Rob: "I don't know about you Rich, but I want to get straight to questions."

Gabriel: "That sounds perfect, Robby, but one thing before you do that- we've been handed a pillow with a pillowcase of Jared, Jensen, Mark, and Misha on it. We've been told to give it to whoever asks the best question. So, basically, ask a good question and you'll get to sleep with the Supernatural cast."

Rob: "Jokes on you, I get to sleep with Rich and I don't even need to ask questions."

Gabriel: "He's telling the truth. We were actually thinking of releasing a behind the scenes film on our little rendezvous."

Rob: "Our wives won't let us."

Gabriel: "We had names for it and everything!"

Rob: "For example, we had 'God is Cumming.'"

Gabriel: "'The Erection of the Cross.'"

Rob: "'Kings of Cu-.' We're getting bad looks from behind the curtain. We should probably stop."

Gabriel: "So questions!"

Fan #1: "Oh, um..."

Rob: "Top that."

Gabriel: "That actually was another name! Okay sorry. What was your question?"

Fan #1: "Rob, I love you so, so, much!"

Gabriel: "We have so much in common!"

Fan #1: "But my question is for Richard. Is it true that you literally just stand around on set even though you haven't been on the show in years?"

Gabriel: "This is true. I don't want them to forget about me or my character. More importantly though, I do Jared's hair before scenes. He doesn't like it, and neither does the hair department, but I do."

Rob: "It's kind of sad, actually. He has to come in disguises now just to get past security."

Gabriel: "That's actually why they killed my character off! Because they thought it would finally make me leave! I'm still here, mother effers!"

Fan #2: "You just said literally the perfect thing. I wanted to ask why you censor yourself and say 'effers'? Sorry, Rob!"

Gabriel: "Well, as you can tell from our earlier conversation, this is a family establishment. We want it to stay a place where you can bring your young kids, without worrying about things like F-bombs."

Rob: "You only have to worry about them asking what's the difference between regular films and adult films."

Fan #3: "I asked Misha and Jensen this, and I changed it up a bit for you two. So bed, wed, and behead- Sam, Dean, and Castiel. Who would your characters choose?"

Rob: "Bed Cas, wed Sam, behead Dean."

Gabriel: "Did you plan this out beforehand?"

Rob: "Maybe."

Gabriel: "Well okay then. This is hard, because I'm sure Gabriel wants nothing more than to kill Dean again. But will force him to live a life of incest. Not really preferred by an angel. So, behead Cas."

Fans: "Marry Sam!"

Gabriel: "I feel like Gabriel would actually enjoy a relationship with Dean more. Who am I kidding? Behead Cas. Wed Sam. Bed Dean. Multiple times."

Rob: "What was your question for Jensen and Misha?"

Fan #3: "Crowley, Abbadon, and Gabriel."

Gabriel: "What did they say?"

Fan #3: "They both killed you."

Gabriel: "Wow. I feel betrayed."

Fan #3: "Jensen also pronounced Louden Swain like Louden Swan."

Rob: "Thank you so much for telling me! I'll be sure to bring this up."

Gabriel: "Really? Over Crowley?"

Rob: "Rich, get over it. One is Gabriel's brother and the other has been killed by him multiple times. It makes sense that they don't like him."

Gabriel: "I'm still offended."

Fan #4: "If it makes you feel better Rich, I would always bed you."

Gabriel: "Guess who gets the pillow!"

Fan #4: "Thank you! My question is for both of you. Who's your OTP?"

Gabriel: "Sabriel."

Rob: "Whatever Rich and I are called. Beight? Dickdict? Robard?"

Gabriel: "I change my answer to Dickdict."