I know it's been years, but I kept writing and decided to publish. Reviews are loved!

The kids that were brought to the red house didn't have names, usually. Eva gave Lily her name.
Lily is a beautiful water flower. Just like you.
I'm not w water flower!
you bloom in impossible conditions, too.

Eva had a soft voice and passionate eyes. She never fought back, but she would cry loudly. Some of the costumers liked it. Most didn't.
Eva hated her name. A costumer gave it to her, it was his dead wife's name.
Don't you want a different name? You can choose anything you want!
No, she said. I hate it. It fits.
The boy didn't tell anybody his name, though he knew what it was. It was a secret he kept for himself, something no hunter or flesh seller or costumer can take away. His treasure, privet and secure. He would whisper it to himself whenever he was alone. He wrote it on little notes and burned the at campfires when he was taken on hunting trips. He promised lily and Eva he would tell them when they'd get free. A hopeful promise, an unsolved mystery that they all held onto.
Eva and lily called him Sea, because he kept dreaming of going to the ocean. Lily remembered her parents taking her there and she told them about the waves and the sand and how the stars reflected in the water. It sounded magical to him.
It's like a river, only big and loud and never ending. eva explained. I saw it on tv the other day.
He was the smart one. Good researcher, sharp brain, excellent memory. Hunters saw that as valuable. At first, that was his position at the red house, at first. The "go to" guy. hunters came to him seeking information, advice. Sometimes took him with them on the more dangerous hunts, returning him to the red house after the case was closed. If they were lucky, he got a vision that pointed them in the right direction . If no vision accrued, he was still a great deal of help. complicated cases, after all, were like puzzles, and hunters aren't known for their patience.

Things went terribly downhill as puberty hit him. The visions became violent and terrible and made him so ill that he was useless for a whole week after. They also became frequent and accurate. Doroi, the owner of the red house, understood the financial potential that he had in his hands. Knowing the future, being able to predict and change it- a rare ability. It was priceless, really.

Sea couldn't control it, never could. But he knew, just like all of the hunters and costumers, that if he was in enough pain, or scared enough, a vision would hit. His mind would take over his body and protect him the only way it could. When he was younger, it was easy. A slight cut or bruise were enough. As he got older, it didn't work as well as it used to. Fire worked for a while, then they started electrocuting him, or breaking bones. They stopped taking him on hunts, and left him chained with a leash at the top floor of the red house at all time. After a while, they didn't need to chain him anymore, he could barely stand up, let alone try to run.
The one good thing that came with his predicament was that he was imprisoned for a while in the library of the red house. In the periods of time when he wasn't too ill or weak, he stole books and read them, risking punishment.

It was worth it. Lily and Eva would climb upstairs at night, curl around his broken body. Lily would heal him as much as she could. Her small, cold hands ghosted, light as butterfly's wings on his stretched tight skin. Then, they would lay wide awake near him, listening to his stories. Together, they planned their escape, their revenge, or guessed which abilities they will develop next.
If it wasn't for them, he knew, he'd be dead. Either from the visions or the torture, it didn't matter. They were what kept him mostly sane, and he was their anchor, their protector. As long as they were focused on him, they couldn't hurt the girls as much.

Or so he believed, that is until he found out what they were doing to Eva downstairs.
What they were about to do to him.

"So… what's your real name?" Dean asked.
Jay smiled softly. It has been two weeks since he woke up. his vocal chords were a mess, misused and garbled and plain painful, but he felt content. John hasn't been home for the past week, ever since Jay managed whispering the details of the vision. A women, burning over her baby girl's crib, in Savana Georgia. He had the exact address and John ran out, not even bothering wearing his shoes. It was a little ridicules, really. Mostly sad.

Jay felt the heavy guilt of every death he witnessed. If it wasn't prevented, it was his fault, his burden to carry, until he couldn't carry it anymore.
"Jay? What's your real name, buddy?"
Jay coughed and raised his eyes toward Dean's. Dean was good. That much he knew. He cared for Jay in a way no one, not even Eva or lily, had ever cared for him. Jay was so scared, when he woke, terrified that Dean will find out why they kept Jay gagged in the first place. He would put me under lock and key if he knew, he reminded himself. Nobody wants something like that near them. But he kept mostly quiet, restraining his powers. He didn't want to be sent back to the red house. At the beginning, he was so tense and scared he could barely look at Dean without crying. He felt safe, here, with Dean. It was good. Too good.
It wouldn't last. Dean's a hunter, he reminded himself sternly. You know how this ends.
"I don't have a name but the one you gave me," Jay said softly, slowly. His voice barely audible.
"Oh, come on, no way." Dean sounded hopeful. He smiled at jay, bright and sweet, and Jay smiled back. He was trying his best not to be scared of Dean. As long as John wasn't around, Dean was easygoing, helpful, and seemed to try and do all he could to make Jay more comfortable, to make Jay trust him. It went against everything he knew, but it was impossible not to respond to his excited gestures whenever Jay spoke.

"I like what you chose," Jay said desperately. "I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for." Dean sat next to him, on the edge of the bed, and Jay fought the urge to flinch away as far as he could. Dean is not like that, he reminded himself. You'll hurt his feelings. Sit still.
" Why won't you tell me?" Dean insisted.
"I… I can't." was he pushing it to far?
Dean is nice. He won't hurt me. God, please, don't let him hurt me…
"you can't?" Dean seemed genuinely puzzled. "why?"
" It's a s-secret, I'm sorry, my secret, I can't tell you. P-please, I'm sorry-"
Did he ruin everything? Denying a hunter what he wants is a death wish, he knew, it was beaten into him long ago.
"hey, hey- calm down, Jay-"
he hasn't realized he was hyperventilating until Dean hugged him. All he logically knew about Dean was forgotten. Dean was just a hunter, requesting something and being denied it. Jay was scared to move out of Dean's tight grasp, and slowly let himself be comforted as he trembled. cried and coughed and tried his best to breath around his swollen throat and lips.
"you got a fever again, that's all. Its messing with you… You're safe now. You're with me."
"-I c-can't t-tell you-"
"I didn't know it was a secret, okay? I'm sorry for asking. Shh… don't be scared. It's okay…"
"you don't say n-no to a hunter. I ruined it." Jay shivered. Why was he so cold?
"come on, lay down. Its okay…"
"A-are you going to send m-me back?"
"No. No. You know I won't, buddy. It's just the fever talking, okay?"
"salt and burn by b-bones," Jay sing- sung to himself. "T-throw me in the trash can."
Dean was crying, all of a sudden. Jay raised his eyes to him.
"They killed her?" Dean asked, then sobbed. "Set her dress on fire?"

That shocked Jay into awareness. He pressed his powers down, hard, suffocating them deep into him. Dean gasped and startled, looking around as if he woke up from a nightmare. Jay felt warm blood coating his nose and lips and eyes.
He fell asleep with Dean's frantic hands ghosting on his cheeks, reminding him of Lily's healing touch.