"I don't know. I'm not sure I like the thought of there being more..." Sapphire sounded resigned.

"Just think of all the places we could go!" Niko said. "So many places to see...things to do. It'd be like our honeymoon!"

Sapphire laughed, but it was nervous. "I don't know... I kind of like our world, you know? It's familiar."

"I know." Niko said. "But I kept hearing about this place called Disney Town...we have to see it one day..."

"You're such a child..." Saarabi said.

Sapphire really didn't like the idea, but Niko seemed to. Maybe he could take a vacation on his own one day to check it out. She didn't like the sound of it alone.

"Maybe," she replied.

Niko could sense her fear and smiled.

"Look, if you don't wanna go, I won't force ya." Niko said holding her hand. "I wait until you are ready for it."

"Sounds good to me..." Sarabi said.

When the time had come, Niko and Sapphire's wedding would be the greatest thing that had ever happened to them. However, Sally's letter proved true as Mobius was far from peaceful. A villain was on the rise, someone from an ancient past. A past before Mobius was formed. A man known as Xehanort. While he was old and had a hunch, he was no stranger to combat as he destroyed the G.U.N base that once held his cryogenically frozen body. Walking out of the base amongst the bodies surrounding him, Herato looked around and saw the varying Mobians around him and saw nothing of a challenge.

Sighing, he began to search for a worthy opponent. He found two and they were getting betrothed. He smiled and summoned his Keyblade, a rectangular sort of blade with gothic-esque marking on it and a singular light blue eye on the cross-hilt. He opened a portal make of darkness and stepped through. He had a wedding to crash and he was going to be late.