Hello everyone! Sorry it has been such a long time since a chapter but work has been so busy and I went travelling over Christmas! I hope you enjoy the chapter and I will try to write another one with less of a gap! Love Miffygirl18

Chapter 60 – Hidden Meanings

Green. A bright green land and a clear blue sky. Suddenly a great towering wave rushed towards the shore and swallowed the green land in a blink of an eye. Usually that was when the dream would end, but it continued. A strange creature, a creature that didn't seem to belong there stalked through the debris of the land. It was a large animal with mottled grey fur and a long, black tipped bushy tail. The lone animal walked through the dishevelled land and then looked back over its shoulder. Its eyes, amber yellow outlined by jet-black, unnerving to see and so piercing that burnt through to your core.

Then the animal stopped walking, lifted its head to the sky and let out a long, spine tingling, almost mournful howl. Tarzan sat bolt upright in bed, fully perturbed by the strange dream with the howling still ringing in his ears.

"Tarzan my love? Are you alright?" Jane gently touched his shoulder and Tarzan turned his head to see her lying beside him, her brown hair plaited for sleep and a concerned expression on her face.

"I'm fine," he shook his head as if to clear his fuzzy head and settled back down beside his wife. "Just a strange dream that's all."

"So what was your dream about?" she asked as she pulled the covers back up.

"I'm not sure to be honest," Tarzan replied. "They have been fleeting but now they are getting longer."

"What do you see?"

"A green land-"

"The jungle?"

"I don't know it's not clear but a great wave swallows it. Normally the dream stops there but tonight I saw more. I saw an animal, a creature that I have never seen before, it didn't look like it belonged there."

"Can you describe it to me?"

"Grey, grey fur with a long bushy tail. It had piercing yellow eyes and it walked on all fours. I think the closest animal I can akin it to is Tiko."

"A grey dog?"

"But it was not a dog though. It was a wild animal and it made a sound, like this." Tarzan let out a long mournful howl and Jane hoped that it didn't wake the children or the servants.

"Sounds like a wolf…but wolves don't live in jungles if it is the jungle. Wolves live in cold, snowy places."

"I see…" Tarzan paused and then took a deep breath. "Jane do dreams have meanings? Are they trying to tell us something?"

"Nobody knows for certain," Jane replied honestly. "Most of the time they are just gobbledegook. I've been having strange dreams too."

"Really? What were they about?" Tarzan's brow furrowed in concern as Jane made no mention of this before.

"Oh just dreams about William," Jane shrugged and as she did so her plaited hair slipped off her shoulder. "Just dreaming about his operation. I cannot believe it is in a couple of days and I cannot help being anxious it."

"Oh Jane," Tarzan sighed softly, taking her in his arms as they lay back down on the bed with her head resting on his chest. "Don't you fret my love. Dr Willis-Turner is an exceptional surgeon, William is in good hands."

"I know," Jane replied whilst her ear heard her husband's calm, steady heartbeat beating away inside his chest. It was like hearing the sea inside a shell and it had a soothing effect on her fretful mind. She didn't know how she would have coped if she had gone to London without him. He was the calm to her chaos, her constant, like a lighthouse shining a way through the dark, rough waters.

Jane felt that the deep darkness she had experienced when William was first born was mostly gone. She knew that she loved him with all her heart and the bond between them was stronger than ever before. Going to London had saved her and it sickened her to look back to think that she had felt so helpless with all those consuming, soul destroying thoughts slowly eating away her mind. The dreams unnerved her; making her wonder if she was slipping back into the abyss.

"I love you," Tarzan whispered before kissing the top of her head with little, light kisses. "Promise me that you will tell me how you are feeling Jane? You can tell me anything."

"I promise," Jane tilted her head up and Tarzan kissed her tenderly on the lips, quelling any fragments of anxiety before she fell asleep in his embrace.

"Oh please let me come with you Mama," Annabelle begged as Mrs Fairfax curled her mother's hair. "I promise that I will be quiet and not get under your feet."

"I don't doubt it Anna," Jane smiled gently. "You can come and see your brother once the operation is done and he is allowed to have visitors."

"And I will not see you today," Annabelle's bottom lip slightly pouted, "you and Papa are going to court… again."

"I thought you loved me being a lady-in-waiting and wearing pretty dresses." Jane stroked her daughter's arm affectionately and Mrs Fairfax wrapped another section of hair around the hot curling tongs.

"Yes…but I miss you," Annabelle replied and Jane felt her heart pang at her daughter's yearning to spend time with her. Back in the jungle, Jane did install a sense of duty, sacrificing for King and country into Annabelle but in practice it was harder to accomplish.

"I miss you too," Jane replied lovingly, "and it won't be forever. We will be back in the jungle as soon as your brother is fit to travel. And I promise that we will do a day together, just us ladies, whatever you want to do."

Annabelle nodded and Jane took one of her chokers out of her jewellery box and put it around Annabelle's neck. The strands of pearls felt smooth against the young girl's skin and the diamond and platinum plaques sparkled brilliantly in the light.

"You look like a Grand Duchesses of Russia," she said as Annabelle looked in the dressing table mirror and indeed Annabelle was growing into a beautiful young woman. Jane could imagine that if they stayed in London that Annabelle would be presented to King and Queen and many young men would be jumping at the bit at the chance to court her. Even though they were not the richest of families, her father's reputation, their connections to royalty and even her mother's past titles would make Annabelle an excellent catch.

"Really Mama?" Annabelle's eyes widened, enjoying the feeling of the jewels around her neck. She wished that she could go with her mother to one of the royal balls and watch the lords and ladies in their fine clothes, dancing the night away.

"Yes, but a thousand times more smarter and a million times more adventurous!" Jane smiled and started tickling her daughter. Annabelle shrieked with laughter and Mrs Fairfax jolted back, narrowly avoiding burning her mistress' neck with the curling iron!

"Love you Mama," Annabelle said once Jane stopped tickling.

"Love you too sweetheart. I will you see you tonight."

"Please save me something from the banquet," Annabelle asked and Jane smiled at that. She would often bring back a sweet or a flower from one of the large arrangements.

"I will try my utmost," Jane replied with a surreptitious wink and Annabelle left the bedroom giggling in delight.

"Jane? Jane?" A voice hissed sharply and Jane felt an elbow prod her sharply in the ribs, which startled her from her reverie. She turned round to see Cecilia eyeing her and she realised that the King had finished his address and they clapped enthusiastically.

"Are you alright?" Cecilia asked as they moved from the Throne Room to the Ballroom for the evening's festivities. They walked slowly to accommodate Cecilia's growing belly, which was straining against the peach, heavily spangled ball-gown.

"Maybe you should tell your dressmakers to alter your wardrobe?" Jane noted as Cecilia cooled herself with a lace fan.

"I am not going to faint if that is what you are implying," Cecilia retorted as they headed towards a table. "Just because I am with child does not mean I have to dress like a pedlar woman!"

"I wasn't suggesting that," Jane replied calmly, ignoring her friend's grumpy tone. "Just have your dresses let out a little."

"I know that I am a whale," Cecilia made an apologetic smile as they sat down at a table. "But I will make damn sure that I am the most beautiful whale! Pregnant or not I must not misstep. I cannot let those pretty, young, thin snakes think not for one second that they can usurp me."

"Is it that bad?" Jane asked as she discreetly rubbed her friend's lower back to ease the pain. It was no secret that the royal court was filled with many upstarts and noveau riche that were scrabbling for any scraps or titles that they could get their mitts on. Cecilia was indeed one of the Queen's favourites and there were many minxes that would cut off her own arm for Cecilia's place in the Queen Alexandra's favours.

"Nothing I cannot handle," Cecilia's lips formed a little, slightly mischievous smile. "I just cannot wait to get back and soak my poor feet. Cesca is an aficionado at massaging them." As she said this, the smile on her face stayed but Jane detected the sadness in her amber eyes.

"You miss her don't you?" Francesca had gone on a tour of Europe, singing in many cities and Jane could tell that her friend was yearning after her lover.

"Like a love-sick girl," Cecilia sighed. "But she will be back for the birth, we made sure of that."

Jane nodded and watched the aristocrats doing the foxtrot, the candles making their clothes and jewels sparkle in the soft light, lively chatter and laughing filling the ballroom. Jane observed the sheer opulence and felt an uncomfortable feeling developing in the pit of her stomach. She had seen the horrific poverty on the streets of London, seeing so many beggars and people living by the skin of their teeth sharply contrasted to absolute decadence of the palace and aristocrats without a care in the world. It did not seem at all balanced, the scales tilted in their favour.

"Jane?" Cecilia's voice broke her pondering and Jane turned to her friend.

"Ceci, is there any point to this?"

"Point to what?"

"This," Jane nodded to the room. "The extravagance, the pomp and ceremony, the titles… is it all really necessary?"

"Jane, have you been reading Marx?" Cecilia retorted half joking, half serious.

"No," Jane shook her head at the notion. "But surely not all of this is needed especially with all the poverty we have here in this world. It's a complete lack of fairness."

"Jane I fear that you are turning into a Bolshevist," Cecilia warned her friend, hoping that no one was overhearing her friend's revolutionary notions.

"No I am not. I suppose I am just so used to living in the jungle, living comfortably on the little that we have with our chickens, goats and vegetable garden. All this decadence is hard to accustom to."

"You really are a farmer's wife, living the simple, good life. Yes, court life is draining I admit, maybe one day I will go and live in the country and grow my own vegetables."

"I somehow doubt that!" Jane couldn't help but giggle at the notion of the glamorous Cecilia growing and harvesting vegetables. Cecilia playfully swatted her friend's hand with her lace fan and the two friends giggled just like they did when they were young.

"So it is Friday, the operation?" Cecilia asked after they finished laughing.

"Yes, I am so nervous. I know that our doctor is an exemplary surgeon but I cannot help but worry."

"A mother's main duty is to worry about their children. And then if you are not, then you worry about not worrying!"

"I wish I could spend more time not just at the hospital but also at home. Annabelle is getting very neglected and soon enough she will think of her governess more as a mother than me! But duty calls with the King and Queen."

"I will speak with the Queen," Cecilia replied kindly, "I will get her to give you more time at home before coming back to court. Don't you fret my dear."

"Really? You can do that?"

"What is the point of being the favourite without any perks? Jane, the best way to get a monarch to do something is not to ask them straight out for a favour. They loathe that, you need to make them think that they came up with the notion themselves. It's satisfies their fragile egos."

"Care for a dance ladies," the women looked up to see their husbands standing before them having finished chatting with a group of other male guests.

"Just as well it is a waltz," Cecilia said as Charlie helped her to her feet, "that is all I can manage at the moment!"

Later on in the evening, the Queen's Private Secretary approached them and told them that the Queen wished to have a private word with her. Jane gulped and walked over to the throne where her Majesty was sitting bolt upright, looking magnificence in a heavily beaded purple ball gown.

"Your Majesty," Jane dipped a low, respectful curtsey making sure she spoke clearly as Queen Alexandra was pretty much deaf but didn't like it being pointed out.

"Mrs Porter," Queen Alexandra notioned for her lady-in-waiting to rise. "I hope that you are enjoying the festivities?"

"Very much so M'am," Jane nodded, "an another triumph on your behalf. Another jewel in your crown."

"I heard that your son is soon to be in hospital for his operation, is he not?"

"Yes M'am on Friday at 2 o'clock. We are as a family all so excited and so nervous."

"Yes quite, I know the feeling of going under the surgeon's knife. Life saving yet always a dauting prospect." Queen's Alexandra gloved hand subconsciously touched her bejewelled choker; not just a fashion choice but it also disguised a scar from a childhood surgery. "It must be a burden being away from your children."

"I, I cannot say that I do not miss them M'am," Jane replied truthfully.

"You may leave court until the end of the month," Queen Alexandra replied with decisiveness in her voice. "You and your husband to tend to your son."

"Oh thank you Your Majesty!" Jane couldn't help but gush and then quickly pulled herself together. " My husband and I are indebted to you and His Majesty's generosity."

"Yes," Queen Alexandra nodded with a little smile. "The Tsar and his family are making a visit to Windsor at the end of the month and we are counting on you and your husband to be there. The King wishes to introduce Tarzan to him and the possibilities of sharing some of his tales of living amongst the apes. Maybe even a display of some ilk."

"Of course M'am," Jane nodded, trying hard to control her glee of having the whole month away from court.

"Good, the Lord Chamberlain will write to your husband about potential suggestions in due course. Thank you Mrs Porter."

"Thank you Your Majesty," Jane again curtsied low and backed away from the Queen, eyes downcast.

"Are you sure?" Tarzan asked in surprise after she told him the news.

"Yes," Jane grinned as she took hold of his hands. "Until the end of the month, three glorious weeks! We can be a proper family again Tarzan, a proper family."

Tarzan then swept his wife into his arms and they joined the dancers for a Viennese waltz, dancing the night away in celebration at prospect of being home properly with their beloved children.