Annyeong! We are finally at the last chapter…I hope you've liked the story! Enjoy!
Special thanks to jayjayzek for the review! I really enjoy reading your stories and your way with words is just amazing! I hope you've had a great weekend as well
Cari-Bum: Your reviews continue to make me so happy I loved seeing them every chapter.
Disclaimer: Since it's the last chapter I guess I won't complain…I don't own Boys Before Flowers but I have had fun writing about it.
Ga Eul's POV
Thump thump thump thump
"I'll never leave you."
Yi Jeong's words repeated in my head, my heart beating faster from the utter shock at his words.
I touched my lips, the feeling of the kiss still lingering.
Yi Jeong was currently asleep in a chair he pulled up next to the bed. His head was positioned next to my thigh while his hand tightly held mine.
'It's going on midnight.' I thought, contemplating on whether or not I should wake up the potter. 'Maybe I shouldn't, he did spend quite a while complaining how Jan Di was hogging me most of the day.'
Earlier, said best friend had come rushing into the room, almost kicking down the door on her way in, and practically attached herself to me. Ji Hoo and Jun Pyo followed, the latter trying to unstuck Jan Di from my arm which she had started sobbing on.
"Ga Eul I thought you would never wake up! Why would you leave me alone for a week with this idiot?" She jabbed a finger at Jun Pyo as she said that.
I still chuckle just thinking about it.
Throughout the commotion, Yi Jeong was left standing on the sidelines. He seemed jealous that I was getting so much attention from Ji Hoo who had busied himself with asking how I was and if I needed anything.
At one point I even heard him mumble, "Ji Hoo needs to keep a nice distance from her. Maybe I'll have Woo Bin get some of his men to threaten him."
He was being so petty and I absolutely loved it.
After everyone left, Yi Jeong and I had a long conversation about the status of our relationship.
I decided I wanted to take it slow, completely ignoring his protests of "but I confessed so shouldn't it be my choice?" (I told him that I technically confessed first since I brought the chocolates.) and "this is a once in a lifetime chance. Any other girl would love to be with a rich guy like it slow could allow someone else to interfere in our relationship. (I replied to that one by stating that he could go to one of those other girls if he really wanted to. Even though that would be saying his feelings for me were a lie.) That one shut him up real quick.
I sighed, "Yi Jeong."
"Mm….5 more minutes." He slurred, causing me to smile.
'He really is like a child under that Casanova exterior of his.' I thought.
"It's almost midnight and I'm not sure you'd be comfortable lying like that." I said.
He lifted his head and frowned, still half asleep.
"If you're uncomfortable, why shouldn't I be? I'm not leaving and that's final." Yi Jeong stated, nuzzling his face into my side.
I was surprised at this sudden side of him.
'He must get pretty delirious at this time…I'll have to talk to him more at night.'
"No matter how adorable you're trying to be, I still want you to get a good night's rest, so go home." I giggled as he nuzzled his face further.
"Bu I wnna st wfyu." He whined, now pressing his face into my thigh and forcing his head under my hand.
"Fine, you got me, you can stay." I gave in without much convincing and started petting his hair, getting a content hum in response. "I swear you're just like a puppy."
"What am I gonna do with you?"
6 years later
Yi Jeong has returned from Sweden and is currently dating Ga Eul while Jun Pyo and Jan Di's wedding date is approaching.
Yi Jeong's POV
"Dammit." I muttered under my breath trying (for the hundredth time it seemed) to get the decorations on the chocolates I was making for Ga Eul perfect.
It was Valentine's Day (our 6 year anniversary), and while Ga Eul was running wedding errands with Jan Di, I was attempting to make chocolates to surprise her with.
Instead of getting help from the maids, I insisted on preparing the candies myself.
"Should I be regretting my stubbornness?" I asked, angrily setting down the container of sprinkles.
My mind flashed back to 6 years prior when Ga Eul had first given me a box of chocolates. The designs on them seemed so professional, that I wondered how long it took her to make each individual sweet.
'Certainly not as long as I'm taking probably.' I thought.
"Mister Yi Jeong, Ga Eul has just returned from her errands." A maid interrupted my moment of nostalgia.
I panicked, inspecting the chocolates scattered about the kitchen.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't see them. Although you may not have to worry about that" The maid said.
'What is she talking about?'
I thanked her profusely before running to where Ga Eul was outside.
"Ga Eul!" Ga Eul looked up and smiled brightly.
"Yi Jeong! I have something to ask you." The mischievous glint in her eyes somewhat worried me, but I discarded those thoughts as paranoia.
"Yes?" My curiosity increased.
She stepped forward with a bag that held a box of chocolates. The wrapping was the exact same as the box she had given me years ago. I opened it to find that the chocolates inside held similar designs as well.
"What are you trying to thank me for?" I teased, remembering what she had said when she had originally given me the sweets.
Luckily, she didn't seem to be offended by my comment, and instead her grin grew wider.
"Nothing. As a matter of fact, I gave these to you because I like you." She said.
Now it was my turn to smile.
"Not gonna reject me, are you?" She questioned mockingly.
I feigned thinking about it for a second before answering. "Of course not. I must confess that I like you as well."
"I'm glad to hear that. Do you like any chocolate in particular?" She asked.
I looked down and inspected the chocolates carefully. A certain one caught my eye, and I held it up to show her. She gasped at my choice.
"I really have taken a liking to this one. It would only be fair to get the real version of the picture and give it to you. Maybe I'll do that soon." I said, watching as tears of joy sprung to her eyes.
"And when you do, I'll be ready." She responded, wrapping her arms around me in a hug and giving me a small peck on the cheek.
The design on the chocolate I had showed her was a wedding ring.
There you have it! If you'd like to check out more Kdrama or KPOP fanfictions of mine, I'll put a link to my account on AsianFanFics in my profile. Do you have any suggestions for future Kdrama stories? Just let me know in the reviews. If you'd like to see more Boys Before Flowers, or other shows, I'd like to know and I'll see what I can do! Saranghae! ^-^