight, turned and casually threw several pieces of fruit across the kitchen to land in the exact center of her pancake.

When the loose fruit had been picked up and the splattered whip cream wiped up, they all sat down again to enjoy their breakfast.

"So what did you dream about, Lila?" Clint asked as he stuffed a piece of syrup drizzled bacon into his mouth.

Lila grinned widely as she spoke through a piece of pancake, "I had a dream I was flying around in space! And there was a lady that kinda looked like Auntie Nat but her skin was all green!"

Lila scrunched her eyebrows together as she tried to remember. "There was a bad guy too..he was all angry and yelling.." She trailed off but then brightened up again, " There was a funny man that danced and a talking tree too!"

Clint raised his eyebrows in mock surprise, "A talking tree?"

"Ya, and it was friends with a talking raccoon!"

Clint smiled at his daughters imagination. Kids just think up the darnedest things, don't they?


So Lila is a clairvoyant? Psychic?What is she? Let me tell you...I have no idea what I'm doing. This was just a fun "hehehe, I warna do dis" moment. So if I should continue with this idea of Lila being an actual clairvoyant? Let me know.