This is a fan made parody, Twilight, Harry Potter and Dragonball Z are owned by
Akira Toriyama, J.K Rowling and Stephanie Meyer respectively please support the original releases.
I think the healthy way to live is to make friends with the beast inside oneself, and that means not the beast but the shadow. The dark side of one's nature. Have fun with it and you know, is to accept everything about ourselves. Anthony Hopkins
"I promise, it will be like I never existed. Goodbye, Bella". Bella runs through the woods, searching, reminiscent of her
opening dream. It gets darker and darker, until we're deep into night Bella trips and Falls to the damp forest floor. She looks up,
the trees spinning around her... She remains on the ground. Curls into a ball. Darkness
shrouding her. Devastation paralyzing her. the faint sound of her name
being called in the distance. A search party. She's too
wrecked to respond.
Rain begins to pour; she doesn't register it...
Beranabus POV (AN-warning slightly cliché and savage break up ensuring)
Beranabus, Alice and Jasper were looking at one another, Alice took a deep breath and started to speak "Beranabus, I know you won't take this well". "Our relationship is not working out" Jasper continued. "Jasper and I can't continue risking ourselves for you your not worth it, we don't love you and never really have" Alice finished. Beranabus stood up and Jasper flinched as he clicked his neck "very well" he spoke slowly, calmly and not an ounce of emotion in his words "your loss enjoy your life" he turned and walked away. As soon as he was out of sight he breathed in deeply and rose into the air surrounded by black energy and flew into the forest following the life force that lay on the ground paralyzed in depression *Bella what has he done to you* he thought.
Beranabus took 15 minutes to find Bella and he picked her up and flew her back to Charlie's. As he layed Bella down on her bed to sleep he thought about what he was to do next he was fully aware that most of his friends were on namek searching for their dragon balls, he could always join them he guessed but that meant leaving Bella and he had a feeling she'd probably jump off a cliff or something if he left. He failed to notice Charlie Swan enter the house. "what happened" he asked. Beranabus turned "the fucking Cullen's happened" he snarled.
-to be continued-