"KID!"" Inspector Nakamori screamed at the top of his lungs as he gets trapped in multi-colored tape and plastic wrap when he was sprinting up the stairs. Foul curse words and other profundities spilled out of his mouth as the thief, KID, escapes once more with a gem in one hand and a laugh in the other.
As soon as he gets out of the sticky trap he was trapped in, with help from Hakuba Saguru. He notices that one fourth of the task force was covered in glitter, another quarter were wearing dresses (Including Hakuba who was wearing a black and white maid's dress) the third quarter were all wearing kid costumes in a different color and the last quarter was gratefully unscathed since they were keeping an eye out for snipers who have seemed to be appearing more and more at KID heists. No one knew why… Maybe KID knew… Just another thing to add to the list of reasons to catch him.
List of Reason Kaito 1412 Should be behind Bars:
He's a thief
He's endanger
He's a mystery
We need revenge since he makes us look like a fool
To protect the public from the dangers that are after him
He keeps returning what he steals
Hakuba sighed as his eyes followed the retreating white hang glider before he stormed away to find out where that damned thief hid his clothes. He hoped Kuruba was okay since at the beginning of this heist it look like KID got grazed by a bullet or two. Yes he knew the thief real identity but that Kuruba keeps saying and insisting that he is not and never will be or can be KID.