Hey guys!

This is the LAST chapter, i hope you enjoyed the story and sorry again for the long time between the last updates!

Anyway, enjoy the very long chapter haha :)

"Okay, how do we do it?" Jade questioned.

"You're the one who usually comes up with the plans" Tori responded.

"Well, it has to seem an accident or that someone attacked them but it can't be related to us…what about a stroke? You can do that" Beck suggested and Jade sighed.

"I guess that could work for one of them but what about the other two? They can't all have a stroke at the same time, too suspicious" Robbie said.

"I got it, Sebastian will go with a stroke, Anna and Alexander…well, I'll see" Jade said. "Three more deaths is nothing, I've got a lot on me already…I guess"

"It's for the best, think about all the people they've killed and ordered you to kill which is basically the same" Beck commented and she sighed.

"What are we gonna do after they die?" Jade asked.

"I guess we'll go back to school and you'll get new bosses, I don't know" Tori responded and Jade thought about it.

"I don't know, I really don't think I could feel good about working again…" Jade commented.

"Then what do you want?" Beck asked. "We are with you"

"I want a normal life but at the same time I want excitement, I just don't find it in killing others" She explained.

"You mean you want the life you had in Sydney?" Andre asked.

"Not exactly, I mean it was nice and I had everything I needed but it was monotonous at times" Jade said. "I'll think about it, I don't know what I want yet…maybe in the end I'll actually want to work but not killing or torturing, I'm tired of that; anyway, let's get to work"

The gang bought all the things they needed, such as wigs, clothes and other stuff they were going to use to put their plan in action. Meanwhile, Sebastian, Anna and Alexander were at their intelligence office bossing everyone around to find Jade and her friends.

"Where is she?" Anna shouted madly for the sixth time in the same hour.

"No news yet, the only thing we know is what we've already told you…" One of the people responded.

"Remind me" Anna ordered.

"The car was in the middle of the street, Mr. Alan was shot and found dead next to the car and the guard was tied up inside a garage; he is the one who informed us some students had done it" The lady informed. "That's all, they disappeared"

"She cannot do this again, she can NOT escape!" Anna exclaimed angrily. "I want Jade West's head on my desk and I want all of her friends to rot in a dark god damn hole for the rest of their lives; once we catch them, they're not seeing sunlight again"

"You need to calm down, we cannot openly murder Jade and lock her friends up, it'll cause us problems" Sebastian commented.

"I don't care, that fucking bitch has it coming…I don't care how but she has to die, Jade West can no longer be tolerated and her friends, well, they chose that path" Anna affirmed and Sebastian sighed. "Find them!" She exclaimed before walking out of the office.

"She is losing her mind, what's going on?" Alexander questioned.

"I have no idea, I had never seen her so obsessed with someone as she is with your girlfriend" Sebastian commented. "Oh sorry, ex…if that could be a relationship" he said and chuckled so Alexander rolled his eyes. "Anyway, so you don't care at all about her? She is dead, you know that, Anna won't stop until she literally has Jade's head on her desk"

"I know but what can I say? I did a lot for her and what did I get? Nothing, only pain…literally, that fucking witch put me through hell I can only wish her the same" Alexander affirmed and Sebastian nodded smiling.

"Let's find her then, she's got a whole lot of hell to go through"

That night everyone was in Jade's house getting ready to put the plan in action, Andre dressed up as a pizza guy to trick Sebastian into opening his apartment while the rest of them put on wigs, mustaches and clothes to seem different people. Jade was leaning on the wall of the kitchen just staring into space waiting and then Beck walked by but she didn't react so he looked at her.

Jade's face was emotionless at first but then it turned mortified so he got worried and stepped closer but she was still lost; however, he didn't want to read her mind because he knew she didn't like it. "Hey…" Beck said but she ignored him so he put his hand on her shoulder and she immediately turned to him defensively. "It's me…" He said as he smiled and she exhaled relieved.

"What do you want?" Jade questioned. "Is everything ready?"

"Are you okay?" He asked back.

"Yeah, why would I not be?" She responded.

"You tell me, I know you and I'm sure something is bothering you, what is it?" Beck asked nicely and she sighed.

"I'm…I'm scared" Jade confessed and he stared at her slightly surprised. "If we fail, if something goes wrong, if everything goes right…I'm scared"

"I don't understand" He admitted.

"I just don't want to go back to a cell, I can't…It was horrible, you have no idea what it's like to live in shadows, unable to move or do anything, feeling dizzy most of the time; there comes a point where you lose track of time and a day can seem a week, I can't go back, I can't!" Jade affirmed seriously with teary eyes. "If I were to go back to living in a cell, I would kill myself, I am not going back, I'm not…" she affirmed getting exalted.

"Hey, calm down…it's okay, you're not going back, I promise" Beck affirmed. "So don't even think about it, you won't be locked up again and after we finish this, things will be okay"

"How can you be so sure?" She asked.

"Because we are together and as long as we remain like this, nothing bad will happen" He said and she gave him a small smile.

"Why are you so nice to me? After everything I've done, you should hate me" She commented.

"Well, you could put me through hell with your creepy red eyes and I would still take a bullet for you a minute after, what can I say? Love does crazy things to your mind" Beck said and chuckled so she smiled at him about to cry but she was trying too hard to keep the tears inside. "Come here" He embraced her in his arms and she immediately hugged him back as a few tears streamed down her face. "I love you" he whispered on her ear as he kept her close and proceeded to kiss the top of her head.

"I'm sorry" Jade apologized and he smiled.

"It's fine, it's all in the past" Beck said and a few seconds later Jade broke the hug so they looked into each other's eyes but before he could say anything, she kissed him so he immediately kissed her back. They were both so happy to be back together that it gave them the strength to do whatever was needed to remain that way.

The rest of the gang was just hiding in the living room watching them make out and they were just as happy for them; Jade opened her eye a little and got a glimpse of them so she used one of her hands to pull them out of the room so they fell on top of each other and Beck broke the kiss to look at them.

"Looks like they're ready, right guys?" Jade asked and they smiled embarrassedly so Beck chuckled and put his arm around Jade's shoulders.

"Yeah…" Tori said awkwardly.

"Let's go" Jade and the rest of them left the house to Sebastian's apartment; in the lobby Jade used her powers to manipulate the receptionist into letting them in, Robbie was the first one to go and he made sure all the cameras were looking to the other side just so it wouldn't even get to catch them on screen; however, they were dressed up just in case.

Andre knocked on the door making sure to look down so Sebastian would only see his cap and a few seconds later he opened the door. "Four cheeses pizza for Mr. Allen?" Andre said in a different voice.

"I didn't order anything" Sebastian said and all the sudden Jade appeared in front of him.

"Yes, you did" She said as she used her power to push him back, she followed him and Andre made sure to set everything so it would seem he'd been eating pizza before he got the stroke.

"Get out!" Sebastian ordered but Jade only stared at him coldly and paralyzed him.

"You were eating dinner on this chair…" She commented as she set him on the chair in front of the table. "And then you had a terrible stroke, goodbye Sebastian" Jade said and clapped once so he felt an impact on his chest and his body dropped dead.

"It's done" Andre said and Jade sighed.

"Let's go home"

A couple of days later Sebastian's body was found and everyone was appalled; Anna was convinced Jade was behind everything but they couldn't openly accuse anyone without revealing the secret. "It was her, Sebastian was a young man...he was healthy, how come he had a stroke just now?" Anna asked Alexander as she smoked a cigarette.

"It happens sometimes, it's sad but it's what happened" Alexander responded.

"No! It was Jade, that fucking bitch is coming for us" She affirmed and he rolled his eyes.

"Jesus, you're going mad, Anna, get you some help…I'm going home" He commented and left the office to go back to his apartment. The next two weeks went by without any incident but Anna was losing her mind more every day, she was paranoid Jade was everywhere watching her so everyone was starting to get tired of her behavior.

"It's time to get Alexander" Beck said and Jade nodded.

"I know" she said. "I have an idea but I'm gonna need you guys" Jade said to Tori and Cat.

"Yes, of course" Tori responded.

"What's the plan?" Cat questioned.

"Well, Alexander has this habit where he goes to the same club once a month, he gets drunk and he takes some prostitutes home" Jade informed.

"Are you thinking about….?" Beck started and she nodded.

"Yes, we'll dress up as prostitutes but we'll wear wigs and masks just so he won't recognize us; we'll get him to take us with him and once we are in his car, you guys get out and I'll take care…It'll seem an accident" She explained and they sighed not so convinced but Jade's plans always worked so they ultimately agreed.

The night came and the three girls wore their respective outfits which were very short tight dresses with high heels and they all wore different wigs and masks to cover their faces. "How do we look?" Tori asked once they were ready and the guys looked at each other.

"Good" Andre said awkwardly.

"Let's go" Jade ordered and they all went to the club; they waited for almost two hours and Alexander didn't arrive so they were starting to believe he wouldn't come but then he suddenly showed up. "There he is!" They stayed in the car for a while just so it would give him time to get some drinks and then they went inside.

The girls saw Alexander in a big table surrounded by some girls who were dancing so they saw their chance to get in there; Cat was just awkwardly standing there trying to be sexy while Tori and Jade danced with the others, Alexander was just drinking and taking turns with all the girls to make out with them.

"Come on, girls! The ones who dance best get come home with daddy!" He exclaimed and all the girls cheered as they danced but Tori and Jade made sure to be the ones in front of him at all times. After about half an hour of stripping for him Jade was getting inpatient so she sat on his lap with her legs open so he immediately put his hands on her hips and she hugged him just so she would be able to manipulate his mind without looking suspicious. She did her trick and a second later he stood up. "Fine, I'll take you, you and you!" He said to the three girls and they walked with him out of the club.

The boys were waiting in the car across the street and watched the three girls getting in Alexander's car. "Alright, whores, you better do wonders in bed" He exclaimed and Jade took her mask off so his eyes wide opened.

"Oh you'll be amazed!" She exclaimed and his first instinct was to punch her but she paralyzed him.

"Tori, move us…we need to get to the place" Jade ordered and Tori started making the car move so the boys followed it. "Did you really think you'd try to kill me and get away with it? You've underestimated me quite a lot" she commented as he stared at her terrified.

"We are here" Tori said once they were on a breach.

"I know you've always liked the idea of flying, don't worry, tonight you will…" Jade said and smirked. "Girls, go to our car, I'll be there in a sec" Tori and Cat went to the car with the boys.

"I wish I could say I feel sorry but I don't…sad, isn't it?" Jade commented and started making him drink more; she made him drink two bottles of wine and vodka by himself. "Oh well, like the bible says: there's a time to live and there's a time to die so… see you in hell, darling" she said and got out of the car; she walked a few meters back and used her hands to make it crash against the fence before it fell down the small cliff so it ended up destroyed.

The body was found and Anna went even crazier, she couldn't go anywhere without imagining Jade would appear all the sudden to kill her so she always had a gun with her. A week went by and she couldn't manage to cope properly so her bosses fired her; one night she was just in her apartment drinking wine and thinking about everything, she just wanted to see Jade and put a bullet between her eyes, that was the only thought that brought her peace.

The gang made their way towards her apartment avoiding to be seen just like they'd been doing but this time they didn't knock, Andre opened a hole in the front door just so Jade would be able to walk inside and they waited for her. "I need to find her, she needs to pay…she needs to leave me alone" Anna exclaimed.

"Me? Leave you alone?" Jade asked and Anna immediately got up terrified. "You're the one who wants me dead"

"Here you are, I knew it…I knew you'd come, nobody believed me but I told them" Anna exclaimed smiling and Jade stared at her emotionlessly. "You came to kill me just like you killed Sebastian and Alexander"

"I never wanted this, YOU made me do it, remember? From the beginning" Jade commented. "You know how sad it is to feel absolutely nothing when I kill someone now, I'm dead inside and all thanks to you"

"No, what I made you do was for our country" Anna affirmed. "The people you killed were murderers but look at you, killing us, your authority!"

"I'm doing exactly the same you ordered me, I'm ridding the country of murderers" Jade affirmed and Anna stared at her full of rage.

"I was fired because of you, I lost everything because of you, I want you dead" Anna informed.

"We both know what's gonna happen so why don't you just say your final prayers?" Jade suggested as Anna walked back towards the window.

"You won't kill me, bitch" She affirmed.

"Really? How will you stop me?" Jade asked and Anna chuckled as she grabbed the gun she had on her back.

"Easy, I'll do it myself…but I'm taking you with me" Anna said and before she could react Anna jumped out of the window as she shot Jade in her belly. The gang heard the shot and immediately rushed into the apartment, they got to the room and saw Jade standing in the middle staring at the broken window.

"Jade" Beck said and she slowly turned around so they saw all the blood on her shirt right before she collapsed.

"Oh my god!" Tori exclaimed terrified.

"Jade!" Beck screamed as he grabbed her weak body in his arms. "No, no, no, please, no" He said desperately as lots of tears streamed down his face and Jade stared at him without saying a single word.

"We need to get her to a hospital! QUICK!" Andre screamed but Beck was just rubbing her head and stroking her face. "Beck! Now, come on!" he ordered and Beck finally reacted so he got up with Jade in his arms and they rushed out of the building just in time before security arrived.

"Come on, Jade, resist! It'll be okay, it'll be okay!" Beck said as he stroked her face pulling her hair back and smiled at her. "Don't worry, it's nothing"

"Liar…." Jade whispered as he cried and he shook his head but then her eyes closed.

"Jade? Jade!" He exclaimed terrified. "No, no, don't die, NO!" He screamed and Tori touched her wrist.

"No, she's still alive" Tori informed.

"HURRY UP!" Beck shouted.

"We are here" Andre said as he parked outside the hospital and Beck ran inside with Jade in his arms.

"Save her please!" Was the last thing Beck could say before the doctors took Jade away.

Jade opened her eyes and saw all white so she immediately panicked, she sat on the bed but her belly hurt so she had to lay back again; a few seconds later she realized she was in a hospital but she was still confused. "Oh thank god! You woke up, we were afraid you wouldn't" Beck said as he walked into the room holding a cup of coffee and she felt relieved to see him.

"Beck! Where are we? What happened?" She questioned.

"We are in a hospital, you got shot, don't you remember?" He asked. "Anna committed suicide and tried to kill you too but you survived, thank god" Beck commented and Jade looked down trying to remember.

"How long have I been here?" She questioned.

"A week" He said and she sighed. "But don't worry, things are fine! We don't have to hide anymore"

"Really?" Jade asked.

"Yeah, new people are in charge at Hollywood Arts and they have no problems with us, they've been concerned about your wellbeing" Beck informed.

"So we are not in trouble? Don't they suspect we killed the others?" Jade asked.

"No, we told them you contacted Anna to make a deal and she told you to go to her apartment and well, then she decided to kill herself and you in the way" Beck explained. "She was losing her mind so no one was surprised"

"So…everything is fine? I'm not going back to the cell?" Jade asked and Beck shook his head as he grabbed her hands.

"Never!" He exclaimed and Jade smiled happily so he hugged her trying not to hurt her. "I told you, remember? Things are fine now, we are together, we are free and you won't have to do anything you don't want to do"

"How can you be so sure?" Jade questioned.

"Well, we talked to our new CEOs and they told us that the Texas mission wasn't even meant to be yours, they prefer you to stay in the diplomatic zone" Beck informed.

"And my parents? Are they back? Do they know?" Jade questioned.

"They've been here all week, now they must be in your house taking a shower or something but they'll be back tonight" Beck said and Jade exhaled smiling but then she simply stared into space thinking and Beck smile because he read her mind. "No, this isn't a dream…it's real, we are free, you are free!"

"I just can't believe it" Jade confessed.

"Well, it's real!" Beck said and gave her a peck just in the moment the gang was arriving.

"Jade!" Cat exclaimed happily and they all started hugging her; everything felt so normal, yet so different that it was scary, especially for Jade but the nightmare was apparently over and she was hoping to never be used as a weapon again, she just wanted to live her life happily, with her friends, with her parents and with Beck. All the dark things she'd done would never be forgotten or forgiven to her but the secret gifts she and her the students at Hollywood arts possessed wouldn't ever be used for such evil causes, not unless it was truly necessary…

I hope you enjoyed the last chapter!