Word Count: 1,112
I took extra care of my appearance today. Because today we were visiting the Second Generation of Titans. Rhea was proud of the plan, and I, of course, told her it was my idea. Demeter scolds at me for being a bragger, and Hestia affectionately called me an attention hogger. Why shouldn't I be? It's been years since I've seen my mother, and that memory was forgotten because I was only a baby. Three days have passed, and I'm the only one, besides Zeus, that talked to her. They were being cautious, and I was just glad to see her. Mother appreciated my company and understood why my siblings were being so mistrusting. But she didn't know the terror we felt...the constant nightmares...
This is my fourth entry, and I just realized that I never wrote about them. But it could be the fact that, I don't want to relieve them. It was never the same dream, the same...reality that I lived in three days ago. The nightmares that I envision was more disturbing and frightening. For two straight days, I have woke up screaming. And instantly, Hestia would appear with Demeter close by. When there was no way for them to calm me, Hestia would rush to Poseidon and he would reassure me that I was safe. That whatever dreaming that had its' grip on me, no longer had it and he was there to protect me from it. They would pester me about these nightmares, but I refused. They were nothing more than dreams, yet it feels so real.
But this isn't about my dreams, nightmares, it's about today. The day that we will meet the three most important and powerful next generation titans: Helios, Eos, and Selene. From what I have heard from a mother is that Eos is the mischief one; Helios was the major flirt, and Selene was the kind and friendly one. With this information, I'd repeated over and over until it stuck. Our best bet was to match up to their personalities, and I already had that planned out. Demeter and Helios would get along perfectly; then Selene and Hestia; I figure it wouldn't hurt if Poseidon and I chat up Eos. That was how it was supposed to work out, anyways. But Helios had other plans. Mother had sent us to their palace and a nymph guides us to them. The titans of the sun, moon, and dawn stood there waiting for us.
The one that greeted us, was a girl with pitch black hair and blue eyes, she wore moonlit earrings and a necklace that had the moon cycle. The chiton that she wore was a midnight blue with one of the straps hanging off her shoulders.
"Children of Queen Rhea and King Cronus, thank you for meeting us." She said, "I'm Selene, a titan of the moon."
"I'm Hera." I told her, "We have yet to get our official titles. Hopefully, that will come very soon."
"Nice to meet you Hera," Selene said, before turning to my siblings.
"I suppose introductions are intact." Hestia smiled.
"Indeed." Spoke up the boy.
My eyes flickered to him and me too in his appearance. His hair was a dark red and slick back, brown eyes filled with mischief, and he wore a smirk on his face. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hestia raise her eyebrows in amusement.
What in the Tartarus was going on? I remember thinking.
"I'm Helios, the titan of the sun." He told her, "And your name?"
"Hestia." She smiled.
"What a lovely name for a lovely woman." He told her, with a half smile.
"Why thank you." Hestia said, "But you do know that we didn't come here for you to flirt?"
"We can always take a detour." Helios offered with a wink.
No, we can't. I thought as I resist the urge to cross my arms and glare at him.
Eos laughed and I turned to get a good look at her. The titan of dawn was beautiful, she had wavy shoulder-length hair that was a deep brown. And her eyes color was different in a way that I never saw, one was brown and the other hazel green, they were lit with amusement of the whole scenario. She wore a chiton that was the colors of dawn, which was...I believe are dark purple that slowly went red then orange and lastly yellow. It was captivating and it had been the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
"You must be Eos," I said, deciding to ignore the scene in front of me.
"Yes." She told me, "As my sister said before, thanks for coming."
I smiled at her, "You're welcome. Do you know why we're here?"
"There's been rumors, whispers, about war." Selene said, " By those rumors, I say that they are true."
"Yes," Hades spoke up. "We have plans of overthrowing Cronus."
All three of the titans' eyes widen.
"Cronus?" Selene repeated, "And you are hoping we join?"
"You heard of war, why are you startled?" Demeter asked, confused.
"We didn't know what the war was about," Eos admitted.
"You can't honestly believe we would go against our father! Your parents-" Helios started.
"Rhea has nothing to do with this war." I cut in, "And our father? There is no love between us. He feared that one of us would take his throne, and in return, he swallowed us."
The room was silent and I lift my head up, looking at the three titans.
"I don't know about you, bit I lost all love for my father. Chaos only knows how long we truly were in there, but it felt like centuries. Every day we lived in fear and famish." I told them, as my heart was pounding in my ears, "Cronus is a monster. A tranny. Even Gaea, his own mother, have left his side. The power of the throne has gone to his head, has driven him into insanity. No ruler like that should lead their people to such a dark age. It's time that this age ended and that we had a new king."
"And who would be our new king?" Selene asked quietly.
I hadn't a clue, but I'd refused to look back at my siblings. So far, I sounded confident and self-assured. It wouldn't do if I didn't sound so sure about who should be the king. So I said the first name that pops into mind.