A/N: This is my first work of fan fiction. It focuses on a Clexa relationship strained by external challenges. It features a Clarke and Lexa with bouts of irrational and extreme emotions, especially at the beginning. I want to maintain aspects of the "Tough Love" theme throughout the story, with Lexa's anger flaring occasionally. Clarke will do her best to maintain her resolve and her relationship with the Commander, whilst looking out for the best interests of her people.

I thought this dark aspect of Clexa would be a fun writing exercise. Whilst some readers might find this interesting, others may see this as OOC and might not like it.

Lexa stood on the balcony at the top of the tower, overlooking Polis. She took a deep breath to calm herself. She had stood on the balcony just hours previously, after she'd watched helplessly as Clarke had been dragged forcedly from the throne room.

You bitch! I'm going to kill you!

Clarke's angry words ran through Lexa's mind once more. In fact, she had not been able to free herself of those words since she'd heard them. She shuddered, the pain of Clarke's unexpected outburst still affecting her.

Oh Clarke, my love, what has become of you? Why are you behaving like this? Is it me? Have I done this to you? Is it too late Clarke? Is it too late for us to make amends? Or will you hate me forever?

She felt her eyes moistening as her mind, once again, replayed the incident in the throne room. Blinking away tears, Lexa looked upwards to the sky – as if seeking divine wisdom. She sighed. "Oh Clarke," she breathed. "What am I going to do with you?" She knew she had to face her, but feared she would be unable to reason with the feral blonde.

"You hate me, don't you?" she said to herself. She knew the reason why: Clarke had begged her not to walk away from her and her people at Mount Weather. "Please don't do this," she'd pleaded. Yet Lexa was bound to a responsibility to safeguard her own people. So when the opportunity arose to make a deal with the Mountain Men – she'd taken it. But that deal came at a cost: the betrayal of Clarke and the Sky People.

She'd hoped that Clarke would see things her way and that she'd appreciate her commitment to the safety of her people. Wouldn't any Commander have done the same? She'd told her that she was thinking with her head and not her heart – why couldn't Clarke accept that? Now Clarke was making her suffer. Lexa wouldn't usually be so concerned in such circumstances. This was different – this was Clarke!

Ever since Clarke had walked into her war tent and attempted to negotiate peace, she'd been curious about her. Her blonde hair and bright blue eyes had caught Lexa's attention from the start. When Clarke had told her that she escaped the mountain and could turn Reapers back into men – she thought she was lying. But there was something about Clarke that stopped her from dismissing the idea entirely. Her sense of confidence, conviction and boldness was alluring. She just had to go along with the idea – even though it seemed ridiculous.

Clarke still provoked her anger, yet that anger was tempered with something else. Perhaps it was curiosity and even affection – she didn't know precisely what it was, but it felt good. Lexa hadn't felt such warm feelings since she had been with Costia.

Then, when Clarke's mother had revived Lincoln – she was beyond impressed with Clarke. She almost felt like smiling and hugging her – it took all she had to prevent herself from doing so. She'd even had to look away from her when she told Clarke, in her war tent, that she thought what she'd done was impressive. She was afraid that she'd show signs of emotion which would reveal her growing feelings for Clarke. Her feelings might not be reciprocated and could even be perceived as weakness.

There was something wonderfully attractive about Clarke: not just her blonde hair and pretty face – it was her attitude. Clarke spoke her mind. She would ask questions and challenge things. Clarke wasn't afraid of the Heda. Perhaps that was understandable, as she was not part of their alliance. There seemed to be something of a naivety about Clarke that was frustrating, and yet, endearing at the same time. Clarke provoked her and tested her. Once, she had even physically pushed her and aggravated her in her own war tent, to which she had angrily told her to get out. Yet, there was something appealing about being challenged by a lovely girl like Clarke.

Lexa thought about the times that they'd spent together – times that had been conducive towards forming a bond between them. She thought of the time when they'd become separated from their people in a forest. They had encountered a ferocious gorilla which could have killed them both. But the two young women had fought the creature – side-by-side. They had worked together as a team.

At one point, Lexa had fallen and told Clarke to carry on without her and save herself. Yet Clarke had not relented to her wishes: picking her up and urging her on. They had worked together and survived as a result. She smiled to herself as she cast her mind back to those fond memories of Clarke. Now the same Clarke was locked in the dungeon, having threatened to kill her – the Commander.

You bitch! I'm going to kill you!

She hadn't expected this – what had she expected? She'd expected Clarke to be grumpy, angry even – but not this. The beautiful young blonde woman with sparkling blue eyes, who she was thinking about now, bore little resemblance to the wild animal she'd seen only hours before.

She had half-expected, wanted, Clarke to show some gratitude to her. After all, she had saved her life – even if Clarke couldn't see that. With the bounty on her head from Queen Nia of Ice Nation and her warriors searching for her, Clarke would not have lasted more than a few days.

Did Clarke know that she was being hunted? Did she realise just how much danger she had been in? Lexa conceded that Clarke was upset at being taken by force at the hands of Prince Roan. Clarke had looked rather battered and bruised, which had made Lexa furious. But there had been no other choice.

When Clarke had been taken away from the throne room, she'd wanted to go after her. She wanted to comfort her and explain to her why she had to leave her at Mount Weather. But she was Heda – she couldn't be seen by her people, pandering to the tantrums of an angry young woman – especially one from Skairku. Anyway, she had duties for that day, people to see and meetings to attend. Now her obligations were done for the day and her time was her own. Now it was time to face Clarke. She was experiencing a maelstrom of emotions, including a sense of regret, despair, sadness and, worst of all, fear.

You bitch! I'm going to kill you!

"Can I win your trust back Clarke? What will it take? Is it too late?" she whispered to herself, before turning from the balcony and heading towards the door.