Kakyoin glared down at the stone steps that sat below his balcony ledge, wishing to forget the events that had happened prior. The feud between his family and the Kujos was getting way out of hand. When he and Jotaro were younger, they would always play together like young children do. But now because of the feud, Kakyoin couldn't even come within 3 miles of Jotaro's presence without their families going batshit Sighing, Kakyoin looked at vine that's elegantly curled around the columns of the balcony. He loved Jotaro, but with the way their families were now, they would be nothing more than star-crossed lovers. Closing his pretty violet eyes, Kakyoin sighed once more before footsteps on the ground sounded below him. Thinking it was one of his family members, he turned his face away.

"Oi, Kakyoin." The deep voice made Kakyoin shoot his eyes open. Standing down below was Jotaro, tall and proud with both hands in his pockets. In the light of the setting sun, Jotaro looked like the hero of a fairytale and the red head couldn't help but blush.

"J-Jotaro! What are you doing here?! If you're caught, this won't end well!" Kakyoin leaned forward and hissed his response as to not alert his family members in the house. Jotaro shrugged and looked back up at Kakyoin, tilting his cap back to let both of his deep blue eyes pierce Kakyoin's violet ones. Kakyoin frowned at huffed in annoyance at Jotaro's recklessness, turning his head to look back at the horizon once more. The red head heard a bit of shuffling from Jotaro before the brunette spoke again.

"Kakyoin." Simply glancing in Jotaro's direction, a glint of silver caught Kakyoin's eye as he turned his whole body. His eyes went wide and tears pricked the corners as he registered what Jotaro held in his hand. Nodding, Kakyoin let the tears run free. Jotaro gave a small smile as he closed the ring box and set it back in his pocket. Holding his arms out, Jotaro beamed up at Kakyoin.

"Let's go." Kakyoin hesitated a bit but still climbed over the balcony railing and jumped into Jotaro's arms. Letting the taller male wipe his face free of tears, Kakyoin gave Jotaro a quick kiss before being set on the ground. Intertwining their hands, both males ran towards the fence that bordered Kakyoin's backyard. Jotaro jumped over the fence without looking back, but Kakyoin hesitated. Looking back, the violet eyed red head took one last look at his childhood home. It was a beautiful home, but the people inside...not so much. Maybe he would visit. Hearing Jotaro calling for Kakyoin to jump over before they got caught, Kakyoin took one last, long look, a smile stretching across his face before he leaped over the white picket fence and eloped with his love.