A.N.: I pictured this story when I watched a scene from "Pheebs Will Rock You" in English, because in the Spanish something was missed. There is a line from Max that caught my attention, and that was the basis I used to write this story. So I'd like to receive some of your reviews. I like to read them.

That afternoon, when Max got to his house with his new friend Oyster to have their first rehearsal for the band they created in physical education, somehow he knew the possible reaction his sister Phoebe would have with the guy. Normally when she met a guy she liked, she used to get very nervous and she'd smile at everything, which was exactly what happened with Oyster. At first Max was careless seeing his sister acting like stupid in front of him, but after seeing the young hero desperately trying to impress him, that's when he began worrying. But there's no way he was gonna show himself like that, not in front of her.

Max was almost sure that Phoebe's dumb attempts wouldn't work, not with a guy like Oyster, who practically spits rock each time he yawns, And seeing her failings with her flirts, couldn't provoke him anything but laughs, nothing serious. However, when he noticed his twin was very interested in someone, he used to feel something weird, but it was a feeling he always tried to ignore by annoying her, like he always do. "Dumb girl, as if she had a chance", the young man thought after he rushed her out of his lair, so they could continue with the rehearsal of his unnamed band.

But the straw that broke the camel's back, was the moment he heard his new friend saying that he preferred dating Phoebe than stay in the band. Max slowly faded his smile after that, and the only thing that could describe what he felt when he noticed how she was getting closer to the boy, was anger and disbelief.

"My guitar chose Phoebe... and so do I."

"So cheesy. Who does he think he is?" The super villain thought, after he remembered his sister annoyingly smiling alongside the rocker boy. Now Max was in his lair, the place he went to clear his mind after his argue with Phoebe at the living room. It was a vague attempt to set things right, to make her understand and forget about the guy. But it was all in vain, his twin could be a really good hero, a math genius, but also a foolish when she actually wanted to.

And being there, lying on his bed and with his sight at the roof, he was thinking about that. He was playing over and over the scene where his sister proved him, that she was completely capable to date with her new crush. He was mad with both of them, with Oyster for leaving the band and choosing to date his sister, and with Phoebe, for getting obsessed with his new friend and taking a guitarist out of the band. But... was he really mad for his band crisis? or there was something more?

"As if I care!" Max yelled, after abruptly left his thoughts.

And after he got back to reality, he took one of his pillows and he threw it across the room, smashing one of the lair's walls. Soon after, with such impressive action Dr Colosso didn't hesitate in make one of his classic comments:

"Wow, someone's in a bad mood." He said while he was staring at the poor and soft victim on the floor.
"Phoebe's fault! She's obsessed with our new guitarist." Max answered, sitting on his bed and raising his voice.
"Yeah, I heard that. And it looks like she missed the day, cause she was like if she got dressed for Halloween." Dr. Colosso replied.
"She's so dumb, Colosso! They don't even have something in common. A good girl like her shouldn't be with a guy like Oyster." Max said, at the same time he got up off his bed, and began walking around his lair and thinking about it. In certain moment he stopped, without looking at the rabbit.
"Hey, you sound like if you were jealous, pal." The bunny said, trying to taste his friend, who quickly turned around when he heard the 'jealous' word.

For some reason, the adjective the old villain said, had an effect on him. Since he saw his sister endlessly smiling, anxious for having her date, he never thought if he was complaining about his friend and his sister becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, because he was jealous. And while he was thinking on his answer for his furry friend, he quickly dropped this idea. "Max Thunderman can't get jealous!" he thought.

"What are you talking about?! I just care about the band! We just found a good musician and suddenly he left because of 'Dweeby'." Max angrily replied, with emphasis in his sister's nickname.
"Well, if you want everything get back to normal, you should do what every respectable villain would do. Split them up." Dr. Colosso said with a conspirator voice.
"How? I can't get to any of them." He tiredly answered, because he realized how hard it would be.
"Then you have to think about something witty... sabotage their relationship by inventing something." The old villain replied, while he was moving his ears thinking about a plan.
"Maybe you're right. Maybe I didn't think this properly. If I can't get to my to 'poser' sister, maybe I can manipulate Oyster and make him dump her. I don't think it'll be so hard, for some reason he reminds me of Cherry." Max said, while he was slightly laughing for the sudden comparison of their naive friends.

Max stood there, arms crossed and he lowered his eyes. He was rubbing his chin with his right hand while he was thinking about an effective plan which he could use to split them up. But it won't be easy, he knew Phoebe was hard to convince since she was really impressed with Oyster, and he was worried that his distracted friend were so blind with the idea that his guitar chose his sister as his other half. But then, in the middle of his tide of memories flying through his mind, he suddenly remembered the last conversation he had with Phoebe, some minutes ago:

"Phoebe you two will not last."
"Oh we will, Oyster already thinks I'm sweet cheese!"
"It's sweeches! You don't even speak his language!"

In that moment, Max thought he could make her change her mind, that maybe if he could make her realize they weren't meant for each other, she would understand. And when he saw she kept smiling about her so waited date, he couldn't help but feel ignored, especially when she ran up to her room, in a hurry to get prepared... for him of course. But even if he thought about something he didn't like to witness, with that memory he could finally get what he was looking for, a good idea, and he'll use it to make a plan, and it may work.

"Colosso, I think I got something." Suddenly stated Max.

Right after that, he approached to his desk and he got crouched as he was looking in all of his drawers, or just one. The one drawer, he designed to hide his evil things. He quickly searched inside it and after he put some things all over the floor, he took out a small black safe, he hold it in his hands as he slowly watched the safe, and without thinking twice he began typing the numbers in order to set the combination: "746323" It wasn't hard for him to remember it, even if he was not used to open the safe every day, it was a number he could never forget, and what was hidden behind those digits, it was something he could never tell anyone. Once he correctly put the 6 digits, the little safe's door finally opened, revealing his content. When Dr. Colosso noticed what Max was taking out of it, he felt curiosity.

"Bribing your friend uh? good idea." The bunny said, trying to guess his friend's idea.
"No. I'm gonna use this money to build up my plan. It's foolproof, you'll see." Max replied, at the same time he threw the safe on his bed, he began counting the money he took from it, and then he put the bucks inside of his wallet.
"So what's the plan?" The curious evil bunny asked.
"I'll tell you later, I gotta move fast." Max answered, and then he rushed himself to take out his MePhone from his pocket.

Once he reached it, he began doing a concentrated search in all those files. It seemed t be a crucial part of his plan, so he took his time to to make a good look in all those 32 Gb. That's why he took so long.

"Hey, stop tagging your friends on Chirper, and tell me your plan." The ex-villain said, very annoyed.
"I'm not tagg..." He barely answered, due to his concentration with his phone.

And some minutes later, Max has found what was taking all of his attention, and when he make sure he had everything he needed for his plan, he put his phone inside of his pocket again, and he turned to his friend.

"See ya." The young villain quickly said.

And then, right after saying good bye to his friend, Max ran to the rocks placed in his lair, he skillfully climbed up and got out of the window, without looking back.
