Disclaimer: Anything you recognize is not mine, just borrowed for a bit of fun.

A/N: This story fits in the "Trip of a Lifetime" universe; the background, which can be found in Chapters 1 and 2 of "D'you wanna come with me?", is that Daniel Jackson met the Ninth Doctor once, long before he got involved with the Stargate, but overindulgence of wine spiked with blue lotus during a festival made his recollection of his trip to Ancient Egypt hazy at best.

Déja Vu

Sometimes, during festivals and celebrations among Sha're's people, Daniel has the oddest sense of déjà vu.

Didn't he taste this wine before? This denser, concentrated wine, spicy and cool, so very different from what he might have found on Earth... How come he is so sure its sweet scent heralds trouble?

"It is very precious," his wife tells him, slightly defensive. "It comes all the way from the Ala'hara region, where Ra's Stars grow, and we can only have it once every five years, when the Ala'haran merchants come by. You ought to enjoy it."

"Ra's Stars?"

"They are blue flowers with a flame at their heart, so the merchants say. They're very valuable and only grow on water."

Daniel can't explain his uneasiness with it, but can't bring himself to indulge in the sweet-scented wine either.

Wasn't there a lot more water the last time he heard this melody – wait, where would he have heard Abydonian music before?

And yet the compelling tune of pipes and cymbals is distantly familiar.

He explains it away with his long-standing obsession with all things Egyptian: the Abydonian culture is extremely close to what Ancient Egypt would have been like. But still. It's not like Egyptian hieroglyphs could have played a tune for him!

Sha're smiles uncertainly – she's often confused by her husband, marvelous though she thinks he is – and he lets it go.

Why isn't he more surprised when a tribe from the mountains comes by to trade, and their leader is wrapped in a longish, black leather jacket?

That's not exactly what he would call Ancient Egyptian fashion.

Of course, leather items are a part of daily life here on Abydos – furniture, footwear, cordage. Nothing he wouldn't have expected to find in an Egyptian tomb.

But a leather jacket? And black? Red and green dyes are achieved with iron and copper compounds, and white with chalk, but blue and black aren't represented in any archaeological findings from the period, on Earth.

Clearly, it's one of the cases where this culture followed a slightly different evolution path in the intervening years – perfectly reasonable – but then why doesn't the idea of a black leather jacket in the Egyptian desert strike him as out of place? Why is he almost convinced that he's seen a man wearing a similar thing in ancient Egypt before, when the very thought makes no possible sense?

Years later, stepping through Gate after Gate with his team, he has flashes of the same, disorienting feeling.

Why is he not surprised by archaeological remains of a pyramid on Mars, of all places?

"It looks like there might have been a device that beamed a signal towards Earth," reports SG-5 in amazement and Daniel automatically nods in recognition, before he realizes he could not possibly have known or even imagined such a thing.

"...Perhaps a leftover from your time through the Quantum Mirror?" ventures Carter, sounding doubtful.

Daniel doubts it, but does not voice his unease.

How does he know he shouldn't touch that lodestone – when he isn't even sure what a lodestone is?

"Just... leave it alone, ok?" he says weakly.

"How the hell would you know?" asks Jack grumpily when the archaeologist stays vocally adamant that it should not be activated, no matter what.

"I- I don't know," stammers Daniel, feeling confused.

"You don't know," deadpans Jack.

"I must have read it somewhere," he says helplessly, ignoring his friend's glare.

"If you've been playing around with that Repository, so help me, Daniel...!"

The archaeologist can only shrug.

"How did you know there would be a trap, DanielJackson?" asks Teal'c, sounding impressed.

Daniel is frowning at little octagonal clay pieces that he might have seen before, possibly, maybe, and twisting them over and over because there is something there he just can't quite grasp.

"I'm... not sure... just a feeling?" He sighs, not liking this feeling of confusion. "I really don't think we should poke about – there might be other traps..."

But Jack is cursing, squeezed in a rusty cage dangling over a ditch that had been accurately disguised, demanding they get him down now.

They fumble about a bit and Carter barely manages a "Sir, I think I've found-" before a volley of green lasers shoots up from the very ditch underneath them.

Only Teal'c's excellent reflexes save Daniel. As it is, his glasses tumble hopelessly into the ditch. He doesn't even contemplate retrieving them.

Looking up, he sees that his best friend's upper uniform is in tatters, though thankfully he's managed to save his skin. Most of it, at least.

A long moment of silence is broken by a slightly-traumatized Jack: "Fine. Whatever. Next time you tell me to stay away from something, I will."

"That'll be the day," snorts Carter.

Later, SGC asks some very pointed questions, starting with how in all of the cosmos could he have known that that symbol scratched on the dial-home device meant they should be wary of traps?

Daniel has no answers. At least, not sensible ones.

"I... saw it in a dream," he says lamely when they press him.

He wavers a little.

It was a dream, right?

He never finds out the truth, but sometimes he dreams of a blue box that holds all his dreams and desires, and of a strange, wonderful madman wearing a leather jacket.

However crazy those dreams become – not that dreams make sense, as a rule, but these are particularly strange, in a good way – the weirdest thing is the soundtrack: a barely-there song of chiming sliver-bells in the wind and a wheezing, trumpeting sound, rising in a crescendo of hope until a final, triumphant thud.

He likes those dreams.

And then comes the day when he hears the incredible sound for real.