A cold chill was in the air. A young man sleeping on a large metal ship starts to wake up. He looks up to see the emblem of the fire nation on the ceiling of his room he gives a huge sigh as it he realized he was awake and slowly climbs out of the bed. He looks down staring at the floor. He touches his face and brushes his curly hair back. Above him he can hear the many crewmembers running around moving about the ship. He puts on his light fire nation armor brushing it off. At that moment his door opened. A man covered head to toe in fire nation armor walked in the room.

"Sir" said the fire nation soldier. "We spotted Zuko's ship just ahead of us."

"Excellent" said the young man. The soldier bows to the young man and leaves. The young man than makes his way out his room down the red corridor to a flight of stairs. He walks down three flights of stairs before coming to a long corridor and following it until he reached a door. He opens the big metal door and steps outside other the cold winter environment. The cold harsh environment starts to get to him as he starts to shiver. He spots a ship just a couple of kilometers in front.

"Prince Weifeng" a voice called to the young man. He turned around and saw a fire nation soldier walking up to him.

"My prince are you sure that you want to do this, you haven't seen your brother for 2 and a half years." Said the soldier.

"I'm sure" said Weifeng. "He is family. Even though he got banished an occasional visit should be enough"

"Of course sir" said the soldier. "Have you thought about what you will say to him?"

"I've had three months to think about it ever since I left the fire nation."

"Is your father upset with you leaving?"

"Not really just needed to pass a test to be allowed to leave. I won't bore you with the details."

"Ok then"

The soldier took a bow and turned to Captain who was currently steering the ship. He gestured for him to head towards the ship in front. The ship pulls up next to the other. The bridge is extended connecting the two ships together Weifeng and two other soldiers walk across and are greater by an old heavy set man. His hair was tied in a small bun on the top he wore a light armor with the cloth reaching all the way to his ankles.

"Uncle Iroh" called Weifeng. "It's been so long since I last saw you."

"I'm glad to see you too prince Weifeng" said Iroh.

Weifeng looks around the deck. "Where's Zuko?" he asked.

"He's on his way out. It's almost time for his training."

"I see"

"So what brings you out here? Family visits aren't really my brother's Forte."

"You're half right. Dad didn't really approve of this meeting."

Iroh's eyes seem to light up with joy. "So this is a personal meeting."


"This is wonderful news. How long do you plan on staying?"

Before Weifeng could answer, the door on the ship swings open. A young man with a bald head and a ponytail dressed in a fire nation armor walks through the door. The left side of his face was badly burned stretching all the way to his ear.

He turns and looks at Weifeng and Iroh.

"Hello Zuko" said Weifeng. Zuko walks up to Iroh.

"Uncle, it's time for my training session" said Zuko.

"Zuko" said Iroh "Show some respect for your brother."

"I don't have time for family pleasantries" said Zuko. "The avatar comes first."

"Zuko don't be like that it's been two and a half years since you've even seen your brother and this is how you thank him."

"Him being here is probably just to mock my failure of capturing the Avatar."

"Don't compare me to Azula Zuko" said Weifeng. "I'm not out to get you. The truth is that I was worried. It's been 2 years since I've seen you coming all this way out comforts of the fire nation spending three months tracking you down. The least you could do is stop ignoring me."

Zuko slowly turns and looks in Weifeng direction. "Answer me this question" said Zuko. "Does father want me back?"

Weifeng turns his head towards the ground.

"Uncle" said Zuko "When you're ready, I'll be over there."

Zuko walks toward the end of the ship. Iroh turns to Weifeng.

"Listen Prince Weifeng" says Iroh. "You're got to understand stand that-."

Before Iroh could finish, Weifeng lifts his head and puts his hand up.

"There's no need to explain to me about Zuko Uncle" said Weifeng. "I suspected this was going to happen."

Weifeng walks to where Zuko was at.

"Zuko" said Weifeng. "I know you have a lot of hate and anger towards us. But not all of us agree with what dad did to you."

"I don't need this right now" said Zuko. "I need to focus on capturing the Avatar."

"The avatar can wait. He waited 100 years. I'm sure he can wait an extra 10 minutes. This obsession with the Avatar will kill you."

"I have no life without the Avatar. My honor demands that I find him."

"Zuko listen, 100 years to your 2 and a half is not enough to find him. You need to think logically about this."

"If you're going to tell me to give up you can forget it. I won't give up searching. I can't give up searching."

"You're might have to. If you continue to stress yourself out like this pursuing this hopeless dream you will kill yourself. You may not be able to return home but you can make a life for yourself outside the fire nation. Why do you think we started this war to begin with? We can coexist with the world like this." Weifeng paused for a moment. "I understand that you want your old life back but I'm afraid that this is impossible to-."

At that moment a beam of light shot up into the sky. Both Zuko and Weifeng are caught off guard by it. As soon as it ended Zuko turns to Iroh.

"Uncle" he yells. "Signal the captain to head towards the light" he turns back around a looks at where the light came from. "It's him it has to be him." Zuko kept muttering this to himself. Weifeng sees this hopeful glare in his eye. He takes a deep breath and turns to his soldier.

"Signal our ship to follow this one" he said. "Make sure you stay close." The soldier bowed and proceeded across the bridge and lets it back. The ship shifts back and moves directly behind Zuko's ship. They make their way to the light.