A.N.: This is the last chapter of this story. I hope you like it.

There were exactly 15 streets between the Thundermans house and the central area of Hidenville, the place where all the stores and small companies were located. Those places where the people used to go on a daily basis, just for spending the time or for truly need. And among that quiet place, a young man dressed with dark colors was walking down the street. He looked worried because he was constatly watching around him, like if he was trying to find something, or someone. Some of the people looked very careless. Some of them were walking and using their phones, and others were simply distracted, watching all those showcases. Nobody could know what was inside of the boy's mind, except for him.

About 20 minutes have passed since Max ran out of his lair. He was very determined to continue with his plan, split up Phoebe and Oyster. Now he was among all those stores, just walking and watching everywhere, trying to find one of those places. It was a store he has already seen around there some weeks ago, and it was going to be an important piece for his plan.

"Where the hell is it?" The young villain thought as he was walking faster, avoiding all the people crossing his path.

The store he was looking for was called "Freshpix", and he already has seen it a couple times when he went the central area with his friends. But no matter if he has been living a considerable amount of time in Hidenville, this time it was hard for him to find that place. He just arrived the city's central area, but being so concentrated with his plan, made him feel like if he had spent so much time there.

And after seeing several stores, he finally found what he was looking for, after he walked around a corner, near a street whose name couldn't remember. He went inside of the place very quickly, and then he took out his phone. Freshpix was a store where people could bring their pictures for a digital printing, or develope those antique films that were used in Hank and Barbs's old times. Max has never been there, but the times he watched the store from the outside, he didn't saw much people. It was hard to see more than two persons, but this time, there were 3 persons forming a line to the main reception, all of them arrived before Max did. Without a doubt he wasn't expecting that, and he had no choice but joining at the end of the line. He didn't like that.

"Damn! Stupid lines. I gotta rid of them." Max thought, while he was analyzing the situation.

He saw there was a man in his late thirties, he had a suit and an serious look. He seemed like he was wating for something, because the girl who was talking to, stood up and entered a little room that was behind her. She would possibly give him something and then he will leave, but Max will still have 2 more persons, and that's why he put his attention on a blonde girl behind the man. She was about 17 years old, and just like any other teenager, she was unable to stop watching her phone, but due to the way she was dressed, Max knew she must be a sweet fanatic of pink color, and he assumed the same color bicycle outside, must be hers. And then, after he put his cell phone in his pocket, he turned to the big window again, he saw the bike was next to a lamppost, and with the simple move of his index and middle fingers, he used his telekinesis to make the bike move forward slowly.

"Hey you, pink girl." Max told her, while he kept using his power on the bike.
"Yeah?" The blonde girl answered, turning around to face him.
"I think your bike is running without you" Max said, pointing her bike with his right hand, as he made it move faster with his power.
"Oh no! My bike!" The girl yelled, and after that, she ran out of the store to pursue her conveyance.

The other persons saw the awkward scene, and Max smirked when he saw there were just 1 person he gotta get rid of. He just had to observe very carefully, in order to make his next move.

His next objective was a woman in her mid twenties, who was reading a magazine, and she had a little kid around the age of two. The boy was playing with a little red ball, and he looked like he was having a lot of fun with it, bouncing it over and over. Max scanned the scene and right after, he knew exactly what to do, to gain the next place. And without giving it a second thought, he lifted his hand and with his telekinesis, he took the ball form the kid's hand, and he made it bounce to a little cellar back in the store. Knowing what would happen next, Max just stood there to see.

As fast as he could, the little kid ran to that place trying to catch his red ball, but the mother was so distracted with her magazine, that she couldn't see it, and then the young villain had to take part.

"Excuse me Ma'am..." Max said, getting closer to the woman.
"Yeah?" The young mother answered.
"It looks like your son ran away over there." He said, pointing at the cellar.
"Oh no. Julian!" The woman exclaimed while she turned to the cellar, and then she left the line to run after the boy.

At that moment, Max took her place just in time to see the receptionist returning with a yellow envelope. It was for the man in front of him, who thanked the girl very nicley, and then he got out of the place. Finally it was Max's turn, and once he reached the reception, he found a girl similar to his age in front of him. A dark haired girl with two sapphire color eyes. She had a nametag on her shirt which read: "Alicia", and when she saw Max, she politely smiled at him and began to attend him.

"Good afternoon. What can I help you?" The nice girl said.
"I'd like to print some pictures." He answred, taking his cellphone out of his pocket.
"Sure, can I have your flash drive?" Alicia asked, as she was typing on her laptop.
"Flash drive?" Max asked, without fully understand what she meant.
"Yeah, I need a USB so I can print them." The girl explained to the confused teenager.
"Oh, I have them in my phone." Max said, and he sounded a little worried for what he just heard.

At that time, the girl lowered her eyes as if she was thinking about what to tell him. And after a few seconds, she faced Max, smiled at him and said:

"Well... uhm... listen, I souldn't do this but... you can send them to my cell phone and I'll help you to print them." She said, trying to low her voice.
"Oh, sure... thank you." Max replied, and then he began searching for the pictures he wanted to print.

And then, Max looked through his files, and inside of a folder named "P" he selected only four pictures, which were no one else's but his sister Phoebe. For some reason he still ignored, Max had them in his phone all this time, and now it was the right moment to use them. After that, he sent them to her, and then she stared with her work; transfering the pictures to her laptop, and soon, they'd go to the photo paper.

"What is your name?" Alicia asked, after she quickly saw him.
"Max Thunderman" The boy said in automatic, watching to his cellphone without attending the girl properly.
"What size do you need for the pictures?" She asked, as she was opening the files with her computer.
"That's fine." He replied pointing at one of the exhibition photos.

On the receptionist's laptop screen, one of Phoebe's pictures appeared, it was one where she was petting a cute little sheep. It was from last weekend, when the whole family went to the petting zoo. After Alicia processed all the pictures, she sent them to the printer, and a few seconds later she stood up to take them. When she returned to the reception, she had all the photos ready. And now, Max was consulting to his watch, like if he was counting the minutes he spent since he got there. Then, the girl took a yellow envelope from her desktop, and began to put the photos inside of it. But Max saw what she was doing, and he stopped her.

"Uhm... I'd like to put them in photo album... like this one." Max said, after he put his finger over a black album that was inside of the showcase.
"Oh... sure, would you like me to help you with them?" She nicely asked him.
"Yes, please." The boy answered, as he kept consulting to his watch over and over.
"It's ok if I put them this way or...? Oh I see you're in a hurry" She curiously said, trying to show him an order for the photos.
"Uhm... yeah that's fine." Max replied, trying to sound more calmed.

And then, the young girl began to put the photos inside of the album's pages, one by one. And as she was doing it, all of a sudden, she drawn a little smile on her face.

"Your girlfriend's so pretty." The girl suddenly said.

With that, Max rasied his eyes even faster than Billy would, just to find the receptionist smiling, who got back to her job soon after. "Girlfriend...? Why did she say that?" Max thought, practically unable to say any word after what he heard. He couldn't understand why a simple word could get him so upset, in such a way. And also, he couldn't understand why his heartbeats were suddenly faster with the mere thought of his so-called girlfriend. He struggled to process what just happened, but after some uncomfortable and infinite seconds, he could speak again.

"My girlfriend?" The confused boy asked.
"Yeah your girlfriend... she's so pretty. What's her name?" She asked, while she was putting the last photo inside of the album.
"Ph... Phoebe. Her name is Phoebe." Max ansered with certain difficulty.
"You guys look like a cute couple." Alicia said, then she closed the album and she handed it to Max.
"Th... thanks... uhm... how much do I owe you?" He nervously asked, as he was taking out his wallet.
"It's 50 dollars. 15 for the photos, 35 for the album." The young girl replied, after watching her laptop screen, then she printed the ticket.

Eventually, Max paid the $50 dollars to her, he took the album and he quickly walked out of the store, but not before he thanked the girl for her service. With the album in his hand, Max could finally execute his plan; which was, showing Phoebe's true identity to Oyster. He was so sure, that if he could see she was so cute and so sweet, everything would back to normal, his friend will be in the band again, and his twin would be the same girl she was. For some reason, Max thought it was weird seeing Phoebe dressed like a bad girl, and he couldn't help but remember the moment he saw her like that for the first time, a couple hours ago. When he was in the middle of their rehearsal, he couldn't understand why his friends stopped playing, until he realized what they were all watching.

"Dudes, we rocked so hard, an angel fell from sky." Angus naively said.
"That's why I joined the band." An excited Gideon added.

When Phoebe arrived there and got leaned against a wall, Max couldn't help but staring at her, there was something that made him keep his eyes on her. He didn't knew if it was all that make up, or that bad girl attitude what was stealing his attention. But the fact she was dressed like that, could only make him remember something he hasn't thought about since a long time ago: "my dark empress of the night".

Since Max came out from Freshpix, for some reason he couldn't stop thinking about his sister, while he was walking on the sidewalks of central Hidenville. Now he was the one who was walking aimlessly, cause at that moment, there was enough space for one person only. He knew where they're gonna be, Phoebe told him they were going to get some pizza, so his next destination was Pizza's Wong Palace. The place wasn't that far away from there, just two or three blocks. But when he was at the halfway, out of nowhere, someone talked to him from the back.

"Hi Max!" Exclaimed an excited Sarah.
"Oh, Hi Sara." Max answered, a little surprised due to the girl's sudden appearing.
"What a coincidence, find us here, right?" She said with a big and nervous smile.
"Yeah well... I was going to..." Max tried to say, before being interrupted.
"Where? Can I go with you?" The girl with glasses rushed to ask, endlessly smiling.
"No, we better... leave this for another day." He replied, trying to end with the conversation soon.
"Oh, okay. Just call me." Sarah agreed, as she kept smiling.

Right after, Max turned around and he continued with his path. However, he could barely take a step or two, when he heard her annoying voice again.

"Max! You forgot to tell me when!" Sarah asked him, raising her voice to be heard.
"February 32." Max replied, and then he got away from there, not even looking at her.

After that, Max kept walking straight to the pizzeria, he wasn't that far away from there, but still, he tried to walk faster. He was afraid he could miss Phoebe's date. And as he walked with the album in his right hand, he couldn't do anything but thinking about his twin, which made him remember what the girl from Freshpix said. "Why did she thought Phoebe was my girlfriend? She didn't noticed we're lookalike?" he kept asking himself. But yet, Max was ignoring the fact that, having all those photos of his sister, in his phone, may raise the suspicion. "Yeah it must be that" but even if he tried so hard to convince himself, it couldn't explain why he didn't deny it, when Alicia assumed Phoebe was his girlfriend.

"Why didn't I just told her Phoebe was my sister?" He suddenly asked himself, stopping right where he was.

He just needed to turn around one more corner to get to the pizzeria, and after he stood just right there thinking about it, all of a sudden, he got leaned on a lamppost, he opened the photo album and he began watching all the photos he printed, one by one. Both were paid by him, using his birthday money, he didn't care to spent it all.

"As long as Phoebe leaves Oyster... I mean... as long as I can save the band." Max thought, very confused.

When he got to the last photo, he saw Phoebe was wearing her "Algebrits" t-shirt, and she was holding the trophy she won at the Math Bowl. He saw that beautiful smile and right after, the memory of the day he let her win the contest, came to his mind. That afternoon, he walked away while he was seeing her so happy holding that trophy, and when they got home, she thanked and gave him the same smile he was now seeing in the photo. And one time, Max had to borrow Sarah's phone, just to access Phoebe's Chriper in order to get that picture. He would never tell her.

It was the loud sound of a horn car what finally dragged Max to reality, which forced him to leave all those thoughts behind. So he closed the album and walked again. He turned another corner, walked again for some distance until he got closer to the Pizza's Wong Palace. He opened the door and the first thing he saw, was his sister and his friend at a table, together. Max had to make a huge efforts to show his classic smirk, just by the time he caught Phoebe's sight. He slowly approached to her, and then saw his twin stood up, she told Oyster something he couldn't hear, and then she walked to him.

"What are you doing here Max?" Phoebe asked him, a little annoyed.
"I'm gonna show Oyster bad Phoebe is a lie, break you up and order a Mushroom Calzone to go!" He replied, pretending he just went there to bother her.

The End.