Hey. I've got some bad news.

It's been awhile. But I think I may have to cancel this story. I just don't have the motivation anymore, and I made too many mistakes early on that I can't fix. I've grown a lot writing wise, and this story would require a large reworking, which I cannot do now. Not to say it's done for good, I may come back later. But for the time being it's on hiatus.

I want to say thank you to all that supported or offered advice for this story. It really helped. It's not because of you guys, it's because of me. And this fandom is pretty much done for now that Naruto has ended. I guess that's why I lost motivation. I really don't like Boruto, and they may kill off Naruto and Sasuke. They are cutting all old ties for a new story, and I don't think I want that. Naruto was amazing, and I loved it to bits. It helped me get through hard times in my life. But now the book is closing and it's time to put it down.

Another factor is that I don't really mix well with the group of fanfiction writers here. Naruto OC'S have a bad reputation and the writers here turn their noses up at the idea. Ice is in a pretty bad situation regarding that- despite having large glaring flaws and a balanced character, she doesn't fit the current universe that well. I tried to make her fit, with developing a background that makes it so she isn't the only one (we never got to that point, so you wouldn't know.) But the fact is she's got wolf ears and tail and people don't give that a chance.

Ice does live on, however. I have moved to the Undertale fandom, and created an AU. This AU Frisk shares huge similarities with her. I still wanted a story with a wolf influence and character, and I think it's working out smoothly in Wolftale. I know the Undertale fanfom is looked down upon, but honestly it isn't so bad. People make it out much worse than it really is. I've met a skele-ton of good people, and really I think the Naruto fandom is just as bad. Every fandom has those people, and it's not fair to judge everyone else because of those people.

I'm going to be staying there now, snug as a bug. I may also write for Fnaf and Warriors from time to time, and maybe I'll come out with a few one-shots for Naruto. But my Naruto fuse has burned.

Also, I may make an original novel featuring Kiyo, but not in Naruto (duh.). I just love the guy XD.

Once again, I want to thank all of you who helped me and supported me. It meant so much. It still means so much. If I don't ever come back to this story, I guess it's goodbye to some of you.

Or, it might just be a see you again soon. Who knows?

I really hope you have enjoyed Fire and Ice. It's been a ride, and it's taught me a lot. Maybe one day I'll be back and return ten times better than before.

Kiyo: Hey, yo, It's Kiyo! Sorry to see it end like that. I had so much to do!

Sasuke: like what, die?

Kiyo: hehehe… maybe? No, I had so much to do that wasn't dying! And why do you hate me so much, man?


Kiyo: Hey, hey, easy. Put those freaky eyes away. But hey, thanks to you people behind the forth wall for reading this Far! It was awesome!


Kiyo: hey, Icey, wanna say something?


Kiyo: uh, helloOooooh? This is probably the last time you'll get to say something, so it's better to do whatever and have no regrets than to hold off and regret not taking the chance.

Ice: o-okay… I just wanted to say… I'm sorry if I made any of you mad… but I also wanted to say thank you… to any of you… who gave me a chance… I hope I get to see you all again someday… goodbye.

Kiyo: Yeah, there we go. Was that hard? Well, guess I should say it too. Bye, everyone!