After many many many months the pack had fallen into a normalish life. Luna wasn't sure why but it seemed so much more simple to have a day to day similar life style. But she was happy that the pack stuck together. At first when Toboe had brought another group of wolves to meet his pack she had been worried that the pack would separate out to be on their own. But instead they had stuck even closer. They traveled together and rested and stayed in one area together. Often times the pack would separate out during the day to do their own thing but at night they would all gather together and rest under the stars. And Cheza was often there with them.

Luna had come to love her new life. It was so… peaceful. Of course there was some chaos sometimes. As Luna thought that she felt a small nip at her back paw. She lifted her paw slightly and glanced down at the young wolf pup who had been nipping at her. He had grey fur with small patches of silver. "Fang." Luna flicked her tail at her son and he rolled over. "What are you doing?"

"Come play with me!" The young wolf got back up and crouched slightly. "Please!"

"Go play with the other pups." Luna sat down and shook her head. "I'm tired."

"But they are all taking a nap!" Fang complained. "I'm bored."

"Well go find your father." Luna smiled. "Practice hunting."

That got his attention and soon he was off running. Luna chuckled to herself and then looked around the field. She quickly spotted the pile of fur that was the rest of the pups. Her own two other pups were there as well as Sora's two pups. She didn't see Blue's pup but she was sure Quent was curled up under the rest of the pups. He really enjoyed sleeping at the bottom of the pile.

"Did you see Fang?" Sora asked as she and Kiba came walking up. It had been strange at first to see Kiba relaxed but now it was normal. He still had a slight edge but mostly he was good.

"He's off hunting for Tsume." Luna chuckled. "He's going to be the death of me."

"At least he sleeps through the night." Sora shook her head. "Shadow and Snowy wake me up at least twice a night with their wrestling." Sora and Kiba sat down and looked over at the pups.

"Runt was like that for a long time." Luna nodded. "But it was mostly he woke up because Fang or Moon kicked him while they were asleep."

"We should just have the pups all sleep together." Kiba stretched before laying down. "That way we can get a good night sleep."

"Just wait until they're old enough to sleep without wiggling." Luna said.

"By that time Toboe will have pups." Sora sighed. "We're stuck in the never ending circle of pups."

"No more for us." Kiba flicked his ear. "Two is enough."

Sora smiled over at Luna and the two chuckled slightly. Kiba glanced at them, not sure of what he didn't know.

"I'm going to go check on Fang." Luna stood up and looked at her friend. "Good luck." She whispered.

Sora sighed and shook her head. "Kiba…"

Luna didn't hear the rest of that conversation as she went walking off. It didn't take long for her to find Tsume. He was teaching Fang how to hunt. The young pup's eyes were wide as he watched his father. Luna sat down and smiled. It didn't take long for Tsume to look over at her. He flicked his son slightly with his tail before walking over to Luna. "Hey."

"Hi." Luna rubbed against him. "I love you." She whispered.

He licked her ear. "I love you as well."

"HEY!" Fang bounded over. "I wasn't done learning to hunt!" He wiggled between his parents and looked up at them, frowning.

Both older wolves smiled before moving away so they could teach their son.

Shadow- A black pup with a white underbelly. Sora and Kiba's daughter.

Snow- A white pup. Sora and Kiba's son.

Fang- A grey pup. Luna and Tsume's son.

Moon- A silver pup. Luna and Tsume's daughter.

Runt- A silver pup. Luna and Tsume's son.

Quent- A dark blue pup. Blue and Hige's son.

Toboe has pups on the way with his mate, the young female wolf he met the chapter before.