Sohinki flies in, both of his fists on fire


Jovenshire fired Techno Blast from his cannon


Lazercorn used Giga Impact on a mech and sliced it with Secret Sword


Sohinki, Joven, and Lazercorn faced a group of shadows, ready for battle

Dr. Eggman appeared from the shadows, laughing evilly

Donald Mordan laughed as soldiers came from behind him

Bowser roared and breathed out fire

Tabuu was charging up power and then spread his wings, unleashing power


"What's up everybody? Welcome to our first episode of Boss Blitz," Sohinki announced.

"This is the show where we take on the most epic bosses in all of video games," Lazercorn added, jumping in excitement.

"If you smell, what me and Lazercorn are both, um….cooking?" Sohinki stated nervously.

"Yeah, cooking," Lazercorn commented.

"We're in…."

"In the kitchen," Lazercorn finished for Sohinki.

"Stirring the pot….and um…."

"Mixing uhh…."

"WHO ARE WE FIGHTING TODAY?!" Sohinki yelled excitedly.

A giant UMG falls from the sky, landing on its metal feet as it looks around. Then it saw Sohinki and Lazercorn on the ground, focuses on them and makes a fierce, screeching roar.

"The giant Metal Gear robot from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance," Lazercorn answered Sohinki's question, "I think it's called the Second RAY."

"Yeah, that's its name. Now, we just got this game today and we're still trying to figure out how to play. So yeah, this is gonna be interesting," Sohinki stated nervously.

"And this is gonna take quite a while. But we can do this. We can take it down," Lazercorn added, smiling with confidence, "So let's get in there and take that thing down."


The Second RAY stares at Raiden and started to fire missiles.

"What?! They have a Metal Gear? Here?!" Boris questioned in surprise, "Raiden! Take out that UMG and get after him!"

"You got it Boris," Lazercorn commented as he started to attack the RAY's left leg.

"Don't get stomped on," Sohinki stated, his arms shaking involuntary in a nervous manner.

"Yeah thanks," Lazercorn uttered.

The Second RAY lifted its left leg and tried to stomp on Raiden, but Raiden dodged the attack and continued to slice the leg.

"How long to I have to do this?" Lazercorn asked.

"I think until you have the chance to use Blade Mode. At least that's what I'm thinking," Sohinki answered nervously.

Raiden continued to attack the left leg until the attack screen showed up.

"There it is! GO GO GO!" Sohinki yelled excitedly as Lazercorn pressed the L1 trigger and went into Blade Mode.

"Whoa whoa whoa. What is happening?" Lazercorn asked as he started pressing buttons, breaking through the Second RAY's armor, "YEAH! I'M CUTTING HIS ARMOR! THIS IS AWESOME!"

Raiden then kicked the sliced armor off the Second RAY as the UMG roared in pain. The Second RAY then jumped from a far distance and started firing gunshots at Raiden.

"Dodge the bullets," Sohinki pointed out, holding his arm.

"I'm just running around like a scared little girl right now. NINJA RUN!" Lazercorn and Sohinki then laughed after that was said.

The Second RAY started to charge up power from its mouth and fired a plasma laser shot, hitting Raiden, dealing a quarter of damage.

"WHOA! That could have killed me right there," Lazercorn shouted in surprise.

"Son of a… They swapped out the hydraulic cutter for a plasma cannon!" Boris announced, "Use the Ninja Run to that plasma!"

"Thanks for letting me know that after I got hit Boris!" Lazercorn shouted in anger.

"That was bad. Imagine that attack on the hardest difficulty?" Sohinki questioned, shuddering at the thought.

"I'd be dead instantly from that attack!" Lazercorn shouted. Sohinki then laughed at Lazercorn's reaction.

Raiden started to attack the Second RAY's right leg this time as the said UMG stomped on Raiden.

"Wow. That did quite some damage," Sohinki stated.

"At least I still have half of my health in this fight," Lazercorn remarked.

Raiden then continued to attack the right leg of the Second RAY as a selection screen appears.

"BLADE MODE GO!" Lazercorn yelled excitedly as he pressed the L1 button and started slicing up the UMG's armor.

"Destroy the armor, Lazercorn!" Sohinki commanded as Lazercorn pressed the square and triangle button.

Raiden sliced up a lot of the Second RAY's armor and kicked it off. The Second RAY screeched in pain as it jumped far away from Raiden and started firing missiles along with gunfire.

"It's firing rockets. It's firing rockets," Lazercorn stated nervously.

"Use the Ninja Run to avoid them," Sohinki suggested.

"Will that work?" Lazercorn asked.

"Yeah. It helps you dodge the gunfire and plasma cannon, so it can probably help you dodge the missiles," Sohinki answered.

"You were too late to tell me that because I got hit by 2 of those missiles," Lazercorn stated.

"Oops. Sorry," Sohinki sheepishly said.

Raiden started to attack the left leg of the Second RAY. The Second RAY then attempted to stomp on Raiden with the said leg, but Raiden dodged the attack and continued to attack. Then Raiden entered Blade Mode and now started to slice up the Second RAY's left turret.

"OOOH! YOU'RE SLICING UP THE TURRET!" Sohinki yelled excitedly as Lazercorn continued pressing buttons, destroying the turret.

"Yeah! Now you don't have 2 turrets now, do ya?" Lazercorn rhetorically asked.

"Actually, he has 4 turrets. Now he has 3 since you destroyed one of them," Sohinki told Lazercorn.

"Whatever," Lazercorn said.

The Second RAY jumped far from Raiden and powers up the plasma cannon. Raiden runs after the Second RAY as the said UMG fired the plasma cannon, but Raiden used the Ninja Run and got out of the way of the plasma cannon.

"YES!" Lazercorn and Sohinki cheered.

Raiden then started to attack the Second RAY's right leg as he went into Blade Mode and started slicing apart the right turret.

"GO LAZERCORN! GO!" Sohinki cheered excitedly as Lazercorn continued pressing buttons, slicing up the turret.

"Yeah! Now you only have 2. What are you going to do about that?" Lazercorn asked rhetorically.

The Second RAY jumped far from Raiden and fired bullets from the turret as the cyborg samurai runs after it. Then the Second RAY did a headbutt and hits Raiden.

"WHOA! He just headbutted me!" Lazercorn shouted.

"I didn't know he can do that. That surprised me," Sohinki stated in surprise.

"At least I didn't die from that," Lazercorn remarked.

The Second RAY attempted to do another headbutt on Raiden, but Raiden blocked and went into Blade Mode and started slicing up the armor on the UMG's head.

"You're attacking his head. YOU'RE ATTACKING HIS HEAD! TAKE HIM DOWN!" Sohinki excitedly yells.


Raiden then kicked off the sliced armor as the Second RAY screeched in pain and jumps far from Raiden, having an extended blade on its wing.

"Now Raiden. Bring it down," Boris commanded.

"Oh. I think this is the end of the fight," Lazercorn stated.

As Raiden started running towards the UMG, the Second RAY started to fire the plasma cannon, but Raiden used the Ninja Run to dodge. As Raiden got close, the Second RAY lifted the blade.

"Stop that blade," Boris commanded.

"Block the blade," Sohinki told Lazercorn.

"Got it. I blocked it. Now I need to somehow destroy the blade," Lazercorn stated as he started mashing the triangle button.

Raiden then lifted up the Second RAY, spun him around and threw him. Then he jumped on the UMG's blade and started slicing it up.

"Yes! Yes! Split it wide open!" Boris shouted with confidence as Raiden jumped and sliced off the Second RAY's blade, knocking it down as the Second RAY itself fell on the ground, deactivated.

"Horosho! Very good! But do not rest easy just yet!" Boris stated as Raidne put his katana back in the case.

"So we beat him?" Lazercorn asked.

"We beat him!" Sohinki shouted excitedly as he spun around.

"Um guys? Trust me when I say this, but that is only the beginning of the fight. There are actually more to that boss fight than that," Jovenshire told the 2 Pokemon off-screen.

"How do you know that Joven? Did you play this game before?" Sohinki asked.

"I did not, but I have seen playthroughs of that game and there is more to that fight. Trust me," Joven answered.

"Well okay Joven. We'll take your word for this. If there is more of this boss fight, then thanks for telling us," Sohinki said.

Sohinki and Lazercorn climbed up to the roof of a building as missiles fell from the sky behind the 2 Pokemon. The Second RAY then fell from the sky as it focuses on the 2 Pokemon and did its screeching roar as fire surrounded Sohinki and Lazercorn.

"That damn UG! It still works?!" Boris rhetorically asked.

"Seems like Joven was right. There is a part 2 of this boss fight," Sohinki stated, now holding the Playstation controller.

"Let's finish this robot off," Lazercorn said confidently.

The Second RAY started to charge up power for the plasma cannon and fired it from the side, then moved its head towards Raiden with the plasma cannon still firing as Raiden jumped over the plasma shot.

"Is that the best the Second RAY can do?" Lazercorn asked.

The Second RAY roared and did a headbutt on Raiden, damaging him a lot.

"Guess not," Sohinki uttered comically.

The Second RAY placed its wing on the side of the building and fires missiles at Raiden from the wing.

"Raiden, use Blade Mode to take down those HEMP missiles," Boris commanded as Raiden sliced up the missiles.

"Wow. And they don't explode after getting sliced? Where's the logic in that?" Lazercorn asked.

"Well you are slicing up missiles, so they wouldn't actually explode if they're sliced," Sohinki answered as he focused on the boss fight.

The Second RAY attempted to do a headbutt, but Raiden blocked and went into Blade Mode and started to slice up the Second RAY's face armor.

"Keep going! Keep going! You're slicing its armor off!" Lazercorn shouted excitedly as Sohinki pressed buttons to slice up the armor.

Raiden then kicked the sliced armor off the Second RAY's face as it screeched in pain. The Second RAY then attempted to crush Raidne with its wing, but Raiden dodged.

The Second RAY then jumped back and fired missiles at Raiden.

"Slice those missiles up. Slice up all of them," Lazercorn told Sohinki.

"How do I use the Ninja Run? I kinda forgot," Sohinki said nervously.

"WHAT?! Oh come on!" Lazercorn shouted in frustration, "You hold down the left stick and press R1 to do the Ninja Run."

"Got it. Thanks," Sohinki said.

Raiden started running as he sliced up the falling missiles while running. The Second RAY then went for a headbutt and damaged Raiden, but got its head stuck on a building.

"Oh god! I'm almost dead!" Sohinki shouted as he went to attack the Second RAY's head.

"I find it weird on how none of these buildings are taking damage from not only the missiles and plasma cannon, but not even collapsing from all of those headbutts. I find that weird 'cause you expect a monster or robot to cause that much destruction in real life, especially if it's that big," Lazercorn stated.

"Yeah. It is pretty confusing," Sohinki remarked as he went into Blade Mode and started pressing buttons, making Raiden slice up the turret.

"Ha HA! What are you going to do now?" Sohinki asked.

The Second RAY then hits Raiden with its wing, damaging him a lot as Raiden got up. Then, HEMP missiles started to fly out of the wing of the UMG as Raiden sliced them up.

"You are so lucky that didn't kill you. Otherwise, we'll have to start this all over again and I would kick you in the face," Lazercorn stated.

"I definitely don't want that," Sohinki replied.

The Second RAY went to do a headbutt, but Raiden blocked it as the UMG's head fell on top of the building roof as Raiden went to attack it. The Second RAY then did its screeching roar as it jumped far from the building and fired many missiles.

"Finish that bastard off!" Boris shouted.

"Yeah, listen to Boris. Finish that bastard off," Lazercorn repeated as Sohinki was pressing the jump button, making Raiden jump from missile to missile towards the Second RAY

Raiden managed to reach the Second RAY and started slicing up the armor of the Second RAY's wing. He then takes out a blade from his leg and sliced off the wing as the Second RAY fell to the ground.

A few moments later, the Second RAY rushed to Raiden and grabs him with its mouth. Raiden stabbed his katana on the Second RAY's mouth as the UMG threw Raiden at a clock tower. Raiden gets up and runs down the clock tower while the Second RAY was firing missiles and the plasma cannon.

"How is that thing still alive?" Sohinki asked, moving left and right to avoid the missiles.

"I have no idea. That thing should have been destroyed by now," Lazercorn answered.

Raiden avoided the missiles and jumped off the clock tower and land on the Second RAY's head with his katana in its head.

"OOOH! You stabbed him into his brain!" Lazercorn shouted excitedly.

"This game is awesome!" Sohinki shouted as he was mashing the square button.

Raiden managed to push the sword down from the Second RAY's head down to his back and jumped off and land on the ground. Raiden then put his katana away as the Second RAY fell and split apart in half.

"We killed it?" Sohinki asked.

"OH YEAH WE KILLED HIM! Wait to go!" Lazercorn and Sohinki then high fived each other.

"The Second RAY is defeated!" Lazercorn shouted.

The Second RAY then fired missiles at Lazercorn, but Sohinki used Searing Shot to destroy the missiles. He then formed a sword with flames from the palm of his hand and then slashed off the Second RAY's wings.

The Second RAY then attempt to fire the plasma cannon at Sohinki, but Lazercorn came from behind and used Secret Sword on the UMG. Lazercorn then landed in front of the Second RAY as he and Sohinki gave each other a high five as the Second RAY was split in half and fell apart, followed by a few explosions.

Boss Fight Defeated!

A video screen showed up and turned on.

Strategy Recap…..

"Our first episode of Boss Blitz and we won!" Sohinki shouted excitedly.

"You're telling me. We almost died like 3 or 4 times and it was the first boss of the game. How stupid is that?" Lazercorn asked.

"Anyway, let's review on what we did for this episode," Sohinki stated.

"Well the first thing I did, was I attacked its legs," Lazercorn listed.

"Yeah, you did attack its legs the first time, and then you went into Blade Mode and sliced up his armor," Sohinki explained.

"Yeah. I did do that. And then, I did use the Ninja Run to avoid the attacks the Metal Gear was throwing at me. I dodged missiles, I dodged bullets, I sort of dodged a plasma cannon, I dodged everything, sort of," Lazercorn explained.

"So then, you managed to break through its armor enough so pick him up, and throw him across the area, along with slicing up his wing," Sohinki stated.

"And then, the controller was passed on to you to finish the job. I think what happened was that I threw it very far, and when it landed, I think the crash damaged it enough to actually be weaker in round 2," Lazercorn explained.

"I think so too. And then there was more dodging I had to do and I sliced up its armor on its head, making it vulnerable to open attacks," Sohinki added.

"Yeah. You sliced its armor enough to make him defenseless, and that's when you went for the kill and finished it off. You had to jump from incoming missiles, you were thrown at a clock tower that fell apart, you had to dodge more missiles and a plasma cannon, and then you had to stab the katana into its mechanical brain and slice him in half," Lazercorn explained.

"So let's see what we got here," A chalkboard fell behind the 2 Pokemon as Sohinki grabbed the chalk and started writing the steps to beating the Second RAY.

STEP 1: Attack the legs

STEP 2: Ninja Run

STEP 3: Throw giant robot

STEP 4: Stab robot brain

"So that's how we defeated the Second RAY. We stabbed its brain and killed it," Lazercorn stated.

"If you guys have a boss you want us to fight, send it to us in your review and we'll see what we can do. In the meantime, that's it for Boss Blitz. See you guys next time," Sohinki waived his right hand and Lazercorn waived his left hoof.


Sohinki and Lazercorn stood behind the wreckage of the Second RAY while Jovenshire was picking up the broken parts of the Second RAY and throwing them into a big hole.