Child of Dreams: :D YAY!

Robin0203: Thank you so much! Wasn't it! Papa Chuck and his angels are best! So is Michael and Lucifer! They're all so cute!

Broken Twisted Lullabies: YAY thank you! I was so worried that it woud have been too much! Osiris and Horus are so cute! Lucifer really adores Alex, she's the only human that he can tolerate, nah but really though, he really likes her! Definitely, we're are totally going to get a bit more of Michael and Chuck, there is so much more there that needs to be put back into place and fixed up. Totally though, having to know that and that there is little you can do about it has to be worst!

Anubis is really just a big puppy, and Raph is so fond of him too!

Thank you so much! I was so worried that it would have been too much, the meet up between Michael and Lucifer. I completely agree, it kind of gets me that most write Michael as being, well, as being a dick, and on a certain level I completely disagree with it. Lucifer and wing scratches is best.

Thank you so much for all your kind words! You are best! :D

AN:So I figured we could have used a bit more of a certain character and boom here we are!

Alex looked up from her notebook, from her seat at the kitchen table, and smiled at the sight of Lucifer standing over her shoulder, "You got number two wrong."

"Well hello to you too, how was your nap sleeping beauty?"

He stuck his tongue out at her and slid into the seat next to her. He fiddled with the table cloth and hummed.

"Are you still mad at me?"

The blonde looked over at her for a moment and she ducked, turning back to her notebook, erasing her work for the number he had said she had missed. Alex knew that look all too well.

"Oh no, I'm going to be far from pleased for a good while from now."

She swallowed and he bumped their shoulders, "Calm down though kiddo, just because I'm unhappy doesn't mean it's going to change anything. You're still, dare I say, you're still my friend."

Lucifer watched her expression carefully, a smirk playing at his lips as she tried to hide her smile as she clearly knew he was watching her. Alex bit her lip and turned to spare him a look, a small smile playing at her lips.

"There's that smile, you should it more, looks better then your usual teenage angst frown."

She giggled and nudged his shoulder, leaning into him for a moment before turning back to her homework. He leaned in closer and pointed at number two on the sheet.

"This is simple calculus, what do you do when you have two multplying exponents?"

"You must be Alex?"

The deep voice that radiated from behind her spooked her enough that she jumped from her spot on the couch. Perhaps watching a horror movie while the others were out and so late at night. He chuckled behind her and a large warm hand reached out to rub at her shoulder.

"Calm yourself young one, it is merely a piece of fiction."

She smiled up at him, "And your Michael, right?"

He smiled in return and sat next to her on the couch, waiting as she paused her movie to give him her undivided attention.

"That would be me. And you must be the little human that my younger brothers have grown so fond of?"

"I am?"

Michael smiled at her, his eyes sparkling in amusement, and he nodded.

"You are. They are quite upset with you at the moment. What you did was admirable, but reckless, you could have gotten yourself hurt or worse."

Alex looked down, hands fiddling with the blanket in her lap, and she could feel her face burning with shame.

"They have included you in our fold, adopted you into our flock, and as the eldest I have to say that it is an honor to finally meet you."

She looked up at him and he smiled down at her, "They talk of you often. They are quite fond of you. And I cannot wait until I get to meet this boy who thinks he is good enough to court one of ours."

"Court? Whow even says court anymore?"

He quirked an eyebrow and poked her side playfully, "Are you making fun of me? Call me old fashioned, but I still refer it courting."

She giggled and leaned away. He smiled and pulled her back until she was flush to his side. She was tense for a long moment but melted into a more comfortable postion. Her head cushioned to his shoulder he pulled the blanket back up.

"Now, shall we continue watching your movie?"

Michael let her go only just for her to reach over and grab the DVD remote and a moment later she settled back into his side, snuggled back in her blanket, and pushed the play button.

The room came to a stand still as she finally descended the stairs, long ice blue dress flowing behind her, dark hair done up with little jewels and such crystals and curls. Sparkles glittered in the light of the hall, a single star necklace clasped around her neck.

A gift from Lucifer.

Speaking of the Light Bringer, he pushed himself away from the wall he'd been leaning on as she came to stand at the end of the stairs, Gabriel and Raphael behind her still on the stairs.

"You look-"


Jody finished for him. He nodded slowly, eyes locked, was this the same girl he'd met those months ago who rather where sweats, a hoodie, and some sneakers then even look at a dress.

Alex smiled, looking down and a black curl fell over her shoulder softly.


There was a rumble of chuckles behind her but she chose to ignore it. There was the sound of the door opening and Michael's deep rumbling voice was speaking softly to her date, probably ensuring he knew just what was expected of him, and what would happen if he tried any funny business.

Jack came around the corner, Michael looking proud and the teenager a bit paler then when he arrived. She blushed as he put her corsage on and she put his boutonniere on. They bid her a fun night at prom, and she leaned up to hug both her helpers.

Gabriel got all bashful, and his brothers found it amusing, Raphael gave her a light hug and kissed her cheek.

She made her way around. Kissing Lucifer on the cheek and he on her temple, he held her at arms length for a moment and muttered something in enochian that she didn't recognize (Azrael had been teaching her in their spare time when the others went to bed) to which his brothers uttered in what sounded like agreement.

Michael took her hand and pressed his lips to the back of it.

She smiled and folded her arm inside of Jack's as Jody took her pictures and the four archangels loomed in the background. Azrael and Anubis came down the stairs a moment later, one adoning a tux and the other ceremoniel robes of his culture.

"And where are you two going?", Chuck asked as He came out from Jody's office with Osiris in tow.

The two exchanged looks and Anubis barked a laugh, "Prom! We're breaking a record tonight!"

Alex giggled from the porch and she poked her head around, "You guys coming?"

They grinned and scurried after her.

Chuck heaved a sigh and His four elder archangels smiled. At least they knew now that their unofficially adopted younger sister would be treated appropriately with Azrael now."

HEY HEY HEY! Guess who's back! It's been so long since I've updated here! ITS NOT DEAD I PROMISE! Who else loved Azrael and Anubis going to prom? Lucifer too, he's best, really cares for Alex! Michael finally got to meet her! How's prom going to go? Should Michael and the others have to follow through on their threats?