Only Fuse with You.

A FEW NOTES: Possible spoilers alerts! The baseball game episode doesn't exist, for this story to work I had to remove it, the reason being is because I want Lapis to still be angry with Peridot. You'll understand when you read it.

This is a FanFiction, so anything goes.

I like to write in scrip form, but only for the dialog though. Don't like it, then tough!

I do not own the characters.

Some characters might be OOC or OTT. So don't moan, the whole point of FanFiction is so you can control the characters to do what you want them to do…that's the beauty.

I'm still new to Steven Universe and thought I'd attempt to do a story. I find Peridot very interesting and I would love to see her fuse with Lapis, though I won't be to upset if this doesn't happen. If I've missed out vital information or I've gone wrong somewhere then…whoops, oh well. Anyway…let's get on with the story.

Lapis flicks the ruby spacecraft at first with her water powers, almost toying with it and with no hesitation, plays with it like a basketball and slam dunks the craft into the ground…Steven and Peridot watch in awe as Lapis picks it up with her giant watered hand and sends the red space craft back to where it came from by chucking it with some force. All Peridot and Steven was just watch, amazed with how Lapis handled the situation. Peridot slowly walked up to Lapis, eyes adverting away…

PERIDOT: (Almost shy) Thank you, Lapis…

LAPIS: Hmph. I didn't do it for you! (Turns around and stares angrily at Peridot) I did it for Steven.

STEVEN: For me?

LAPIS: (Smiles) Yes, Steven.


LAPIS: Because it's not fair on you! (Points at Peridot) That's all she does, causes more problems on to others. I didn't want those Rubies causing you grief, Steven…maybe we should've just left them to it and let them take her away!

PERIDOT: Then why didn't you?

LAPIS: You see, you don't listen! I said so it wouldn't cause grief for Steven!

STEVEN: I would've protected her anyway!


STEVEN: I've told you, she's changed!

LAPIS: (Grits her teeth) She'll…never…change!

PERIDOT: But…b-but I…

LAPIS: Why don't you go back to that piece of shit barn…where you belong…because that's all you are to me…a heartless piece of SHIT!

The words echoed through to Peridot, who felt drained by those words, she looked down at the floor and sighed sadly, nodded and walked away back to the barn. Steven watched sadly as Peridot walked away…Lapis didn't care, she folded her arms and turned her back. Steven wasn't sure what to say…he's tried his best between the two but it was getting harder and harder, especially as Lapis was stubborn and was never going to break away her hatred of Peridot.

Peridot, meanwhile saw the broken tape recorder on the floor that Lapis squeezed and destroyed…Peridot picked it up and just looked at it, as if it were a dead puppy…her eyes started to well up, she closed her eyes and the tears slowly dripped down her green cheeks…she then continued her way back to the barn.

Steven watched it all.

STEVEN: Lapis…

LAPIS: No! Don't! There is nothing you can say to convince me to trust her…what she did to me was…unforgivable.

STEVEN: I know…but she's trying to say she's sorry, Lapis, she really is trying…but she's not that person you knew, she's changed, she really has. If you could just…give her a chance…

LAPIS: Do you have any idea what I've been through?

STEVEN: Yeah, I do! And you know what…?

LAPIS: What?

STEVEN: You put it away…and start fresh!

Lapis looks over to Peridot, who was sitting on the wooden floor in the barn, trying to fix the remote…but then gives up and chucks it to one side in frustration. Lapis rolls her eyes and sighs…

LAPIS: (Sighs) I'll…talk to her.


LAPIS: But…only when I'm ready, it's…gonna be hard…to forget what she did to me…

STEVEN: (Smiles) I know she's sorry…she wants to forget too.

Meanwhile, Peridot was sobbing…her head in her knees. So many attempts to befriend Lapis had all ended up failing…and now her own tape recorder was in bits, even as a technician the tape recorder was unfixable. Steven entered the barn to check on her…

STEVEN: Peridot…?

PERIDOT: Oh! (Quickly wipes away the tears)

STEVEN: Were you…crying?

PERIDOT: No! Just…this…stupid Earth dust, it gets everywhere.

STEVEN: It's okay to be upset you know.

PERIDOT: (Sighs) I…I know…

STEVEN: It's…gonna take a while for Lapis to…talk.

PERIDOT: She hates me!

STEVEN: Only the old you, once she gets to know the new you better, I'm sure it'll work out…

PERIDOT: I hope so. (Long pause) She's beautiful…isn't she…

STEVEN: Oh, uh…yeah, I suppose.

PERIDOT: I've never seen someone so…beautiful before.

STEVEN: (Smiles) Peridot…do you like-like her…?

PERIDOT: (Blushes) Ugh, no! Well…um…m-maybe…

STEVEN: Awwww!

PERIDOT: What does it matter anyway? She's…pretty and I'm just…just green…and…basic…

STEVEN: Don't be too hard on yourself!

PERIDOT: I've done dangerous mission…nearly put my life in danger and sacrificed others but the only thing that scares me is…f-fusions…


PERIDOT: It's just the thought of it…

STEVEN: Ah, it's not all that bad.

PERIDOT: Yes, I've heard you've fused but…it's…i-it just…oh, I don't know…

STEVEN: Didn't you nearly fuse with Garnet?

PERIDOT: (Blushes) How the hell did you know that?

STEVEN: She told me. (Peridot grumbles) Well, it was to help you understand…

PERIDOT: For Garnet's point of view, yes…but…

STEVEN: Then why didn't you go through with it…

PERIDOT: I…I've never fused with anyone before and this…was going to be my first time and I guess I wanted it to be special, being with someone I lov-(Ahem) respect…and so in the last second…I…I thought of Lapis, once she was in my thoughts, I just…couldn't go through with it, I couldn't do it.

STEVEN: Wow…you…really do like Lapis, huh…?

PERIDOT: (Nods) I do. I…felt bad when I interrogated her but I was just…following orders, I didn't mean to (Starts to go teary-eyed)…I didn't mean to…(Breaks down. Steven comforts her after a few long seconds of crying) And then…when she turned up here, I just couldn't believe my luck…this was my chance to make amends. (Sighs) Even that didn't work out…

STEVEN: Peridot, she'll come around. It'll take time but…she will come around. (Peridot smiles weakly) Telling her what you've told me would help…don't be afraid to tell her how you feel. She'll like that…

PERIDOT: Huh, it'll sound stupid coming from me…

STEVEN: No, it won't.

PERIDOT: (Looks up through the hole in the barn roof, looking at the clear sky) I…I want her to be my first…

Steven smiles and gently rubs Peridots shoulder…he to then looks up at the sky.

STEVEN: Give it time, Peridot. Give it time…

NOTES: Not sure when the next chapter will be up, hopefully sometime next week.