Thanks to everyone who followed, favorited, and replied :) Here's my second chappie so have fun reading I guess? :)

Review Replies-

ObeliskX: Thanks :)

Star: Thank you :)

Guest: I have lost of ideas for farther on, the beginning is the most difficult part because it's before all Dannie's powers develop and when she's still fairly weak.

DPGenderbender: YAS! Love genderbends :) and thx

Disney Dreamer: Than I will :) me too and I same. I don't see the point in genderbends that are canon because everyone already knows what's gonna happen XP

Sara the pasta: The Lunch Lady, I have no idea(I thought 'Lunch Lad' but it seemed too weird and I don't like it) I've been trying to figure that out before I started this fic. But for Kitty I just changed it to Kory XP Not perfect but whatever :)


"Pleasure to meet you..." she held out her hand, awaiting my name.

"Dannie." I told her. I got to my feet and dusted myself off and glanced at her. She looked to be about my parents' age but had a full head of unnatural silver hair that was pulled in a low ponytail.

"Dannie," she shook my hand, "We can't leave your friends outside, now can we?" she asked.

Realizing I never mentioned my friends, I spoke, "How did you-"

"Having a house this big, you need to have a fairly good security system," she interrupted, opening the door.

"Uh, hi." Tara offered with a small hand wave.

"Pleased to meet you all... and you are?" She asked.

Sam seemed to be examining the woman warily, "I'm Sam," he answered with narrowed eyes.

"I'm Tara." she smiled sheepishly.

"Follow me... I'll find you a phone so you can call your parents," she smiled. We followed somewhat hesitantly, noticing she must've been a Packers fanatic, given how much Packer's merchandise she had behind glass cases and hanging on the walls.

She entered some dusty old library and fiddled around with something atop the fireplace mantel. I was in no way expecting a door to reveal itself and for her to disappear behind it. Sam, Tara, and I walked cautiously down the steps of the secret passage of some sorts. I shivered when I felt my breath come out in a cold mist. We walked down, expecting to see the silver haired woman when we were met with a floating woman with crazily styled hair, a red cape, fangs, red eyes, and glowing blue skin.

What. The. Hell.

All of our jaws dropped to the ground and we whipped around to jet out of that villainous seeming ghost's lair or what not, and like we were in some twisted horror movie, the door blew shut. That was the second time that day that I thought I was going to die.

"Leaving so soon?" questioned the ghostly being sinisterly.

And the next thing I knew, I was unconscious... again.

I opened my eyes to a pair of red ones staring back at me.

She spoke, "I suppose my government site brought you here?" I nodded slowly, "So you've been getting the listed symptoms?" I didn't move. "Don't worry young dear, I- know someone with the same condition," I tilted my head slightly, "Dannie dear... you're half ghost." she finished. My eyes widened as I searched the room, trying to free myself from the glowing ropes that restrained me.

"Where are Tara and Sam." I demanded as my eyes narrowed darkly.

"Ah, your little friends, their... hands are tied at the moment," she explained smugly.

I growled. "Who are you and what do you want from me?"

"I am Veronica Plasmius and I would like you to answer a few questions. Then I will let both of your friends go." she answered.

I ducked my head, my hair covering my eyes. I mumbled through gritted teeth, "Fine."

"Fantastic." she smiled and pulled up a chair across from me, crossing her legs professionally once she sat down. "I suppose this is your ghost form," she gestured to me. I nodded. "And I suppose seeing your human form is out of the question," I narrowed my eyes, some how trying in a failed attempt to obliterate the sinister ghost being with some non-existent ghost laser vision. "I'll take that as a yes... Now," she lifted an eyebrow, "How did this happen? You getting your ghost powers."

"Lab accident." I mumbled.

"Exposed to ectoplasmic radiation?"


Her eyes widened, she continued, "Odd... well that finishes my questions," she pressed a button on the control panel of her lab database monitor.

I waited for her to untie the ropes on my wrists and legs, but she didn't. "We made a deal, you said you'd let me and my friends go." I growled.

"I said your friends may go. You my dear, are here to stay." she smirked.

"What do you want from me?" I said with clenched fists.

"You will become my evil apprentice," she explained maliciously.

I snorted, probably not the best idea... "No way in hell."

"Ah-ah." she waved her finger disapprovingly, "You don't have much of a choice, now do you?" She grinned and shocked me with some sort of pink laser.

"Well the thing is," I grinned. "I told my parents I was coming here." I lied, "And you don't seem like the type of ghost that wants to be discovered, considering your evil lair is in a rich woman's mansion."

She narrowed her eyes and mumbled a 'Oh drat.' to herself. "Alright, you win... but I'm not giving up." she untied the glowing green ropes from my hands and legs.

"Fruitloop," I mumbled as I jetted to the door.

"Dannie?" I heard my friends call from another room, "Dannie!"

I ran into the foyer an hugged them, "Weirdest day ever..." I mumbled.

"Tell me about it," Sam agreed, calling for the limo, which arrived in just seconds.

"So what exactly happened," Tara asked as I transformed back to my human self.

"The typical 'Villain is actually an idiot that doesn't think their plans all the way through', so I guess it could've been worse." I shrugged, "But... I think I'm half ghost..."

"What do you mean?" asked Tara.

"Well, that Plasmius ghost told me I was, and she didn't seem to be lying... she wanted me to be her 'evil apprentice' or something."

"This just proves we can never trust the government, they make fake sites to lure innocent people to work for villains." Sam told us.

"You're just mad that they rejected your proposal to stop selling foods with meat in them." Tara responded.

"Well yea." Sam admitted with no shame.

Tara got back on topic, "Does that mean you're half dead?"

"I-I guess so... I don't know, I've never been half dead before," I said the last part somewhat sarcastically.

Tara continued, "This all sounds like some super hero comic, I mean, lab accident lead to ghost powers plus some freaky villain that never as a back-up plan..." It was quiet for a moment, "Are you gonna tell your parents?"

"You can't just tell your parents, parents don't understand. Parents never understand!" Sam ranted.

"I am not telling my parents... They hunt ghosts..." I explained.

"But they are still your parents." Tara mentioned, looking down at her PDA. I sighed.

Sam broke the approaching silence, "So what powers do you have?"

I shrugged, "I'll check..." After the glowing ring split from my waist, my eyes turned green and my hair, silvery white. I was about to try some of my powers when Tara spoke.

"What's your alter ego gonna be?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Alter ego?"

"Yeah! Every superhero needs to have a secret identity." she explained as she adjusted her glasses.

I snorted, "I'm totally not a superhero."

"Uh, ghost powers? We just escaped from the clutches of an evil villain?" she pointed out.

"I dunno..."

After a moment in thought Sam spoke up. "You should be Phantom," Sam suggested with a smile.

"Oh! I got it!" Tara exclaimed. "Dannie Phantom! That way we can still call you Dannie in your ghost form."

I nodded. "So Dannie Phantom, what can you do?" Sam smirked.

"I think I can go invisible and intangible," I explained, attempting to demonstrate with my hand. Surprisingly, I did it. "And go ghost," I added as a flash of a white ring turned me back to me, then once again back to... well, ghost me. But then something unexpected happened. My legs turned into a translucent tail...

"Woah. Awesome." Tara said as I stared at the absence of my legs.

"Guess you have more ghost powers than you thought," Sam said.

To my relief, my legs reappeared. I shrugged, trying to not freak out, I mean come on... it's not everyday that you just get a tail and the ability to turn invisible and intangible! I went human again and talked with Tara and Sam until the Limo pulled up in front of FentonWorks. You could probably guess my surprise *cough* sarcasm *cough* when I walked through the door to my mom excitedly displaying their 'newest ghost weapon!' I subtlety paled, realizing those would affect me now.

"Say hello to the Fenton Ghost Finder!" she bellowed, "It's not done yet, but when it is we're gonna find every ghost and destroy them like the ectoplasmic scum they are!"

"And don't forget about studying their ectoplasmic remains!" my dad called from the kitchen.

I gulped and headed to my room, flopping onto my bed with a sigh. I sat up and eyes the space and NASA posters that covered my walls. Would I be able to become an astronaut now? They do blood tests and drug tests, what if I have... ectoplasm in my blood?

My dad walked in, "Honey, dinner's ready!" he paused and noticed the sullen look on my face, "everything alright?"

I frowned, "It's nothing..." I lied guiltily. My eyes widened and I lifted my head as a mist escaped my mouth, my dad noticed.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "You don't seem alright! You must be freezing to have your breath come out i vapor!" he cooed.

"Uh... yeah... I'll go get dinner now..." I finished with a nervous laugh as I dashed out of my room. I snuck down to the lab and went to the control board where I pressed the button to close the portal. I leaned against the wall with a sigh of relief when a middle aged woman with blue overalls, blue skin, and a beanie, flew through the wall.

"I am the Box Ghost!" she announced. "You will now face the fury of my amazing box power!" she continued, I furrowed my brow. Her eyes narrowed at my confusion and she began to command glowing poxes to be chucked at me.

I turned intangible, letting the boxes pass through me, one hit the portal button and it re-opened.

"How did you avoid my amazing box attack you mere human!" she chanted as she neared me. I backed closer to the portal and the ghost dove forward to me. I side stepped and she flew through the portal but not before proclaiming, "I will return human!"

I furrowed my brows again, "Uh, okay?" I answered although it was more of a question.

My mom stomped down the stairs, screeching, "ghost!" and stopped abruptly when she saw me, "You're not a ghost..." she seemed disappointed, but then shook it off. "Come get some dinner Dannie-girl!" she smiled, "and would you close the portal on your way up? Still can't figure out how that thing works..." she added as she turned and walked up the steps.

With a smile I closed the portal once again and headed upstairs. It didn't take me too long to fall asleep that night, after the crazy (and tiring) day I had. I thought the craziness wouldn't last forever but boy was I wrong...

No cliffy this time :) but psh, Vlad *cough* I mean Veronica, is the spitting image of an evil villian who's plans always get foiled and never has a plan-B :)

By the way, Dannie might seem somewhat weak but I'm just trying to portray how Danny(from actual series) was pretty weak and inexperienced when he first got his powers. Thank you all (very few viewers) for reading, follows, favorites, and reviews are extremely appreciated because it lets me know you want me to keep going with this :) TotallyObsesedWithDP out~