How 'Peter's Sister' Should Have Ended

Karen had Peter in the corner of the ring, and was punching him until the referee pulled her off, with his arm in danger of being broken. Meg entered the ringside area with a mask and a steel chair. 'Should I really help him?' she pondered as she stood at ringside with a chair in hand. Her mother and family saw her and encouraged her to help Peter. Meg then remembered all the torment she went through at the hands of her family. She remembered it all; the farts to the face, the punches and kicks, and most of all, the insults and being demeaned as if she were less than human.

Meg made up her mind. She put the chair away, and got a sledgehammer out instead. At this point, Karen had Peter in a Kimura Lock, and Peter saw Meg with the sledgehammer. "Meg, you're here. What are you waiting for, hit her!" Peter demanded, despite the intense pain of a Kimura Lock. Meg just moved closer to Peter and hit him in the face with the sledgehammer. Lois and the rest of the family were shocked by Meg's actions, but not as much as the crowd as. However, knowing the truth about Peter, as they have been booing him throughout this entire match, cheered the sledgehammer shot to the face.

Karen then got up and looked at Meg. After a couple of seconds, they shakily hook hands, resembling the formation of the Mega Powers (Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage). Karen then hit a Hulk Hogan style running leg drop on Peter, and Meg went to the top rope and hit Peter with an elbow drop ala Randy Savage. The rest of the Griffin family came and went after Karen. Chris and Brian were punching and stomping on her until she was on the ground. Lois however went after Meg and they started exchanging punches, until Lois took advantage with an eye rake and kicked Meg in the face.

Then, out of nowhere, Kevin Owens appeared out of nowhere. Being a father himself, he wanted to stand up for Meg and tech this pathetic excuse for a family a lesson. Kevin then grabbed Brian, threw him into the ropes, and connected with a Pop Up Powerbomb. Lois saw what had happened, walked up to him and attempted to slap him, but Kevin caught her arm, and spun her around, and right into a running knee from Meg, With only Chris on her, Karen was able to recover and hit Chris with a piledriver.

Then, all three saw that Peter was getting up, and Meg hit him again with the sledgehammer. Then, they got smirks on their faces, and set up for a Triple Powerbomb. Karen and Meg got Peter from the back, while Kevin handled things in the front. They then positioned the Powerbomb to cause Peter to fall onto his family who had left the ring and were at ringside trying to heal. Peter falling on them, however, stopped that plan dead in it's tracks.

Kevin, Karen, and Meg then did the triple fist bump and left the ring to the applause of the fans. Stewie, who had been nothing but a spectator at this point, went up to the fallen family and spat right in Lois' face before walking off.

The End