As I looked down, I knew with absolute certainly that the sight before me was the most erotic thing I would ever see if my life.

This would be the view that I would think about during all my future wanks. This would be the image that would re-appear in all my horniest dreams.

Sarah Fortune. On her knees. Completely topless. Two huge, perfect tits hanging free. Her lips stretched wide around the girth of the massive cock in her mouth. Her eyes scrunched tightly shut as she tried her best (albeit unsuccessfully) to somehow fit the monstrosity into her throat.

I knew I was lucky. I knew I was blessed. I knew that the sight below me was something which just hours ago I could not have conceived in my dirtiest fantasies.

But it still wasn't enough.

I didn't just want to be the guy who got Sarah Fortune to suck him off. I wanted to be the guy who forced his entire dick into Sarah Fortune's mouth. I wanted to be the guy who facefucked Sarah Fortune.

That was my destiny, and I would see it fulfilled. If the big-titted redhead couldn't swallow my dick down by way of her own efforts, well then that was too bad. But destiny always finds a way.

Sarah had just got her mouth over my dick to around the two-third mark, which seemed to be her personal limit. She gagged slightly and started to retreat back.

My hand that was hovering just behind her head twitched with anticipation.

"Sorry, hun." I said, by way of a last-second warning. "Couldn't resist."

My hovering hand shot inward, making contact with the back of Sarah's head before she could pull off my cock, and pushed her right back over my raging boner.

I felt tip of my dick hit the back of Sarah's mouth, causing the startled redhead to gag loudly at the unexpected intrusion. The bounty hunter's hands immediately shot up, trying frantically to pry my own hand off her head, but I was having none of it.

I quickly realigned to hold the back of Sarah's head firmly with both hands, my cockhead not for a moment losing contact with the back of her mouth. With my fingers intertwined in Sarah's luscious red hair and my grip on her head now as secure as a vice, I moved my hips back ever so slightly and sharply thrust forward.


I was met with more resistance and Sarah gave her loudest gag of the night.

Once more, I pulled back and sharply thrust forward, this time pushing her head down at the same time.


That did the trick.

"Fucckkkk!" I squealed, as the tip of my cock entered Sarah Fortune's throat for the very first time.

The feeling of Sarah gagging was absolutely intoxicating. While earlier I had just felt her gags as reverberations against the tip of my cock, now I felt her throat actually constricting around my intruding cockhead.

The utter lewdness of the act mixed with rush of power and control I had over this stunning busty goddess was an almost unbearably pleasurable feeling. It was very close to being too much for me to handle – I was certain that if I hadn't blown a load earlier after fucking the redhead's huge tits, I would certainly have nutted right there and then.

As things were, I still had a bit of sexual stamina left. And I was determined to put it to good use.

Pulling out from her throat, but certainly not out from her mouth, I braced myself before thrusting my hips again. This time a whole extra inch of my dick managed to force its way into the bounty hunter's throat. The sounds of Sarah's violent gagging, which had momentarily eased when I had pulled out of her throat, continued anew once my cock made its forceful re-entry.

By this point, Sarah had long abandoned her attempt to pry my grip from her head and was instead pushing against my thighs with both hands, desperately trying to dislodge the massive rock-hard boner from her mouth. I even felt her trying to pull her head back, but it was a futile effort at best. Just to flex my power over her, I pushed her head down more, forcing another half-inch of my cock into her squelching throat.

"Hang in there babe." I said patronisingly to the gorgeous redhead, thrusting in and out once more as she coughed and choked around my cock.

Look, I'm not a bad guy. I'm actually quite chivalrous, when I want to be. But there was no way I was ready release Sarah from this ordeal just yet. I just couldn't pass up this amazing opportunity get deepthroated by this big-breasted babe. Don't lie to yourself - you'd do the exact same thing in my situation, and we both know it.

I tried a few more thrusts, essentially wanking myself off with Sarah's throat, but was unable to shove more of my cock down there. The gorgeous bounty hunter's nostrils flared wildly as she tried desperately to get some air and I knew that I had to relent for a bit.

Being exceedingly careful, I pulled out of Sarah's throat and then a bit further, all the while making sure that my grip on the redhead's hair remained secure and that the tip of my cockhead still remained in her mouth so that she couldn't pull away entirely.

Exiting along with my retreating cock came a whole swathe of saliva, and I realised for the first time that Sarah's chin was covered in spit which was dripping freely down onto her huge tits in copious amounts. I also noticed, with no small measure of delight, that my entire dick was covered in thick foamy saliva, save for about an inch and a half at the base of my cock which I had yet been unable to shove into the bounty hunter's mouth.

With her throat finally unclogged of dickmeat, Sarah's chest and tits heaved as she coughed violently around my cockhead and then took a deep breath, desperately sucking in as much air as she could. Sarah's access to air was significantly limited by the fact I had kept my sizeable cockhead inside her mouth, and the busty redhead had to open her mouth wide to breath around it, allowing me to feel a wonderful sense of air suction around the sensitive tip of my boner.

I generously granted the massive-breasted bounty hunter a whole second-and-a-half to restock her air supply before thrusting myself right back in into Sarah's mouth, which had been open so wide in her desperate attempt to breathe that my cock for the first time met no resistance and went straight down her throat. Sarah, who clearly had not expected her throat's liberation to be this short-lived, gagged so loudly that I was sure everyone in the bar downstairs must've heard it.

With my hands firmly holding her head in place, I glanced up at the room's clock and saw that I was well past my remaining 2 minutes with this curvy goddess. It really didn't matter at this point though, as Sarah was certainly not in a position to voice out any objections. In fact, she wasn't really in a position to voice anything at all, save for the guttural throaty sounds of muffled coughs and squelching gags.

"This feels fucking good, Fortune," I said down to the redhead as I began thrusting in and out of her throat at a steadily increasing pace. "See what a good girl you can be when you stop being so bitchy all the time?"

Gluek gluek gluek gluek gluek gluek was the only response that Sarah could muster.

"Nothing to say, huh? Well that's a first." I mocked, my vision almost blurring in pleasure as I dragged Sarah's head up and down over my cock to meet my thrusts, intensifying the facefuck.

Gluek gluek gluek gluek gluek gluekkk gluek gluek gluekk gluekk

As the squelching sounds of rough deepthroating reverberated around the room, I once again found myself struck by the sheer insanity of the situation. Just one day ago this huge-breasted fat-assed redhead goddess had barely been willing to recognise my existence, let alone spare me a word for conversation. I would have considered myself lucky just to get an uninterrupted glance at her cleavage from across a crowded room. A now, after just one ingenious bet, the same buxom babe was on her knees in front of me, mouth open, completely helpless as I repeatedly rammed by raging boner past her tonsils, chocking her with my cock again and again and again.

"You deserve this," I remarked snidely to the struggling, nostril-flaring bounty hunter, not for a moment relenting with my thrusts. "For walking around…thinking you're better than everyone…fuck yes, that's it...For teasing every guy you meet with those giant tits…fuck that's good…And now look what happened…umpft…you lost a stupid pointless bet to the worst hero in the League…and now have to do whatever the fuck he wants you to do."

As if to re-assert my dominance, I stopped thrusting entirely and just held Sarah's head down over my cock as deeply as it would go, relishing the rush of power and control as I felt the redhead's throat constrict and gag helplessly around my thick boner.

Through the hazy vision of absolute pleasure, I noticed that the final inch and a half of cockmeat at the base of my dick had still not been able to force its way into Sarah's mouth.

This was no longer acceptable.

I was completely aware that this would be the last chance I'd ever get in my lifetime to facefuck someone as insanely gorgeous and busty as Sarah SexGoddess Fortune. I sure as hell was not going to let this end without shoving every single millimeter of my massive dick into the redhead's mouth.

It was time for Miss Fortune to go balls-deep.

Eyes narrowing with determination, I readjusted my grip on Sarah's head and bent my knees slightly, aiming for a better angle to thrust into her throat, all the while ensuring that the rest of my cock remained buried deeply in Sarah's mouth.

The bounty hunter, perhaps sensing what was about to happen, re-doubled her efforts to break free, frantically pushing against my thighs with both her hands and trying to jerk her head out of my lustful grip, causing herself to gag even more. Unfortunately for Sarah, her desperate evasive actions served no tangible benefit except to extenuate the pleasure on the rest of my dick.

As I braced myself for hopefully my deepest thrust of the night, I made one single horrible mistake.

I glanced up.

I'm not sure why I did it, but for a brief moment I caught the reflection in the mirror by the wash-basin, and I saw from a brand new angle the unbelievably lewd, dirty and raunchy act that I was in the midst of committing.

I saw Sarah Fortune's reflection, directly from behind, on her knees with her face level to my cock, my two hands entangled in her red hair and gripping her head so tightly that the veins in my arms were popping with tension. I saw the flawless white skin of Sarah's topless back, which was arched slightly as she tried helplessly to pull back of my cock, her hands flailing against my thighs. Even from behind, I saw sides of Sarah's massive tits on either side of her slender frame, looking so soft and supple, swaying slightly as she to tried to jerk her head free.

I saw the hottest babe in the entire League, utterly under my control.

The sight was simply way too raunchy for any red-blooded man to handle.


I immediately felt the tell-tale sign of my cock expanding with cum, on the verge of exploding. Knowing that there was no chance whatsoever of holding back the inevitable, with profound and sincere regret I had no choice but to abandon my brave attempt to force the entirety of my dick down Sarah's throat and instead simply started thrusting in and out of it as rapidly as could, desperately trying to milk as much pleasure as I possibly could from the redhead's mouth in the final few seconds before my climax.


Sarah's head became a blur as she was dragged over my cock over and over again, faster and more roughly than ever before, pushed down by my vice-like grip to meet the thrusts of my hips in perfect unison, her saliva flying everywhere, her massive bare tits bouncing wildly below. I had no idea if the bounty hunter was able to breathe but frankly I couldn't have cared less – all that mattered was the unbelievable sensation of heavenly pleasure reverberating through my engorged cock.


In the final milliseconds before my ejaculation, the tiny portion of my brain that was still functioning managed to raise an incredibly crucial question – where the fuck was I going to cum?

Bro, should I explode right inside Sarah Fortune's mouth, forcing her to taste and swallow my disgusting salty cum? The thought of force-feeding Sarah my gooey ejaculate is absolutely mind-numbing.

Or should I pull out and explode all over her face, coating her gorgeous features with my sticky white load? The sight of Sarah Fortune's beautiful face covered and dripping with my ejaculate would be indescribably amazing.

Either way, I definitely know this is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

SHIT, HERE IT COMES… what should I do?!