Thank you for the reviews on the earlier chapter! Though I felt that it could have been a lot better but I was too lazy to change it :3 So I made this one longer than the previous ones and made sure that it's better than any other chapter..hopefully XD
Anyway here's chapter 11! Hope you enjoy it!
Once the warlock closed the door behind him, he leaned on it and sank to the floor. He didn't lie when he told Alec that he was tired and wanted to rest, that was the truth, not all of it though. He feared that if he was too close to the shadowhunter he wouldn't be able to resist the urge to kiss him all over telling him that he's safe now and everything is alright, he wouldn't be able to resist telling him that he forgave him if he dared to look at those blue eyes of his. If Magnus spent another second in the room with the teen he was sure that he would be the one begging the other to forgive the foolish and inconsiderate mistake of breaking up with him.
Still on the floor Magnus bent his knees and hugged his legs bringing them closer to his body and closed his eyes, he could hear the footsteps of the shadowhunter outside the door. He kept hoping that the teen would just walk out of his loft and leave him alone but after half an hour he gave up and slowly got up from the floor his sore legs hurting from the lack of movement.
So the warlock went to his makeup vanity, losing the glamour over his eyes he began removing the makeup from his face and the glitter and gel from his hair. Sighting he removed all of the accessories he was wearing and changed his clothes to a simple satin navy pajamas and climbed on his bed, hiding his self under the covers he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.
Meanwhile Alec was still roaming around the living room waiting for the warlock to get out so he could finally face and confront him, and maybe apologize properly in hopes of the other taking him back and giving him one more chance. All this time he kept close to the bedroom's door and when he heard the bed creaking he figured Magnus finally went to sleep so he went and sat on the couch stroking the chairman who was already fast asleep there.
An hour later Magnus was still awake laying on his bed changing positions every 5 minutes or so in order to get comfortable and get some well earned sleep. He glanced at the watch near his bed and groaned in frustration when he saw it was still 7 and a half in the morning. Giving up he opened the door in the intentions of going to the kitchen and cook himself some breakfast, but instead his focus rested on the sleeping figure on his couch. Moving forward without making any sound he noticed that the shadowhunter was still shirtless, and he couldn't help but gulp at the sight of his exposed chest and muscles, the warlock couldn't even contain the urge of tracing every rune with his eyes. He felt like it's been forever since he saw the shadowhunter resting so peacefully not a hint of worry on his features and a small smile appeared on his face. Dropping his eyes he decided it would be for the best if he walked away slowly not wanting for the teen to wake up and find him lusting over his body.
Remembering that the shadowhunter left a single t-shirt in the apartment he began looking for it all over the place, first he searched the living room, on and beneath the couches, but he couldn't find it, then the kitchen, the bathroom... and finally he went to his bedroom thinking that maybe he put it in his closet, but the shirt wasn't in the warlock's closet, instead he found it on the bed where Alec used to sleep.
Walking closer Magnus sat down on the bed, grabbing the shirt and held it in his hands a sad expression appearing on his face as he kept staring at it remembering the times he shared with his boyfriend...their first encounter, first date..first kiss.
At that time Magnus had no idea he would feel this way towards the young man, he never thought he would so desperately fall in love with him that fast and that hard, he figured he was just going to have a bit of fun for some while until the shadowhunter found out that he didn't really like Magnus enough to continue this relationship, and they would break up leaving Magnus heart broken for the millionth time in his long life and then move on like he became used to do. But that didn't happen, and instead Alec stayed with him and made him truly feel like it's okay being just who he is, he didn't want the warlock to change, and just with that, without even noticing Magnus let his guard down and let himself fall deeper and deeper in love with the shadowhunter with every passing day.
Magnus Bane had fallen in love numerous times before, but not like this, never like this. This time it felt so new and raw, as if it were the first time he fell in love and he knew he never wants to fall out of it, not ever. He had found the person he wants to spend all eternity with...but he couldn't. Alexander was merely a mortal and they knew it was going to be a problem from the very beginning of their relationship but they tried their best to ignore it convincing themselves that it was fine and it's going to be alright, and that is why everything is so messed up right now, why both of them are no longer together and miserable on their own.
Without noticing a single tear escaped the warlock's eye rolling down his cheek and falling down at the shirt he was clutching in his hands, sighting he quickly whipped it away...
Overwhelmed by his emotions and everything that happened lately Magnus felt tiredness envelop him, so he let himself lay on the bed and closed his still crying eyes finally drifting off to sleep.
"Magnus.." came a barely audible whisper, but the warlock didn't seem to notice it, he was already far off in his sleep.
Alec was standing at the bedroom door now watching the warlock as he slept unaware of his presence. The shadowhunter felt a huge pang of regret and guilt hit him hard on the chest as he realized he was the one to blame for the suffering of the man he loved.
-Time skip-
Magnus woke up startled and quickly sat up breathing heavily, putting a hand on his chest he noticed that his heart was beating abnormally fast as cold sweat covered him entirely. He just had another one of his nightmares and he wished nothing more then to forget the gruesome images his mind was replaying over and over again.
Ever since the breakup it was always the same nightmare every night, Alec and himself would be standing in a large empty grass field and the shadowhunter would look at him with apparent disgust uttering the same words "I'm glad we broke up, I never loved nor trusted you, how could I? You're just another warlock that deserve to be in the void with demons like yourself" and then he would just disappear leaving Magnus standing all alone. But this time in his dream Magnus didn't just stand there he kept running searching for the boy and the sky kept getting darker and darker until it was all black and the only thing Magnus could see was the dying figure of Alec on the ground whispering "Don't leave".
Getting off the bed Magnus walked to the bathroom to wash his face and perhaps get a nice hot shower. So he opened his bathroom door only to be greeted with the shadowhunter that occupied his mind.
Standing there in the middle of the bathroom was a nearly naked Alec who was just as shocked as the warlock. Magnus's eyes traveled from the black wet hair to the single droplet of water that was making its way down from the shadowhunter's neck rune to his well toned chest and then further down disappearing behind the white towel that was hanging loosely on Alec's waist.
"I-I was... just taking a quick shower.. since, you know" stammered the young shadowhunter with the slightest blush appearing on his cheeks "I-I hope that's okay?"
"Of course" assured Magnus after gaining back his composure "In fact I believe I have a clean shirt of yours here, I'll be right back"
Not a minute later Magnus returned to the bathroom with Alec's shirt in his hand, a clean pair of underwear and a pants of his "That's the baggiest and less flashy clothes I own" he said handing him the blue underwear and the wine red pants.
"Thank you"
With a nod Magnus walked out of the bathroom and settled on the nearest couch grabbing a red wine waiting for the shadowhunter to get out so he could finally have his shower.
Alec now was pacing around the living room waiting for Magnus to come out of the shower to finally do what he wanted to do sine before the kidnapping, face him.
Running around in circles he was muttering to himself possible things he could say that would definitely win the warlock over "Magnus I think you should give me another chance... no no that's not it, Mags I'm sorry I don't want you to leave me and I would never take your immortality away.." Alec sighted in frustration, everything he thought of and said were not enough and seemed so..insensitive maybe or self absorbed.
Alec's head shot up at hearing his name, so he turned around slowly and saw Magnus with a confused expression "Alec what are y-"
"Magnus I'm so sorry" Alec immediately interrupted the warlock, and without thinking twice he just continued speaking hoping that what came out of his mouth sounded at least rational "I should have never went to Camille and I should've trusted you more and trusted that you had your reasons for not speaking about your past, I honestly never meant to hurt you and the fact that I did kills me, Mags you have to believe that I would have never taken your immortality away, I mean how could I when it is a huge part of you? and I love you, all of you.. I know I was wrong to even consider it, but I was stupid and I know that...I'm the best, strongest and most worthy self when I'm with you. Mags I can't and don't want to imagine a life without you... just please.."
Magnus stood there dumbfounded for a second in front of Alec who just practically begged him, and when he opened his mouth to speak he was interrupted by the intercom doorbell.
Taking one more look at Alec Magnus went to answer it with obvious annoyances "Who dares annoy The High Warlock Of Brooklyn?"
"We have an appointment today at 4" came a female reply on the other end. Looking at his watch Magnus noticed that it was indeed already 4 in the afternoon, but obviously that woman had interrupted him so he just dismissed her saying if it's really important and the payment is generous she can come back later in a few days.
Turning around to face the shadowhunter with a coy smile Magnus asked "Wanna order some chinese food?"
"Sure" replied Alec with a smile of relief and continued "Does this mean..?" he didn't dare continue his question fearing that Magnus still had yet to forgive and accept him once again.
"It means although you hurt me greatly, I'm still in love with you and can't stand spending another second knowing that you're not mine Alexander" Magnus said in a small voice full of love and approached the other man "And I would like to have you as my boyfriend again"
And before they knew it their lips finally met after what seemed like forever in a passionate and long kiss.
And that's it!
The end maybe?
Should I continue this? I mean I would like to but I'm not sure what to write next.. so tell me what you think!