"Have you seen Tenki or Tokoyami? Where's Todoroki and Bakugou?" Eijirou would panically ask every classmate and peer that managed their way out of the woods.

"You're such a worry wort…" Kota grumbles into the red head's leg; the young boy was given to him by Mr. Aizawa to watch over. They were at current inside the classroom within the lodge, Mr. Aizawa had made it a safe place for the students and Vlad King was keeping guard. Anyone that scrambled out of the woods was brought in as quick and safely as possible.

"I'm sure they are fine, they can handle themselves if need be." Shouji states in an attempt to calm the red head.

"I know but…" Eijirou growls and clenches a hand hard enough that he even activates his Quirk. He just wants to slam his hand against the wall, but he wouldn't want to scare Kota; the kid was obviously spooked enough already. "Everyone is fighting so hard and we're just stuck here doing nothing."

"It's better than putting ourselves at risk. The less of us the pros have to worry about the more than can focus on fighting the villains." Tenya shakes his head, "Although I do understand your current feeling."

"The most we can do is keep this place from going to 'hell in a hand basket' like outside." Denki points behind him with a thumb towards a window. Outside it was clear to see Mandalay and Tiger fighting off two villains.

"Yeah…" Eijirou pouts and tries to relax himself. As he takes steadying breathes he cautiously pats Kota on the head. He already had an argument with Vlad King, Mr. Aizawa may have told them they could fight, but only in means of self-defense. Going out there just because he felt like he wasn't do enough where he was is nothing but selfish.

"Someone's coming." Tooru suddenly chimes and Eijirou looks towards the classroom door. Vlad King is also staring at the door, a hand up ready to open the door.

"Say wait that's not one of us!" Eijirou's eyes widen as the dark figure on the door's other side lifts a hand and flames begin to lick their body. The red head takes Kota into his arms protectively and jumps behind a table. Fires blow away the door and Vlad King is thrown back. Some of the students scramble to the back of the room and look on in horror.

"Isn't that the villain Mr. Aizawa already beat up?" Minoru cries out. The villain gives no words as he readies flames in his right hand. However, Vlad King is quick to get back to his feet and react.

"Too slow!" The teacher growls and slams the villain into the wall and pins him with hair Quirk, "You've got some nerve launching this reckless attack here. Don't get cocky."

"Woah." Eijirou watches the pro with a sparkle in his eyes. He thought his own teacher was quick, but Vlad King had him beat. "Man, Blood Control…he's so strong."

"That's our teacher for you." Monoma huffs proudly from where he was currently cowering.

"Why not get cocky?" The villain speaks up with a smirk plastered on his face, "You are playing right into our hands. The second you lost the initiative signaled your defeat. Each mess we make, one after the other, is shaking your trust. Soon that mistrust will spread like wildfire amongst society. Heh, your administration is so weak it couldn't stop us from abducting students."

"Abducting? Who?" Tenya speaks Eijirou's own worries out loud. Before the villain could spout more of his speech Mr. Aizawa flies in and kicks the villain in the head. Vlad King releases the villain and Mr. Aizawa keeps beating down the villain.

"Eraser?" Vlad King's eyes are wide as he watches his coworker get so violent.

"It's no use Vlad. This is just a fake attempting to get intel out of you." From underneath Mr. Aizawa's shoes all could see the villain became nothing but goop.

"What are you doing back here?" Vlad King questions.

"I had to give warning to the Pussycats, and I made an attempt to find the original, but I had no such luck. They are trying to keep us focused in one place with all these aggressive attacks." Mr. Aizawa replies.

"Well he did give away that they are after students…" Vlad King sighs and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Mr. Aizawa! You have to let us help out!" Eijirou can't help but shout.

"Who knows who is left in the forest, we have to provide back-up." Denki also shouts.

"We've been over this." Tenya sighs to the pair.

"The answer is no!" Mr. Aizawa huffs, "In order to win, we need to make sure everyone stays safe. Vlad can you continue to stay here? I'm going out to get more of the students."

"No problem. Be quick." Vlad King nods in agreement and Mr. Aizawa darts back out of the building.

"Mr. King, is there anything you need us to do?" Shouji asks as he pushes away some of the rubble to a corner of the room.

"Stay put for one." Vlad King huffs and scratches at the side of his head. "Though the main goal is to get word out that we're under attack so that rescue workers can get everyone checked and out of here."

"The issue with that being none of us have any signal out here." Tooru emphasizes her point by flailing her phone around.

"There has to be another way then." Tenya puts a hand under his chin as he thinks.

"Say, can't you boost the signal or something Kaminari?" Eijirou asks the blond.

"No? I can charge phones but I have no idea how to use my Quirk as a booster." Denki's brows furrow as he replies.

"Isn't it worth a try though? It'll give us something to do." Eijirou sighs.

"There's a radio." Kota suddenly joins the conversation.

"Where?" Vlad King walks over and kneels down as he faces the young boy.

"I don't know if it'll still work after all this, but it's in a room next to the cafeteria." Kota ducks his head away from the teacher and squeezes Eijirou's hand.

"Would you be able to show some of the students the way?" Vlad King asks next. Kota nods.

"You'd let us go on our own?" Tenya appears honestly surprised.

"It's a risk willing to take. You won't be too far from me if necessary. Kaminari, Monoma, Kirishima, you three will accompany Kota to the radio." Vlad King points at each of the boys as he gets to his feet.

"Sir!" Monoma jumps to his feet and gets to Eijirou's side.

"I see," Tenya nods his head, "you might need Kaminari's electricity and Monoma's copying ability can add to that."

"Meanwhile this big guy can take hits to keep us safe if we get into any trouble." Denki chuckles as he smacks Eijirou on the shoulder.

"Tread carefully and go as fast as you can." Vlad King walks to the busted doorway and looks around for any danger.

"Let's get going." Monoma raises his head high as he takes the lead. Denki and Eijirou just let the blond do his thing as they followed behind. Kota was quiet as he walked hand-in-hand with Eijirou.

"Man this place is destroyed…" Denki comments as they pass through a barely recognizable cafeteria. It was busted up to the point that it was completely open to the outside. The group had paused as Kota watched his Aunt struggle with some scaly-looking villain.

"She'll be fine Kota, look, I don't even see any cuts or bruises on her." Eijirou puts on a smile for the boy.

"Come on, we promised to be quick." Monoma rolls his eyes, "You class A guys aren't too bright when it comes to urgency are you?"

"Now is not the time for that man." Eijirou huffs at the blond.

"We should get back to moving though." Denki puts his hand against both of the other boys' backs and gives them a push. With no other complications, the group makes it to the room Kota lead them to.

"There in the corner, I see something that looks like a radio." Denki claps his hands and runs over to the machine. It took some creative thinking but the boys get the radio running and send out a distress signal. As they waited for the rescue, the villains all but disappeared. Only three were located and arrested when the police arrived. Medical went through each student and Eijirou had the misfortune of hearing the tally. Out of forty-one students, fifteen were in critical condition, eleven hurt, and two missing. As for the adults, Pixie-Bob had a major head injury and Ragdoll was also counted amongst the missing.

"Kirishima…" The red head was spooked when Fumikage suddenly approached him.

"Tokoyami?" Eijirou had a bad feeling sink into the pit of his stomach; wasn't Tenki his partner during this ordeal?

"I…I'm so sorry…" Fumikage had bowed his head and his hands were clenched at his sides.

"For what? The villains did all this." Eijirou pouts as he speaks.

"Yes but…" Fumikage sighs and takes a deep breath, "I lost control of myself when villains attack Koizumi and I. He got hurt and wasted so much energy avoiding Dark Shadow's rampage. Perhaps if he wasn't so worn down he…"

"He what? Tokoyami? How hurt is he?" Eijirou interrupted as he panic bubbled up. Maybe the reason he hadn't found his boyfriend yet was because he was one of the critically injured?

"I don't know, he was taken along with Bakugou. The villain had drugged him as well and said something about wanting his Quirk." Fumikage finally gets to finish his explanation. Eijirou goes still as the words sink in.

"…Did you do your hardest to get him back?" Eijirou slowly asks.

"We all did…Midoriya, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Uraraka." Fumikage answers and finally looks up to meet Eijirou's eyes. Tears had started up in the red head eyes.

"Then you did what you could." The tears didn't take long to spill down his cheeks. Fumikage bowed his head once more as Eijirou cried. The two stayed in place until Mr. Aizawa gathered them up. The students not sent to the hospital got to go home. Though that night, Eijirou laid awake in bed as his thoughts ran wild. The two most important people in his life might be currently missing and in danger, but he could try and be there for his other friends for the time being. In the end he figured he should go visit Izuku at the hospital.