Au-less JotaJose tbh

It wasn't everyday that Joseph got to visit his daughter and grandson. And because he went out of his way to do this, he wished his grandson would be a bit more ecstatic about his arrival every time Joseph did. But nope, Jotaro stayed all teen angst-y and emotionally constipated. Well, when he was awake. Joseph didn't think Jotaro was very edgy or anything in his sleep. Maybe he was? The Joestar didn't know. But what he did know, was that Jotaro looked absolutely fucking darling whenever he slept, whether it be naps or when Joseph was up wandering around during insomnia-ridden nights which happened sometimes because Joseph is old and old people are weird but this is nothing like the Visit cuz Joseph isn't that old or weird or anything. Nope, he just loved the way that Jotaro would softly snore and sometimes his mouth would hang open and Jotaro would drool a bit while deep in REM sleep. It wasn't that this was Joseph's kink, lordy no, it's just that Jotaro looked so lax. I mean, it's not everyday you see Jotaro looking so vulnerable and, well, laid back. Usually he's all Shadow the Edgehog and doesn't let Joseph pepper his face with little kisses. But while Jotaro is resting, Joseph can give his grandkid as many forehead and nose kisses as he wants and Jotaro can't stop him. *cue evil laughter*

Well, Joseph COULD. He couldn't do it anymore cuz now Jotaro had Star Platinum. The old man hadn't noticed that Jotaro left Star Platinum out to guard him while he slept. But when he had noticed this, it had taken him by surprise.

Jotaro had fallen asleep while reading a book about probably dolphins in the middle of an extraordinarily hot day. Everything seemed lazy and sluggish, so it was no surprise that Jotaro had dozed off. Joseph had simply been passing by Jotaro's room when he heard a certain grandson let out a groan as he rolled over. Peeking into the room, a mischievous smile etched it's way onto the old man's face as he stroked his beard cuz that's what you do with beards. You stroke em. Joseph carefully snuck into the boy's room and crouched down by his sleeping grandson, the dark haired boy's beautiful green eyes closed as his dark eyelashes fluttered against his bronzed skin. Adrenaline pumping through his veins, Joseph leaned closer, planting a soft little kiss on Jotaro's forehead. Joseph's old, grey beard tickled Jotaro's nose and he scrunched up his face, almost making Joseph explode from cuteness overload. Joseph went on planting soft, chaste kisses on Jotaro's face and just as Joseph dared to plant a quick kiss in Jotaro's pale pink lips, a being that wasn't Jotaro shift its weight on the bed. Peeking up, Joseph caught the eyes of a very curious Star Platinum. Curious blue eyes met nervous blue eyes as Joseph and Star engaged in a staring contest. Did Star feel those kisses too? God, that would be weird. You could almost say it would be...really really uncomfortable. Joseph was unsure if he should continue giving the sleeping Jotaro kisses or not and Joseph was about to just shrug off Star's curious gaze and give his grandson one last kiss before Jotaro gave a tired grunt and cracked open a sleepy eye.

"Jiji? What are you doing?" Joseph shot up from his couched position, hurriedly stuttering out a 'nothing' before quickly escaping Jotaro's room. Rubbing his still tired eyes, half-asleep Jotaro flipped over.

"Those kisses sure didn't feel like nothing." He mumbled before he moved around just a bit more to get comfortable before falling back asleep in the hazy afternoon air.