Authors note: Hi I am kinda new to this so It may not be very good. This is a story about judy and nick and there love life and what happens when a human turns up after 2,000 years and a war starts. I will upload when I can which may be every week but no promises. Also comment and tell me what you want to have me put on here. This has been rated T so have at it.

Nicks apartment

Judy woke up in a daze and with a horrible head ache. She tried to remember what happened the night before but couldn't remember anything. She lay back down and looked over at the window

I hope it's my day off she thought I really don't want to be late for work.

Hopping out of bed she looked on the floor and then realized this wasn't her apartment. She slowly tip towed Outside the bedroom and look around. She didn't know who's apartment this was but it was awesome looking.

"Admiring the decorating you helped me with?"

She turned around with a pistol in her hand and saw nick smiling at her

"nick what the hell?! What happened last night I can't remember a thing?" Judy asked

Nick walks over to his cabinet pulls out two pills and hands them to judy.

"Well for one these pills will help with the hangover. two the police where having a retirement party for chief bogo last night. You had 3 mugs of beer 7 shots of carrot vodka and a bottle of rum. I was as surprised as everyone else when you kept wanting drinks." Nick said

"Why did you bring me back here my apartment would have been better." Asked Judy

"Well carrots I also had a few drinks and can tell when I am getting to drunk to drive so we walked here because it was closer. If we would have walked to your apartment we would have passed out on the side walk and who knows what might have happened."

Judy gave nick a concerned look "who will be taking over for the chief?"

"Mayor Lion heart has appointed mike wasowski to be in charge. He has been on the force for over 35 years. He always wanted to be in charge." As soon as nick finished a leopard came on the screen on the tv as a police alert came on.

"Hey clawhauser what is it?" nick asked

"The new chief wants both of you here now. He says he needs to talk to you and looks very angry." Replied clawhauser

Judy groaned "Clawhauser please tell the chief that I have a horrible hangover from last night and cannot attend the meeting"

Suddenly a old rhino came onto the screen " I don't care if you have a hangover unless you are sick or are dying or have a family emergency you will come in when I order you to and I am ordering you both to come into the station NOW!" with the last shout the screen went blank

Nick "well he is a lot more grumpy than bogo was."

Judy just looked at him " do you have my uniform?"

" yah it's on the dresser in the spare bedroom. Hurry or we can get in BIG trouble"

Nick said as he himself escaped to his room to get into his uniform.

At the police station

Nick and Judy both come running in and go straight to the chiefs office.

"Please both of you sit down. I understand that you are the two that solved the night howler case last spring is that right?" the old rhino asked

"yes sir Nick and I solved the case together." Judy replied while sitting up straight and trying to look tough.

"Well The Old chief never gave you a promotion. But I am going to. You both solved a case that I thought was unsolvable. You have impressed me and that is why my first order of business is going to promote you both to detective. Congratulations Detective Wilde and Detective Hopps." As if this was a big plan a young tiger came in with two brand new badges for the pair.

Both Nick and Judy sat there slacked jawed not believing what they just hear. But they both grabbed there badges and where about to head out when the rhino stopped them

"I have a case for both of you" he bellowed " Some hikers reported a old shack about 5 miles from zootopia. It is in dense forest but it is in the hills. We believe that this may be the hide out for the recently escaped porcupine team that escaped there prison 2 weeks ago. I need you both to check the place out."

They both replied with a yes sir and ran out and got into their car. Nick put the car in first gear and they headed towards the mountains.