Serenity Prime
Chapter 5
Serenity was sitting in science class while her teacher was giving his last minute instructions. The school science fair was at the end of the week so they only had two more days to finish their projects and turn them in. As a result, tomorrow the entire school would be given a free day to finish their projects and turn them in the following day. The bell rang marking the end of the school day and everyone bolted for the door.
At her locker Serenity was gathering up the things she needed when she felt a tap on the shoulder. She turned to see Miko ready to go out the door.
"Hey Sere, Raf and I are heading to the base to work on our projects Jack had to work but he should be coming after are you coming?" Miko asked.
"Actually I got Papa Bot's permission to stay here in town a little longer to work on mine. It's a small step but I'm hoping it's a step towards a little independence." Serenity explained.
"I get it," Miko said, "Well I guess I'll see you later." she started walking towards the door.
"Miko!" Serenity called to her again. Miko stopped and looked at her, "Whatever you do keep your projects out of sight of Ratchet. He's the Genghis Khan of homework, he'll start out trying to help but he'll end up taking the whole thing over."
Miko stared at her for a moment in disbelief, "Thanks for the tip Sere, your the best."
Serenity followed Miko out the door gave her love to Bulkhead and Bee then started walking towards the public library. While she was walking she came up behind another young lady on her way to the library. "Ami!" she called out to her.
Ami turn to see who was coming up behind her, "Oh, hi Sere you on your way to the library?"
"Yeah, I'm just finishing up my project. You?" Serenity asked.
"Actually, I finished my project last week, the library has an advanced study course I participate in several times a week," Ami explained.
Serenity stood there shocked for a moment she didn't know which more surprising that Ami was done with her project a week early or that she was using her downtime to study even more.
As they continued walking they started to pass KO drive through. "Hey Ami, before we hit the books you want to get a burger with me?" Serenity asked.
"Oh, no, I don't think I should." Ami started to argue.
However, before Ami could object any further Serenity had linked elbows with her and was practically dragging her through the front door of KO. "Come on Ami you can't spend your entire life with your nose in the books, you need to hang out with friends and have some fun once in a while."
Jack was working the drive through when he saw Serenity and Ami walk up to the counter. Smiling to see Serenity so eagerly befriend his sister he told his manager he wanted to pay for whatever they ordered Serenity quickly wave to Jack to say thank you.
Serenity and Ami sat down with their food, "So Ami what are you doing for your project and how'd you get done so fast?" Serenity asked.
"I'm doing a presentation on DNA mutation," Ami said smiling, she wasn't used to someone taking such an interest in her other than her mom and Jack.
"Wow! And you said finished your project last week?" Serenity couldn't help but impressed.
"It's really not that big of a deal everyone has their strengths and talents and this just happens to be mine. Science and math are just something I've always enjoyed so it makes it easier for me." Ami blushed.
"Well; I think you're amazing." Serenity said with certainty.
"What are you doing for your project," Ami asked trying to change the subject.
"Mine is about the phases of the moon and the effect it has on the earth." Serenity said.
"That sounds interesting, what made you interested in the moon?" Ami asked.
"Aww; well I guess you could say I was inspired. I've just been fascinated with the moon lately." Serenity said nervously.
They finished their meal and walked to the library together when they got there Ami went into a large computer lab in the back while Serenity went to look for any books on the moon. Couple hours later Optimus sent her a message that it was time for her to come home and that Bee would be waiting for her in front of the school in twenty minutes.
On her way back to school she once again came up behind Ami, "We meet again!" Serenity called out.
"I guess so," Ami smiled, "I'm going to meet up with Jack before heading home."
"What a coincidence, I'm heading back to school to meet up with my brother." Serenity said.
They came to an intersection and had no more than entered the crosswalk when they heard the sound of a screeching car horn. A car going way too fast came tearing down the street. "Look Out!" Serenity screamed as they pushed each other back sending them sprawling back on the sidewalk.
"Ami! Sere! Are you alright?" Jack asked as he came cruising up on Arcee.
"I'm fine," Serenity said with a groan, "What about you Ami are you okay?
Ami picked herself up and brushed herself off, "I think I'm okay," she said as she started gathering her things that we're now laying all over the sidewalk.
Jack came over to help them both up. "I was just coming to meet up with Ami so we could ride home together when I saw that jerk almost run you over." Once they picked everything up Jack and Ami got on the back of Arcee, "Are you sure you're okay Sere. We can accompany you back to school if you like." Jack offered.
As if on cue a certain yellow muscle car came cruising down the street, "Nope; there's my ride." Jack and Ami waved as they left for home just as Bee pulled up, "Hey Bee, sorry I know I was supposed to meet you in front of the school I'll explain what happened on the way home." Serenity had gotten into the passenger seat and Bee was just about to close the door when she spotted something laying in the street, "Bee wait!" She went to pick it up and saw it was a flash drive with Ami's name on it, "Ami must have dropped this I'll give it to her tomorrow."
When they pulled into the main room back at base Luna was working with Ratchet and Raf trying to integrate some of the Silver Millennial tech into the bases existing computer systems.
Bee honked his horn to announce their arrival, "How's everything going?" Serenity asked.
"Thanks to Ratchet's engineering skills and Raf's computer skills I think we might finally have a system that will help us locate the other sailors and help track Metalia's movements," Luna explained.
"In return, the advance lunar tech will increase the power to our existing systems, help us locate energon deposits faster and help us track Decepticon movements as well." Ratchet almost sounded giddy, happy to finally have something more advanced the archaic earth tech to rely on.
"I think we're ready to power it up," Raf said eagerly.
Once the computer turned on the first thing it did was show a picture of someone Serenity was already familiar with. "That's Jack's sister Ami."
"The computer has flagged her as a person of interest. She has an unusual energy signature." Luna said.
"OK, I've actually spent time with this girl and the only thing unusual about her is her IQ I'm almost certain it's up over a million." Serenity said.
"Actually It's 300 she's the only person in school who scored higher than me on the standardized test," Raf said.
"Someone that highly intelligent would be extremely valuable." Ratchet said.
"So maybe she's being targeted," Luna said, "It would be to Beryl's advantage to turn someone like that to serve Metalia."
"I just left her I need to get back to her so I can keep an eye on her." Serenity said.
"It would make more sense to alert Jack and Arcee to the situation," Optimus said as he entered the room after overhearing the conversation. "They can keep a lower profile and still keep us informed of any threats."
"Jack going to freak out if he thinks someone is threatening his sister," Raf said.
"I agree, but we need to tell him anyway. He'd never forgive us if we try to hide it from him." Serenity said.
The next morning Serenity was gathering up her things to finish her project. Optimus watched over her with a concerned scrutiny. "Are you sure you're ready to do this on your own?"
"I promised Jack that I would watch over Ami today. He reminds me a lot of you; he spent all night standing guard outside her door making certain nothing happened to her. It took a lot to convince him to let me take over for a while." Serenity explained. "So Jack, Miko, and Raf are coming here to finish their projects, I'm heading to the library where I can finish my project while keeping an eye on Ami."
"Serenity, I have some things I want you to have," Luna said. She did a backflip and gave wrist communicator and a pink jeweled pen. "This radio has already been tuned to the Autobot communication frequency. Put it on and you will be able to talk to anyone on that same signal at a moments notice. The pen is a transformation pen; it works a lot like your broach but instead of turning you into a sailor guardian it will disguise you as virtually as anyone on earth. Simply say Moon Power and tell it what you want to change into."
Serenity went pick them up and she accidentally spilled the contents of her backpack onto the ground. As she was picking everything back up Luna noticed the flash drive with Ami's name on it. "Serenity where did that flash drive come from?" Luna asked.
"It's Ami's; she dropped it when we took our spill in the crosswalk yesterday I was planning on returning it when I saw her today." Serenity said.
Luna took a closer look and something about it sent shivers down her spine. "Before you do, I want to take a look at what's on it."
"I don't know Luna that seems like an invasion of privacy." Serenity said reluctantly.
"Serenity, I need you to trust me right now. Something about this flash drive just seems dangerous." Luna insisted. Serenity gave her a shocked look but relented.
Just then they heard Bumblebee honk his horn letting Serenity know he was ready to go. "I have to go now," Serenity said as she slung her backpack over her shoulder and headed out the door.
"Serenity!" Optimus called after her. Serenity paused and looked at him. "Be careful and stay on your guard."
Serenity smiled and nodded, "You got it Papa Bot."
When Serenity arrived at the library the computer lab was shut tight, the door was locked and the blinds were drawn, and there was a sign out front that said 'Examination'. Serenity felt an uneasy feeling wash over her; she tried to approach so she could at least try to peak in to see if Ami was even in there but as soon as she walked towards the door she was cut off by one of the librarians, "I'm sorry miss but the computer lab is closed to anyone not taking the exam today."
"Scrap!" now what was she supposed to do, how was she going to keep an eye on Ami if she couldn't see her? Just then her new communicator started flashing at her. She flipped it open and saw Luna's face, "Luna, I have a problem I can't get eyes on Ami?"
I'm afraid that our problems don't stop there, that flash drive with Ami's name on it; it's a brainwashing program disguised as a study program we need to get to her now!" Luna urged.
"Ok; so how am I going to get into that room," Serenity pondered out loud. Just then she heard a commotion come the through the communicator. "What's going on there?"
"Ratchet is trying to help the others with their science projects, apparently there's been some creative differences," Luna explained.
"I told them to keep their projects away from him," Serenity stopped in thought, "Luna, tell Ratchet I need him in vehicle mode; I think I know how I can get through that door."
A few minutes later Serenity met up with Ratchet and Luna in an alley a few blocks away as Ratchet rolled through the ground bridge.
"Serenity; what's going on, and what do you need me for?" Ratchet asked as she climbed into his driver's seat.
"Just need you to drive me to the Library, I need access to the computer lab but the librarian won't let me in because I'm not apart of the study group that is occupying it right now. However, she can't deny access to a medical technician during an emergency." She retrieved the transformation pen Luna had given her. "Moon Power! Change me into an EMT." a bright light engulfed Serenity and when it faded she was dressed in a EMT uniform with a medical bag over her shoulder. "Okay Ratchet; let's make this look good."
They went cruising down the street towards the library with siren screaming loudly, as they pulled up to the front of the library Serenity grabbed the medical bag and jumped out of the door with Luna right behind her. "Be careful Serenity," Ratchet warned, wishing he could follow her in.
Serenity ran through the front door and straight towards the lab pausing only to address the librarian, "Excuse me miss; there's an emergency in the computer lab I need you to evacuate the building." before she burst through the door.
Once inside she scanned the room, everyone was staring blankly at their screen in a zombie-like gaze; all except one. Ami popped up from her computer, " Can I help you? We're trying to study in here."
A studious looking woman approached Ami from behind transformed into a demon an grabbed Ami by the back of her neck then shoved her face first into her computer screen until a blue mark appeared on her forehead.
"Mercury!" Luna exclaimed. "Ami is a Sailor Guardian!
The monster than threw Ami to the ground transforming her other hand into an ax blade with the intention of removing Ami's head.
Serenity didn't hesitate, "MOON PRISM POWER! MAKE-UP!" Sailor Moon dodged as the monster shot what looked like test papers at her head. However, as she dodged she noticed a couple of stray strands of hair fall to the ground before those paper embedded themselves in the wall behind her.
While Sailor Moon was busy keeping that thing distracted Ami was able to push herself out of the way of the impending blow, "Ami! Take this!" Luna rolled a beautiful blue pen to her. Too frightened to be surprised by a talking cat Ami picked it up, " Now say 'Mercury Power Make-Up."
Ami looked at the pen hesitantly, but when saw that monster was controlling her fellow students to back Sailor Moon into a corner she knew she had to do something to help. "MERCURY POWER! MAKE-UP!" a stream of water poured out of the pen, Ami used the pen to wrap that stream around herself before she was engulfed by a bright blue light. When the light faded she was wearing a sailor suit similar to Sailor Moon's with a blue skirt, blue knee-high boots, and pale blue bows one across her chest the other on the small of her back, with a gold tiara across her forehead. "How dare you corrupt these student's minds with your brainwashing; I am Sailor Mercury sailor guardian of wisdom and intelligence and on behalf of Mercury I will punish you.
Again the demon tried to attack Sailor Mercury, " Use your Aqua Mist!" Luna instructed.
Mercury crossed her arms in front of her with her palms facing up, "Mercury! Aqua Mist!" the entire room was filled with a thick cold fog. The demon began to shiver as she began to lose her control over the students. The demon swung her ax in frustration embedding it in a computer screen when she mistook Mercury's reflection for the real thing. "Sailor Moon; now's your chance!"
"MOON TIARA ACTION!" Sailor Moon threw her tiara destroying the beast. With the monster vaporized and all the students beginning to come around Sailor Moon ran over to Sailor Mercury and threw her arms around her, "Sailor Mercury; you were Amazing!" Mercury blushed slightly embarrassed by the sudden praise but quickly turned to joy as Sailor Moon cheered her on. "I can't tell how happy I am knowing you're a Sailor Guardian like me. Come on; come on quick I have someone I want you to meet," she said as she practically dragged Mercury out the door.
When Ratchet finally saw Serenity come out unscathed he finally let his spark start cycling at a slower rate, He could hear quite a commotion going on inside the building but had no way of seeing exactly what was going on. What he wasn't expecting was for her to come out with company. "Ratchet! I want you to meet Ami Darby, or as we now call her Sailor Mercury! Looks like we have a new family member." Sailor Moon said excitedly.
"Overjoyed," Ratchet said sarcastically, apparently not thrilled with the thought of another human teenager running around the base.
When Serenity, Ami, Luna, and Ratchet rolled into base Jack, Raf and Miko managed to squirrel their projects away out of Ratchet's sight. The shock on Jack's face when he saw his sister roll into the base with Ratchet was priceless," Ami! What are you doing here?" Jack exclaimed.
"Ami is Sailor Mercury," Luna explained, "and as such will operate as our team's tactical and medical advisor."
"So she's like the sailor version of Ratchet," Raf deduced.
"Hopefully not as grumpy," Miko mumbled under her breath.
"Ratchet; please open ground bridge coordinates." Optimus's voice came over the comms.
Serenity boiled over with excitement linking arms with Ami and did a running bounce over towards the ground bridge, "Come on Ami, I want you to meet Papa Bot and Bee!"
Once again Ami found herself being enthusiastically lead by Serenity. She supposed she should feel annoyed being drug around like that, but Serenity was so excited to have Ami as a new friend that Ami couldn't help but smile."
The battle with Skyquake left Optimus feeling exhausted and saddened, as he and Bee buried their vanquished foe Optimus silently cursed this war and waste of life it caused. As he and Bee dragged themselves through the ground bridge he didn't think there was anything that could brighten his mood.
Then all of a sudden there she was; his Serenity smiling and laughing and bouncing with excitement."Bee!" Papa bot! I want you to meet my friend Ami! She Sailor Mercury and Jack's sister. You would not believe how amazing this day turned out to be." Serenity cheered.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Ami," Optimus managed to give them a genuine smile.
As she regaled them all with animated detail Optimus felt his sorrows slip away. As everyone around her smiled and laughed at her antics, not for first Optimus found himself grateful for the gift Serenity was in his life, in the lives of his Autobots, and apparently in the lives of everyone she met.
Sorry Everyone, I know it's been almost a year since I updated. It's been a busy and stressful year out here in the grown-up world.