Burning Time

[AU/ROMCOM/DRAMA] Just like a rapidly falling Sakura petal, Natsu descended from the throne of the almighty God of Flame- to lift up the spirits of a seemingly lonely girl who happened to be his lover from when she was still the Celestial Princess. The twist is... this former Celestial Princess was reincarnated into a mortal human and didn't have the memories from her past life. However for Natsu, wether the girl remembers him or not, she's still his girl and will do anything to make her happy. [Friedsoupy Fairy Tail NaLu Fanfic!]

Disclaimer: Friedsoupy only borrows the characters from Mashima-sensei's anime/manga 'Fairy Tail'. Therefore, she doesn't own anything other than her life and this fanfiction story. (/ ^ v ^)/~

A|N: Please note that the italicized parts are flashbacks.


"Your highness the Celestial Princess, this way please," an enormous blood-coloured dragon politely ushered a pleasant young lady with golden locks and deep amber eyes into a grand hall that can accommodate three times the size of the dragon.

The place looked luxurious, however...

"Is this the home of the God of Flame?" the young lady smilingly inquired. Though she was smiling, there was a hint of disappointment in her voice. "Seems a little messy..."

She looked around and could just sigh at the scene before her- a mountain of goblin head in the middle of the hall, a broken chandeliers, a pool of lava and a grand painting of that place's owner with clumsy strokes of ink below his nose that was supposed to be a mustache.

The dragon let out a nervous laugh, "well uh... The God of Flame is quite unkempt. But I can assure her highness that he'd be willing to part with such unpleasant quality once you two are wedded."

The Celestial Princess could only touch her forehead in misery. She couldn't believe that her father, the Celestial King, had offered her hand in marraige to a rumored barbarian God.

"Ohohoho, the God of Flame is a cute kid," her father told her earlier. Still, what cute? The home of that fire-spouting God was like a goblin graveyard with chandeliers.

"My life's ruined," the Celestial Princess mumbled. She gazed at the grand painting of the owner and 'tsked'- she can't really make his face out of all the doodles on it.

"Where is he?" she turned her gaze to the dragon and thought that she's not leaving until she, at least, see her betrothed's face. Else, she won't be able to sleep that night thinking about what to do if she thinks that he's not fit for her.

The Celestial Princess could hear the dragon's awkward gulp. He replied, "the God of Flame is out to pick a fight with the God of Ice..."

"Seriously?" the face of the pleasant young lady turned dark, "I sent a notice of my visit three days ago."

The dragon just forced a smile- awkwardly- and replied, "ahahaha, the God of Flame probably forgot about that notice. He's quite forgetful."

The Celestial Princess was starting to feel impatient. "Then he can also forget about the engagement," she pouted, "I'll try to convince my father to break it, even it means that I have to beg."

The dragon almost choked, "no no no no, please don't do that your highness. I'll make sure to punish that no-good God of Flame for his insolence."

"I'll punish him myself!" the Celestial Princess huffed as she crossed her arms with a determined face, "and then I'll decide if I have to break our engagement or not. Please make sure that he doesn't forget to attend the engagement party. My family may suffer embarrassment if he doesn't show up."

"You'll punish him on the day of the engagement party?" the dragon asked, thinking about how difficult this princess was.

"Can't I?" the Celestial Princess threw the dragon a light glare.

"O-of course you can!" the dragon shook his head, sweating buckets. "Beat him until your highness is satisfied!"

The princess let out a sinister smirk. How dare he not show up when I came all the way to see him- she thought.

She left with her servant's dimensional hole thinking about how she should beat the sense out of the God of Flame. She was the only child of the king of Gods, such insolence towards her could not easily be forgiven!

"Explain," with her arms crossed, Lucy curiously glared at the Gods in front of her. After scolding them for fighting and destroying the backyard, she dragged them into her fifty-meter wide bedroom to interrogate them.

"I told you, you and I were married!" the God of Flame told her as he sat on the cold bedroom floor.

"That's not the answer I need," the owner of the bedroom exhaustedly sighed. Why is this Natsu keep telling her that they had a relationship? Well if Gods exists there should be some kind of reason why. But he probably just mistook her for that someone whom he married.

"Is my face that common?" she thought out loud bitterly.

"I'm afraid that the Young Miss have misunderstood this naive God of Flame," Virgo told her master. Lucy looked at her as she added, "as much as I didn't want to tell you, I believe that it's time for you to know..."

Lucy let out a serious gaze. Natsu just looked around like he didn't care.

"... that you are not what you think you are," Virgo said in a staid manner.

"Oh for God's sake, stop being all so serious," Natsu interjected, "why don't you just get straight to the point? Sheesh, I didn't travel all the way from the other world for this, I wanna start having with Lucy! It's been a long time~"

A vein almost popped out from Virgo's forehead but she maintained her calm demeanour, "you keep your hands off the Young Miss. Remember, it's your fault that the Young Miss has to suffer a mortal life."

Natsu's face saddened. Though Lucy didn't understand what the Gods were talking about, for some unknown reason her heart also felt saddened by hearing Virgo's words

"What do you mean, Virgo?" Lucy couldn't help but ask, "just what are you two talking about?"

Natsu and Virgo glanced at each other.

"I am very sorry Young Miss," Virgo was suddenly apologising, "I can't disclose more information without the Young Miss' father's consent."

Lucy raised a brow. Did her father knew all about this confusing stuff about Gods? What's her role in this play?

She clearly remembered about the two Gods mentioning her as the Celestial Princess, then she mentally gasped. Maybe, MAYBE, she was really the Celestial Princess and lost her memories like what she heard from them.

Pfft, what wishful thinking- she thought. She was living and treated like a princess but she couldn't possibly be a real one.

"Who cares about that old man?" Natsu gritted his teeth.

"You know my father?" Lucy looked at him, puzzled.

Natsu replied, "he was the Celestial King."

"That's enough joking," Lucy threw him a glare.

"I'm not. Sheesh," Natsu glared back, "if only I can bring your memories back..." he pouted.

"Young Miss, it seems that you have a difficulty absorbing the current situation," Virgo told Lucy with a pair of serious-looking eyes. "As the God of Flame said, your father was the Celestial King. Therefore, you were the Celestial Princess."

Lucy wondered how would she react. She can't really believe what her main attendant said, but Virgo said it so seriously that she's almost convinced.

If she was really the Celestial Princess and had lost her memories like Natsu said, then was she really in a romantic relationship with the charming God?

She glanced at the God of Flame who was still looking sad.

"I still can't believe you," Lucy insistingly said. The Gods before her just sighed. "Give me a solid proof to justify what you were saying."

Silence conquered the bedroom for a while, then Natsu raised his hand...

"I know that you have a birthmark under your boobs!"

Lucy jolted from where she sat and covered her chest reflexively, blushing hard. "W-w-what?!"

Virgo threw Natsu a boulder that came out from her dimensional hole. "What the God of Flame presented as a proof was quite disturbing but it was reasonable. He knew the Celestial Princess very well to the point of knowing the unlikely location of her birthmark. Even she was reincarnated it seems that it still remained on her body..." she muttered.

"W-why?" Lucy can't stop blushing. Was it because they were actually married in the past when she was still the 'Celestial Princess'?

If they were married, they probably did something not suitable for the very young audiences. And that's why Natsu knew that she had a birthmark under her boobs.

"NOOOOO!" Lucy's red face almost exploded, "I refuse to believe it!"

"What are you embarrassed of?" Natsu single-handedly lifted the boulder off his face and tossed it to Virgo's side. "It's not like you remember why I know that you have a birthmark under your boobs."

"Stop telling me about my birthmark!" Lucy yelled, almost crying from embarrassment.

"But Young Miss, do you believe now that you were the Celestial Princess?" Virgo asked her master after tossing back the boulder to Natsu. "The God of Flame was your spouse in the Overworld, that's why he knows that you have a birthmark under your boobs."

Lucy bashfully yelled once again, "I told you not to stop talking about that!"

"But you really have a have a birthmark under your boobs, right?" Natsu replied after sending back the boulder to Virgo.

"Please stop," Lucy helplessly said, "and please take that boulder out of my room."

Virgo nodded and put the boulder back into her dimensional hole.

But Natsu insisted on talking about what was under the boobs, "tell me~ you really have a birthmark under your..."

"I said stop! Pervert..." Lucy gave him a glare which the God of Flame thought was cute.

Natsu let out a huge grin and hopped towards Lucy, giving her a big hug, "my Lucy's very cute~"

Lucy tried to push Natsu away but failed. He was too strong, but he hugged her very gently.

"Tsk," Virgo just looked away from the two while mumbling, "that thick-skinned God... Attacking Young Miss like that!" she mumbled more about the proper public display of affection but then stopped when she saw a figure appear in the scene. "House Master!"

It was Lucy's father. He looked quite serious and cold but he had a natural smile on his face.

"God of Flame..." he called Natsu with a calm yet stern voice.

Natsu and Lucy both noticed the man.

"Get off my daughter!" the master of the house suddenly had very dark expression.


FS: Yo! Third chap's out~ Another thousand cheers to the reviewers! Your words give me motivation to continue writing T.T -tears of joy. BYTHEWAY, please forgive me for my writing style and the spelling/grammar errors I made (if there are any). I promise to provide you exciting story so forget and forgive my writing flaws~

Friedsoupy thanks you with utmost gratitude for reading her new Fairy Tail NaLu fanfiction 'Burning Time'! If you fancied the story she recommend you to review and favorite and follow. Update will follow shortly if Friedsoupy is happy with the stats of this fanfiction~

Until next time!