2/18/17: I deeply apologize for the three month hiatus on this story. I was well busy with my original fiction.
(You can check it out here: Link to Fictionpress please.)
Since the huge Writer's Block invaded me, I managed to break through with the help of re-reading some chapters and getting recent comments (thankfully not negative) but positive criticism.
I know there has been confusion flowing through this story word by word but I'll soon re-write it as Anon told me to do so.
Meanwhile, enjoy Robin's return to Virginia Beach with Shulk and Lucina. :)
It all started with a string.
A tiny velvety piece of smooth fuzz.
Purple and gold... now turned to Skyblue and white.
Crossweaving in loyal friendship, strong protection, and divine love over friends from three worlds.
From point A to point B, it ties itself across the Atlantic and twists together to bind the two locations in between for eternal solitude.
Forged from two to one.
So these are the Invisible Ties.
Robin exhaled in thought, blinking ahead at the foggy clouds slowly dispersing to reveal their location. It had been months (or even years) since the tactician committed his ungrateful crimes and escaped from the police through fear and determination to find his friends hooking him from Lake AJRA in a flash.
"Recognize anything familiar, Rob?" Shulk chuckled as Robin sat up to feel overwhelmed at the mesmerizing panorama of the bird's eye view of Virginia Beach.
So, this is what it felt like to return home after his crude nightmare back in AJRA.
The breathtaking view of tiny buildings and the clear sandy strip of Oceanfront Beach rendered him speechless. Slightly shaking his head, Robin dared not to splutter out in joy of tears as he continued to eye-sparkle at the sights below him.
Lucina understood that feeling when you come home after spending days at a different location. Setting the empty Volvic water bottle lobbing towards the backseat, she gave out a tiny huff of gratitude before blinking in sheer sympathy, "Shulk, we all get that feeling when we arrive back to what is truly called home. Besides, there's no chance that my father is following us."
Shulk glanced back to see the navy blue and white 757 eagerly trailing their route over the Atlantic. "Don't worry. Team Aquila got us covered."
A static echoed through the Hydroplane PA speakers as Trump's groggy voice came on, "Hey, anytime you need help or you're in danger, call us. 24/7 service right at your back."
All three of them shared a good laugh before the hom volunteered to reply in glee, "Thanks for the offer you guys, but I guess this is where we depart ways."
"Better do than say! George here is getting hungry!" Jeb held his turtle up to find the poor creature's head tucked back in his shell.
"Well? Feed him some Jack Links then." Ted chuckled in laughter while carefully watching Rubio play KvD Heroes on his 3DS.
"I'm pretty sure he's not the kitty I have here." Hillary relaxed in the third row window seat while Sanders purred in agreement on her shoulder.
"I still can't stop thanking you guys for what you have done for us. It's been a great pleasure that you aided us to take down those fighter jets." Shulk shook his head in unbelievable joy, causing Robin to sit up with attention and quirk a silver brow in interest.
"Don't mention it." The Aerofelian Agent continued his laugh, the rest of Team Aquila squaring up around the PA board. "Besides, I think it's time we decide to part ways. Call us anytime!"
"Sure will!" Lucina replied before listening in to the static disconnecting their conversation, watching the Trump plane rumble ahead west across The Land of the Free.
Silence aided thier Hydroplanes on Auto Pilot as Shulk heaved a sigh and leaned back in comfort, "God, can any day be like this day? Where it's just simply joyful get-togethers and not fighting down evil like what happened 10 hours ago?"
"I wish." Robin chuckled with a sigh as he spotted a stray bean, dried up and shriveled into the deepest corner of the footwell of his Touran. He noted his mind not to bend down and retrieve the stray item since that could splinter the alu-rod the REHAB placed into his back.
Lucina, on the other hand, felt overwhelmed in silence, heart beating in sadness and joy blending into one.
It was a feeling barricaded with emotions of silence as if days quickly passed by to the exciting moment of truth.
"It's all up to Him. He made everything go well."
Evening fell over Virginia Beach sprung to life with lights all across the state. Flying over bars looming with calm music, tiki torches lightning up the strip of Oceanfront Beach, and lighted traffic running in between masted buildings towering over the wide roads and marina bays, it was a sight that made Robin feel different as to what he experienced during his escape in AJRA.
He felt free like the European robin he released through the window of Shulk's house before they departed from Bionis.
A flick to the window switch caused a light buffer of air to spiral in, the tactician breathing in the air of Aquila for the very (first) time.
The odor of the sea and smoke from the tiki torches blended in to tickle his nostrils with a true nostalgic feeling.
The opening of their very first Lidl in Virginia Beach. EDM parties on the Destiny Monado II on Chesapeake Bay. The accidental downfall of the Lessner Bridge destruction.
Those were the good times.
"And approaching the runway near Wolfsnare Creek." Shulk quietly announced through the PA, Robin 'hm'ed?' to attention as Lucina smiled in satisfaction.
Endless string of lights guided their touchdown, the back wheels popping from the rear bumper allowed them to give out a smooth landing. The spoiler flaps on both wings were raised as all three of the cars slowed down from speed.
Rather feeling fazed at the sight of a forest wrapping around the mansion's hidden identity, Robin felt his amnesia kick in before realizing that the trees were something new to him although it had been there for years.
Nothing could stop him now from getting caught, not even the AJRAnian police.
It was as if the sudden topic of the Migros thief was dismissed and it was long forgotten behind.
Spotting Shulk stepping out of his Ibiza, the hom meekly approached his Touran and kneeled down to remove the wings from his beloved minivan.
He wondered why but then it hit him with a memory that the tight spiraling ramps eventually led every member's cars to 'balcony roof park' beside thier room, overlooking the forest and Wolfsnare creek.
It was rather a lavish idea on how Shulk brilliantly re-constructed the AweSomE cast mansion after the terrible storm on Earth AU. The feature was introduced whole heartedly new to the team and they all agreed with Balcony Roof Parking.
"There ya go buddy." Shulk exhaled in relief after covering the wide slots with a WPR lid. "We'll meet you in your room's balcony."
"All right." Robin nodded as he guided the Touran into the garage ramp that spiraled into 10 entrances to thier room balconies. Of course there was optional parking underground, but it was best if some members had their cars up on the roof.
The exit allowed the Touran to slowly halt before the railing, the panorama view of Oceanfront lighted across the creek was a stunning view.
Robin patiently waited for Shulk and Lucina to arrive.
He wondered if the rest of the cast was present, seeing that they had no night shifts while they worked.
Cutting the engine while staring at the reflection of his face on the Wii U gamepad screen, it was much brighter in skin tone. No bags under his eyes. No yellowing teeth. No ash accumulating between the streaks of his white strands.
He didn't appear like a homeless criminal anymore.
Stifling a soft chuckle, the smile raised as it fell into worried silence. Eyeing the rearview mirror, the tube to the vacuum returned the greeting as Robin sighed and blinked in deep thought at the red duffel bag resting against the Rubbermaid bucket.
How would the other members in the AweSomE cast react to his disappearance from AJRA?
It felt quite hard to accept the moment of truth but all in all, he sat up in attention to catch voices drifting behind him.
"Forget about the empty mansion, let's just get Rob into his chair." Shulk laughed as Lucina opened the driver's door, a smile caused the tactician to copy the expression.
"Feeling okay?" the bluehaired princess felt silence gripping the two together as Robin nodded in sympathetic tranquility.
"God, this thing is like an elephant." Shulk struggled to roll it on the ground after snapping off the belts that secured the wheelchair to the floorboards. The final thump got the hom exhaling in relief as he conveniently rolled it beside the driver's door.
"Careful." Lucina warned as she gripped the tactician's arms while he carefully picked himself up and cautiously moved over to the chair in comfort, wheels reeling back a tiny bit from his sudden movement of sitting down.
A sting bit back his spine as Robin bravely ignored the pain and patiently waited for them to wheel him to the kitchen.
A small tray of snacks and drinks were set on the marble island table, the tactician eagerly wheeling up to a bag of Crusti Croc Hog Skinz, the irresistible bacon flavoured crisps wrangled him into a mouthful of food heaven.
Since Shulk and Lucina were mainly the opposite of Robin, the athletic duo decided to take a simple Crownfield granola bar and some Freeway ice tea.
"Home sweet home, huh?" Lucina broke the silence with a soft laugh, Shulk nodding in sheer agreement.
"Yeah, it just feels so good to have our tactician back." Shulk wistfully chuckled as they both laughed at Robin who just couldn't help himself into another slice of pie.
Pear pie, something to help him treat his 'BATHROOM' problem.
Robin was too busy into eating, he bothered not to make a comment since he was just hypnotized with many goodies layed out on the marble island table.
Snowflakes of crumbs showered the surface and the tiles as Shulk sighed once again at Robin's eating style.
Yup, sloppy like a pig.
Lucina stared at the stained glass window, sporting a brown owl in the middle while taking sips of ice tea.
The silence was eventually broken by Shulk who excused himself with a tiny burp, but then shockingly jumped out his skin when a loud one followed after.
Gripping the padded back of their chairs, heads slowly raised in view to find the tactician tweaking a toothpick between his teeth in satisfaction while patting his belly full.
All three of them shared a laugh after snack time, Shulk rubbing his hands in excitement while leading the both of them to the underground garage. "From the very day I told you about your surprise, your time has come, buddy!"
Robin couldn't help but smile at what he was offering for. Whatever the surprise was, it just had to make him feel better after the dilemma of his crimes and the serenity of escaping them.
Tube lights flickered on as the AC vents roared to life, a studious hatchback vehicle placed in the middle, helpfully covered in a large gray cloth.
Confusion flickered in his almond brown eyes as Robin wondered why they got him a new car since he already had the 'stolen' Touran.
"Shulk. Why in Naga would you get me a new car?" Robin hooted with a perplexing gaze at Tomato Boy who simply grinned from side to side.
"That Silver Pegasus that was etched in toothpaste against your bathroom wall."
"What was the sole reason for you guys to explore my apartment anyway? It was abandoned like the Old Generation." Robin reasoned with sincerity as Shulk frowned while Lucina gestured him to answer the tactician's question of curiosity.
Shulk rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment as he smiled nervously, "Well, let's just say that was inspection on your messy pen."
"No, I'm fine with that." Robin returned his chuckle as he got prepared to see Shulk grip the cloth.
"Since that was mysteriously dead, I decided to revive it. Robin? Here's your new Prius!"
Cover whipped off, the tactician stared speechless at his new 2012 silver hybrid, Lucina currently in the driver's seat, revving up the engine.
Just at the sound of the purring hybrid engine got Robin to bite back a few tears and stumble into repetetive sobbing chokes.
"Robin!" Shulk called out as he watched his friend wheel away in disbelief.
Lucina opened the door while stepping out, echoing the hom's words. "Robin, wait!"
Silence gripped the cold walls of the garage as Lucina frowned, "I guess the surprise offended him into tears of solitude."
Shulk felt miffed about him and decided to exhale with a defeated sigh, "C'mon Luce. There's a way we can comfort him."
Drops of tears gripped the glass frame of Cia and Douche as Robin sat in front of his bed, the frame lying against the blanket.
I await your return, Douche and Cia.
Leaning back with sigh, Robin worriedly glanced ahead at the balcony window to his Touran.
The polar bear that saved his life from all of the troubles that sprouted around AJRA. The mini-van that led his journey to a successful escape. The car that was deemed worthy to have the Modern Mark of Grima on the front grille and rear hatchdoor.
Without a reason, Robin would have been caught by the police in seconds hadn't the Touran saved his life from the getaway crimes he caused.
"Robin!" the tactician turned around to see Shulk and Lucina heading his way, "There you are!"
"We understood your hurt feelings after we surprised you with your Prius." Lucina sympathetically reasoned as they both sat on his bed, the blue haired swordsprincess cradling a leather bound book in her hands, the page edges gleaming gold.
"Please. Don't bother about it. I just get over emotional with materialistic stuff I see." Robin murmured with a sigh as he curiously stared at the book.
Lucina noticed his gaze as Shulk smiled in warm hearted comfort, "Something to cheer you up lately."
"And introduce you into something new." Lucina added after the hom nodded in agreement.
Robin took a second to inhale this all in, "So, the God you were talking about earlier, is this the book to it?"
Curiously flipping through the Bible, the tactician raised an eyebrow at each of the book names. They sounded rather weird but acceptable to note in mind.
"Yup. My father calls it the poisoned book. Just ignore him and let's explain about this whole Polytheism thing from AJRA."
"All of those dragons you see- Naga, Grima, Ashera, Mila, Duma, Medeus, and Anankos. They're just puppets of the Invisible Dragon." Shulk added while tampering with a piece of rolled tape stuck to his hands.
"And the Invisible Dragon is indeed Satan." Lucina proudly informed, a snarl escaped her throat when her father was pictured in her mind once again.
"Someone help Cia, please." Robin murmured once he peeked through his fingers towards the only female HTK lover and tactician on the framed photo.
"But all of those miracles that Naga was showing you, they seemed to aid your escape with success. But please note in mind that green haired woman took form of Naga but was not Naga." Lucina explained while Shulk helpfully jumped in, "Instead that was an angel from God that was trying to lead you to the final point in your journey."
Robin snorted in countering demand, "Care to explain why we have green snow then?"
That got the two to exchange timid glances with each other but bothered not to show it out.
Shulk flicked the ball of tape sticking to the bed covers above the floor while Lucina swung her blue hair back behind her shoulders, "The green snow was just a miracle to get you moving across the gardens. Really, we saw it through Ether. There is nothing that could stop you from your enemies, Rob. Even if you have this book in your hand."
"Promise you'll read it everyday and confess that God is your saviour instead of Naga?" Shulk helpfully smiled, trying their best not to pressure him with this new belief.
The long silence demoralized his hesitant reply, almond brown watering in trembling fear as if his two best friends became part of the Grimleals.
"I- I-..." Breathing lightly, Robin gave out a sigh of defeat and accepted the authoritative question with an exhale, "Yes, Shulk. I'm willing to find out and explore deeply through this book."
"That's what I wanna see!" Shulk exclaimed with laughter as Robin returned him a smile of nervous gratitude.
Lucina opened the Bible to Isaiah, their first verse that exactly resembled part of the tactician's crimes and his sole forgiveness, "We have a few verses here to help you better understand what we're talking about."
"Don't feel too pressured by what we're about to show you with." Shulk re-assured with a smile as Robin grabbed the book and set it on his lap.
"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." the tactician slowly finished with a confused blink. "I don't slightly get it."
Lucina chuckled and assured him with a smile, "Just don't worry about getting confused the first time. Everyone's like that when they first start reading the Bible."
"Funny thing is, Riki noted this verse a couple of days earlier while I was taking a hike throughout the woods in Bionis." Shulk quietly commented, giving Robin to nod in understanding.
"Moving on." Lucina flipped to the next desired book, 1st Thessilonians 5:3. "This verse heavily reflects the downfall of AJRA and Mechonis."
"Not to mention, Emmeryn's death considering she was prized peace to Ylisse." Shulk helpfully elaborated while Robin quirked a brow of interest.
"Gods, there's so much-"
A hand was raised to hush him shut as Lucina's confident tone brought the tactician to gulp nervously, "We as true believers don't say 'Gods' anymore."
"Someone kill my habit off, please." Robin lightly begged to himself as Shulk calmed him down, "Hey, bud. Nobody's perfect in this world. We all learn from our mistakes."
"Learn from our mistakes." Robin repeated in a thoughtful tone. He was given a chance to repent from his crimes even if 'Naga' forgave him.
"Moving on, let's focus on the word. Here." Lucina interjected while handing him the book.
Robin once again tried to read it without hesitancy, "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."
"Starting to get it?" Shulk demanded with a friendly tone. Robin blinked back in silence, feeling dumbstruck for a second before giving it all in.
"Just how does this book know so much about me?"
"It's not about you, it's about everyone in the world." Lucina reasoned, her left index finger and thumb gripping the edge of the page, "Jesus cares for everyone including the people who are polytheistic or even agnostic like my father. The reason why there's so much sin in the world is because no one is perfect. Only God is perfect. He died for our sins because He loved us."
"But then He resurrected back to watch over us until the very end of His return." Shulk helpfully added.
Robin hummed in blank thought while emitting out a sigh, "Jesus and God. Are they two different beings?"
Lucina and Shulk glanced at each other before stuttering out nervously, "Well, I think it be better that Tomato Boy explains this one. Go ahead."
"Haha! Alright." the hom took in a few seconds of silence before calmly explaining, "If you go way back to the beginning of the book, you know that He made the Heavens and the Earth, right? But then skipping over to the period where the folk of Israel were captive in Egypt, God led Moses and His folk out of Egypt right after they received the plagues, and ordered Moses to climb at the very top of Mt. Sinai and retrieve two of the most divine pieces of history."
"The Ten Commandments." Lucina helpfully added after Shulk chuckled with laughter.
"Right, and these governmental laws that Lucy's father stupidly comes up with, they're not real laws. True, they are for the world but don't get so submissive over them. Then you're piling yourself to the Invisible Dragon as his hungry gift." Shulk watched Robin nod slowly in understanding, awaiting more questions from him. But the tactician resisted and wanted to know more.
"Going back to the Bible, all of the other worldly nations in the Old Testament started getting chaotic and out of hand. Other wordly gods like the Dragons the AJRAnians worship and attempted to build altars out of gold and silver for them. They were going against the Law and many iconic people in the Old Testament refused to bow down to thier absurd practices. That's when in the beginning of the New Testament- prominently in the book of Matthew, that's when God decided to take in human (flesh and blood) form and go by the name of Jesus Christ. He performed many miracles. Walk on water, heal the sick and diseased, and even whip the money taxers out of thier synagouges!"
"He sounds so much better than Naga." Robin smiled with tiny exhale, shifting a tiny bit to his right because a long hour discussion while sitting in one pose could get in so much ache. "What got Him to die for our sins, I wonder?"
It was Lucina's turn to explain, "You see Rob, there were two major groups that played a role in Jesus's life. The Romans and the Pharisees. The Romans were good and wanted to protect Him from the cowardly Pharisees who were completely against His works and even spied on Him as if He was something valuable like gold. Day by Day, the more they saw these miracles, the more they wanted to kill Him. Then it was to that day that He gave up his life freewillingly on the cross."
Robin blinked, rendered speechless. It was his first time listening to this so it felt like he was being tampered with the truth. "And if Jesus died, where is God now?"
That was a pure Chrom question to Lucina as she completely understood his confusion and decided to end the explanation, "After He got killed on the cross, His body was buried in the tombstone. But then the next day, the tombstone was open and He rose back from the dead- this time as spirit and as not flesh and blood."
"And this is how He's watching over us now, testing us to see if we're walking in His path or not. Meaning by reading and sharing His Word." Shulk finished by holding up the Bible with a smile.
"Do you realize now how this affects the world? The Invisible Dragon has won over it and we now have to steadfast and stick to this book like glue. Hand over the Good News to others so that they may be saved. We can talk much longer but there's one more verse I want to share with you before you're free to go." Lucina grabbed the book from the hom's hands as she flipped to the book of James, leading his almond brown eyes to Chapter 4.
Robin once again, prepared himself with an inhale and carefully read:
"6. But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.
10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up."
After shaking his head in slow realization, the tactician silently closed the book and handed it back to the blue haired princess. He suddenly felt changed now. As if by a miracle. A sudden poof. He was no more that old Robin now. But a new Robin. Steadying his sitting posture, he gripped the handles as his arms began to tremble, "I feel quite weird."
"Hey, everybody feels quite weird when they first start to believe in Him. But don't take it so deep. You'll get used to it just like us." Shulk comforted with a smile. Robin wondered why his smiles were so easily immutable like it was magic.
After the long hour talk on reality and religion, the trio parted ways to be engaged into their cherished duties.
The tactician deserved a lot of rest right after his successful journey, a well worth pat on the back to achieving his dream. Laying in bed with a thoughtful stare at the ceiling, his legs were locked static as tiny sounds of Elwind were released absentmindedly in relief.
Glancing back at his wheelchair standing next to his bed, Robin wondered what a miracle it was to have this transport tool during his escape. That was another object he had to credit for other than his Touran.
Glancing back at the ceiling, the tears suddenly came as Robin silently weeped to himself. He felt his own tears run across the side of his face all the way to trickling into the lobes of his ears.
How in Naga was he able to go through this mess so quickly?
Only one question could have been answered.
Brown almond eyes spotted a Gideons pocket Bible on his nightstand, every word there to answer his life's problems.
Meanwhile, Shulk was busy fixing a Hydroplane Wing to his Honda Civic Euro. It was a tiny hobby to the hom that he was proudly skilled at, but nevertheless practiced it everyday.
Last but not least, Lucina was in her room, browsing through Smashbook on her lunar blue Sony Vaio laptop.
Ignoring her father's posts, she found a video that was darn close to the sacrifice that Robin showed her back in Shulk's house in Bionis.
This time the Grimleal cultists in the Invisible Kingdom (Geneva) near CERN were sacrificing a small girl in front of a huge statue of the Korilwan (Future Indian) goddess, Shiva. It was rather brutal to watch since the girl was motionless on the floor after the sudden dagger strike and bothered not to clean up the mess up afterwards. Even the Aquilian college student who filmed the whole thing from the upstairs hall window of the HQ building, spluttered out the same exact words as Robin did.
It was just too much to grasp in for.
After watching the video in pure horror and silent worries struck upon her, Lucina decides to pass the video on to Chrom, hoping her father would get to know about the cult returning from the Old generation.
Thankfully he was online and decided to hit up a message without getting concerned of watching it on his own.
Owlsof Taltaria: You have no word for this father, do you? They have returned after abandoning the Dragon's Table in Plegia and now they're secretly gathering in CERN, Invisible Kingdom to continue their devilish sacrifices on the poor AJRAnians. Your Kalastta cannot save you from either of this nonsense neither can Naga or the rest of the false gods and goddesses the AJRAnians foolishly hold on to. I know you have been to Future India with joy and saw it's diverse cultural festivals and temples but it's time for us to separate from these evil sects.
John 14:6: "Jesus said to Thomas, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except for me."
I know you're clueless about what I had just said, but there is a point I have made about. The difference between Light and Darkness.
Are you following me?
Sighing with solitude gripping her heart, Lucina patiently waited for her father to reply.
Minutes later, three gray bubbles hopped from left to right as Chrom was in the process of coming up with most stupidest and arrogant reply ever.
beanpaws27: What? The Grimleals returned? Damn you Grima and your deceiving promise of being neutral! Peace doesn't lead to destruction. I have no idea where you got that from. OMFGS, he met Thomas the tank engine!? I love Thomas! For the rest of that, I don't see the clear point behind that. If Jesus is God's son and he's beckoning everyone to follow him, then where is he now? I told you God dosen't exist.
She felt like angrily thumping her head against the pillow. How could her father be labeled as exalt if he was too stupid to understand something very clear before him?!
More like legally retarded for a better description.
OwlsofTaltaria: Stop right there, father. Let's discuss about that another time. I have to go now.
beanpaws27: See ya later, Luce. May Kalastta watch over you.
Laptop slammed shut, silent steams of rage ran down her cheeks as Lucina strongly yelled in a pissed off way. Shulk noticed her uproar of an upsetting feeling from the underground garage while dropping the wrench in shocking awe.
"Lucy, are you okay?" the hom arrived to her room with breathless urgency.
She picked up a tiny flower sticker still adhesive to the paper and flicked it in sheer rage, "Just ignore my father. I don't even know why Sumia married the prince of Ylisse in the first place."
"Still, we have lots to learn from Him. Everyone's not perfect. Only God can transform your father if he's willing to leave behind his agnostic belief." Shulk softly soothed her while running a hand through her blue hair. With her eyes red and puffy from the short session of crying, she sat up and heaved out a sigh.
"Let's just see how Robin is doing. I typically have no idea where the other cast members disappeared off to. It's so weird to even feel as of they're not there."
The both of them walked down the hall to the tactician's room. Knocking twice on the door, Shulk quietly called behind the door, "Hey Rob, it's us. Mind if we come in for a little while?"
The covers shifted as Robin was able to twist his upper body only into the direction of the sound. Feeling a little wheezed, he bothered not to reply as he struggled to breathe softly.
"I guess silence is a yes." Shulk shrugged as Lucina beckoned him to open the door.
Robin continued his soft breathing, tiny wheezes sounding from his throat. Shulk and Lucina had no idea why this was happening, considering for a paraplegian, it was rare to find him suffering like this.
That's when Lucina first took action, "Quick, get me a respirator machine. There's something so fishy about this."
"On it, Luce." Shulk dashed out of the room for the requested health item.
It would have been quickly healed if Lissa's mend staff was used. But no form of medieval weaponry existed in Aquila except for the historic US war swords and they were forced to use modern technology as a lifesaver.
"It's gonna be okay, Rob." Lucina comforted as the tactician gave out a devulsioning twitch while biting back the wheezes.
Shulk promptly came back with the respiratory machine, hooking it up to the power outlet before securely strapping the mask on his nose.
Seconds later the wheezing dispersed and the flow of the tactician's breathing ran smoothly.
"Whew. Glad that's all over with." Shulk sighed in relief as Lucina ran her hand through the snow white hair in sympathy.
"It's because of the water he drank at the school fountain. All that chemical from the Rhine river were hanging out in his body, that's what got him weak."
Shulk cocked an eyebrow in her direction, "But the green snow also did something for Robin like escaping on foot."
"True." Lucina continued to rub her hand through his hair when she noticed the slightest of jaw gnawing through his closed mouth. "Is- Is he? Grinding his teeth? Look Donkey boy."
Shulk craned his neck forward to find their tactician quietly gnashing his teeth without full notice.
"Oh my god, he is. Is there anyway to cure this?"
Lucina sighed as her nose picked up a prudent odor beneath the blankets but bothered not to tell him. "I guess not."
A few more minutes of observing their tactician. Besides the prudent odor that wafted beneath the blankets, his hands slightly twitched in discomfort while they watched his chest rise and fall in irregular pattern. The eyelids cracked open a tiny bit, revealing the almond brown orbs to stare into another part of the ceiling as if feeling mentally unstable or hazy about his devastating loss over Gaius. A tiny crack was heard from his teeth grinding but bothered not to feel it with his tongue as Robin still rested like some patient with nausea arriving from the ER operation room.
The sight of this caused the duo in sympathetic silence.
"Should we call a local therapeutic spine institute regarding his Paraplegia?" Lucina asked in worry, Shulk took time to lay out his thoughts.
"I don't know Luce. Considering that's the best thing to do for tomorrow, I say I'm one with it." the hom meekly grinned as he yawned with a tiring stretch. "This Donkey Boy's got to sleep. Night, Luce. See ya tomorrow. And get well soon Robin. Wishing you some prayers from God."
The tactician stared at the ceiling, too numbed to reply. A twitch to his hand got Shulk to understand his reply.
"See you tomorrow, Shulk." Lucina waved in farewell as she prepared to sleep next to their paraplegic tactician.
Some concluding Notes:
I highly mentioned God's word because I not only want Robin to understand the true belief in Him but I also want readers to understand what's going on in the world to and how God's word affects all of us. It's fine of you are in a different religion or belief, but to me, I really enjoy including God's Word in stories. It intimidates me to spread it further through my stories and I highly recommend readers to just read a few verses from these books never mentioned in the story:
1 Timothy 1:16/ Hebrews 3:7/ Hebrews 4/ Hebrews 9:14/ Hebrews 11:34/ Hebrews 12: 13, 16-26/ Hebrews 13: 7-9/ 1 Peter 5:2/ Psalm 53:1/ Psalm 62:11/ Luke 12/ 1st Corinthians 2:6/ 1st Timothy 6:8-10.
I am no worldly Christian, nor I attend churches. I read and have family gatherings at home because I love God. :)
Also, I hope readers won't get slightly irritated or offended if I constructed Robin's personality to suffer with paraplegia. I wanna point out that this is where the location "Plegia" comes from the game, considering you have to have Naga transport the Shepherds on Grima's spine. Paraplegia. Spine. Get the coincidence?
Welp, I guess it's 11'clock by me in AJRA (Switzerland) Gotta go to bed.
Falco276 out! :)