"How could you, Digital?!" Casey yelled at Digital as the two stood out in the hallway of the hospital, Coda having left a while ago.
"It was an accident," She says sadly, her eyes directed to the floor. "I really am sorry."
"Sorry doesn't cut it when your kid could have been killed!" Casey yelled. Digital flinched. I wonder how April would react. But April wasn't out there with Casey. April was in the hospital room with Kaemon. And Casey wasn't going to take it easy on Digital.
Not one bit.
Casey turned around away from Digital and into the hospital room, slamming the door behind him, not allowing Digital to come in.
Digital felt hurt. She could feel her heart shattering into a million pieces. She placed her hands up to her face as she began to sob quietly, her long hair brushing against the calves of her legs.
Coda and her had agreed to set the tour around New York aside for now. At this point, Digital didn't even want to go anywhere but home.
And that's where she was going.
She took her sneakered feet towards the hospital entrance and out the door. She crossed her arms around her middle upon reaching the cold outdoors. The clock now showed the time 9:13pm.
No wonder it was so cold.
Digital neared the nearest manhole cover she could find and moved the cover out of the way. She climbed halfway down the ladder before sliding the cover back over top the hole. She hopped down onto the sidewalks that were on the sides of the sewer water.
She crossed her arms over her chest and began to sob. I hadn't meant for that to happen, she screamed inside her mind! I didn't want him to get sick! I didn't mean for any of this to happen!
"Your breath is what's for you." She told herself as she continued to trudge to the lair. What are the other's going to say? Surely, April and Casey called and told them what happened.
She continued to weep as she entered the lair, Mikey immediately seeing her from his card game with Ice Cream Kitty. His eyes held an immediate worry as he ran over to her, not noticing a sneaky kitty begin to steal his cards.
"Dig?" He asked gently as he tried to see past her scrunched up eyes. "Digi, what's wrong?"
She couldn't speak. She was crying to hard. So instead, her arms still folded against her chest, her eyes still scrunched together, tears pouring out from underneath her eye lids, she shook her head.
Mikey's heart broke. He wrapped his arms around Digital's frame and shushed quietly. "Hey, hey, hey. There's no need for tears. If you tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help."
She took in a deep shaky breath, sniveling all the more, her head pressed against her uncle's chest. "I…I forgot…Kae's EpiPen…a-and he…g-g-got stung by a bee." She sobbed into Mikey's chest.
Mikey took in a deep breath. So that's why Donnie went to go beat the snot out of Casey. "Digital, things happen. It was an accident. The kid's fine, no?"
She sniffed lightly. "He is, but-"
"Let this one go," Mikey cut off. "Kaemon's one to forgive and forget. Did you get to talk to him?"
Digital shook her head against Mikey's plastron. "C-C-Casey wouldn't let me…n-n-near…him."
Mikey sighed gently. "Dig," he began, "the first instinct of a parent is to keep their child safe. If something hurts their child, their first instinct is to take it out on the person they feel is responsible. That's how Casey is right now. He's not meaning to be a total jerk-wad; he's just trying to protect his kid."
Digital's eyes were no longer scrunched together tightly, but closed as if she were in a peaceful sleep. Her breathing evened with a few hiccups every now and then.
"Heck, I remember a time when you were around maybe four. I thought it would be cool to take you swimming in one of the clean sewer pools. I didn't tell Donnie because I had a hunch he'd say no. The problem was, when I was getting in, you jumped in without me knowing. When you hit the water, you didn't resurface, and I panicked. Needless to say, I found you on time. You cried for a while and kept saying how you wanted your daddy. When I took you home, though, I got the lecture and yelling of a lifetime."
Digital could feel a small smile fall across her lips as a gentle, yet content, breathy, laugh escaped her trachea. "Thanks, Uncle Mike."
He laughed gently. Over the years, he had grown up a bit. Not entirely, but a good deal. Enough to at least make the teen feel better without a joke. "No problem, kid."
Digital then smirked, her eyes opening slightly. "Also…I saw Ice Cream Kitty stealing some of your game cards."
Mikey's head immediately snapped to the table to reveal ICK holding a few of his cards and examining them, obviously haven't heard being snitched on by Digital. Mikey growled slightly before running over and pouncing on ICK.
"Give those back! Naughty kitty!" He yelled as the two fought and screeched.
Digital giggled gently as she retreated back to her bedroom. Ice Cream Kitty's probably going to punish me with no ice cream. Oh well. She was stealing Uncle Mikey's cards.
Digital opened her door and entered her room before shutting the door once more. She collapsed onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She sighed. I hope Kaemon and Kaiyah are ok.
Digital jumped slightly at the small vibration in her pocket. She took out her phone and looked at the contact name.
She smiled gently. She inserted her password and checked out the text he sent her.
Hey. Things got pretty heated earlier. You ok?
She smiled at his concern and began texting back.
Yeah, I'm fine. My uncle, Mikey, helped me out. He's awesome.
She pressed send and moved over on her bed so that she was lying on her right side; so she was facing the wall. She hugged her plush blanket tightly to her chest.
Smiling once again, she input her password.
That's good. I'm glad you're ok. Your uncle, Casey, took it out pretty bad on you.
He's just worried about his son.
I know, but that still doesn't give him the right to yell at you like that.
Technically, it kind of does considering the circumstances.
Still, it wasn't right.
It doesn't matter. All is good.
Alright, if you say so.
Text ya later?
Sure. Goodnight.
Digital placed her phone on her stomach, her hand resting atop of her phone. She took in a deep breath.
Breathe in.
She let it out.
Breathe out.
She just lied there on her bed for a while, staring at the wall, thinking about the events of the day. She still felt pretty bad about Kaemon. I'm not going to feel better until I talk to him, but at this rate, I'll be lucky if I can speak to any of them by Christmas.
She heard a gentle knock on her door.
She lifted her head slightly, glancing back at her door. Who could that be?
"Come in." She voices.
Slowly the door begins to drift open revealing the purple clad turtle she referred to as her father. She smiled gently. "Hi, Dad."
He smiled gently back. "Hey, Digi," He said as he walked over and sat on her bed. "Are you ok? I heard about what happened."
Digital took in a deep breath, her head resting against her pillow. She waited a few moments, embracing the silence for what it stood for. "Yeah," She finally answers. "I think I'll be ok. Though, I'd feel better if they let me speak to Kaemon."
Donnie looked to his daughter, his maroon eyes holding sympathy. "If it makes you feel any better, Kaemon and the others are home now. Unfortunately, for Casey at least, that gave me the opportunity to beat the snot out of him."
Digital couldn't suppress the small smile that threatened to tear at her lips. She turned to her left side, her head still resting against the pillow, her eyes now directed towards her father. "Was Kaemon ok?"
"Yeah," Donnie answered, "if you call asking where you were 24/7 ok. The kids miss you already. They want to see you."
Digital hugged her plush blanket closer to her chest as she hummed quietly. "I wanna see them, too."
Donnie smiled gently at his daughter whose eyes were drooping. He brought her covers back and covered them over her. "Go to sleep, Digital. You're tired."
It didn't take long for Digital to fall under. Donnie smiled and chuckled gently. "Goodnight, Digital. I love you." And with those words, Donatello shut the lights off and exited the room, shutting the door behind him.
Man, Casey acted a bit like a douche in this chapter...oh well! Did you like it, love it, hate it? Let me know! Your opinion matters! :)