Fun Fact: I own nothing
If you've read what happened during last night, you'd know that I recently fought a jaguar-man beast in front of the school. And you would also know that I also obtained the power of a certain golden, masked hero from an alternate world, unbeknownst to others but me. The question is how? How exactly did I maintain the warrior's abilities of combat? Was it a fluke? Or something else? All I know is that whatever comes next, I'm gonna need luck on my side, for sure. But, pushing that aside, the Sun had finally risen to shine light upon those who are mortal. I was no exception when its light reached my face. I squinted my eyes to make it go away, but I knew that wasn't gonna happen. I groaned in exhaustion as my head was slowly lifting up from the provided pillow.
"Alright already." I grumbled towards the giant star. "Just give me a second..." I was trying to get up when I suddenly felt something that was wrapped around my body. I forgot that I was in a ballroom and thought that this was my elder sister, hugging me after sleep walking again. But, I forced my eyes open to see Ruby, who brought her arm around my body. At first, I was panicking a little from the scene before attempting to break out of the embrace.
But, my worries raised a few levels more when Ruby was waking up as well. It was too late for me to run because her eyes were flickering.
She groaned and yawned as well. "Good morn-" When she felt her hand was grabbing my back, she shot her eyeballs open to see her arm wrapped around me. An awkward silence filled the room as we both stared at each other with blank faces. She felt like this was a huge problem, so she did the only thing reasonable: scream. "AA-" However, it was a close call when I trapped her mouth with my hand. Next, I did a shushing sign with my finger and received a nod from the redhead.
"Good." I whispered before reeling back my hand. Ruby's cheeks began to blush bright red which also led me to blush subsequently. Curse my vulnerability!
"Were - were we...?" She nervously asked, still with the red cheeks. I sighed, knowing I had nothing to hide from her.
"Yeah,...I think we were..." I was trying to remain calm about the situation, but the tensity from it was weighing down on me like a meteor destroying an entire forest. Wait, was that the right expression? I didn't want any of this to happen, but hell, I'm no clairvoyant. "Um, Ruby...?" She realized about her arm, which she pulled back and blushed even harder than before. The embarrassment was too much for us and I could tell that she wanted to run and hide, so with effort, I tried my theory. "R-Ruby..."
I reached a calming hand to her, but before I knew it, she disappeared in a flash, leaving behind a trail of roses. Wow, she is just full of surprises, now isn't she? My eyes followed the trail that led straight to the exit. I wanted Ruby to calm down, but recovering from a situation like this is gonna take some time. I sighed one more time. 'Great, just great! The ONE person you've made friends with is now embarrassed because of one stupid hug! But, on the plus side, non of this is my fault!' My mood saddened a bit, but then, I realized something before standing up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. I would smell like horse dung if I didn't shower!
As I fully exited the gigantic room, an orange-haired girl was waking up another boy in green. She then started chanting "It's morning!" over and over again. And I was hoping for the rest of this day to blow over with my sanity intact, but that didn't seem to be the case. While I was brushing my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror, I spotted the said girl and began to wonder how she wasn't kicked out of the male's bathroom yet. Strange.
After tying up my sleeping bag and eating my breakfast, the students were present in the locker room to equip their gear for the initiation. I was also getting interested in this "Nora" person who looked hyperactive and cheery. How can that Ren guy be so casual around her behavior? Ah, forget it. Anyway, I was currently with Ruby and Yang, after Ruby came back from recovering from earlier. I swear to God, I could still feel her arm around me, but now wasn't the time for that.
"Come on, Nora. Let's go." Ren said to the girl.
"But, not 'together' together." She said before giggling and followed him to wherever they went. This didn't go unnoticed when me and the girls turned our heads for a moment.
"I wonder what those two were so worked up about?" Ruby asked to herself.
"Oh, who knows!" Yang replied anyway, while I simply sat on the bench, too preoccupied with my thoughts. "So, you seem awfully chipper this morning! Especially after hiding in the girl's bathroom for nearly 15 minutes!" Dammit, Yang! Ruby's mad blush was about to show, but she impressively managed to hold it back and continued on with her happy mood.
"Yep, no more awkward small talk or 'getting to know you' stuff." She then pulled out Crescent Rose out of her locker, "Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." and snuggled it like a baby. I guess that's understandable.
"Well, remember, Ruby. You're not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up you're going to have to meet new people and learn to work together." She had a point. When you fight solo, you may win at some times, but when it turns too difficult, you'll need extra numbers to trust. After all, how do you think the word "secondary" was invented? Ruby only grunted at her "pointless" speech.
"You sound like dad! Okay, first of all," She put away her hybrid weapon back into her locker before closing it up. "what does meeting people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up! I. Drink. Milk." She stated while crossing her arms. Yang eyed me for support, but I was a bit distracted at the moment.
"But, what about when we form teams?" She asked, hoping for her sister to be reasoned.
"Uh, I don't know. I'll just be on your team or something..."
"Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?" She said and braided her hair nervously. Her baby sister wasn't convinced yet and she was running out of lessons and excuses.
"My dearest sister, Yang," Ruby then pointed her finger at Yang's chest. "are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?" She asked with a stern voice this time.
"W-What? No!" She protested while raising her hands in defense. "Of course I do! I just thought...I don't know, maybe it would help you break out of your shell!" Ruby felt massively insulted by the term.
"What the!? I don't need to break out of my shell! That's absolutely-!" Before she could finish, Jaune was walking past us as he looked at a note, presumably for his locker.
"Ridiculous! There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would've remembered to count that high! Ugh, why does this have to happen today!?" He whined about the misdirection, bringing me back into reality. And "remembered to count that high"? Did he skip 2nd grade or something?
Suddenly, my enhanced hearing allowed me to listen to two voices close by. I followed its tracking and saw none other than the white Cinderella wannabe. I sighed in my conscious. 'It's her again. Maybe I overreacted a little too much yesterday. She seems kinda nice...or, at least, I hope so.' I'm not gonna lie, I sincerely felt guilty for yelling at her on the first day. Maybe we can start over again? Who knows? However, I saw another female who was talking to the princess- I mean, Weiss Schnee over by their respective lockers. The girl had literal red hair with a ponytail, wore an attire similar to that of Greco-Roman, a short skirt that was wrapped around by a red drape, leggings that seemed to be made of some kind of metal, and also brown boots.
"So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to who's team you would like to be on?" Weiss asked the Roman girl who will now be dubbed Pyrrha. "I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well known individual such as yourself." Pyrrha thought for a while before replying.
"Hm, I'm not quite sure." She replied with a voice, sounding more of an adult than the other girls I've encountered. "I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may."
"Well, I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together."
"Well, that sounds grand!" She positively agreed.
"Great!" She may have sounded normal, but wait until you hear what she thought as she turned around: 'This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class! Together, we will be unstoppable! I can see it now; we'll be popular, we'll be celebrities, we'll get perfect grades! Nothing could come between us now!' While she was thinking to herself so devilishly, I noticed the thundercloud-made wall behind her to hide herself from exposure. I immediately sweatdropped at this, even if I wasn't actually animated into an anime character. And all of the sudden, Jaune came barging in behind the princess.
"You know what else is great? Me, Jaune Arc! Nice to meet you." He greeted her while looking confident, if not, almost TOO confident.
"You again?" Weiss's arms crossed with an irritated look. Meanwhile, Pyrrha found no bother with him.
"Nice to meet you, Jaune!" Pyrra greeted him casually and resulted in getting pushed back a little by the blonde, paying more attention to the heiress. Let's hope he doesn't turn seductive after this.
"Yeah, yeah. So, Weiss, couldn't help but overhear your fondness of me the other day." He flexed his arm to show off.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" The Schnee placed her hand against her forehead in massive disbelief. I had to join her side because I predicted what would occur in the next 2 minutes or so. I, instead, basically shook my head.
"Don't worry! No need to be embarrassed! So, been hearin' rumors about teams! I was thinking you and I would make a good one! What do you say?" He offered with a tad more confidence. That was before Pyrrha informed them about...
"Actually, I think the teams are comprised of 4 students each, so-" She got interrupted by the blonde.
"You don't say." Jaune then slid over to Pyrrha. "Well, hot stuff, play your cards right and maybe you could join up with the winning team." I was getting too tired of Jaune antics, but at the same time, it was really kind of funny. Luckily, Weiss zoomed right in between the two.
"Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" She asked him.
"Not in the slightest, Snow Angel." He replied. Also, got another name to call the Schnee by along with others I'd rather not mention.
"This is Pyrrha." She began explaining of the literally red-headed girl.
"Hello again!" Pyrrha greeted once more.
"Pyrrha graduated top of her class at Sanctum."
"Never heard of it."
"Ah, she's won the Mistral Regional Tournament 4 times in a row! A new record!"
"The what?"
"...She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!" She finally snapped while waving her arms cartoonishly from irritation.
I could hear an audible gasp from the blonde. "That's you!? They only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!" He exclaimed, realizing...what he just said when an image of the cover appeared behind the Greco-Roman. Then again, I think I saw a few boxes of that stuff back at Ruby's house 2 days ago. Oh, no wonder she looked familiar! Duh!
"Yeah, it was pretty cool. Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you." She confessed without Jaune giving a single flying feather about the lack of health benefits.
"Yeah, so after hearing all of this, do you really think you're in a position to ask her to be on your team?" Weiss asked clearly. Jaune thought for a moment before figuring out the truth. He now realized that Weiss was (presumably) correct. So, he admitted defeat and sighed.
"I guess not...Sorry." What he didn't expect was for the redhead to place a hand on his shoulder.
"Actually, Jaune, I think you'd make a great leader." She encouraged him. I was glad she came around for the blonde, although something told me Weiss wasn't.
"D'oh, stop it!" He giddily responded.
"Seriously, please stop it. This kind of behavior should not be encouraged!" Weiss objected which only raised Jaune's self-esteem...
"Looks like Pyrrha's on board for Team Jaune. Spots are filling up quick. Now, I'm not supposed to do this, but maybe I could pull a few strings! Find a place for you? What do you say?"
"Alright, that's a bit too close! Pyrrha, a little help, please?!"
...Until THAT happened.
"I'm sorry!" What happened was that Jaune was getting a little too close for Weiss's comfort, so she quietly asked Pyrrha to do anything involved in making Jaune go away. So, the only choice was to throw her spear at Jaune who later got his hood stuck between a wall and the spear. I stifled a laugh just in time to hear the announcement by Goodwitch through the wall speaker.
"Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students to Beacon Cliff immediately."
Once she did, the students then headed out to the specified location as Pyrrha pulled out her spear and said, "It was nice meeting you!" before leaving. Jaune sighed in depression, nearly flopping to the ground.
"Likewise." He stated. Before me and girls walked out, Ruby offered her hand that he accepted nonetheless.
"Havin' some trouble there, lady killer?" Yang joked with him.
"I don't understand. My dad said all women look for is confidence. Where did I go wrong?" Yeesh, he has more bad luck at flirting with girls than my dad when he was in middle school. Instead of grabbing her hand, Ruby picked up Jaune who was still depressed.
"'Snow Angel' probably wasn't the best start." I recommended when Ruby was helping Jaune to the exit and so on.
"C'mon, Jaune. Let's go." She said while supporting his side. I could hear Yang sighing of shame for Jaune, not being very good at attracting girls.
"Why do boys always have to be so bad at flirting?"
"I know, right?" I tried to join in, but then realized what I was doing. Yang made a face, suspecting that I had the same feature. I finally sighed. "Never mind." I only received her, rolling her eyes.
We were now standing at the edge of a tall cliff with me standing beside Ruby and Jaune. The two known instructors, Ozpin and Glynda, were standing in front of the row of first-year students with the woman holding her tablet again and Oz with his coffee mug. I wanted to ask why we were standing on the platforms, but these past couple of moments have been extremely odd, so I kept them for later. Ozpin was currently ranting on about stuff.
"For years, you have trained to become warriors." He informed. "And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Noticing our recent looks, Goodwitch explained to us about these "rumors" that even caught my interest.
"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion." And that is? "Each of you will be given"
"What?" Ruby asked quietly in fear before making scared noises. Honestly, I can't say I see the problem with that.
"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So, it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well." Ozpin went on with the explanation. Ruby only made another scared noise. I still can't see it, though. "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next 4 years."
I...somehow heard glass, shattering before Ruby yelled, "WHAT?!".
And I still can't see the problem.
I overheard the Nora girl saying something before bringing back my attention to the two instructors. "After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path or you will die." While he was speaking, Jaune nervously laughed before gulping. I, myself, was also nervous about the dying part, but knew that there will be someone to watch my back after this...I hope. "You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. But, our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item as well as your standing and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"
"Yeah, um, sir-" Jaune raised his arm and wanted to question until the professor ignored him and started the initiation anyway.
"Good, now take your positions!" Right as he stated, everyone was getting into a stance with me, picking a familiar vampire king's pose by turning my entire structure sideways, then swing my arms just once to aim front and back. Once I've done that, Jaune raised his hand again quickly.
"Uh, sir? I've got, um, a question..." All of the sudden, I saw Weiss Schnee got launched by her platform and soar into the sky like a white swan. I really knew what their function was the moment I stood on mine. "So, this 'landing strategy' thing, uh, w-what is it? You're, like, dropping us off or something?" Fortunately, the professor actually replied this time.
"No, you will be falling." He replied with an emotionless tone. I don't know how this guy doesn't fear if any of these kids get killed. Or, at least, by what it seems.
"Oh, I see." As they were talking, more and more students began to fly in the air, the adrenaline kicking in me every second. "So, like, did you hand out parachutes for us?" The next airborne person was Nora, who already had an excited grin on her face.
"Woohoo!" Her platform eventually launched her with the others. Let's hope all of them can make it out of that alive.
"No, you will be using your own landing strategy."
"Uh, huh. Yeah..." Yang winked at Ruby and I and put on a pair of shades before she was launched too.
"Woohoo!" Ruby and I smiled at each other before she was the first to get catapulted, then mine went off and I joined her.
"So, what exactly is a landing strategYYYYYYYY!"
Heh heh, okay I gotta admit. That was hilarious.
(Meanwhile, in third person)
"Are you sure that it's a good idea for him to find IT?" Glynda asked the headmaster. He had been planning for someone to find the item and fortunately, he came across the right student.
He slurped his coffee before replying, "Glynda, you'll have to learn that even if he doesn't look the part, he still has potential. And I trust him for that." He only kept staring at the distance.
"But, what if he doesn't?" She continued to throw questions.
"Well, we'll just have to be patient enough and see."
(Back to main POV)
The wind was blowing through my hair as I was soaring through the sky like a bird. Which is completely ironic because I just saw Ruby incidentally killing a bird and screamed "Birdie, no!". Honestly, who cares? This is totally freaking awesome! I saw some other students had already landed thanks to my enhanced vision, but then realized that I also had to land somehow. Yep, I am really starting to regret going to this school AND watching that video.
'Alright, Kendall. You can do this. You can do this, you can do this, you can do this...' I kept chanting in my head for 10 seconds before I saw I was flying to a clear opening, perfect to land on. I controlled my legs to aim at the ground, just in time for my soles to make contact with the soil. I expected a decent landing which was exactly what I got, although I didn't intend for the small crater to form around me. Like all superhero landings, I stuck my fist into the earth with my head bowed and as I dramatically raised my head, I said...
"Nailed it." After exiting my stance and dusting myself off, I quickly checked my surroundings. Although it may have seemed like any other ordinary forest, I was still being self-defensive after what happened in the past two days. And I still had little to no clue why I didn't feel anything from punching the ground so hard. Actually, I do have one clue, but that'll just be unbelievable, even for me. "Okay, so what do I do first?" I asked to myself and rubbed my hands together. Suddenly, I sensed a tingling sensation in my brain that told me to go right. I didn't know how that was even possible, but after receiving lightning feet and a cool symbol, I chose not to question until later. "Alright, whatever you say, brain." I chuckled at my own teasing before walking to the located destination, wherever that is.
(Meanwhile, in third person)
In a spot in the forest nearby, Ruby had also performed a short superhero landing with a thud before running straight to find her elder sister. She had planned to find Yang and be teammates with her since she acts like her guardian, despite her ability to handle herself in life.
'Gotta find Yang.' She thought to herself as she was zooming across the area. 'Gotta find Yang~, gotta find Yang~, gotta fiiind~...' "YAAANG! YAAANG!" She also tried crying out her name, but with no success. If she couldn't find Yang so that they could be teammates, then who else was available? 'Ugh, this is bad! This is really bad! What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first?' Then, she decided to pick someone else she remembered to be her teammate. Sure, it won't be anyone in her family, but they could be trusted. The first person she recalled was Vomit Boy. 'There's always Jaune.' She envisioned images of the first time they met, 'He's nice. He's funny!' then imagined them laughing. But,...'I don't think he's very good in a fight, though' ...she imagined him fighting black wolves...and losing.
'Oh, what about Blake!?' The next character she thought of was the black girl. 'So mysterious, so calm. Plus, she likes books! Well, then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her.' She envisioned Blake, taking a few steps away from a VERY talkative Ruby. After this, Ruby shook her head in frustration, not knowing who to pick. 'Okay, who else do I know in this school? There's Yang, Jaune, Blake, and...oh, that's right! Kendall!' How could she not remember him? Ah, who knows. 'Okay, let's see.' She then went on with his features. 'Despite only knowing him for probably a day or two, he seems kinda nice. And he's got lightning feet! If he even knows how to activate them, that is. But, he did technically "help" me in making friends with Blake and he does know how to fight! Plus, he's sorta cute...heh heh...' Her eyes widened because of that last sentence and shook her head to get rid of the images. 'Ugh, why would I think that?! Okay, I'll just find Kendall and-' She saw something up ahead and skidded quickly to a stop. It turned out to be Weiss Schnee once again, flinching a bit after Ruby unintentionally approached her.
They stared at each other with Weiss having a blank face and Ruby with a growing smile before the princess turned and left Ruby to herself. "Wait, where are you going!?" Ruby asked desperately with no answer. "We're supposed to be teammates..." She then lightly kicked the ground from depression. She abruptly saw Weiss coming back with a serious look.
"By no means does this make us friends." She stated sincerely while pulling Ruby by the cape.
"You came back!" The red head didn't care if they weren't friends. All that mattered was she had finally gained a teammate, which led to her fist pumping the air above. After they were gone, you could hear a distant voice exclaiming...
"Wait, who's gonna get me down from here!?"
(Back to main POV)
After what felt like a millennium, the tingling in my brain got even stronger and was really starting to distract my focus on the path. This thing hurts like a thousand hornets stringing my brain! Anyway, as I was walking, I heard a low but audible growl when I looked over to see some sort of black canine: it had sharp bones protruding out of its arms and back and the face looked like it was a mask. It revealed itself as it let out a menacing roar, clearly showing its hostility. I froze when looking at the animal, its sharp-tipped teeth looking like they could rip flesh clean off. I slowly backed away, trying to escape, but the wild canine had no interest in letting me do so before roaring again and charged.
'Oh, boy...' I thought out of self-worry and evaded fast enough for it to miss a claw swipe. This time, I got into a combat-ready stance and let the wolf lunge at me, only to be hit in the chest and sent back flying. The latter crashed into a tree, unconscious while my fist was smoking like in anime. I wanted to smirk, but reminded myself of my primary goal and walked past the knocked out wolf, totally unaware of the various pairs of red eyes following me. I had only walked a few feet away before I gained heavy suspicion and looked over to see a fairly minimum-sized pack of those black canines, seemingly pissed off. I don't even have to write for you to know the reason why. They were all growling at me furiously before one dashed very swiftly and brought out a claw swipe. Luckily, I already saw it coming and casually ducked before leaping to its eye level and threw a haymaker to the face which only made it stumble a little. It held its face in pain before another wolf attempted to bite my head off, but resulted in me holding its jaws open. I quickly planned ahead and twirled my body 3 times before tossing the canine to its pack, making a number of them fall back.
"Huh, I can get used to this..." Sure, I wasn't the strongest out of all fighters, but I was taking care of these guys all dandy. One of the fallen had been ticked off more when it roared loudly again. But, I decided to charge forward and punched the side of its face, followed by a flying knee kick to its chin and a swift axe kick later. I wasn't done, though and performed a butterfly kick which, in a ridiculously amazing aftermath, knocked the canine into another tree, breaking its back. However, I wasn't expecting for the beast to evaporate into black dust that, I had to admit, was a tad disturbing but moved on to the remaining numbers. The next thing I knew was all of them going in for the kill together, but little did they dumb they were. The one in front tried to swipe its claws at me, but I dodged perfectly and gave three deadly kicks to its stomach, torso, and face, and landed after back flipping. Next, I pressed my feet before launching myself and struck my fist to the beast's chest, further colliding with the wolf behind it and leaped in midair again. I did a front flip before the fist that had the two wolves dove back down to earth to hit a third wolf and freed my fist from its chest.
More came and I got myself ready once more. I slid through one's legs, confusing the wolf before jumping and thrust my sole towards one of the bones on its back which made it slide forward while I flipped and struck a fist down onto another wolf's neck from the air. I recalled that the neck area was one of the most vulnerable body parts to attack, so after my fist had connected to the neck, I threw a barrage of punches at the same area to ensure its death. Okay, that sounded a little bit dark. Anyhow, with one finishing blow, another one saw me distracted and saw an opportunity to lunge forward, but got punched rapidly and uppercut instead, and fell down, later evaporating slowly. The two last canines looked at their fallen brethren with (possibly) worried eyes. If they get killed at this moment, no wolf would be left to stand in the pack. To my surprise, they rejected the idea of retreating and subsequently charged head on. I knew I had to end this fight to get to the temple, so I wasted no time sprinting my way forward and charged my two fists before I punched the two monster's chest while also evading their claw strikes. A small-sized shockwave blew away things nearby as we all stood silently before the two wolves fell on their backs and slowly began to evaporate as well. I flicked my wrists while I had a moment of peace to reduce the pain from the impact. Even if the semi-finisher worked remarkably, the impact had me rubbing my hands from minor pain.
"God, I really wished these finishers would hurt less during impact..." I muttered before I stopped rubbing my hands and looked to where the wolves were before dissipating. "But, on the plus side, at least, I won't have to worry about other animals eating their decaying corpses and getting sick." Sorry, but I really needed a good joke there. I looked back at the path when my brain started tingling again before heading down said direction. But, I had a feeling that when I reach that temple, I'll find something BIGGER than the relics.
(After a while, in third person)
Back to Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch, the two stared at each of their tablets which showed surveillance of every student in the forest, especially the "gifted" boy. They all have been doing incredibly well at surviving the initiation, but for some yet-to-be-explained reason, Ozpin was mostly paying his attention to Kendall and a familiar red head, as if he became glued to the two. And also, Ozpin's mug was missing somewhere. (Dun, dun, dun!) Goodwitch then came beside the headmaster and reported some recent news on the students' progression.
"Our last pair has been formed, sir." She informed him of the green guy and the pink girl. "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren." She then brought up a video of Ren dusting himself off after defeating a giant two-headed snake called a King Taijitu. Although, she had a worried face and felt pity for the boy being partnered up with a hyperactive, fun-loving girl like Nora. "Poor boy. I can't possibly imagine those two getting along." Next, she showed a video of Pyrrha Nikos, alongside Jaune Arc, walking through parts of the forest in obvious search for the ruins. "Still, he's probably better off than Ms. Nikos." Oz suddenly gained some interest on what she said.
"Hmm...?" He unknowingly hummed in question.
"I don't care what his transcripts say. That 'Jaune' fellow is not ready for this level of combat." Even if his transcripts say that he had some good grades, his physical attributes don't seem to match. Glynda shut off her tablet before continuing. "I guess we'll find out soon enough. In their current pace," She turned and walked away. "they should reach the temple within just a few minutes. Speaking of which," Then, she looked over when she questioned about the relics. "what did you use as relics this year?" She gained no reply, only a quiet Ozpin. "...Professor Ozpin?" Rather than responding, he "Hmm-ed" in curiosity the second time as he watched the pairing of Weiss and Ruby, not having any knowledge on where to go. But as he did, however, he then paid attention to a camera showing a video surveillance of Kendall, reaching the temple in a hurried pace. He just hoped that the boy could find the "special item" he had in store for him.
'I do hope that he finds 'it' so I won't have to keep it in that crumby old wall safe anymore.'
Author's Note:
Alright, finally done with the next chapter! I hope you all like it. Anyway, let me know what you all think of this chapter! And I will see you all later. Peace!