Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters they belong to Rick Riordan who is an amazing author. The plot line is mine but nothing else!
Paul Meets Percy One-Shot
Paul's POV:
I was sat on the couch next my amazing girlfriend, Sally Jackson, when I heard the door open.
"That must be Percy!" Sally exclaimed excitedly. Percy Jackson is Sally's fourteen year old son who stays at a summer camp for troubled kids. Percy has been kicked out of seven schools since 2nd grade. I haven't met him yet but I have a feeling that he is not what I am going to expect for someone with ADHD and dyslexia.
"Mom I'm home!" A male voice shouted. Sally jumped up from where she was sitting and ran into the kitchen. I quickly stood up and followed her out of the room.
"Percy, you're home! How was camp? How is Nico and Bianca? What about Annabeth?" Sally gushed to her son.
"Mom calm down! Nico hates me right now. Bianca has gone to visit her father and Annabeth is just as great as ever!" I could see the twinkle in Percy's eyes as he mentioned Annabeth.
"Who's this Mom?" Percy asked suddenly spotting me stood in the kitchen doorway.
"Percy meet Paul, my boyfriend. Paul meet Percy, my son!" I noticed Sally take a deep breath as if she was scared of what Percy's reaction would be.
"Hi Percy, it's nice to meet you!" I said sticking out my hand. Percy shook that boy has a tight grip!
"Nice to meet you too!" He replied smiling. Sally quickly left the room saying she had forgotten something that she wanted to give to Percy.
"So Paul, my last step-dad wasn't so nice. So I swear to the Gods if you hurt my mom, I will make you regret it!" His voice became serious and almost terrifying. I quickly nodded, admiring him for being so protective of his mother.
"Percy, I would never do anything to hurt your mother! I love her!" I explained. Percy's shoulders relaxed as he walked out of the room. I could see a hint of a smile on his face.
I think I passed!
Percy's POV:
I walked in to my apartment in New York after getting back from a quest at Camp, to be greeted by my mom and a tall man stood in the kitchen doorway.
"Who's this Mom?" I asked surveying the man in front of me.
"Percy meet Paul, my boyfriend. Paul meet Percy, my son!" She held her breath waiting for my reaction. My mom was dating someone new. I admit I was happy for her but if Paul turned out to be as much as an idiot as Gabe, I won't be a very happy Son of Poseidon.
"Hi Percy, nice to meet you!" He stuck out his hand for me to shake, which I did but being a little firm.
"Nice to meet you too!" I exclaimed smiling and being polite. Mom left saying she needed to get me something but I know her she wanted me to get to know Paul a bit better.
"So Paul, my last step-dad wasn't so nice. So I swear to the Gods if you my mom, I will make you regret it!" I warned him. I may have been a little harsh on him as his eyes widened and he nodded his head rather quickly. I love my mom very much and I don't want to see a repeat of Smelly Gabe.
"Percy, I would never do anything to hurt your mother! I love her!" He said. I walked away with a smile on my face.
He passed.
Three Years Later
3rd Person:
Sally and Paul got married just before the Second Titan War. Percy has always looked up to Paul ever since the day he met him, when he was fourteen. Paul is another father figure to Percy and Paul feels that Percy is the best son he could ask for.
When Paul found out Percy was a demigod, he was scared for stepson but most of all proud of all that Percy had accomplished. To this day Percy still surprises Paul with the strength and capability he possesses and is glad to have a family he can call his own.