Chapter 2:

And yet they did indeed end up doing just that.

They turned up at the film set, with Dean muttering to himself about how stupid this was, and the crew just presumed they were "Jared", "Jensen" and "Misha".

Castiel was beginning to go into frightened-Angel mode.

Dean pulled the Impala up before some trailers with "Jared Padalecki", "Jensen Ackles" and "Misha Collins" written on them.

He had just gotten out of the Impala when he was ambushed by a young female.

"Jensen!" She yelled.

It took Dean a moment to figure out that that was meant to be him, so he turned to the woman, "Yes?"

The girl had long orange hair and green eyes, her face covered in freckles. She seemed overly-excited, but nervous, "I, uh, I think they need you on set."

Dean dragged a hand down his face and groaned, "Look-"

"Alexia," The girl said nervously.

"Look, Alexia, can you come over here."

The girl looked at him, wide-eyed, shocked that he wanted to talk to her, before slowly inching closer. "Yes?" She asked, quietly.

"I'm not Jensen," Dean said, throwing all of his cards down, all or nothing.

Sam stared at him, astonished.

Castiel tilted his head, confused.

Alexia stared, "Please, I'm not that stup-"

"I'm serious," Dean said, "Completely Dean Winchester here."

Alexia looked around at Sam and Castiel, critically, before returning to looking back at Dean, arms crossed, "Oh, yeah? I know you're known for playing tricks, Jensen, you're gonna have to prove that one."

"How do I prove I'm me?"

Alexia raised an eyebrow, "I'm pretty sure that Misha there can't so any 'Grace' or 'Angel-stuff'."

Dean looked over to Castiel, an idea forming, "Cas, dude."

"Yes, Dean?" Castiel asked.

"Do the scary Angel thing."

"I do not know what you are talking about, Dean."

"Do the thing with the glowy eyes and the wings," Dean said, gesturing.

Castiel probably would've rolled his eyes if he knew how to, but Sam did instead, "Dean," Sam warned.

"Just trust me, Sammy," Dean said with a dismissive hand-wave, smiling at Castiel.

Castiel's blue eyes began to glow with a brighter blue tint, his Grace, with the shadows of his wings appearing on the pavement below him.

Alexia went wide-eyed, frightened, and stepped backwards, bumping into Dean. Dean stopped her from falling.

"See? All us," He said lowly.

"But how? When? What?" Alexia mumbled, stumped.

"Don't know. About half an hour ago, and no idea," Dean answered smugly.

"So you're Dean Winchester, you're Sam Winchester and you're Castiel Novak," Alexia said.

"My vessel's name was Novak, but I do not have a surname," Castiel corrected.

Alexia beamed, "That is so cool! I have to get the guys, they'll be stoked!"

"Calm down there, princess," Dean said.

"The only people to know is yourself and the other three, because that Jensen guy ran into us earlier," Sam said.

"Jensen probably thought it was Misha and Jared trying to prank him. Their reactions will be so funny. Okay, go hide in the trailer and I'll try to find them. This will be brilliant!" Alexia ran off, over-excited.

Dean watched her bounce off, "We've created a monster."

"She is perfectly human, Dean," Castiel said, taking it too literally as usual.

"A monster," Sam agreed.

Dean shrugged, "To hiding in the trailer then."

I took a while, but there was eventually a knock on the door of the trailer. It swung open to reveal Alexia with the three men behind her, wondering what she was doing.

They all froze as soon as they saw Dean, Sam and Castiel.

"Cos-players?" Jensen asked, "You dragged us here to show us cos-players?"

"Nice try there, handsome," Dean said, "But I have no idea what that is. I am Dean Winchester, this is Sam Winchester and Castiel, Angel of the Lord."

Jensen, Jared and Misha stared, unimpressed and unamused.

"I'm completely serious."

"He is," Alexia said, "It's really them. Cas did the whole 'scary Angel' thing and everything. It was awesome!"

Misha began to smile, "The things I could do to him," He said, looking at Dean.

Dean stared, confused and almost scared at how quickly that happened.

"You're really the Winchesters and Castiel?"

"Yes." Dean said, annoyed.

Misha's smiled broadened, "You have a very sexy body."

Jensen stared at him, confused and almost offended, before realizing what he was doing a smiling.

"Okay, dude, no," Dean said, "You look exactly like Cas, stop it."

Castiel was staring at Misha with a mix of possessiveness, anger and fear.

Misha went straight up to Castiel and whispered, "Destiel," rather obnoxiously.

Castiel shut down into 'frightened Angel mode', staring at Misha as he smiled and resumed his place beside Jensen and Jared.

Who quickly resolved to break into song, singing 'Carry on my Wayward Son'.

Dean groaned and Sam smiled, but both were strangely confused at the situation.

"Ruin a classic, then," Dean groaned.

Sam just laughed at Jared's off-pitch singing and turned to Dean, "Jensen's not half-bad."

Dean gave him his best bitch-face, "Don't even go there."

The wonderful cover of 'Carry on my Wayward Son' ended in Jensen and Jared bursting into laughter.

"Good God," Dean muttered, "Get me out of here."

"Dean," Castiel said almost inaudibly, "I do not think my Father can help us here."