A/N i was inspired by the song Sad Song by We The Kings and this just hit me hard so i decided to write a new story hihi Xd

PS just a suggestion read this while playing the song hihi Xd just play before you have read the prologue

Feel free to review, follow, favourite..though i like reviews more to help me improve and know if I had any errors or if you guys have any questions hihihi

And im not really sure if this prologue is a great one or not so please review it thanks a bunch cuz im a bit uneasy about this story still so hihi oh and this prologue switches from a memory to the present the ones in italic bold is the past memory and the rest is part of the present hihi sorry if its a bit messy i have no beta to tell me whether its good or bad though ive been searching for one lately.. Oh if anyone of you lends me their help i would be most grateful just pm me and lets chat away hahah

Thanks once again for giving this story a read, it gives me great joy to know that someone is reading something that i wrote (makes me happy) *bows* -k^^

disclaimer:i don't own Kuroko no Basuke just the plot

Italic-past occureces

*word- sounds or something( i don't know the right term, oooh background noise was it?)

[italic]- someone talking to him through his mind



Beneath the loud sounds of the fireworks two children were running up a slope, one holding the other's hand tugging him to run faster than he already is. Reaching the top of the slope he never let go of that hand.

*blood splattering

"please...", the sound of whips being heard in the background, the candles flickered to life.

"Now this is the perfect place to watch fireworks"

Chanting was heard from the background as others began to paint the ground using blood forming a pentagram.

"Young Master,... you run too fast", said the smaller child with a petite frame. He was panting hard from all the running that they did.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me by my name?", the red-haired child said as if scolding the latter and the teal-head just worriedly looked down and bowed his head shyly.

"sto-op", a voice was heard screaming.

"Father please...", his voice broke, he tried to cover his ears to cover the agonizing screams.

"B-but Young Maste.."

"This is your punishment, for having weakness"

"No buts, come on", he said with a hidden grin on his porcelain face.

"S-Seijurou", his face turned red and looked away to hide it but this just made Seijurou found the gesture adorable and amusing for him.

"Then please stop...just punish me already!"

"There that is better", he said patting the head of the teal-head softly. The loud explosions of fireworks were heard from the background and this made the teal-head look up to the starry night sky now painted with different hues of fireworks.

"This is already your punishment Seijurou", his Father's eyes were cold distant as if he was only a husk of his old self.

"Blame yourself for your weakness", the chains that bound him to his place was tightened and he could no longer move properly.

"It really is as beautiful as you have described Seijurou", the younger child remarked looking up above in full wonder and amazement with a certain spark in his teal eyes.

"NO! NO! NO!", he was trying to break out from the chains that binded him, his body hurt and pulsed. He could feel pain from his wrists as blood began to ooze out.

"DON'T PLEASE...I WILL DO ANYTHING JUST PLEASE!", a puddle of blood began to form as his lifeless like body tries to stand up to reach out to him.

"This is soo much better than what I have described, am I right?", The teal-head did not look away from the scene and he was not able to respond to his master's question. So Seijurou looked at his younger companion, his eyes widened for a bit at what he saw. The teal-head, who only shows a blank expression, was smiling. He was mesmerized, captured and he smiled to himself, no longer minding the fireworks and how their colors danced in the sky.

He looked at him, as that person was trying his best to crawl toward him. He was hit by another strike of the whip and his eyes turned to glare at his Father who did that to him.

"Fine, I will allow you this much", and that person bowed his head to his Father

"Seijurou, look!", he was smiling when the teal-head turned his head to him and smiled.

He placed his hand at his cheek; his tears were already falling freely without him noticing. He leaned to that warm hand as if clinging to him, telling him to never leave him, portraying to him that he needs him and that he would always be with him.

That person as if understanding him just shook his head, then leaning in...he kissed Seijurou softly. Seijurou was taken aback by this as his eyes widen and a new batch of tears began pouring out and he kissed back, their kiss was soft, brief and intimate but it was enough to convey their feelings to each other. They did not care about the world around them at that time all that mattered to them was that single moment. And they both wished from the bottom of their hearts that time would stop...just this once...for them.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Seijurou. Let's watch it again next year?", his teal-eyes sparkled and when Seijurou saw this he could not refuse instead, if Tetsuya would ever want to see fireworks every day, he would do it, he would do anything to see his smile once again.

Looking at each other the latter gave him a soft smile as if telling him that this was for his sake, as tears, their tears fell to the cold bloodied ground. Then as if on sync they leaned their foreheads with one another.

"I-s that a goodbye kiss?", Seijurou's voice broke.

"No...it's a pro-mise...so li-ve Seiju...", then loosing balance as the latter fell to the ground in front of him his mind screamed, his body screamed and with all his might he tried to pry off the chains in order to hold him.

"Take the sacrifice"

"NO!NO!NO!NO! TAKE ME INSTEAD! TAKE ME INSTEAD!", he shouted so loudly unlike never before not minding his screams he heard a voice in his head.

[do you want power?], not minding where the voice came from Seijurou shouted in his mind with all of his might.


[fufufu are you ready to pay the price?]

'yes, anything just please...please save him'

[the price has been successfully paid, with thine blood, the contract is complete. You are now my master, command me as you see fit]

"Burn them all...Suzaku", in this instance Seijurou lost himself drowned in the sorrow, hatred and anger, this fuelled up the Great God Suzaku's powers more as it burned everything in its wake.

"Of course all for you Tetsuya", and they both looked up at the sky to enjoy the fireworks, Seijurou did not let go of their intertwined hands instead he tightened his hold to his hands and he felt the feeling that he was home...to him his home was Tetsuya.

Being awakened after the rampage he looked for any sign of him, his surroundings burnt to the ground he did not care for anything and there he saw his body, untouched by the raging flames of Suzaku. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully, he rushed to his side and held him...but...he was cold.

"No...you should've been alive...why?...Suzaku!", calling onto the God he materialized into his smaller form of a phoenix.

"Bring him back!", the phoenix looked down in apology.

"I'm sorry Master, it is too late", he caressed his cheek tears falling down his face once more.

"No...", he held him tighter and hugged his lifeless body in his arms.