Okay so, I'm like obsessed with the idea of Genderbent Danny Phantom and it's really annoying that there are like no decent Danny Phantom Genderbender fanfics... so here is a decent one! It's supposed to be a remake of the series but every character is their opposite gender... DON'T WORRY, IT'S NOT THE SAME AS THE ACTUAL SERIES (It's actually nothing like the actual series because everything (except for the generality of the accident and her getting ghost powers :) ) happens differently. Here it is.


"And stay away you ectoplasmic scum!" Jackie called out unknowingly to me, her own daughter. But I don't take it too personally considering she has no idea that I'm some freakish half ghost hybrid. After all, no one does except my best friends Tara and Sam, and they were there when it happened...

It was an accident... we were messing around in my ghost hunter parents' lab. They had just finished their newest invention, the ghost portal, designed to link our world to a 'world unseen', A.K.A. the Ghost Zone. Basically the world that ghosts inhabited. They were just finishing up with the wiring...

"Jackie honey, are the cables connected to the on switch?" My dad, Matthew, Matt, Mattie, or Mads Fenton, asked my mom.

"On switch? No need for one of those! We have these dials and... if you turn them all exactly 45 degrees like such..." Jackie fumbled with the three dials. "It should turn... on!" my mom finished, turning the last dial and lifted her hands in the air waiting, as if it was a 'ta-da!' moment.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" Matt questioned as he turned to see an unworking portal.

Jackie turned and frowned as her eyes met the unaltered portal. "Mads, I don't know what we did wrong, I thought all the calculations were correct..."

Matt sighed. "I guess we should check them over..." he replied as the two walked up the steps, somewhat slumped over in disappointment. "Sweetie will you lock up when you come upstairs?" my dad asked as he tossed me the keys to the lab. I nodded.

That left me, Sam, and Tara in the lab, alone...

"Do you think they'll ever get it to work?" questioned Tara, the techno-geek and my best friend since elementary school.

"Probably not, I mean, we're talking about creating a path to a whole other separate world," I shrugged.

"Yeah... I guess. But who knows, you should check it out," Sam, my goth and ultra-recyclo-vegitarian best guy friend, suggested as he walked over to inspect the portal.

I walked beside him, wonder filling me as I looked inside the darkness of the broken portal. "I wonder what it looks like inside..."

"Well then go in and see," he said as Tara walked to us.

"Yeah, I think I will," I said with confidence as I slipped on a white and black HAZMAT suit with my mom's face on it and took a step forward.

"Wait," Sam stopped me and peeled my mom's face off the HAZMAT, "You can't be seen walking around wearing your mom's face." He explained to which Tara chuckled.

I smiled humorously and nodded as I stepped into the dark tunnel-like portal. It was dark so I steadied myself with the walls on my sides. I took a step, put a hand on the left wall, another and put my hand on the right. I took my third step, putting my left hand on the wall once again, accidentally pressing the on button that I had no idea was there.

The next thing I felt was indescribable pain. My whole body was tingling with pain as shocks of electricity ran through my veins. I remembered screaming and then collapsing due to the overwhelming pain, thinking I had died... well, I was half right.

I blinked my eyes opened to see Tara and Sam peering down at me with fear and worry in their eyes.

"What happened?" I asked groggily as I rubbed my forehead, trying to calm the massive headache I had.

They stared with wide eyes, "Dannie?" Sam asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What are you guys staring at?"

"Maybe you should take a look in the mirror..." she trailed off.

I pushed myself off the floor when I slipped, as if my hands gave away. Confused, I waved my hands in front of my face to find nothing there. "Where are my hands?!" I asked fearfully as I sat up without the use of my hands. I waved my hands in front of my vision again, they were there. Tara and Sam watched as I walked up to the mirror, my eyes widened when I was met with a girl that looked like me, but had silvery hair and green eyes that appeared to be glowing. What was once a white HAZMAT suit with black, was now inverted. White turned to black and black turned to white. I turned to Sam and Tara when a halo of bluish white light appeared around my waste and split to the opposite ends of my body.

"Dannie!" They both called, enveloping me in a hug. That was when it caught my eye... the broken portal was now a swirling green. The next moment, my parents came rushing down the stairs.

"Dannie, what happened?" my dad asked.

"Are you alri- aha! I told you it would be working in no time Mads!" my mom bellowed once she noticed the functioning portal.

"She kind of went in the portal and got electrocuted," Tara explained sheepishly.

"Oh my baby! Are you ok?"

"Yeah dad, I'm... fine."

"Oh I'm so proud of you! You're a real scientist, getting the portal up and running by yourself!" my mom chanted.

"Jackie," my dad scowled. "What's really important is that Dannie is ok,"

"Yes, that's great hun." my mom reassured as she put a hand on my shoulder, glancing at me before continuing her fixation on the portal.

"There is no way you're going to school tomorrow," my father said. "Now take your friend upstairs, we'll be up in a few minutes."

We took that as a cue to go upstairs. We went into my room and shut the door where I sat in my desk chair and leaned on the arm rest. It didn't take too long for my arm to fall through and me to face plant into the floor. I groaned in annoyance, "Why is my hand just passing through solid objects?! It doesn't make sense!"

"Maybe you should tell your parents..." Tara reasoned.

"No! She can't, what if her parents think she's possessed by some ghost?" Sam countered.

"What if I am?" I wondered aloud nervously, "I don't think normal people just turn invisible at sometimes and pass through solid objects, and not to mention the whole, white hair and ghostly, light radiating eyes I had before."I rambled.

Tara walked over to my computer, "What's your password?"

"Daniella Sanchez" I replied. Tara snorted and Sam rolled his eyes.

"There are a bunch of first hand accounts on ghost possession but they all say that the victims had glowing red eyes and that the victims didn't remember what had happened during the time they were possessed after they were back to normal."

Sam walked over and checked my eyes. "her eyes are normal,"

"Woah," Tara awed.

"What?" Sam asked.

"I found a site that says... 'If you were part of an incident involving ghost technology and have been experiencing strange symptoms of... invisibility, intangibility, duplication, random breaths of mist, temporarily altered appearance, glowing bursts of energy from hands, or floating abilities... go to...' and then there's an address in Wisconsin..." Tara read.

Probably just a hoax," Sam disagreed.

"No way, it's government certified and everything..."

"There is no way I'm gonna agree to being tested on like a lab rat."

"Rats are not test subjects, they are living, breathing, beings." Sam growled.

"I say we give it a look," Tara said. "But we'll need a ride..."

"Got it covered," Sam said as he walked out of my room, down the stairs, and out the door and pulled out his cell, Tara and I followed. Almost instantly, a limo pulled up and Sam opened the door.

"How'd you get the limo?" I asked as I got in.

"I have my ways," Sam smirked.

"Psh, he probably stole it from Paolo..." Tara mumbled and Sam nudged her in annoyance.

"Yeah right, Paolo probably only has pink... or 'salmon colored' limo's." Tara snorted and I suppressed a chuckle.

After Sam gave the driver directions, we were on the way. I decided to transform into my 'other appearance' before leaving the limo and knocking on the door of the eerily dark and huge mansion, just incase they were looking for human test experiments so I could hide my identity. I went to knock on the door when my hand turned intangible along with my body as I fell through the door and face planted. I groaned and lifted my head to come face to face with black heels.

Hehehe Vlad *cough* I mean Veronica is still as crazy as ever :) but he won't find out Daniella is his worst sorority sister from college's daughter until later on XP Hope you enjoyed reading and reviews, follows, and favorites are appreciated :) Tell me if I should continue with this because I don't know if you readers are obsessed with DP genderbend as me ;D