The Konoha AUs - The USS Konoha

500 words

Disclaimer: Kishimoto owns Naruto and a bunch of other people who aren't me own Star Trek.

This is the first part of a 30 days project. All 30 will be AU versions of Naruto, including crossovers and contextual reassignments. Some of the chapters will be linked, some will stand alone. Which characters they focus on is likely to shift, although expect many to mention Itachi in passing. If there's an AU you want to see, feel free to drop a review and tell me. I'll see what I can do.

I'm not sure why I decided to do 500 words on what would happen if all of the ninjas were Starfleet officers, but it happened. I think everyone mentioned is human, except Shino. I think Shino would be a good Vulcan.

"You're an ensign, Uzumaki!" Lieutenant Kakashi Hatake smacked his blond subordinate's head. "You have years to go before you become a Captain!"

"I know," the blond whined, "but don't you think I'm a good enough pilot for Alpha shift?"

"No!" The yell came from the communication's officer, Ensign Ino Yamanaka. "You nearly ran us into an asteroid last week. In the simulator at that!"

"It came out of nowhere!"

"You're lucky enough to get this chance at being on the bridge tonight, Uzumaki, don't push it. If Lieutenant Hayate hadn't come down with Andorian flu, you wouldn't be here at all." Kakashi reminded him. Naruto pouted.

"I still don't know how you graduated from the academy, you dobe," Ensign Sasuke Uchiha, the tactical officer snorted. Naruto glared at the man sitting next to him.

"You're one to talk bastard."

"I was head of our class, thank you," The dark-haired boy reminded him.

"Eyes forward, both of you," the Lieutenant interrupted their bickering.

Ensign Shino Aburame, the science officer for gamma shift, spoke up. "Lieutenant, sensors indicate we are about to enter an ion storm."

The ship began to shudder as it hit the invisible enemy.

"Ensign Haruno, open a ship wide communication!" Kakashi yelled, gripping the arms of the chair. "This is Lieutenant Kakashi, we are currently being hit by an ion storm. Please strap yourselves in if you can and hang on for a bumpy ride. Those of you currently on duty, you know protocol."

Naruto concentrated intently on keeping the Konoha steady as they rocketed through space. A flare struck the ship and tilted it. The blond Uzumaki fought to keep the ship level.

The lights flickered. "What was that?" Ino called out, "External communications are dead!"

"This is at least a Force-6 storm," Shino checked his readings again, "no, readings now say this is a Force-7. We are at an increased risk for damage."

"Captain on the Bridge!" Naruto didn't dare look up from his controls as Captain Hiruzen Sarutobi stepped out of the turbolift, accompanied by his First Officer, Commander Danzo Shimura.

"Captain, we have entered a Force-7 ion storm."

"Put the ship on Red Alert!" Captain Sarutobi ordered. Sirens went off. The ship shuddered and began tilting starboard.

Naruto fought with the controls to keep it level but overcorrected.

"Communication from Sickbay, Captain!" Ino called out.

"Let me hear her," Sarutobi sighed.

"Tell that brat to keep this ship steady!" The Chief Medical Officer, Tsunade Senju, yelled. Naruto was doing his best but it was difficult.

"I believe Ensign Uzumaki is doing his best," the captain spoke in his usual calm tone. "Are there injuries?"

"I have a few here from Engineering and treating them would be much easier if this ship would stop shaking!"

"I have faith you can manage," the man responded.

"Damn it, Haruno!" Tsunade yelled, then the transmission cut off.

Naruto continued piloting the ship through the storm, until suddenly all was quiet.

"Good job, Ensign," the captain spoke. Naruto beamed.