Sorry for the wait. I just finished my A-Levels and spent the last two days writing this for you. Please comment!
Mid-morning had rolled around by the time Robyn finally dragged her half dead body out of bed and into the shower. She normally showered in the evenings but had been so tired last night she'd collapsed on her bed and had been out like a light. Not only had she skipped her shower, but with her phone being at home during her patrol, she'd missed numerous calls and text from Phillipa who expressed concern after she didn't hear back from her after she'd left their get together so quickly. So after she had had her wake up call under the steaming jets of water, she send a quick 'A-OK' before changing into a black long sleeved leotard with dark blue covering the arms, shoulders and neckline, large silver swirls blending the two colours together where they joined. Black shorts were thrown on top and trainer socks and trainers slid onto her feet before running downstairs to get two oranges and a bottle of water so she could go down to the bunker and use the apparatus. In the kitchen, Cody, Charlie and Kade were already helping themselves to breakfast. The two adults were in uniform, but Robyn had already been given the all-clear to be off for the morning from Charlie to work on routines.
She planned to go on the balance beam for about half an hour before using the rings for ten minutes then finishing off with the mats for 40 minutes with another ten minutes for a cool down. This would all be followed by another shower and lunch.
"What you up to today Cody?" Robyn asked the younger boy as she started peeling one of her oranges.
"Nothing much. I'll probably see if Frankie wants to go to the Hall of Inspiration or the museum. You want to come with?" he offered.
"Nah. I went to the museum last night." she replied as she popped an orange slice into her mouth, chewing happily.
"What were you doing at the museum last night?" Charlie asked surprised at his youngest daughter's late night activities.
"Just showing Heatwave something. Chill, we weren't seen and nothing got broken." she reassured him. As she finished speaking, drilling sounds started filling the room. "The heck is that?" she asked aloud.
"Sounds like it's coming from the garage." Charlie commented.
"Want to go check it out?" Cody asked, hoping she would say yes.
"Sure. Gotta make sure it stops before I start practising." she shrugged. She took her fruit with her since despite knowing Kade would never touch anything that resembled something healthy, she wouldn't put it past him to use it as a ball or other crazy use. The two youngest slid down the fireman pole, Robyn going one handed, into the garage where they could see the bots all gathered around Blades who was in helicopter mode and Dani working on something or other underneath him.
"Hey Dani, what are you doing?" Cody asked her as they made their way over to the pilot.
"Cody I beg of you, talk some sense into your sister, please!" Blades begged him.
"Relax Blades, you're looking good." Dani reassured him. But even Robyn knew that was a lie.
"Uh, Dani did you actually get Blades' consent to mess about with his… is body the right term or…?" Robyn interrogated her adoptive sister, crossing her arms while still being cautious of the orange in her right hand.
"The correct term is bipedal mode. When we are in vehicle mode, it is called our alternate, or alt, mode." Chase informed her. She thanked him.
"You don't even notice it. As long as you don't fly over any power lines." Heatwave mocked the aerial bot.
"Actually that is sound advice." Chase added, not realising that he wasn't actually giving any advice.
"Well Dani, it isn't very nice of you to make modifications to Blades' alt mode," Robyn started, looking at Chase for confirmation that she was using the right term. He nodded. "without making sure he's happy with it first."
"What even is it anyway?" Cody asked.
"A scoop claw." Dani answered, ignoring Robyn. "And it's going to put me and Blades into the action."
"There's no way of talking you out of this, is there?" Robyn asked. But she feared she already knew the answer to her question.
"Nope. Hand me the remote please Cody."
"I can do it Dani." he replied.
"Oh, I don't know. It's kinda complicated." she said, taking the remote off him and pressing a button.
"Yeah. It really looked like you were straining yourself with that." Robyn rolled her eyes.
"I just wanted it done right, guys." she defended. "Alright Blades, let's see what it looks like when you transform." she requested.
"Nobody laugh." he transformed. Even Robyn couldn't deny that she found it slightly amusing, but knew better than to show it and upset one of her friends.
"It looks nice Blades." she tried, wincing as she spoke. It really did look bad.
"Oh I love it. I've got to show Dad." Dani stated. She ran off to get Charlie, leaving the rest of the group in the garage. As soon as she'd left, Boulder and Heatwave could no longer stifle their laugh, not that they were trying to before anyway.
"What? Does it make me look fat?" Blades asked. It was obvious how self conscious he was about it, given the tone of his voice.
"Oh not at all, Captain Leadbelly." Heatwave laughed, making the two blondes frown.
"Come on, don't make fun of him." Cody tried telling them.
"He knows we're joking. Sort of." he replied, elbowing Boulder at the end. Both of them started laughing even harder.
"Maybe Blades just wants to be treated like he matters." Cody said crossly, storming off to the firehouse.
"Oh come on Cody, we were just…" Heatwave tried.
"You know, I never pegged you guys for being bullies." Robyn commented sadly. "Guess I don't know you guys very well. Thought you'd be different." She didn't feel like practising her routines anymore, choosing to trudge up to her room to get her phone. Having the reality of her newest friends being no more than brutes dawn on her made a lot of things seem quite off-putting. The team could always use an extra set of eyes on the roads so patrol was probably the best thing for her to do since she wouldn't be able to get her head in the game following what had been brought to light.
The alarm sounded, signifying an emergency in town, snapping Robyn out of her stupor.
"Cody get to the command centre – we have a rockslide to deal with." Charlie ordered over the tannoy. Cody hurriedly ran off, responding to the call while Robyn jogged over to the comm unit on the wall.
"Charlie, I'm gonna patrol the town, make sure nothing else is going on during your rockalanche." she informed him before grabbing her helmet from the shelf and hopping onto her bike as the rest of the team came down the elevator, heading towards their bots. "Good luck guys."
"Aren't you coming Robyn?" Kade yelled.
"No. You don't need your cheerleader hurting herself, do you?" she spat. Slamming the visor on the helmet over her eyes before pulling out of the garage.
"Come on Mr. Pettypaws, easy does it." Robyn tried and failed to urge the cat out of the tree, resulting in her having to climb up it. The brittleness of the tree bark was leaving scrapes on her inner thighs shins and palms as she gripped whatever part of the tree she could, making it very uncomfortable for her to even attempt holding on. She had been roaming the streets for a good ten minutes when Mrs Needlander had flagged her down from her her front lawn. And by 'flagged down', she had yelled at the blonde officer until she pulled over to help.
Mr. Pettypaws was determined to stay up there though as he hissed at the girl trying to get him down.
"Gotcha! I got him Mrs Needlander!" she called down from the branch she was sitting on gingerly as she tried to avoid putting pressure on her raw thighs. She jumped down from the branch, sticking the landing with her gymnast prowess. "Here you go." she said, handing the white cat back to his owner.
"It's about time. It's no wonder your rescue team gets anything done at the speed you work." she snapped, slamming her front door in Robyn's face, leaving her stunned on her doorstep at the ungrateful tone. Even though, she shouldn't really be all that shocked since she'd grown up knowing that the elder woman wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows.
"You know you're supposed to knock on the door right?" a teasing voice called out from the pavement. She spun around in fright at the sudden voice before seeing the owner, phone in one hand, red lolly in the other and blue overalls tied at the waist, a white spaghetti strap top underneath it.
"Oh my God, it's gone outside!" Robyn laughed, jumping off the front step, bounding down the pathway onto the pavement.
"Oh jeez, those look nasty!" Phillipa said, noticing her friend's raw skin. "You get in a fight with Tony the Tiger or something?" she inspected her palms, wincing in empathy.
"Nah. Tree bark."
"Lets head back to my place. I've got a fully stocked first aid kit." the engineer stated.
"Fully stocked?"
"Not my first rodeo. Welding torches leave quite the burn." she winked.
~~~Time Skip~~~
"Howcome you're not in the shop? You normally spend all waking, and sleeping, hours there." Robyn joked as her friend cleaned her palms and shins with antiseptic. "Gah! East with the stinging gel!"
"Well since the new bots came in two weeks ago, my business has been decreasing and I've not had so much work to do." Phillipa explained.
"Oh no, we aren't putting you out of a job are we? Oh God, we are! We are literally crushing my best friend's business!" Robyn panicked.
"No, no! You're doing me a favour, honestly. Since most of my work came from car accidents, rockslides and other disasters, I've not been as busy anymore since your bots keep saving everyone." she explained. "Having free time has been a Godsend. Now I've got more time for my side projects, I can go into town for some fun again. They keep this up, I'll only really be fixing your bike and checking MOT's. Maybe even the occasional breakdown" she continued. "I… I've even been thinking about… maybe, going back to school?"
"Really? I thought you went to college here on the island with me though?"
"Uh yeah, in Maths! I never actually got an engineering qualification. I learnt all the tricks of the trade from my parents, not from a textbook."
"So you want to use your free time to do more engineering? Makes sense." she muttered sarcastically, earning herself an extra wallop of antiseptic.
"Look, if I get a qualification in engineering, then I can actually turn this into a fully blown official business. I could even get better paying job in other companies because sure as hell they won't employ me if it doesn't seem like I know what I'm doing." Pip chastised, trying to make her friend understand where she was coming from and see reason.
"So you want to carry on your education." Robyn summarised. "Can't say I blame you. You're smart. You deserve the chance to prove it." she hissed at the cotton swabs dabbing her palms.
"Thanks." Pip smiled. "But uh, you can clean your thighs. I love you like a sister but I'm not putting my hands there." She laughed hard and started dousing more swabs in antiseptic and tentatively pressed them into her tender wounds.
"Thanks for helping me out Pip, God knows I need it."
"Yeah well after everything you do for the town, you deserve having someone give you a hand… or some hydrogen peroxide." she laughed.
"Yeah well, I better get back on patrol." Robyn replied.
"Okay. I'll be heading out too." Phillipa replied, grabbing her smartphone from the bench.
"What were you even doing out the first time?" she asked the engineer as they exited the garage. She held up her phone.
"Pokemon Go." she answered simply.
"Oh, of course the smartest woman on probably the entire island is into Pokemon Go. That thing kills your phone, you know?"
"Yeah, but rumour has it is there's a Dratini down at the beach at it's super uncommon when you're in the middle of nowhere. It's only got 11 minutes left available so I gotta run. See ya!" she ran, only just fully closing the door and locking it in her haste. Rolling her eyes, Robyn got back on her bike, cautious with her hands still extremely sore and carried on her patrol, trying to ignore the stinging sensation of the leather, rubber and metal against her scrapes.
Nearly five hours later, Robyn begrudgingly came home to the firehouse after patrolling for another hour and a half before notifying Charlie that she finished her shift and decided to join Phillipa in her Pokemon adventure. She even had a go herself on a few, obviously not on any of the super-rare pokemon or any of Pip's favourites (so basically only Eevees. She thinks they're overrated.) and she actually managed to aim at them pretty well, only missing a few Pokemon.
Yanking her helmet off her head, she couldn't care less if she looked a mess, she wanted to avoid over half the team, bots and humans included. Kade had made her feel worthless which ticked her off, Heatwave, Chase and Boulder had been bullies to Blades because of something Dani forced him to which ticked her off, and Dani who forced something on Blades without consent and was more than likely going to argue over dinner with her again which was going to tick her off even more. She couldn't wait to go up to her room and watch a Disney film and just forget about everything the past two days.
"Hey Robyn. How was patrol?" Heatwave asked her. She stared ahead at the wall in front of her, not believing he had the audacity to act like nothing had transpired before she left.
"Hey Blades. How was that emergency?" she greeted the helicopter bot who off to the side.
"Oh it was great! I saved the others by reaching deep down into bravery I didn't know I even had! It was rough, it was dangerous but someone had to do it!" he recalled, obviously over-exaggerating everything, but she didn't care. She didn't want to bring him down after his morning. It was good that he was finally feeling good about his new scoop claw, so who was she to make him feel bad about it?
"Like she's really gonna believe-" Heatwave started grumbling to the others.
"That's great Blades!" she cut him off. "It's fantastic. You'll have to tell me about it later, yeah? I need to start making dinner for the family. I was gonna watch a Disney film later on. You wanna watch it with me?"
"Is it a comedy?"
"Well it depends on which one we pick but the modern ones are quite funny."
"Oh yay! Another movie night!" Robyn checked where the other bots were to see if they were within ear-shot.
"You hanging in there with the others earlier? What they were saying was pretty mean." she asked him.
"Boulder thanked me for saving them so I think we're okay." Blades said.
"Hm." Robyn contemplated. Just because Blades was easy to forgive, didn't mean that she was. "Well I'll be back down later with 'Wreck-it-Ralph'."
It had been almost a week since the incident and Robyn had yet to spare much more than a glance at the bots, save for Blades. Her grudge had made it awkward around the firehouse and on the job when she did her rounds with Charlie and Chase.
Blades and Dani had been going up in the volume of rescues they'd been doing the past week and even though they'd taken part in some of her patrols, Robyn couldn't help but be happy for them since they had both been so down recently about not being able to help on rescues.
Kade and Graham were arguing with Dani in the kitchen while Robyn had been trying to text with Phillipa and it was getting hard for her to concentrate. She turned to Cody as the others only got more rowdy.
"You want to go down to the bunker? It should be quieter down there." she suggested.
"Yeah. I've been meaning to go see the bots." Cody said enthusiastically. They both went down the fireman pole to be met with a scary sight. If her phone hadn't been in her pocket to go down the pole then she definitely would've dropped it in shock at what met her eyes. Robyn could hardly believe what she was witnessing as the bots were holding up an electric drill to him. They were threatening him!
"Oh my God." she breathed shakily, her hands covering her mouth. How could this have been going on downstairs with none of us knowing about it? "Cody, go upstairs and wait for me there. I'll be up in a minute." she told Cody.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I'm about to snap at the bots and I'd rather not have to explain to Charlie why you've learnt some very unpleasant words." she told him. "I'll meet up with you in a few minutes okay?" He nodded and went up in the elevator. Once she was sure he wouldn't be able to hear him, she turned back to the bots who still had to realise that she was there.
"Hey!" she shouted. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" she got their attention.
"Robyn, please talk some sense into them." Blades was begging.
"Don't worry Blades, they'll have to go through me to get a shot at you." she promised, standing in front of him. "Has someone driven a rail road spike through your head or are you all really this small minded?"
"This doesn't concern you, Robyn." Heatwave brushed her off.
"No, it does concern me. Especially when you are assaulting someone. What happened to 'serve, save and protect' huh?" she bounced back.
"We just thought that it would be better if the claw wasn't used quite so often." Boulder tried to explain.
"Oh, so when you all could laugh at him, it was fine that he had it?"
"Yeah. Now that I'm the one saving the day, you don't think it's all a big joke." Blades chipped in.
"Actually you did not save the day, you assisted the day when the day had not requested assistance." Chase 'corrected' him.
"Yeah well, it's better to have him watching your six instead of being stuck in a jam with no one to help you. You ought to be a little more grateful. If Blades likes the scoop claw than that's where it's staying. If you're not okay with that then you can complete your mission somewhere else." Robyn growled.
"Couldn't have put it better myself Robyn." Dani's voice appeared. They all turned to see Dani sliding down the fireman's pole. "Come on Blades, we are going back out on patrol where we are appreciated." she said, leading Blades out onto the roof to go on patrol. Robyn quickly turned back to the remaining bots.
"You better get your acts together, or get out. Because I will not stand having bullies, be they 5ft or 50ft, living under the same roof as me and Cody." she continued.
"Robyn, I doubt there's a need to be making threats like that." Heatwave retorted.
"Well then apologise to him, and mean it." she turned to go upstairs before looking back."And that wasn't a threat. It was a promise." she went upstairs to talk with Cody.
~~~~ 2 Minutes Later~~~~~
"What happened with Blades?" Cody asked her as soon as she entered her room. Cody was sitting on her bed, fidgeting with the trim on one of her display pillows.
"Shoes off the bed." she scolded him and he hastily slid his legs off the bed. "Nothing happened with Blades that you should be worried about. The guys upset him a bit because they don't like that he's participating in 'their' rescues and Dani went out on patrol with him." she explained. "You know not to act like the bots are, don't you?" she asked, sitting on the bed next to him, crossing her legs after slipping her trainers off.
"I know. But there's something I don't really understand." Cody stated.
"And what is that?" she asked.
"When Blades forgave them for making fun of him the first time, you were still mad at them. Why were you so mad when Blades was okay with it? You've been mad at all three of them ever since." he observed. She sighed then chuckled under her breath at one of the random thoughts in her head.
"Normally, when you would ask me stuff like this I'd say 'I'll tell you when you're older'." she started solemnly
"I remember. I'd always show up a few seconds later telling you I was older." Cody laughed.
"Yeah." she smiled. "Well I suppose you're old enough for this. You sure act like you're old enough. Older than some of your siblings."
"Kade." she confirmed. "Well, shortly after my parents died-" she started.
"Are you gonna finally tell me how your parents died?" he asked anxiously.
"Heavens no! Not for another few years at least." she burst his bubble. "But I'd just been put in Charlie's care. You were about only just born or about to be born so you wouldn't remember it. And after a week or two of trying to settle in and grieve, I finally started going back to school. I was around 10 at the time. Maybe 9, and I expected my peers and teachers to be supportive while I was still in mourning. But on the yard, my classmates and some of the older ones would make crude, crude remarks about their death. They'd blame me for their death, which was true, but it still hurt to hear it. They'd tease me for every hint of sadness or grieve I had about it. They acted just like the bots did." she explained sadly.
"And you've been associating what the bots were doing to Blades to what happened with you." Cody finally made the link.
"What happened to the people who teased you?" he asked.
"Most of them left the island over time. A few are still here though. Charlie made me go see a psychiatrist after my parents… moved on, for a few years. And sometimes when I see one of the bullies and they say something that triggers me, I sometimes need to go back for some sessions, just to get it out of my system." she told him, feeling a great weight being lifted off her shoulder at him finally knowing some of the story.
"I get why you're mad at them, but Robyn, it sounds like you're bringing the past into the present too much. I mean, it's okay to be mad at what we saw the bots trying to do, I am too. But I don't think they're going as far as your bullies did. They're completely different people. They aren't even from the same planet!" Cody reasoned.
"I know you're right. It's just a little difficult to let it go. I will apologise to them for my behaviour as soon as they've apologised to Blades for their behaviour. Even though they acted badly, two wrongs don't make a right." Robyn confessed.
"Robyn, Cody, come in." Charlie called over the comm unit, sounding very serious. "Dani's been caught in a storm and is on Ridgeline Cliff." he said. They both looked outside to see lightning strike up on the mountains.
"We'll guide you from the command centre." Robyn said. "Come on Cody." They both rushed to the command centre and worked the camera around town to get a good view of where Dani was.
"Oh no." Cody gasped.
"Charlie, there's a wildfire where Dani and Blades are. You have to hurry." Robyn warned them, looking at the footage of the start of a wildfire.
"Alright. Kade, Heatwave, you two go ahead and start clearing a path to them." Charlie instructed.
"Uh, Dad, there are blocks and construction all through the forest. We'll never get a clear path to Dani. It'll take maybe an hour to create a path, without having to battle flames.
"Kade, Robyn can guide you through the forest from here while I try and keep in touch with Dani." Cody told him.
"You heard him Kade. Take a left and keep straight ahead. Do NOT go right, there's still boulders from the last rockslide." she told him. "Alright. You'll see a fork in the road. Go right until you reach the clearing. You'll have to go in bipedal mode from there on."
"The heck's a bipedal?" Kade shot back.
"She was talking to me, genius." Heatwave appeared on the screen in the command centre. "Where to now, Robyn?"
"Start heading up the grassy bank just ahead of you to the left. Yeah, that's the one." she guided him over the comm. "Now just keep going up. You'll hit Blades in about a minu- gah! Flames at 8 o'clock!" she warned him. He quickly turned around to stop the falling burning tree from hitting him, Chase and Boulder.
"Thanks." he thanked her. Somehow, she knew that was his way of apologising without actually saying the words. It was probably as good as she was going to get with him.
"I got your six." she stated, knowing he'd know she understood. "They're just up ahead in alt mode. Dani's inside."
"Guys, Blades is damaged and can't transform." Cody informed them.
"Good thing he doesn't need to transform." Heatwave smirked. The next thing they knew, Robyn and Cody were watching the bots literally carry Blades back in bipedal mode.
"Wow, they're really strong." Cody commented.
"He is." she agreed before freezing.
"He?" Cody asked in surprise.
"Uh, we turned the microphone off right?" she panicked, trying to compose herself.
It was off. Phew!
"Dani, how did you feel, being a rescuer in need of rescue?" Huxley asked Dani in an interview outside the firehouse.
"I feel lucky. To be part of such a great family of heroes. And that includes my little brother Cody. Of course, we couldn't do what we do without our amazing rescue bots as well as Robyn, who even without a rescue bot, is still able to get the job done just as well as any of us." she answered.
"See that Heatwave? We're officially appreciated." Boulder nudged Heatwave who were above Cody and Robyn in the bunker as they watched the interview on the TV.
"She could've mentioned us by name." Heatwave stated.
"Remember the ants Heatwave. Remember the colony." Robyn chanted her new mantra for him.
"Blades, how are you doing?" Chase asked Blades who entered the room from the Sigma.
"Much better thank you. Spend an hour in the stasis pod and I'm ready for action." Blades told them.
"Yeah, you look good as new!" Robyn exclaimed in shock. "Hold up, if you were in there for an hour, then where've you been?"
"Oh Dani and I were retrieving the scoop claw from the cliff." he replied, making Heatwave sigh in defeat.
"You're still going to use that thing?" Boulder asked in disbelief.
"Only when it's necessary which hopefully won't be too often. That claw was so uncomfortable." he said.
"And you know what? Your waistline looks better too." Heatwave joked, making Robyn try to hide her snicker. Cody decided to go outside while she stayed with the bots.
"Why aren't you going outside Robyn?" Boulder asked her.
"Well, they're playing Burnsball and I don't really like the game so I'll just stay with you guys… if you're okay with me after behaving the way I did." she winced at the memory.
"It's fine. We were all saying and doing things we shouldn't have." Boulder forgave her.
"Your anger was logical and you were protecting your colleague. I can respect that." Chase said.
"Do what you want. We're cool." Heatwave finally said.
"Thanks guys."
~~~~Later that night~~~~
"Charlie, you have a minute?" Robyn asked from the stairs, careful not to wake up the rest of the firehouse. She was in her pyjamas, consisting of black, white and purple checked flannel bottoms and dark purple tye dye shirt. Neon green fluffy socks kept her feet warm on the white tiles of the floor. Her hair was down, not being bothered to put it up overnight in any way.
Charlie was sat in the kitchen, still looking over the day's paper since he hadn't had much time to look at it all day.
"Yeah Robyn. Are you alright?" he asked as she pulled up a chair.
"Depends on what you define as 'alright'." she muttered.
"Cody told me you told him some of the story. I think you were smart to tell him, even if it wasn't the whole tale." Charlie praised her as she focussed on the grooves the tree left in the table wood.
"I'm relieved you're not mad at me for telling him when he's still so young, and when even the others don't know the full extent." she confessed. "It was kinda scary seeing you all out in that wildfire today, even though it was just on a screen." she added. She took a deep breath before continuing. "I feel like I need to go back to therapy." Charlie looked at her for a few seconds, but felt like minutes.
"I'm glad you were able to recognise this. It means you're getting stronger with knowing your limits. Cody told me what's been going on with you and the bots too."
"He had no right." she raised her voice slightly but flushed pink when she remembered people were still sleeping.
"But I had the right to know if you were struggling with coping or if there was anything less than a good relationship between all of my team." Charlie corrected her.
"Still." she argued weakly, having no response to his point. "But yeah, I think the bots sent me too far down memory lane and I just need to get it out of my system again before I turn into a blob of hysteria." she sighed.
"I'll call Dr McSwains in the morning and get you an appointment with Dr Travers."
"Thanks Charlie. I'm gonna head to bed now. Night." she hugged him before tiptoeing back up the stairs, careful not to wake the others. Little did they know that a hot-tempered rescue bot was listening from the fireman pole.
Okay, hope you enjoyed this. I actually had a lot more fun with this one since Robyn wasn't around for a lot of the action packed segments.