Inspired by Episode 26 – Origin Episode Part 2
Dedicated to my close friends in the ML fandom: tei-gen, angiensca, shishitsunari, baraschino, fb-anon and vanilladeonna.
Warm, sunny weather used to be her favourite.
Although more recently, she prefers rainy days to the hot, blistering heat.
There is a certain beauty in the shimmering diamonds that fall from the sky, and when light hits them, they become a multitude of glittering prisms.
Rainy days are music to her ears. A tinkling harp during a light drizzle. A pattering beat during a downpour. A polyphony of the howling of wind, the low rumble of thunder and the relentless knock of the rain against her windowpane during a thunderstorm.
The rain is a lullaby, lulling her into a pleasant sleep.
And so she dreams… of a resolved misunderstanding, a true first meeting, of umbrellas and a boy with a kind smile and bright, emerald eyes.