Tyzula Month! I'm super excited! For every Tyzula event, I always write drabbles about kisses, and I'm probably doing that forever, but this time I want to do something more mature than my usual work of fluffy little kisses. I hope you enjoy.


"I refuse to have my clothes chosen for me, and I refuse to be dressed," said Azula.

"But you're a princess. You've gotten dressed by servants and stuff," Ty Lee replied.

"That is very different," Azula calmly said while Ty Lee felt livid.

Always. Ty Lee could never do anything in this relationship without something going wrong. She would say that her life was perfect before she met Azula, but she had about two memories from before she met Azula, so she had very little to go on.

"I just want you to look really pretty and fancy and all those things," Ty Lee said vehemently. "You like to have control and I get it. When we have cute little kids, I will dress them up."

Azula's eyes flashed, and Ty Lee knew that this was one of her parents' fault. "That is worse."

"It's not like children can get dressed on their own," Ty Lee said, trying to remember to breathe. She was alarmingly red about two sentences into this forthcoming argument. "I mean, I want to not argue with you, because you're really good at arguing and I'm not, but I think you're being really petty."

"I am not petty. You are, and your anger over this is absurd," Azula said. She had never seen anyone get that angry that quickly, and she had no idea why.

"You have a lot of super nice options and so it's not a problem to me." Oh, but it obviously was. Azula had enough combat training to know a trap when she saw one. "I just don't see what's wrong with helping you. A servant can do it, but your beautiful wife can't?"

"Yes. Exactly that," Azula said, relieved Ty Lee finally understood.

"I was…" Ty Lee does not know how to explain herself. She never has had to do that before. "I guess you don't trust me at all."

"It has nothing to do with trust." That would be a first.

"Then what does it have to do with?" Really, it would be a first.

"My personal preferences," Azula lied. "This party is not important enough for you to throw a tantrum over."

"It's not about the party. Why do you think it's about the party?" Ty Lee almost ripped her own fancy dress into pieces. She was clawing it quite vivaciously.

"So it is about pretty and expensive clothing?" Azula knew this would end poorly, but she also knew that if Ty Lee became upset enough, she would just give up.

"No! It's about you and trust issues and control issues and communication issues and every single kind of issue. Why do we have every single kind of issue?" And the sobbing begins.

"I believe all couples do," Azula said.

"No, no, they don't. I bet my sister's relationship doesn't and I want her to know how much better I did than all of them. I am a princess and I am married to someone hotter than anyone they could ever dream of and I am happy and you are perfect and I am perfect and we are perfect and I'm out of breath now."

Azula sits down on her bed. She has accidentally entered childhood-trauma-land and there is no easy way out of it.

"You are aware that all of that is true regardless of what I wear or if I'm treated like a living doll," Azula said slowly.

"You're just being mean now." Sniffle.

Azula laughed. "That is the nicest I get."

Ty Lee glared, because Azula was telling the truth. She really didn't get much nicer than that. But she was still wrong, and Ty Lee was not taking it this time. This time was too important.

"I always sacrifice stuff and bend over backwards to work around your ridiculous problems, and maybe this time you should do that for me. Because I am one hundred percent certain that this comes from some kind of deep psychological problem of yours, but I've hurt myself a lot to help you."


Ty Lee opened her mouth to snap back before staggering. "Wait—really?"

"Yes," Azula said quietly.

Ty Lee began to kiss her before remembering what this fight was about.

"I'll choose your clothes, then I'll finish that."

She pulled away and ran away.

Azula stared after her and decided that there must be some kind of deep psychological problem that makes her love this woman.