PLEASE COMMENT AND GIVE FEEDBACK. Hope you like my first story! It will get a little more suspenseful as the story goes on. Rated T for some minor adult themes and mild language.

It was a normal day. Harry and Ron were in the Gryffindor Common Room, reading the Daily Prophet right in front of the fireplace, it was a very cold day for They were reading an interesting article about the new Bludger from Quality Quidditch Supplies when Ron's eyes drifted to another article out of interest, as he was the Keeper, not the Beater, of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. "Oi, Harry! Look at this!" he exclaimed, and Harry focused his vision to where Ron pointed his skinny fingertip.

"Moody's missing?" questioned Harry. In the beginning of the school year, Moody had rescued him from the wrath of the Dursleys and taken him safely to his godfather Sirius' house. Moody was a great Auror as far as Harry knew, it was very surprising that Moody had suddenly just disappeared by using a time turner.

On April 3, 1997, British Auror, Alastor (Mad-Eye) Moody has used a time turner and has mysteriously disappeared. The time turner had formerly belonged to the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Minerva McGonagall. "Alastor just dropped by to use the time turner for an investigation in the past of a long dead serial killer [Elmer Hitchcrate]," insists McGonagall, "I don't have any further information about it."

But Nymphadora Tonks, a fellow Auror alongside Moody, says that Moody left for Eastern America, near North and South Carolina, which is the region of the birth of the serial killer, Hitchcrate. "He said he was going there, at least, I was with Moody when he Apparated. He could have gone anywhere," confesses Tonks. "I was told he would be gone for only a day."

Further examinations for Moody's disappearance will take place. If you have seen any trace of Alastor Moody lately, please contact the Ministry immediately.

Harry crumbled up the newspaper and threw it in the fire, where he was stretched out in front of, Ron kneeling next him. The fire spat a few times and crackled orange sparks across the room, pecking at Lavender Brown, who scoffed and strutted off with her nose in the air. "This is unbelievable," growled Harry, who had been in a somewhat bad mood all school year.

As he blew the fire to try and retrieve the paper before it burned to ash, Ron said in a rather raspy voice, "I dunno, mate. I think Moody went somewhere other than the Carletta's, whatever they're called. Because of, you know, how there's all this suspicion, and then he doesn't even show up's the seventh today, right?" Harry nodded. "Yeah, well he's only supposed to have been gone for a bloody day, and was gone for three."

"Four," Harry corrected him, picking at his fingernails.

"Whatever," Ron continued. "Like I said, Moody's been suspicious. I don't really trust him. When, or if he comes back, I'll hex him as soon as I see him."

Harry looked up, a little offended, because he had a sort of liking for Moody. "Don't you think that's a little harsh? I kinda like him."

Ron chuckled. "Or should you say, liked."

He said it under his breath, but Harry noticed. As he opened his mouth, Ron eyed him, so Harry closed his mouth shakily and reluctantly. The situation was already putting Harry in a bad mood, he didn't want to take all his fury out on Ron just because they had different opinions about a small conflict. Well, the conflict wasn't exactly small, but the opinion difference wasn't.

Harry yawned, and pulled himself up slowly and cautiously. "I'm going to the dormitory," Harry said, then realized he hadn't seen Hermione after dinner. "Hey, where's Hermione?" he asked Ron, who was stretching and getting up too.

"Oh, she went to see Professor McGonagall after dinner," Ron said simply. "She didn't tell you?"

Harry groaned. He wasn't really annoyed with Hermione, he was just in a bad mood. "Nope, she didn't tell me anything," Harry said, throwing his hands in the air. "I'm going to bed. Good night."

"'Night, Harry," Ron said, and he left the fireplace to chat with Seamus.

The next morning, on Saturday, Harry awoke and tried to get dressed without waking up Ron. He was in a better mood than yesterday, having realized that he shouldn't judge Ron's personality or how Hermione was always in a rush for everything. He noticed that Hedwig was sitting by his window, with a letter. When he moved forward to get a closer look, he forgot that the carpet ended near the window, and the wooden floor creaked, waking up Ron with an abrupt jump.

"Wha-what's going on? Is there a murderer?" Ron found Harry and shrieked, hiding his head under his pillow. "Please, just get it over with." His voice was muffled with his head buried, but Harry could somehow make out what he said.

Harry came forward and poked Ron with the tip of his wand. "Hey, Ron. Get up."

His friend still didn't get up, but he whimpered and cried, "How do you know my name? Have you been-"

Ron's sentence was never finished because Harry flung the pillow off of his head, accidentally smacking Neville in the face, who was just waking up across the room. "Oh, sorry, Neville," Harry said apologetically. When Ron finally perked up the courage to turn his head and face Harry, he sighed.

"Oh, um, uh, yeah...bad dream," Ron whispered.

"No kidding," breathed Harry. After an awkward silence, Harry said, "I just got a letter."

"Who is it from?" asked Ron.

"I don't know, because you woke up and threw a big hissy fit!"

Ron's ears turned pink. "I said I was sorry, okay? Let's see that letter."

Harry sighed and crossed over to Hedwig, who was still somehow calm and collected after the small ruckus Ron had caused. After a little scratch at the top of her head, he retrieved the letter. The writing on the front was a little smudged, probably because it was raining outside, but the bold and inky words were still legible. To H. Potter, from N. Tonks, it said on the back of the envelope. Harry instantly tore open the letter, which startled Hedwig, causing her to fly away. Harry shrugged. He walked back to his bunk and flopped down on his back.

"It's from Tonks," Harry implied. Ron nodded slowly.

The letter said:

Hi, Harry,

If you've read the article in the Daily Prophet, you should know that Moody is missing. So if you haven't, drop this letter and read it or else you won't understand what I'm saying. Now that you've read it, I need to tell you something that wasn't written in the Prophet.

One is that I have talked to Moody before he left, and while I was by his side while he was using the time turner, he spun the device backwards. I don't know why, but Moody could have gone forward in time, and he might not be able to figure out how to get back. Instead of going back 157 years, he may have gone forwards for 157 years.

We need to get Moody back. No wizard has ever traveled forwards in time (that made it back anyway) so it is very crucial that we stay alert of how Moody is doing. For all we know, he could be in danger, but I'm also not completely sure if he turned it backwards. It looked like it, anyway, because his hands were turning counterclockwise.

Before you get annoyed with me, I also want to say that I didn't tell Moody about it because Time Turners aren't built to go forwards in time. I could have just been imagining things, and if a charm was put on it, nobody around us could have the power to change it. It may seem easy to charm a time turner because of its size, but time is a huge thing to control, and only the greatest wizards have ever changed it. And as amazing as Moody is, he isn't capable of charming something that big. That's why I didn't tell him.

Now that my suspicion has grown more disturbing, I'd like you to help me, Sirius, and Remus, because we are trying to get Moody back safely. Please send me an owl back, and if you agree, you may take five friends with you to help. We will arrive and you will travel by hippogriff.


Nymphadora Tonks

"So...what's it say?" asked Ron, who was reluctantly avoiding the reading over Harry's shoulder.

Harry scoffed. "Take the damn letter, Weasley," he joked, shoving it into Ron's hands.

Ron gave Harry a look of false offense. "I see how it is, Harry. We're calling each other by our bloody last names now." Then he gave a tiny chuckle and read the letter. When he was done, he slowly walked backwards to his bed and sat for a long moment, staring at the ceiling. Harry awkwardly stood by the window, waiting for Ron to return to his normal self. All of a sudden, Ron jumped up.

"Harry! I have a theory, but it's bloody mad, you probably won't agree with me!" he shouted.

A couple yawns could be heard a few yards away, where Seamus and Dean were waking up. Seamus saw Harry and Ron bright and lively, rolled his eyes, and shoved his head back under his pillow, probably trying to fall asleep again. Dean, however, stayed awake, blankly staring into a space at the wall, completely ignoring the ruckus.

Ron's ears turned pink. "Er, sorry guys. I'm a little excited right now," he said, sitting back down on the bed slowly.

"Just be a little quieter," muffled Seamus through his pillow.

"Right," said Ron. Harry put his hand on his forehead and shook his head slowly, as if Ron had embarrassed him. Which was probably the case. When the other boys stopped paying attention, Ron continued.

"So, Hermione wasn't in the Common Room yesterday because she met with Professor McGonagall. She was saying it was important business with another Auror. It could have been with Moody! know what, never mind." Ron looked down at the floor. "I probably sound really stupid."

"Not the first time you have," said Harry. He snickered a little bit, and Ron gave a smile.

"C'mon, Harry, let's go find Hermione." Ron quickly changed and they left the dormitory to the Great Hall.