All right, time for a 'Beauty and the Beast' fanfiction, starring a very mixed couple, known as Gaston x Belle! Now, while some of you may disagree, I'm sure it would be pretty interesting if Belle was in some sort of situation where she was willing to accept Gaston's ways. But how? You'll find out! Read on.

Inside the quiet village, Belle was humming to herself, as per usual, reading a brand new book that she acquired from the book shop. She really loved reading, it gave her a form of escape in one way, ignoring the usual talk from the villagers who would point out that she was indeed quite different in both her beauty and her... oddness.

But one person had looked at her quite well, wondering how he could possibly cage the little bird, get her to understand that it's not the way for a woman of the 1700s to behave.

"Hey Gaston! Are you ready for another hunting trip?" LeFou, ever the exciteable one, came up with a bag.

"Not now, LeFou. I'm busy focusing on the girl I'm going to marry." Gaston smiled, watching Belle pass by.

"Again?" LeFou sighed. "Not to complain, but so far, she doesn't seem to be interested in seeing anybody... even you."

Gaston glared at LeFou as he held his arm up. "Do you want another smack to the face?"

"I'm sorry, Gaston, but it's true! She always looks at books, and helps her crazy, lunatic father out on some invention he's making." LeFou frowned. Then he got an idea. "Why don't you go out with one of those Bimbette girls? They have their eye on you, Gaston, I'm sure one of them will be more than happy to marry you."

"No denying those girls are cute, but... but where's the adventure with them?" Gaston frowned. "Besides, I'm looking for girls that need to understand what it's like to have a man that's not their father in their lives... and I already heard about how her father does support me."

"Really, he does?" LeFou asked, out of curiosity. "How do you know that?"

"Oh, I was just in Belle's house the other day when she wasn't around, and I've talked with that old Maurice. Not a bad guy, but a bit on the looney side. He knows Belle loves what she does, and wouldn't mind seeing her married to someone, if she's out looking for love..." Gaston explained as he saw Belle leaving the village. "He even said he wouldn't mind me marrying Belle, if given the opportunity..."

LeFou gave a frown. "Somehow, I have a strange feeling that she doesn't like you, Gaston..."

"Oh, she does. She just doesn't see it or understand it..." Gaston paused as he started to pace around. "But how can I see the truth for myself... how can I..."

It was then LeFou noticed some little written notices posted on some nearby signs as he was reading them. "Hmmmm... hey, Gaston, take a look at this..."

"What is it, LeFou, I'm trying to think here." Gaston frowned as he looked towards the sign and noticed the written notices.

"Take a look to the left." LeFou said as he pointed towards the sign post.

"Hmmm..." Gaston then noticed the sign as he started to read. "'For three days only... hypnotist comes to town to use tricks to hypnotize people and make them do what they want, no matter what."

Gaston raised an eyebrow as he turned to LeFou. "So?"

"So... I think there may be a solution to get Belle to like you..." LeFou said. "Maybe take her to that show, have her volunteer to be subjected under hypnosis... then see if she can reveal who she likes. If you're not on that list, then hypnotize her to think she IS in love with you. Instant wife. Isn't that clever?"

LeFou gave a chuckle.

Gaston frowned as he shook his head. "LeFou, that plan will never work..."

LeFou looked down as Gaston paused to think... then his eyes brightened. "LeFou, I think I have an idea!"

"Really?" LeFou said.

"Yes! I'll take Belle over to that hypnotist, and I'll convince her to volunteer to be subjected to hypnosis! Then I'll ask that hypnotist to have Belle reveal who she likes and what her interests in men are... and if I'm not on that list, I can have the hypnotist give the commad to have her fall in love with me, and before you know it, that wedding will be happening, and I'll have Belle for my wife! Isn't that clever?"

LeFou paused as he frowned, wondering. "Hmmm... yeah, really clever, Gaston."

"How do I come up with these brilliant plans?" Gaston smiled.

"Gee, I don't know..." LeFou said, turning to the sign as Gaston did the same.

"Hmmm... says the hypnotist arrives tomorrow, but his show starts the day after tomorrow. Sounds good. I have a plan set up!" Gaston gave a smirk.

There was no doubt in his mind. By sometime this week, Belle will be falling in love with Gaston, and she wouldn't even be realizing it.

And the end of the first chapter is nigh... in case you're wondering, this is more of an alternate universe of Beauty and the Beast, where hypnotism has been discovered sooner rather than later... what will this mean for Belle? Nothing but hypnotized love for Gaston of course... but that will wait until later! All right, read and review!