She prided herself on her quick wit and ability to remain calm under stressful situations, but this-this took the cake. Stranded in a cave with this kitsune, an extremely hot kitsune, was too much to bear. She slanted her blue eyes to her companion, wondering why he was not upset by this arrangement.
Her breath caught in her throat as she noticed that his haunting eyes were staring at her legs. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire as she hmped and drew her legs closer together. They were stuck liked this until InuYasha, well more likely Miroku she thought, found a way to take down the barrier. She was acutely aware of when he moved from his position against the wall to come sit next to her.
She tilted her body away
He inched his closer
She sent out a jolt of purification
He raised his yoki
"Can I help you?" She snapped, her nerves were fried from being near him and she didn't particularly care for the gleam in his molten eyes nor the smirk he wore on that arrogant face.
"What has you so worked up little miko?
She rolled her eyes so hard that she thought that they might pop out of their sockets, "We're stuck in a cave."
"A blessing truly." His tail tickled her back.
"More like a curse." She muttered.
His ears flattened against his skull, "Is it really that terrible to be alone with me?"
"Youko, I-", Her mind and heart fought over how much to reveal, "It's not that terrible" she finished lamely. Suddenly she was more interested in the specks of mud on her shoes.
His yoki continued to brush up against her and she felt as though she was drowning in everything that was him.
"Could you stop doing that!" He irritated her more than InuYasha did and that was saying something.
"On one condition." He smirked.
"I'm really really not in the mood for your kitsune games." She stretched her legs out as they were starting to ache.
"Not a game, honest", he rested his chin in his palm and stared at her with something she wasn't sure she wanted to know, "One kiss."
"One kiss and you will leave me alone?" She raised a brow.
"Fine." She was determined to give him a peck on the cheek as he did not specify, but as she came closer, he turned his face ever so slightly.
His hand came up to grip the back of her hair as he urged her to take more of him. His fang grazed the bottom of her lip and she felt a whimper escape. His tongue swiped every inch of her cavity. She found herself gripping his haori to push him away or pull him in further, she wasn't so sure what she wanted.
"Oi Youko!"
She felt like a bucket of ice was dumped on to her as she pulled away from Youko. How the hell did Kuronue get in here?
"The barrier is down?" Youko stood to his feet and extended a hand out to the miko, which she graciously accepted.
"Yep, the monk figured it out." Kuronue replied.
Kagome walked out of the cave with her fingers touching her lips as though she could still feel him, too dazed did she not notice the exchange.
Youko slid the pouch of coins into the monk's hands while Kuronue retrieved InuYasha from a tree, tied him to. He even took the liberty of knocking the hanyo out, so he didn't have to sit there doing nothing.
"Good doing business with you Youko-sama", Miroku placed the bag in his robes, "I take it you will be around more often than not."
Youko focused his gaze on the retreating miko, "Indeed you will."