King's Row – London

Both Naruto and Lena walked down the streets together towards and enjoyed one another's company immensely. Even though the two planned to eat dinner, they wanted to walk around King's Row some more. For most of the day, they had been traveling to their usual haunts. Now though, they headed to one of the restaurants that they both enjoyed.

"Hey Naruto, during all your time traveling, what did you enjoy the most?" Lena asked.

"King's Row." Naruto immediately replied. This caused Lena to subside into a fit of giggles.

"No silly, something besides King's Row." Lena rephrased her question. Naruto looked at Lena from the corner of his eye and smiled in reply.

"If it had to be something, I would probably say that what I liked most about traveling was the people. It was really easy to connect with others during my travels since I can instantly download their language into my brain because of Kurama."

"That sounds wicked. I wish that I could learn languages as fast as you." Lena remarked, "Though it is a little unfair that you have Kurama helping you with learning those languages." Naruto scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Yeah, well it ain't a picnic. Kurama can be quite the jerk when he wants to be." Naruto leaned closer to Lena, "He's still the coolest partner that I could ever have."

"About that, how has control over your powers been going? I mean, if you are able to turn into a giant fox, then that must mean that you are in full control of your abilities, right?" Lena asked. Naruto chuckled as he shook his head in reply. Lena's eyes widened at this, "Why not?!"

"Me turning in that fox form was a fluke. I needed to literally drain a power station in order to do that, and it nearly killed me by frying my body. I couldn't even speak or think normally for a long time afterwards. I don't ever want to try and do that again unless I absolutely have to, and even then, I'd probably need to find another power station to do it." Naruto explained.

"Oh. Guess that is understandable. But can you tell me, did you figure out anything else that you can do with your powers?" Naruto nodded which made Lena excited. "What is it?"

"Can you take out your phone?" Naruto asked. Lena found the request to be slightly odd, but she did so and handed the rectangular phone to Naruto. With a grin, a black emitter morphed from the skin on Naruto's wrist and quickly formed hard-light that quickly entered the phone and connected both Naruto and the phone together. "Now here's the cool part." The phone quickly turned itself on to a crimson glowing screen. Then the image on the phone began to change until the figure of a fox could now be seen. One with nine tails that wagged behind it.

"That is really wicked! Is that all you can do?" Lena asked.

"Nah, but that's not what he's trying to show you." The fox in the phone stated in a deep voice which made Lena's eyes pop out.

"What?! Kurama?" Lena asked, shocked to see the fox.

"The one and only. I can connect to devices a lot quicker when Naruto plugs me into one, rather than having me just hack my way into it. So, what do you think?" Kurama asked.

"Are you going to be stuck in my phone when I get it back?" Lena asked. Kurama sighed at this.

"No. I'm going to head back into Naruto. See you later." Kurama replied.

"Bye then." Lena waved. Kurama waved back before the fox faded away and left the phone as a black screen. The red hard-light that was plugged into the phone pulled itself out and faded away while the emitter faded back under Naruto's skin.

"I can do a few other things, but I'll just have to show you later." Naruto finished.

"Aww, really? Can't you just show me one more thing? It would be really nice if you did? Please?" Lena begged excitedly. Naruto put his hand under his chin and thought about this before answering Lena.

"Maybe I can show you something on the ferris wheel. But that will be an hour away." Naruto agreed. Lena smiled at the reply. Lena thought back to when Naruto couldn't even create an ability without it exploding in his face. Guess things changed, especially with age.

"I'll hold you up to it. Ya' hear!" Lena playfully warned. Naruto nodded in agreement. As the two walked past a tunnel, Naruto spoke up.

"That's the omnic tunnel, right?" Lena nodded at this, "They really fixed it up compared to what it once looked like a few years ago. How's the omnic relations going here?" Naruto asked.

"Better than it was before. While there are some who support cooperation with omnics, there are a lot more who just think that they'll turn on us. It's ridiculous, but changing the minds of people takes time, and it's only been a decade and a half since the omnic crisis was averted. People here still hold a grudge over that. And there are some that hate you because of it." Lena added at the end.

Naruto looked at Lena in confusion, "What do you mean by that? What about me is there to hate?" Naruto asked.

"Well, your father was the guy responsible for creating the omnics. There are a bunch of people who hate you because of that, and it doesn't help that your display in South Korea managed to scare people with how it fought that giant omnic off." Naruto just sighed at this. Lena noticed the unhappy mode that Naruto was clearly displaying, "What is it, love?"

"I don't know. I would've thought that there wouldn't be anyone who still hated me because of what my dad did. It's just stupid, y'know?"

"Then ignore those people! There are so many more out there in the world who like you for what you did. You stopped a giant omnic from killing a lot of people. And while there are always the people who will hate you, there'll be a heck of a lot more who will support you for what you did."

"Thanks for that." Naruto said. Lena reassured Naruto by gripping his hand in her own. Naruto smirked at this action.

"No problem. Now, we are nearly where we want to be, so let's hurry up since I'm getting really hungry." Lena stated.

"You're insatiable, you know that?" Naruto teased. "But we are still a little while away from getting to that restaurant, so," Naruto stopped and turned himself to Lena, "would you like to get to the place a little faster?"

"Sure, much better than waiting to get something to eat." Lena replied. With a wide grin, Naruto picked Lena up in a bridal carry, much to her embarrassment. "W-What are you doing now?"

"I'm a lot faster than when I was a kid." As Naruto said this, he was quickly covered in golden hard-light flame. Multiple symbols covered his body, while Lena could feel that Naruto felt much warmer than before. It wasn't uncomfortable, it was quite nice. While Lena remembered the form from when they were kids, this one felt different. Much sleeker than the previous time she had seen it.

"That's new." Lena stated.

"You haven't seen anything yet. Just hold your breath, okay." Naruto ordered. Lena rolled her eyes and puffed up her cheeks in an exaggerated version of holding her breath. Naruto chuckled at the display. "You look like a puffer fish." Before Lena could retort, the two had taken off at extremely high speeds down the street. Both were just a golden and brown blur respectively.

When they reached the restaurant, Naruto cancelled out his form and looked down to Lena who was still cradled in his arms. "So how was that?" Naruto asked. Lena's normally spiky hair had now taken even more ridiculous spikes. Naruto still didn't understand how Lena's hair stuck up like that. It was completely ridiculous, yet it easy fit Lena.

"That was amazing! Could we do that again?" Lena begged.

"Yeah. But how about we eat something first." Naruto put Lena back onto her feet, and the duo walked into a diner. What they found inside were a bunch of wide-eyed people looking at them, well, Naruto mostly. The two quickly found a booth in the corner of the diner that was away from the prying eyes of the patrons inside.

When the two picked up their menus, Naruto quickly realized something, "I don't have any money." He stated. Lena laughed at this.

"You really didn't think ahead, now did you? That's all right, I've got it covered. Just make sure that you show me a good time when we leave." Lena replied. Naruto leaned back into his seat and sighed in relief.

"Thank you, Lena."

"Don't you mean Fabulous Lena?" The teen asked.

"You're still going by that name?"

"Only with you. But I really am that fabulous. And you are still my trusty stead after all of these years. It took a while for you to come back, but you're still giving me rides after all this time." Lena teased. She missed conversing with Naruto like this, but now she found how much she truly missed it. She only hoped that Naruto would stay for a while before leaving again. That did remind her of one thing she wanted to ask, "How long are you really staying for?" Lena asked.

"I don't really know. The UN is still trying to figure out what to do with someone like me. They'll probably let me go do my thing eventually. Probably because I'm too valuable of an asset to piss off." Naruto calmly replied.

"Then I hope that you get to stay for a long time. Not that I don't want the UN to make up their minds about you. But they should really just bugger off about you. You help people, and that's that." The two were brought out of their conversation when the waitress arrived. The waitress wore an orange uniform, while her black hair was in a bun.

Lena noticed quite quickly that the waitress was quite nervous. Her eyes kept on flicking back onto Naruto every once in a while, and Lena found it to be slightly funny. "H-Hello there. What w-would you t-two like to eat?" She asked. Naruto and Lena quickly skimmed their menus before replying.

"I'd like a burger." Naruto started off. "And a cup of coffee with a lot of cream and sugar."

"Same. Get mine with all the veggies on it but skip the coffee." Lena added. The waitress nodded and quickly scurried off and left the two alone. "Did you notice how she kept on freaking out when she saw you? That was hilarious!" Lena whispered to a smirking Naruto.

"I know. Do you think that everyone is going to act like that whenever I go someplace?" Naruto asked.

"Probably at first. You are extremely well known right now. Maybe after a while everyone will get over the whole Korea tosh. Til' then, you're just going to need to deal with people looking at you." Lena finished.

"Got it. But it still is slightly uncomfortable. I'm used to gramps dealing with everyone while I get to stay in the background. We weren't very well noticed except for when we did something small." As Naruto said this, the waitress came back with a cup of coffee and set it in front of Naruto. "Thanks!"

The waitress didn't respond and quickly walked away. "When did you start drinking coffee, Naruto?" Lena asked.

"Coffee provides a lot of quick energy for me. Kurama then takes that energy and stores if for me. Kinda like fuel for a car." Naruto then took a sip from the cup. "Is there anything wrong with it?"

"No. Makes you seem more like an adult if I want to be honest."

"I'm not old just yet. You don't need to worry about that, Lena. Though the minute I become old, I'll probably be unable to mess with gramps due to his age." Lena looked at Naruto in a deadpan look.

"Yeah right." Naruto smirked at this.

"You're right. I'll still make fun of the old man's age."

"At least you're being truthful about it." The two shared a laugh at this.

"Lena, can you tell me what's changed in King's Row?" Naruto asked as he took another sip from his coffee.

"People are becoming more used to the idea of omnics living with them as I told you earlier, there was a new Prime Minister elected. She's been helping with that. Some nice businesses have been opening up around the area, like this place that sells these really nice shoes. See." Lena lifted her foot to reveal a white shoe with multiple holes lining the top while a pad stuck up at the front of her ankle. The shoe seemed to be constructed from a hard plastic or metal-like material.

"Nice shoes. Guess I'll have to see more of what King's Row has to offer a little later." Naruto remarked.

"Yes, you will. And I'll be giving you a full tour." Lena stated. The waitress showed up with their plates of food and set them down in front of the two.

"Thanks!" Naruto and Lena said together. The waitress quickly left the two alone to eat their food.

"Looks good." Naruto said as he quickly chowed down on his food. Lena followed at a much slower pace compared to Naruto.

"Did your appetite grow while you were gone?" Lena asked over eating her burger.

"You have no idea. When gramps and I were out in Siberia, I once at half of the bear that we killed. I was that hungry. Gramps was really surprised when I did that. Thankfully we've never been in any other situation that dire to require us to hunt down a bear to feed ourselves." Naruto replied to a disbelieving Lena.

"Why were you out in Siberia? And a bear, really?"

"Some more of those Vishkar guys were hunting us when we stayed in Moscow for a while. We ditched them by going into Siberia where we fought against these rouge omnics that were living out there. We eventually made it to another city where we got onto a plane and headed to South Korea." Naruto explained with a grin.

"What rogue omnics are you talking about?"

"A few remaining omnium factories are still in Russia peddling out omnics that then go to fight the Russians living there. Gramps and I just had the bad luck in encountering a few of them. It wasn't that difficult for us, but we did lose a lot of our supplies during the battle. That's why we had to kill a bear and then eat it. You also wouldn't believe how warm bear fur is when it's cold." Lena giggled at this. "What?" Naruto asked.

"Only you could get into such a ridiculous situation. It's absolutely amazing." Lena replied.

"Blame my horrid luck. Strange things just happen when I'm around. I've grown used to it."

"You shouldn't look down on what happens to you. It's what makes you so fantastic and interesting. Here in King's Row, we don't have nearly as many interesting things happen here. The most interesting would be who started a barfight and got the bobbies called on them, or where did a human and omnic fight the other day. I really want to get into something amazing when the opportunity shows up. Just flying in the sky at high speeds would be a dream."

"Then I hope you are able to do so. Haven't you looked into anything interesting that involves flying?" Naruto asked.

"I don't want to do commercial flight, that's for sure." Lena replied immediately. "That would be so boring. I want to do something exciting!"

"What about military? Or, you could try and become a pilot for Overwatch. They are always in need of a good pilot, and we'd be working together." Naruto recommended. Lena put a hand on her chin in thought.

"You know, I never really thought of doing that. I mean, my dad's been working on some project for Overwatch for years, but I never really thought of joining the organization. Maybe I'll do just that when I turn sixteen." Lena pondered. "And I really like the idea of working with you as well."

"Then I'm happy to have helped." Naruto responded warmly.

"I think that 'Captain Lena' has a good fit, don't you?" Lena teased.

"But didn't you like the title 'Fabulous Lena' instead?" Naruto retorted.

"Then I'd be called the Fabulous Captain Lena."

"Seems a bit of a mouthful. Wouldn't it be hard for people to say all of that at once? Not that I'm against calling you Fabulous Captain Lena, but there might be those out there that think the name is too long." Naruto asked.

"Then I'll just be called Captain Lena by everyone else, and you can add the word Fabulous whenever you refer to me." Lena easily fixed. Naruto chuckled at this as he quickly finished his burger.

"I think I can live with that. But you'll have to be careful that Captain Amari doesn't have any issue with it. I met her only three times. She really liked the title that she has right now and she might not like anyone usurping it by having a better ring than her." Naruto warned.

"We'll just see." Lena said while continuing to eat the rest of her burger.

"Understood." Naruto said as he drank the rest of his coffee.

800 Miles in Earth's Troposphere

Hurtling through the edge of earth was a large white capsule that was eight feet in diameter. It was being propelled by thrusters that were made from a combination of items that would've belonged in a junkyard in any other situation. Sadly, this situation was dire for the inhabitant that was within this pod.

The reason this inhabitant was in the pod in the first place would be due to how he was forced to leave the home that he'd known for all of his life or else he would've been killed. Now, one would assume that this person was human, or even an alien from another planet.

Not quite. While the inhabitant was certainly not of Earth, he was also not from the deep reaches of space. He was from a lunar colony on the massive satellite that always orbited the Earth, the moon.

And he was a genetically modified gorilla.

Inside the pod, the gorilla whose name was Winston, was belted into the seat of the pod huddled in sadness as he left his former home that he'd known all his life and descended towards the world that he had always seen from afar and been told of.

Winston was large, seven feet large which made the pod that he was in quite cramped. He wore a white uniform that was torn up in multiple places while a small set of black framed glasses covered his eyes. On his forehead was a metal plate attached to his head while patches of his black fur were torn and bleeding.

Tears streamed down his eyes as he came closer and closer to Earth, and further away from his home. Where once he had a place in life, along with someone who cared for him like a father, and he like a son, was now a place full of hate and death.

All of this was due to how the other genetically modified gorillas that lived on that lunar colony one day led a revolt and killed all the human scientists who had been living there. They would've killed Winston as well except he had managed to hide out and quickly construct the pod from whatever he could scrape by. All of this was quickly led by his swift escape from the institution and his hurtling towards Earth.

All Winston could think about was the man who had raised him, and had been killed in that revolt. He'd never be able to see him again, or to learn more from the man who had taught him so much. There wasn't even time for a goodbye as he'd been killed so quickly and suddenly. The only thing that Winston had left of the man, was both a name, and the pair of glasses that he wore.

It would be over soon, this flight in space, and his impact with the Earth would be within five minutes. Wherever he landed, Winston knew that he'd have to quickly figure out what he would be doing as he had no idea as to what the next step of his great escape would be. But that would be first if he could survive in the pod he'd quickly constructed.

That was a worrying issue. Winston hoped that the thrusters that he'd put into the front of the pod would be enough to stop the pod from burning up in the atmosphere or speeding to the ground too quickly, the hard-light emitters that he'd put onto the pod would hopefully create a barrier that would protect the pod as it hit the ground while the parachute that was in the back of the pod would stop his fall.

All of these factors were based on heavy if's. This would be all if he survived everything thrown at him. Even Winston couldn't truly calculate how good his chances were, not that he hadn't tried. He had less than a 32.33 percent chance of living through this entire experience, but there was very little choice of what he could do. All that he could do was hope that everything went well and he landed safely.

"I don't want to die." Winston chanted to himself as he came closer and closer to Earth. It was here that he noticed that he descent was speeding up. In a quick burst of orange and yellow, the thrusters at the front of the pod began to fire against the gravity of the Earth as Winston saw that he approached the countries of Europe. A blue sphere of hard-light began encasing the sphere while also leaving and opening in the back for the parachute.

When Winston's pod was about twenty miles in the sky, the parachute at the back of the pod unfurled and quickly began slowing the descent of the pod even further. It was a tense thirty seconds as Winston's pod came closer to the ground. Winston noticed that there was a large building about a mile away from his most likely landing site. He decided that he'd go to that building if he survived this whole ordeal.

In another ten seconds, Winston's pod hit impacted with the ground, and Winston sighed in relief. He pushed the door to the pod open, and he was quickly exposed to the cool air of wherever he was in Europe. The sun was setting as well which made the moon appear in the sky.

His old home. Now just a cold rock floating in space.

Just as Winston was about to wander to that building that he saw earlier, he noticed multiple bright lights traveling towards him from the direction of the building. Winston had no idea what these lights belonged to, but either way, he stood his ground as eventually multiple vehicles floated across the ground and towards him. They were all painted black with a white circle symbol with a fourth of it being orange on each of the hoods.

"Time to meet the locals." Winston muttered to himself as he adjusted his glasses.

King's Row – London

The night sky had almost completely overtaken the area of London. Now there was only a sliver of red that both Naruto and Lena could see on the horizon. Both teens were both riding on the 'Eye of London', the massive white ferris wheel. They sat next to one another and were both silent as they watched the sun slowly dip beneath the horizon.

"Watching the sun go down is always amazing, regardless of where you are in the world." Naruto spoke breaking the silence between the two.

"It sure is. I've missed hanging out like this." Lena stated. Lena looked Naruto in the eyes, "So, you wanted to show me something?"

"Of course. Naruto stood up and walked to the door that was on one side of the small spherical room that they were both in. Luckily, they managed to get a whole room of the ferris wheel to themselves.

"What'cha doin' over there?" Lena asked. Naruto didn't reply and instead put his hand on the crack of the doorway.

"How do you feel about heights?" Naruto asked.

"They don't bother me." Lena replied in confusion. With a flash of red, hard-light pushed the door of the room they were in open which let the night air blow into their compartment. "You know we could get in trouble for that."

Naruto turned around to look at Lena with a grin, "You trust me, right?"

"Yes, why are you asking?" Lena responded. Naruto was quickly covered in golden flaming hard-light that formed over him. Naruto held his arms open to Lena.

"We are leaving the wheel a bit earlier than planned. So, you coming?" Lena quickly got out of her seat and walked over to Naruto. When she did so, Naruto picked her up in a bridal carry. "Hold on." Naruto jumped out of the out of the ferris wheel and the two soared for a moment in the air and over the rooftop.

Lena shouted in excitement while Naruto concentrated on which building he was going to land on, and when they landed onto a building, Naruto would jump once more in the air. "This is amazing!" Lena shouted as they glided over multiple buildings of London.

"I kinda picked up this trick when I was traveling with gramps near a mountain." When they began gliding down towards some buildings, Naruto's legs braced for the impact and sprung once again which launched the two into the air. "It's almost like flying. Though I don't think I could ever make that happen."

"It's still wicked! Just gliding through the air without the use of a machine must be the best feeling ever." Lena exclaimed.

"It is. Though I think we should touch down onto the ground before too many people spot us." Naruto stated before he began aiming them towards a near the area of King's Row. When the two landed, Naruto carried Lena in his arms as he jumped off the roof of the building and down into an alley below where he let the hard-light covering him disperse. Then both of them walked out of the alley together.

"We need to do that again together! That was so much fun!" Lena exclaimed.

"Yeah. It was a lot of fun. We can definitely do it again. But you still need to take me on that plane ride, remember?" Naruto asked.

"I will. And I'll show you the time of your life."

"I bet you will." Naruto challenged. With that, the two headed back to Lena's house. When they got there, Lena gave Naruto a hug. "What's this for?"

"I really missed you." Lena replied before letting him go. "Let's see each other again tomorrow. This was a lot of fun."

"Alright. Night Lena." Naruto replied.

"Night Naruto." Lena then went into her house after this and left Naruto alone on the street with a massive grin. He walked away from Lena's house before jumping up in the air in triumph.

"I was so awesome!" He exclaimed, much to the amusement of Kurama.

'You seem quite happy. Did you enjoy your little date?' Kurama asked.

"It wasn't a date. And yeah, I enjoyed it." Naruto replied.

'Sure, it wasn't.' Kurama replied in a knowing tone, 'This has probably been the happiest that I've ever seen you in a while.'

"I haven't seen Lena or King's Row in so long. I really missed it. This is my home away from home after all. Nothing could change that." Naruto replied, "But I know that you really missed her too. You can't hide that from me, you're in my head after all."

'Yes, I'm in your head. That means I can see everything you see, and I know what you think. So, would you like to change what you said about me being stuck in your head because I'm not stuck with you, you're stuck with me.' Naruto laughed uneasily at this, 'I could tell Lena about all those thoughts about-'

Kurama was quickly interrupted by Naruto shushing him, "No! You've got your point across." Naruto said nervously.

'Damn right. So, up for watching a movie when we get home?' Kurama asked.

"Yeah…I'm up for it." And with that, Naruto quickly headed back to the Overwatch base in a happy silence.

Overwatch Base: Paris – France

In the Overwatch base that was located in Paris, Amelie Lacroix sat in the fenced in backyard of the building on a patio. Away from the patio were obstacle courses and targets that agents could train themselves on. Amelie had taken to reading a book at this time of night as she waited for Gerard to come back from one of his missions. It was at moments like this where she could feel dreadfully lonely as there were still few agents who worked at their base, mainly due to how the base that was here in France was mainly one that was to act as a resting point for agents before they were sent off on missions.

Recently, Amelie had taken to thinking about Naruto Namikaze due to how he had been all over the news due to his escapades in South Korea. It had been quite exciting watching Naruto fight that giant omnic, but it also slightly worried Amelie. Maybe that was just due to how she still saw the teenager as that young boy who had just arrived in France all those years ago.

Still, it made Amelie happy that Naruto had grown into a fine young man, and also into a very attractive young man. Naruto certainly wouldn't have any issue with getting the attention of women. Still though, it had been years since Naruto and Jiraiya had come to Paris, maybe Amelie could call the two and see if they could visit.

Amelie set her book onto the table that she was sitting at as she couldn't concentrate on it with all of these thoughts going through her head. Gerard was still off on his mission to take down a suspected Talon operation that was somewhere in Germany. That's all Amelie knew about it, but she waited patiently for Gerard, even if she was worried about him.

Either way, all was perfect for Amelie. She had a loving husband, a home, and a life which she enjoyed immensely. Amelie kicked back into her chair and looked into the dark night sky, not thinking as she did so, and looked at sky enjoying herself. Sadly, there wasn't anyone here at the base due to how Gerard had taken everyone available for his Talon raid, this just left Amelie, and the receptionist, Jean Paul, watching over the base for everyone to arrive.

Amelie decided to get out of her chair and check to see how Jean-Paul was doing. The man was probably bored out of his mind right now just waiting for something to happen. He was still pretty young, and that meant in most cases that he would be getting very impatient around this time.

As Amelie entered the building and walked through the halls, she found the whole building to be oddly quiet. Amelie tried to wave it off as she walked through the entire building until she passed a door that lead to the entrance of the building, as well as the front desk. She expected to find Jean Paul sitting in a chair reading a comic book that he'd always sneak into the building.

All that Amelie found was an empty desk, very odd. "Jean-Paul, where are you?" Amelie asked herself as she walked away from the desk and back into the main building. She decided to head to the breakroom in a hope of finding Jean Paul there. When she finally made it to the breakroom, Amelie saw that it too was empty. Now Amelie was becoming unsettled about this situation.

Just as she was about to turn around, she felt her back bump into someone. Amelie smiled at this, "Jean-Paul, that is a very mean trick to pull on someone." Amelie said as she turned to find a man in a completely black uniform that obscured their body. They wore a helmet with red glowing lights where their eyes should have been. "Who are you?!" Amelie screamed out before the man grabbed both of her arms and pushed her back into the breakroom and onto a table.

"Let me go!" Amelie shouted as she struggled against the vice-like grip of the soldier over her. Amelie was completely terrified over how this man could somehow get into this building unannounced. As Amelie started trying to kick at the man's shins, she saw another person enter the room over the man's shoulder.

The woman wore a black suit which contoured to her body while her face was obscured by a similar black helmet like the one the man holding her down wore. "Get off of me!" Amelie shouted as the woman walked closer to her and pulled out a syringe from one of the pouches that was strapped to her body. "What is that?! What are you going to do with that!" Amelie shouted as she began struggling even harder than before.

"It's something that will make you much more cooperative as we move you." The woman spoke in a voice that didn't belong to a soldier. Amelie quickly noticed that on each of the shoulders of their clothing were the symbols for Talon, a stylized T over a shield.

"You're Talon?"

"Yes. And our mission is you." The woman responded.

"Do you even know who my husband is? He'll find you and rescue me. And he'll kick all of your asses." The woman came closer with that syringe in hand, and from the body language that the woman was giving off, she appeared to be amused.

"That's the plan. Your husband has been an immense thorn in our side for years, this time we'll kill him." The woman replied. It was Amelie's turn to laugh at this boasting. "Is something funny?"

"Yes, it's the fact that you think that you'll ever be able to kill Gerard. He'll survive like he does every time. And he'll be one step closer to taking your whole organization down!" Amelie spat out at the woman.

"Let him try." Amelie quickly felt a pinch in her neck as the woman said this, while her whole world quickly faded away into darkness. When Amelie was unconscious, the woman gave a wave with her hand and the soldier that was originally holding Amelie down now picked her up and carried the woman over his shoulder.

He quickly left the room while the woman dropped a triangular black device with a blue tip down onto the table where Amelie had once been. Then she too walked away.

Wow, it's been a long time. Thanks for being patient, here's the chapter that's been taking way too long. Thank you for all the support, and I hope all of you have been enjoying Uprising, I know I have. Though I still think that Tracer looks like an armored flight attendant with what her new skin looks like.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and once again, sorry for the wait. I'll see you all again next time. Until then…

Stay frosty my friends.