A/N: okay I don't have a specific time line so I'm not mentioning years at his point I haven't written in a long time so don't kill me if it's bad, the second chapter will be better and give me constructive criticism please, I can only get better if I'm told what I need to improve on. Let me know how you like it don't be afraid, I don't bite... much.

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own anything, only the plot.

Harrys had it with the Potter family. He hates it there, constantly being overlooked and neglected, not that he wants to be seen that's worse, because when he's ignored he can pretend it's a one-time thing but when they look at him or talk to him it reminds him that they don't care, they haven't since Travis stopped Voldemort or so they think, Harry has eidetic memory and remembers what happened that night.

Voldemort wanted to kill him first due to him not being afraid, he took it as a sign. The spell backfired but also caused a mini explosion, the plaster from the ceiling collapsed cutting Travis on the face in a 'K' shape. Dumbledore came in and found Travis crying saw the 'K' and immediately assumed it was him, he didn't even look for Harry. When the Potters arrived and were told Travis saved them and killed Voldemort they immediately forgot about Harry, who was not five feet from them asking 'mama' 'dada', they just ignored him, it was only when Remus arrived that Harrys calls were answered he immediately went for Harry after finding out what happened, terrified that Harry was hurt. The only mark on him though was a lightning shaped gash on his forehead that had already stopped bleeding. Remus had thought that the Potters were just caught up with the fact that they're child stopped Voldemort and assumed that they would go back to treating Harry normally, not that that happened.

When Harry was three he tried to tell them what actually happened that night but got shouted at for being 'jealous' and a liar, after that Harry let them think what they wanted not wanting to make them angry at him again.

James acted like he doesn't exist and if he was forced to acknowledge him say by walking into him in the hallway he belittled Harry, treated him like nothing because he's not the boy-who-lived.

Lily's not much better she bragged about Travis being the boy-who-lived and being his mother, she constantly threw it in Harrys face that he'll never be as good as his brother, that he'll never be as important.

Sirius ignored Harry too, to the point where when he saw Harry while visiting he thought Harry was a visitor, Remus had hit Sirius over the head that time and tore into him about how the hell he could forget a child of his so-called best friend, Sirius looked ashamed but it didn't change anything.

Travis had always been the worse though, flaunting his possessions in front of Harry, knowing Harry had barely any, he constantly bullied Harry calling him a 'freak' or a 'squib' because Harry rarely had accidental magic. Travis' friends Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom join in on the bullying whenever they're over. Neville's parents had a close call with death eaters six years ago, nearly being tortured to insanity by the LeStranges and since then have been even closer to the Potters so he had been over practically every day, Ron's parents were a part of the order and had always been close to the Potters more so when they had a child the same age as Travis, their youngest Ginny followed Travis around the house like a lost puppy, sneering at Harry having understood Travis didn't like him.

The only person who treats him like a human being is his godfather Remus, Remus has always been there for Harry, he comforts him when he's upset, reassures him that the lack of accidental magic is just because he's a very calm child, reminds him that while the Potters may not love him he always will. Remus is a better father than James Potter any day.

Even with all of the negativity thrown at him he had put up with it, kept his expression blank to hide the pain and sadness, he had kept hold of a childish fantasy that they would one day see him as a good child and would love him, but that all changed on his sixth birthday. He had fallen asleep and woke up to the party down stairs well on the way, he rushed down when he heard them singing the birthday song figuring they didn't want to keep everyone waiting for him since he was asleep but it became tragically clear when he got down stairs that that wasn't the case at all instead they had forgotten about him, when he saw the cake it was a tall three layer chocolate cake, and in large pretty letters on the front of the cake the words 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRAVIS' nowhere mentioning Harry, it was then Harry realised he was invisible to his family, his brother had spotted him and gave a smug grin as if saying 'ha, even mum and dad forgot your birthday', Harry had walked back up the stairs to read the book Remus gave him a few days prior as the twins birthday was on the full moon. It was then he started to think about leaving, over the next year he made a plan to run away on his seventh birthday, he knew he couldn't go to Remus as he would bring him back to the Potters, and even though Remus loved him it wasn't enough. He'd finally broken.