She should have known that it was going to be a bad day. A no good, very awful bad day. The sun was shining through the crack in her blinds and right across her face. There was rarely a sunny day in Seattle, especially in the month of September. That was why she had relocated to the sleepless city. In hopes of avoiding the sun at all costs.

Bella had grown up in always sunny Phoenix, Arizona. Where the sun was blinding, the air was dry, and it was always obnoxiously hot. She hated it. Her skin was like porcelain and the sun just enjoyed burning her delicate skin. The dry air made her already unmanageable hair frizzy and brittle. She determined early in life that she was not made for the heat, at all.

But, unlike her, her parents adored the warm weather. So, in Arizona they stayed with their terra cotta colored home and pool in the backyard. They both retired from their careers (Renee spent 30 years as a nurse and Charlie spent 10 years as the chief of police) and spent their days enjoying it all. Soaking up the rays.

Bella moved as soon as she graduated high school. Obtaining a scholarship to the college of her choice for her exemplary academics as well as the funds her parents put aside as she was growing up made it easier for her move. Eighteen year old Bella moved to Seattle to attend the University of Washington where she obtained a bachelor's of nursing and joined the generations of nurses in her family.

So, as the sun began to rise, rudely awakening her from her peaceful slumber she had to remind herself that she loved what she did. Even if it required her to wake up at the crack of dawn. She groaned loudly as she stretched her arms above her head.

"Go away, sun," she huffed, pulling the pillow from under her head and throwing it at her window. She glanced at the clock beside her bed. The neon blue display said it was 5:15. Her alarm wasn't due to go off for another fifteen minutes.

"Stupid sun," she mumbled.

She unceremoniously rolled out of bed, nearly falling on her face as the blankets stay tangled around her. Shuffling her feet across the pale wood floor she made her way into the bathroom. Brushing her mess of brown hair out of her face she looked in the mirror, her eyes trailing down as she took note of her appearance. They stopped as she reached her protruding belly and a soft smile pulled up the corner of her lips.

Three months. She only had three months left in her pregnancy. And though it wasn't how she thought things would be when she had her first child, she couldn't bring herself to be upset about it. She was elated with her impending motherhood. That was something she didn't expect. Growing up she never thought she would be a mother. She never enjoyed being around children and never squealed with joy when a baby was brought around her like most women she knew. But, when she first saw that double pink line on the store bought pregnancy test she was immediately in love with the idea.

She didn't anticipate that she would become a single mother though. Her at the time long-term boyfriend quickly ditched the idea of fatherhood and fled as soon as he heard the news. Initially, Bella was distraught. She had no idea how she was supposed to take care of a baby on her own. But, that first ultrasound where she heard the rapid flutter of a heartbeat she was determined to make everything work.

Bella reached a hand to her stomach, slowly pulling up the blue cotton fabric of her camisole to rub her belly. She received a tiny kick in response to her touch and the small smile gracing her lips grew.

"I can't wait to meet you, little one," she whispered.

Bella showered quickly, enjoying the warmth of the spray before stepping out onto the plush bath mat. Bella would never grow old of long hot showers in the morning. She dried off before dressing in her scrubs for the day. Simple black bottoms and a navy blue top; standard attire for the emergency room nurses. It had been six months since her move to the trauma floor, but she still tried to reach for her plum colored scrubs. The signature scrubs for the oncology floor, where she used to work.

Not bothering to dry her hair, Bella pulled it up into a bun on top of her head. Off the shoulders and under control, just like her nursing school instructor advised. Even after four years Bella refused to fall into lazy ways like some of the other nurses she had worked with. Scrubs were kept wrinkle free, pants were kept level with her spotless white tennis shoes. Just like she was taught.

She made toward the kitchen in her small, two bedroom home. It was her pride and joy, a token of all her hard work. Her feet softly padded against the tile floor as she made her way into the kitchen, glancing at the clock on the stove. Five forty-five.

She had fifteen minutes before she had to leave. She took the opportunity to grab her phone from its charging spot on the counter to check her messages. Two texts and three emails.

One text was from Renee, asking her what else she needed for the baby. The new little one was going to be spoiled rotten between Bella, her parents and her best friend, Angela. And just as she suspected, the second text was from Angela letting her know she had more clothes for the little one. She chuckled lightly before moving onto the emails.

Two spam, of course. The other was from an address she hadn't seen for a long time. One that wasn't supposed to contact her. The restraining order she had put in place was supposed to deter him from contacting her. But, in recent days his attempts to contact her had gotten more persistent. Not bothering to open it she forwarded it directly to her attorney. Just as she had the other two she received in the last three days.

With a sigh she pushed off the counter she had been resting on and headed toward the front door. She slipped on her shoes before grabbing her keys from the hook beside the door.

Another day begins, she thought to herself.

The drive to the hospital was quick. Uncharacteristically so for a Thursday morning. She found herself walking into the first floor emergency room ten minutes before her shift was supposed to start. Just enough time to grab a cup of decaf coffee from the little cart parked in front of the glass double doors leading into the emergency room. Such a smart place to put a coffee stand.

Bella made her way to the back area of the floor where she typed in the code to open a door. This led her into the staff lockers and break area. She found her locker, a simple picture of her 16 week ultrasound adorned the front, and opened it. She traded her keys for her ID badge, quickly clipping it to her top. "Isabella M. Swan, RN," it read, her picture rested beside her title.

With coffee in tow she made her way onto the floor and to the nurse's station. At first glance it looked like it had been a quiet night. Most of the rooms were empty, from what she could see, and there were no screaming patients. That was always a good sign.

"Morning, Bella," a soft voice greeted from her right. Bella turned and was greeted with the cheery smile of her best friend and colleague, Angela.

Angela and Bella had met in college. They were both quiet girls, so it was just natural that they flocked toward each other. After a study session at a local bookstore, where they found out that they shared a love for classic novels, they became inseparable. They spent many a night at each other's apartments cramming for their classes and board exams. Bella and Angela were like sisters, and often times were mistaken as such. Angela's almond shaped brown eyes matched those of Bella's. When both girls wore their hair down, from behind it was hard to tell who was who as they both had long, dark mahogany colored hair. The only difference was that Angie's had a natural wave to hers, while Bella's was stick straight.

"Morning," Bella replied, "You look happy this morning."

"The sun is out," her smile grew. She knew how much her best friend hated the sunny weather, and just as she expected, Bella responded with a quiet hiss and glare.

"You're nasty," she huffed, taking a sip of her coffee. They were waiting for last night's nursing staff to give them a report of the current patients. She glanced at the large clock above the nurse's station. It was seven o'clock, any minute now.

As if on command, last night's nurses began making their way to the main hub, all looking ragged. Last night's staff consisted of five nurses and four nursing assistants. Of note were Lauren and Jessica, Angie and Bella's arch nemesis'. The two bottle blonds were the type of individuals that had no business being in the nursing career. They focused only on themselves and had no compassion of the patients. How they managed to land themselves in this field, Bella would never know, but she suspected it had something to do with the wealthy doctors that they worked with. It was no secret that Jessica and Lauren had rendezvous with the adulterous doctors in the hospital.

As everyone made their way to the huddle, Jessica caught sight of Bella and glared menacingly at her.

'So glad I don't have to deal with her today,' Bella thought to herself, dismissing Jess' stare with a role of her eyes.

The nursing manager for the day shift, Sue Clearwater, took stand, clearing her throat to get everyone's attention.

"Good morning, ladies," she addressed, smiling warmly at everyone. Sue was the epitome of a doting mother. A lot of the other nurses liked to call her Mother Duck, as she liked to take everyone under her wing, offer them advice and help whenever they needed it. Sue looked like she was ready to tackle the day. Her dark green eyes were bright and lively, and her dark, raven colored hair was pulled back into a tight, military style braid. Bella envied the flawless, light, russet colored tone to Sue's skin, a telltale sign to her Native American roots.

"Looks like the night was fairly quiet. I took the pleasure of speaking with the nursing staff already. There was a single MVA as well as a GSW. Those were the most severe cases of the evening. However, both patients have moved onto the surgical floor and we don't anticipate them coming back down here. Currently, there are a total of five patients on the floor awaiting to be seen by the on call doctors," Sue informed, she took a break to take a sip of her coffee, also purchased from the stand out front. See, such a great business idea on their part.

"Those patients have been stabilized and should be good until the doctors get in at eight. I spoke with Hillary in admitting to see what may be coming in, but it looks like the front is fairly quiet as well," she continued, "But, don't be fooled. This is often the calm before the storm. Now, please take a look at the staffing board behind you to find which rooms you will be taking over. Like usual, get a report regarding each patient. Day staff nurses, meet me here when you're done. You all know the drill."

And like that, they were released. Bella glanced up at the large white board that was perched behind the nursing station. It held all the floor's information. Doctors on call, nurses and assistants for the current shift, and what rooms they were monitoring. From the board, it looked like she would be taking over Jessica's patients.

"Beautiful," she mumbled under her breath. She looked over at Angela, who looked just as happy as Bella did. A second glance at the board told her Angela was taking over Lauren's patients.

Bella made her way to where a clearly exhausted and annoyed Jessica stood, leaning against the counter. Jessica's curly mane of hair was haphazardly thrown into a messy bun, strands of blonde hair had fallen out and were pasted to her forehead and neck with sweat.

"Rough night?" Bella grimaced. Jessica ignored her, turning and walking down to the end of the emergency room floor. The back hall would be the one Bella would take care of, where two patients were currently waiting to be seen. They made their way to the very last room in the hall.

"Room 125," Jessica started, "Male patient, forty-five years old. Came in complaining of severe back pain at approximately six-thirty. Patient stated that he fell from a ladder earlier in the evening. Pain got progressively worse. IV started, given 5mg of morphine at six-forty-five."

With that Jessica shuffled to the next room, Bella following behind.

"Room 123," Jessica began again, "Female patient, twenty-three years old. Came in at six-forty-five, dog bite wound to right hand. Has been cleaned, given 300mg of Vicodin for pain, awaiting to be seen by doctor."

Bella nodded in response, taking the last sip of her coffee before turning to toss it in the trash and make her way back to the nursing station. She didn't bother to say goodbye to Jessica, knowing it would have only been met with a snide remark.

Angela had beat her there and was in deep conversation with Sue. Looked like something serious by the expression on both of their faces. Brows furrowed, eyes tense.

"Whatcha talkin' about?" Bella asked, leaning over the front counter and grabbing a pager from in front of Sue. Both women snapped out of it, smiles replacing their previous frowns.

"Nothing," both women responded at the same time. Too fast. Bella knew immediately they were talking about her.

With a quirk of her brow Bella looked at them questioningly. Angela looked to Sue, and Sue to Angela, their frowns returning.

"Spill," she ordered, knowing both wouldn't be able to keep anything from her. "Better to just tell me now, you know I'll find out either way."

With a huff of resignation, Angela turned to Bella.

"Okay, don't get mad at me," she began, "I don't typically go telling people about your personal life. But, after you were telling me the other night about how you-know-who had attempted to contact you again, I just thought it would be best to let Sue know. Just in case."

Bella sighed, closing her eyes, she should have known this was coming. Angela was always an anxious person. "Plan for the worst, hope for the best," she had always said.

"She was just looking out for you," Sue added, "You can't fault her for that. Not with the history."

"I'm not mad," Bella responded. "I just don't think it's anything to worry about. The restraining order is in place, he knows not to come within 10 yards of this hospital, or something like that."

"He's crazy, Bells," Angela interrupted. "I wouldn't put anything past him."

Bella rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know he's crazy. He made that much clear when he was convinced we were married," she muttered, beginning to get irritated. "I was just hoping that that part of my life was over and I was moving on from it."

It had been nearly six months since the restraining order had been put in place. But, to Bella it still felt like yesterday.

She had just started her shift on that sunny March morning. The oncology floor was quiet, patients were just beginning to wake up as breakfast was being brought through the halls.

Bella loved her work there on the eighth floor. It had been her dream to work the oncology floor after her beloved and cherished Grandma Marie was diagnosed with breast cancer. After she passed five months after her diagnosis when Bella was 16 her goal was to become an oncology nurse.

She had finally made it, and she didn't regret her decision at all. Working on the oncology floor wasn't for the faint of heart. There were many days when Bella wondered why she put herself through the heartbreak when another beloved patient passed away from the horrors of cancer. But, the patients were also what made her continue. They were the most kind hearted, giving individuals she would meet. And she did everything in her power to make sure they were taken care of and comfortable.

So, as she made her way into work that day, a bright smile adorning her face, she never suspected that it would be the last day for her on that floor.

Making her way to the nurses station she noticed a large display of elegant red roses in a crystal vase. The flowers were over the top, almost completely blocking the view of the floor's receptionist, Julie. It wasn't unusual for a patient's loved ones to send them flowers or other gifts during their stay, but this was the most extravagant bunch of roses she had seen.

"Those are beautiful," she commented, peeking her way around them to see Julie typing away at her keys before looking up. Immediately, her eyes brightened and she smiled, clearly excited.

"Apparently, you've got a secret admirer!" she sang, "These are for you."

"What?" Bella asked, shocked.

"Yeah, they were dropped off just before you came in," she continued.

Bella reached a hand out to touch the delicate flowers. A foreboding feeling settled deep in her stomach. She wasn't sure why, but she knew the flowers weren't good. She plucked the beige envelope from its spot in the bouquet. Opening it, she gasped.

"To My Love,

You looked absolutely divine last night in your bed. That purple silk looks amazing
against your skin. I couldn't bear to wake you. I hope you have a fabulous day at work. Save them, like you saved me.

With love, from your husband,

The letter fell from her hands as Bella began to visibly shake. It had gone too far. She thought that she had been clear from the very beginning that she wanted nothing to do with him. It had been nothing more than her being kind to a patient in need, but he had twisted everything in his incredibly disturbed mind.

It had started with little comments of him professing his love to her while she was taking care of him. So, she had asked to be taken off his care. Then he tracked her down on various social media websites like Facebook and Instagram. She had promptly blocked him. Then he managed to find her email, but she had just deleted those as soon as they came in. Hoping he would get the hint that she wasn't interested. But, apparently that didn't work.

He had been in her house. Her stomach dropped and she began to feel faint, nausea beginning to take over.

"Bella, are you okay?" Julie questioned, worried.

"I...I need to talk to administration," Bella managed to get out before running behind the counter to the nearest trashcan and emptying the contents of her stomach.

That had been the beginning of the end of Bella's career on the oncology floor. And the beginning of the most trying time in her life. Hospital administration immediately launched an investigation on Bella. They assured her it was to make sure there wasn't any breach of communication and confusion that may have led to James' stalking of her. To her, at times, it was as if they believed the things James was saying, especially because of the timing of her pregnancy. Despite what she said, they still investigated her and everyone else that had worked on James' case.

In the end, Bella left the oncology floor to work with Angela in the ER. The hospital profusely apologized, but explained that it was protocol. A complete, top of the line security system was installed in her house, compliments of her parents. And a no-contact order was placed against James and he was given 120 days of community service for his gross-misdemeanor. For Bella, that was enough. She just wanted to put it all behind her.

"I'm sorry, Bella," Angela said, bringing her back to the present. "I know you want it to be over, but it clearly isn't. And I don't think he's going to stop until something more is done."

It was no secret that Angela thought James had been let off easy for what he had done. Especially after she found out that he had gone as far as to breaking into her house. But, in typical Bella fashion, she tried to see the best in everyone and just wanted things to go back to how they were.

"I'm with Angie, hun," Sue added, reaching a hand out to stroke Bella's arm. "He clearly has some issues if he is still trying to contact you after everything that has happened."

Bella sighed loudly, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples. She could feel a headache coming on.

"I know," she replied, "But what can we even do? I already forwarded his emails to my attorney. He hasn't come into direct contact with me."

"We can let security know, just in case," Sue answered, "We'll have someone escort you to and from your vehicle as well."

'Just great,' Bella thought to herself, 'I have to be babysat. Perfect.'

She nodded her head in defeat.

"Fine. I'm going to go check on my patients," she dismissed herself, turning on her heel and heading toward her rooms. She knew they wouldn't need to be checked on until the doctors were in, but she used it as an excuse anyway.

Just as she was rounding the corner into the back hall, the door to the staff breakroom opened at the same time. Her pregnant belly collided with the person on the other side, causing her to bounce back a few steps and trip on her own feet. Successfully bringing her to the ground in a rush of flailing limbs before she settled on her back, avoiding landing on her stomach at all costs.

"My day couldn't get any worse," she grumbled as she laid there on the hospital floor, eyes closed tightly.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," an unfamiliar male voice sounded from above her. Her eyes shot open and she was met with bright, emerald green eyes full of concern. He was on his knees, hovering over her.

"Are you hurt at all?" he asked as he pulled a small flashlight from his left breast pocket of his white coat.

'Ahh, a doctor,' Bella thought to herself.

He immediately went into doctor mode, flashing the light into her eyes to check her pupils. She pushed his hand away before sitting up, which proved to be a feat with her pregnant belly in the way.

"Other than a bruised ego, I'm fine," she answered in a huff. Knowing there would be no way she could get up off the floor on her own she reached a hand out to him. "Think you can help me up?"

He seemed surprised by her forwardness and stared dumbly at her. After a few moments Bella decided she wasn't going to wait for him.

"Or not, that works too," she glared, working her way onto all fours and then one knee as she attempted to get herself up on her own.

"Fuck, sorry," he said in a rush, quickly getting up. One hand grabbed ahold of one of her own and the other rested on the small of her back as he helped her up.

Bella brushed off her scrubs as best as she could before looking up at the man that had knocked her over. It was then that she took in his appearance, and she immediately became self-conscious. He was tall, much taller than her average 5'5" frame. He had a mess of bronze colored hair that looked like he had attempted to tame, giving him a just-sexed look. His jawline was sharp, stubble lined the edges, like he had forgotten to shave, giving him a rugged appearance. He was fit, you could tell even through his pale blue button up and black slacks that he took care of himself.

She hoped profusely that she hadn't made a complete ass of herself. Of course it would be her that got taken out by Mr. Hottie-Pants. She took the opportunity to glance at his hospital mandated ID badge. "Edward A. Cullen, MD," it read.

"Are you new here?" she blurted out in true Bella fashion, foregoing any normal introduction.
He chuckled, smiling at her.

"Yes, actually," he answered.

Bella nodded, smiling shyly at him. He extended a hand out to her.

"Let's try this again," he started as she reached out to shake his hand. "Edward Cullen, new ER doc."

"Bella Swan, existing ER nurse," she laughed. "That was a much better introduction than being knocked on my ass."

His eyes widened at her use of the profanity.

She quirked an eyebrow at him. "Oh, please," she laughed, "Don't go all 'O-M-G, she said ass', on me. I'm pretty sure you said 'shit' and 'fuck' five minutes ago."

He chuckled heartily at that, his deep, contagious laugh causing Bella's smile to widen.

"It was nice to meet you, Edward. But, I've got some patients to check on. I hope to see you around, just next time, don't knock me on my ass," she joked. She walked passed him, leaving him there as he laughed and shook his head, a look of shock on his face once again.