Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Star Wars franchise, all rights belong to Luscasfilms and Disney. The only thing I own is my OC.




Review Response:

Spartan-626 (Chapter 1): Thank you kindly! I'll post what level/tier Idoneus is currently at, but also keep in mind of two things: 1) Idoneus has only been under Revan's teachings for one month, plus I'm researching a bit into the Revanite philosophy since there's not too much of it known. 2) Like it was mentioned by Idoneus in the previous chapter- A Sith gains strength through war and death, so the Ruusan campaign should increase Idoneus' powers quickly ;).

As such I'll be going into Idoneus' plans for the Brotherhood and his Empire over the course of the Ruusan campaign (which might be at least 5 chapters in total- since there's the Fourth Battle of Ruusan, Fifth Battle of Ruusan, Sixth Battle of Ruusan, and the Seventh and final battle of Ruusan).

So far it's been pretty fun to write about an enlighten Sith but as another reviewer has mentioned (Silver crow), I have to be careful about the thin line of sorts between a Sith and a Je'daii lol.

Bluesnowman (Chapter 2): Thank you.

Sneak13579 (Chapter 2): In a sense yes. But also Idoneus is using the title and name of Revan to push his agenda, once the Ruusan campaign is over then he'll delve more into his own identity.

Silver crow (Chapter 2): Thank you kindly!

Like Bastila once said in KOTOR: "What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them?" Seems like Idoneus' plan in nutshell, especially for you consider the mentioning of Bane in his plans.

In your comment about Idoneus passing himself as Revan, especially about Satele- I mean, think back to SWTOR: Revan suddenly pops up after three hundred years. Granted about what happened on Yavin could be something, but remember about the Force ghost split that happened to Revan. At this point in time, Revan, considered to be the amongst the most powerful Force wielder ever, could have simply pulled another miraculous stunt (at least to Hoth's best explanation) and remained alive. Revan does hold the credibility of returning after centuries at a time, it IS possibly from an in-universe explanation.

For Idoneus' height, only a month has passed as stated in the last chapter but I did do some research in regards to a thirteen year old boy's height- which is stated to be at 5 feet 6 inches at normal, Revan is mentioned to be 2 meters (6 feet) which makes Idoneus only 5-6 inches shorter than Revan. Plus Hoth himself mentioned to himself that "Revan" seemed rather short, but keep in mind of holograms- they usually change size depending on the source of the holoprojector. So Idoneus' height couldn't play TOO much of a factor as long as the power matches, which is what Revan is infamous for anyway. But it's fine, don't worry about it :).

If you know your history of Darth Bane and he was the one who discovered the Rule of Two, it stems from the parchment Bane gave to Skere Kaan ;). But based on the article about the Brotherhood of Darkness from Wookiepedia:

Under the banner "All are equal in the Brotherhood of Darkness," Kaan organized a new Sith Council and bestowed the title of Dark Lord to each of its members

So Kaan didn't really forbid it as he just didn't use the Darth title. Based on what I read, Kaan doesn't mind the title of Darth, I suppose the Dark Lord is an official title; Darth could be a, um, personal preference.

Well, I am using the One Sith for Idoneus' Empire, but I'm also incorporating elements of the Revanite philosophy (like you mentioned in a later review, "a enlightened Sith") to balance it out a bit further. Darth Bane did warn Darth Krayt that his Order was doomed to fail, and in a sense he was right. The One Sith follows essentially the same structure as Vitiate's empire, almost word for word and action for action. But Idoneus will step into his own Dark Lord once the Ruusan campaign is over, but keep in mind the way the One Sith works- many minions, acolytes/adepts, and lords with only one Dark Lord of the Sith. That's pretty much the entirety of the One Sith, no real philosophy outside of blind obedience while the Revanite Sith ideology would push that ideal to an elevated level. See what I mean? Lol.

Ah ok, that makes plenty of sense for the Nightfather idea. I like it. Though wouldn't the Nightfather cancel the point of the Nightbrothers being around? Not that Idoneus would be complaining I'd imagine.

I'll try to keep that mind lol. If you're interested, I came up with a little scale/tier of the Orders for my stories: Je'daii, Revanite (based on the concept from the Je'daii- the idea of neither Light or Dark sides but combining them), Sith and Jedi. What do you think? I haven't decided where the Imperial Knights or Knights of Zakuul would be placed since their power stems from their Emperor (rather its devoted towards the Emperor, but you get the gist).

Don't feel like an ass, these are reasonable points. I appreciate my reviewer's concerns and questions, feel free to ask in the future :).

I suppose the biggest problem for Abeloth is that the circumstances of her freedom and escape can be pretty hard, but I digress. On the flip side it's pretty hard to find an attractive picture of Abeloth since she either looks like a decayed Joker or is a giant pile of tentacles lol. But I figure on a Kaguya Otsutsuki- like appearance once she's tamed, so to speak.

For what I mentioned about the idea for the Legacy of the Throne, since you mentioned Abeloth, I thought of the Ones…

I already took care of Ahsoka ;). She's included now lol. But the thought of a Revanite Ahsoka is rather pleasing :).

As for Idoneus' Sith placement compared to Bane's Sith…. We'll have to see :).

Guest (Chapter 2): I did have an influence of Game of Thrones in this fic lol. I also have it in my other story Legacy of the Throne though it's a lot more apparent (sex, incest, politics, war, betrayal, etc.).

Vandun (Chapter 2): Thank you for the suggestions!

The Book of Eli (Chapter 2): Hope you continue to enjoy this story!

Ryuujin96 (Chapter 2): Thank you.

For the balancing of Idoneus calling out the Jedi Code, keep in mind that under the facade of Revan, his belief isn't fully aligned with the Sith but with the Dark side of the Force. So Idoneus/Revan has that free reign to call out anyone since "Revan" has been on both sides and betrayed by both. That will have plenty of weight on its own right I think. As for Idoneus and his control over the Dark side, you're partially right and I personally see the Revanite rebirth as essentially that- a rebirth. It cleanses the faults of the old ways for a new path to form (sounds pretty cool doesn't it lol). Plus given Hoth's brash reaction to Revan's presence in the camp, I don't think Hoth bothered sensing him.

It was pretty fun between Bane and Kaan, especially since their dialogue was from the books and novels as they were spoken. Same with Valenthyne's demeanor and mannerisms, as you mentioned of not liking him lol.

Idoneus will learn the mistakes of both Jedi and Sith, with his experiences from the Ruusan campaign and Revan himself teaching. Idoneus is currently running with Revan's personality at the moment, not really his own. Plus his name stems from the Latin word Idonea/Idoneum- meaning suitable, proper, sufficient, adaptable and convenient; essentially Idoneus uses whatever he has learned to his benefit, which does kinda suit him doesn't it lol.

Well that depends on the term "corrupted"… But I figure yes, Idoneus could corrupt them; but not by force or against their will (depending on who he's facing). I also imagine since Idoneus' is using the Revanite philosophy for his One Sith Empire that his followers would be mellowed out compared to the Rule of Two Sith and previous. Hmm, I do like the idea of intrigue in the harem, but I would like to hear more details about it; kind of to see where you are heading.

Matthew Gemm (Chapter 2): I've heard of it, and I like the idea. But what exactly do you want me to do with it? Like what setting- DBZ, Naruto, DC, Marvel, etc.? How many in the harem, depending on the setting of the story, stuff like that you know?

Well, to set up an account isn't that hard. All you'll have to do is give an email address, a password for your account, an account name (just your name should be fine- Matthew Gemm)… I think that's about it, plus it'll be easier to keep track of all the stories that you like instead of waiting for weeks at a time to see my stories lol.

Ragna (Chapter 2): Yes, I'd imagine so.

Azure (Chapter 2): Thank you kindly for the suggestions.

-Darth Idoneus-

The following morning...

Idoneus stared at his reflection in his mirror, his yellow eyes blinking once then twice. Putting the facade of Revan over his face, Idoneus spoke the Revanite Code-

"Peace is a Lie; there is only Emotion. Through Knowledge, I develop Control. Through Serenity, I control my Passion. Through Wisdom, I overcome Ignorance. There is no Chaos; only Harmony. Through Emotion, I gain Ambition. Through Ambition, I gain Power. Through Harmony, I gain Clarity. There is no Death; there is only Sacrifice. The Force shall guide me," Idoneus exited his residence and strolled into the campsite holding the Army of Light. The mask of Revan caused the Jedi to stare at him, whispering and murmuring amongst themselves; questions that would be asked but left unanswered.

Slowing to a halt Idoneus noticed the regal fashion of Valenthyne's residence. Which sat the Jedi himself, watching his reflection as he brushed his sun colored hair with meticulous care. One stroke, two stroke, three stroke-

The sight of Revan's reflection in the mirror outside of his tent caused the aristocratic Jedi to calmly place the brush on the counter, his eyes focused on the infamous Force wielder. "I dare ask on how you came to be here. Many records said that you died on Yavin 4."

Revan stepped inside the tent of the Jedi. An amused look presented itself beneath the mask at the Jedi's tighten grip on his table. "The path I walked in the Force is gateway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural," Revan commented. "I am beyond Jedi and Sith teachings."

"I see. And I have no doubt of your position after the Brotherhood of Darkness is destroyed- you might come after us next."

"It is a possibility," admitted the Revanite. "I wielded power to topple the galaxy in my own image. However, that time has long passed. I am your ally, accept that fact or you will lose this war."

Valenthyne waved a reassuring hand. "Fret not my friend, I was merely concerned as one would, as anyone would really." Revan simply nodded. Not he had cared of the Jedi's worries, his reputation was sufficient to meet his goals.

"You concern me just as much," Revan stated bluntly. The defiant eyes of the half-Bothan Jedi spurred the young man stand from his seat. Revan saw, perhaps, some worth to the young Jedi in front of him. "Your disagreements with Hoth specifically. I dare say there is history between the two of you. If this continues any longer, the Sith will divide the Army of Light,and you two will remembered for such actions."

Valenthyne sighed quietly, turning away from Revan to look upon his reflection. "I have fought the Sith for ten years, along side Hoth. Ten long years… I took my father's lordship after he died, I figured I could live up to his legacy. I believe in Hoth, if you can believe it, but you've met the man."

"I can assume that this is the first ground campaign then," Revan observed.

"Correct, we've been fighting in the airspace of Ruusan for long years but never settled upon its soil till now. I fear Hoth's lack of diplomacy and tact has driven away some recruits."

"He's a General, his soldiers should obey him," Revan countered. "Soldiers are meant to follow their leaders and die. It is a sad loss perhaps, but their sacrifices were their own making."

"You sound much like him," Valenthyne smiled somberly.

"We have suffered much in our lives, you have yet to understand," retorted Revan. The Revanite turned away from the half-Bothan. Valenthyne gazed at the retreating Revanite, his presence gone from his sight.

-Darth Idoneus-

Idoneus wandered around the campsite of Olmondo, his presence as Revan had kept the other Jedi from bothering him; leaving him in peace. Good, he needed silence for his head. Hi skull buzzed still, if only lightly; the effects of the Revanite rebirth process still lingered it seemed.

If Olmondo served for the base camp of the Army of Light, surely the Sith would send scouts to gather intel and infiltrate before attacking, pondered Idoneus. He would need a inside source inside the Brotherhood to keep an eye on them. And Bane.

His fist clenched tightly as the ghostly image of Zannah appeared in front of him.

"Of course," realized Idoneus. "What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause?" He tinkered the idea of appearing to the Brotherhood of Darkness, however the risk would prove itself too great. His thoughts pondered to Bane for a moment, but he realized Bane would play it smart and not say anything; any indication of knowledge towards Revan could prove fatal towards Bane's plans. But it could prove an opportunity for the Dark Lord to discover the identity behind the mask, he rather not take the risk.

Idoneus needed a martyr- something for his plans to set in motion. A battle, an infiltration, a distraction, a betrayal… something of use. He would never get anywhere if he merely planned with no course of action. Hoth was still weary of Revan's presence…

Perhaps Valenthyne could prove his worth. After all, the aristocratic Jedi preferred diplomacy, tact, and persons of civilized standards. He could be a source of information in the Jedi camp. Still left much to be desired for Zannah…

He growled as the buzz fluctuated in his head. His heartbeat pulsed behind his eyes. Was the Force telling him of approval or disapproval? Interpretations were fickle things, especially since he lacked any allies here. And he doubt he could ask Revan's spirit for advice at this time. Idoneus had to trust his own merit.

The Force drew cold…

The Brotherhood was heading this way. Rushing past the crowds of Jedi, Revan barged into the command center where the broad Jedi Lord looked towards him. "You have felt it too."

"Yes, the Brotherhood draws closer. They must've sent spies to infiltrate this base and report your location," Revan reported. "We have little time to get the troops ready-"

A booming explosion roared in the campsite, screams of death and anguish littered the skies as the Brotherhood unleashed its assault. Revan reached for his dual lightsabers- lights of red and purple shone against his mask.

-Darth Idoneus-

Fire and bodies sprayed across the ground, as the smoke burned in Revan's nose. This was war. This was death. The essence that the Sith fed off of, to grow in power and strength. Revan was a hardened veteran of war; Idoneus lacked such. But the sight did not make Idoneus falter; some soldiers who fought many a time in battles were squeamish at the sight still, some who knew threw a punch could the sight of laid before them.

Slashing down the foolish Sith charging towards him, Revan pulled his amethyst blade from the chest wound of the Sith, keeping his senses alert for any more surprises lurking beyond. Scores of Sith flooded the campsite, slaughtering their sworn enemies.

Feeling a presence behind him, Revan spun with blazing speed, only to halt at the sight of wounded Sith warrior- a gold lightsaber piercing through his chest from behind. Watching the Sith meet his demise, Revan observed Valenthyne looking at him, then looking at the surrounding area.

"Plenty of dead bodies and blood, yet here I stand still," remarked Valenthyne bitterly. Harboring the memory of yesterday's argument between Hoth and Valenthyne, Revan saw the determination behind his eyes.

"You may yet prove him wrong," Revan said. "Let's see what skills you possess."

Valenthyne smirked at Revan, his golden lightsaber matching the sun-colored locks of his hair. "With pleasure."

Turning his attention to the battle, Revan ran towards the carnage. With erratic, powerful strikes of Juyo, the Revanite pummeled through his assailants. He felt the joy of battle flow through him- the mark of Juyo; to use one's emotions to heightened levels. Grabbing his other lightsaber, the Revanite slashed two Sith with dual blades of crimson and amethyst.

As powerful and unpredictable as Juyo was, Idoneus knew to be aware of Bane. He was here.

If he saw Revan, he was unsure on what the Dark Lord what think. The lingering possibility of Bane discovering that it was Idoneus frightened the Revanite. Perhaps his plans could change…

Quickly leaving Valenthyne to his personal matters, Revan scoured across the battlefield looking for Bane. Panting lightly Revan's search drew nothing. He was here, he knew it. Flashes of the buildings filled his eyes as Revan spun in a circle, his own fear clouding his mind. Panting heavier and loosing slight balance, Revan looked down towards the ground. When he looked up, there stood Zannah.

Her beautiful yellow eyes watched Revan closely, narrowing ever so slightly at the sight before her. He seemed shorter than she imagined. However that didn't compare to the power that she sensed from him, it was immense and deep. Unlike anything she felt before- it was pure and raw.

Beautiful, even.

Thinking quickly Revan pointed his amethyst lightsaber at her, forcing her distance from him. "Where is your master?"

"Slaughtering Jedi," Zannah responded. Something in the Force felt off to her. "Why are you here with the Jedi? What game are you playing?"

"My plans are my own child, I will not tell them to you," Revan countered. "Leave this planet now, the Sith are dead. Consider this mercy." Sheathing his dual lightsabers, Revan turned his back to her. Zannah's face flickered at the sight of him leaving, he felt… familiar.

Contrary to what her master hid from the others, Zannah had noticed her master's desires. She was hungry for knowledge yet Bane denied her requests. Perhaps she was too greedy, or perhaps, on some level, Bane feared her. Fear for what she could become- as Bane's ideology from Revan's holocron entailed.

This was her chance to quench her hungry, becoming the apprentice to the most powerful Force wielder of all time.

"I wish… to be your apprentice," Zannah called. Revan halted from his next step. The apprentice of Bane was to be his own; how delightful. Turning towards her Revan awaited her explanation. "My master, former master, took your holocron and studied it intensely. He wishes to complete what you started."

Stretching his senses with the Force, Revan felt the honesty within her. She seemed genuine of her offer.

"Instead you wish to join me," Revan stated.

Zannah nodded. "Yes, there is much more you can teach me of the Force. Of its Dark side. Please, I beg you." The Sith apprentice bowed in front of Revan, her blonde hair mixed with the dirt.

"Prove your loyalty to me. Of your worth to learn from my teachings," offered Revan. "Confront your master, and kill him." Sensing her hesitation, Revan smirked beneath his mask. "My path is not an easy one. It is filled with pain and misery- with that price comes unrivaled power. Is it worth it to you?"

Revan knelt in front of the Sith apprentice as he spoke. He wanted to know how far she was willing to go. Looking from her spot, Zannah smiled endearingly. "As you wish… Darth Bane."

Rolling out of the way of the crimson lightsaber slashing at his back, Revan fired a torrent of black Force lightning from his fingertips. Bane poised his crimson blade in front of him, redirecting the lightning itself to his blade.

"I must admit you are powerful. Imagine my surprise when I felt an immense power in the Jedi camp," Darth Bane said. "I have learned much from Revan's holocron, and now I face its master."

"You dare to challenge me?" Revan growled. "With my own knowledge?!"

"You are a fascinating person Revan, I only wish to understand you," Bane continued.

"No one can. I stand alone," Revan reached for his lightsaber, its amethyst blade shining against his mask. "If you wish to test me, you will die. I am not here for your amusement, the Sith and Jedi are to be eradicated from the galaxy- I will see to that."

"We are on the same side it seems," Bane said. "The Brotherhood is a perversion of the Jedi Order, and you know its effects on the galaxy."

"You wish for a truce? An alliance?" Revan lowered his lightsaber slightly. He made sure to have Zannah in his sights. He had a feeling he was being baited a second time. "I have been betrayed far too many times, I will not be foolish enough to falter again. You will die here Sith." Leaping towards Bane with a powerful blow, Revan slashed across Bane's chest; only to be blocked by Bane's own blade. Pushing the Revanite back, Bane twirled his crimson blade, pointing it at him.

"We will accomplish where you have failed. A day, a year, a millennium it matters not- the Rule of Two will triumph over the galaxy," Bane boasted.

Revan breathed slowly at Bane's words. "There is a reason why I am here. Be careful, the Force is unkind to the snake who calls himself a dragon."

Gripping his hilt tightly, Bane charged towards Revan. Blocking the overhead strike with his right hand, Revan used his left hand to fire black Force lightning, engulfing Bane's body. Sensing Zannah's desire to attack him, Revan leapt overhead of Bane and spun-kick Zannah to the wall, cracking it as she landed. Taken the Dark Lord's dazed state, Revan sent a powerful Force Push towards Bane, knocking him clear through the stone wall of the building in front of them. Focusing back to Zannah, Revan lifted her through the Force and slammed her against the wall, several times.

Each slam broke a large piece of the wall away, finally, Revan shoved her entire body clear through the building. Suddenly lifted off his feet, Revan crashed inside the building, rolling several feet away from where Zannah was. Picking himself up, Revan saw the bloodied state of Bane panting heavily, but still alive. Storming towards Bane the Revanite halted at the broken wall, unleashing a powerful wave of the Force.

Bane faltered at the power, soon however he defied it; yelling defiantly at Revan. Visible energy formed in the Revanite's hands, before unleashing a devastating Force blast at Bane. Tearing down several buildings as Bane was buried beneath the tons of rubble, Revan leaned against the side of the wall.

He used more energy than he meant to. He groaned as his muscles ached under his skin, tightening in a vice grip. There was still Zannah to confront. Now would be the chance he was seeking. Walking over to the body of Zannah, Revan knelt down to her and placed his hand against her face. Once he removed his hand, yellow eyes snapped open and widely stared at him. Suddenly she was pried from the floor and pinned to the wall behind Revan, her pained groans and kicking feet aided her little.

"I can kill you here and you will be one with the Force, or you can accept my offer," Revan threatened. "Become my apprentice and all the knowledge you seek will be yours."

Her panting breath were laced with fear, he felt through the Force. Anger, fear, angst, dread; all these emotions consumed her. She was malleable to his whims, she will soon be. Waving his left hand across her face, Revan caught her as she fell into his arms.

He would worry about Bane later, if he was still alive. If he was, he'll finish what he started.

-Darth Idoneus-

Zannah squinted her eyes open, she felt metal encased around her wrists. Her body was sore. She was a prisoner.

"Comfortable?" called Revan. The Sith apprentice saw her captor sitting a few feet from her, just watching her. "I hope so."

Zannah narrowed her eyes at him, but she remained silent.

"Where is Bane?" Zannah knew her answer anyway.

"Buried under tons of debris and rubble," Revan explained. He stood from his seat and walked next to her. "You won't need this." The metal clamps around her wrist broke free after his gesture, Zannah's eyes keeping close watch of the Revanite. "Your life started amongst thieves, liars and traitors- that is the way of the Sith. Your potential would have been wasted with them."

Zannah rubbed her sore wrists, the pain eased somewhat. "You killed my master, so I am your apprentice."

Revan chuckled amusingly. "You failed my test. You lied to me and betrayed me. I will not teach you."

"But you said-" Once again Zannah's back was pinned to the wall, under the grip of Revan.

"I know what I said, girl. Another test, then, shall be granted to you," releasing his grip on her, Zannah rubbed her throat as she landed on her knees. Revan stared down at her; Idoneus looked on to her.

Turning his back to her, Revan reached for his mask and peeled it off. Zannah watched in surprise as the mask dangled from his side before it dropped with a thud.

The yellow eyes of Idoneus bored into Zannah.

Her mouth left open, her yellow eyes blinking in disbelief Zannah shook her head. Revan was Idoneus, Idoneus was Revan.

"You-you…" she struggled to find her voice. He was so different from when she last saw him, how did he gain so much power in a month?

Idoneus ran his hand through his hair, continuing to study her quietly. She was still as beautiful as he last saw her on Korriban. When he took a step forward, Zannah crawled back. Idoneus frowned as Zannah held her hand out in front of her.

"As I told you- the Sith and Jedi are coming to an end, and I will see to that. I sense much power in you," Idoneus said. "You are smart, you are beautiful, your thirst for knowledge may be unquinshable. I need a woman like you in my Order, I need YOU."

Panting lightly still at the revelation Zannah said nothing.

Idoneus walked towards her and picked her up. He felt her body become rigid under his touch, he noted. The sixteen year old Sith apprentice gazed at the thirteen year old Revanite- it was true, she remembered, of what the Sith Council said of Idoneus: he had potential, he had intelligence, for someone so young.

That power was now starting to be realized.

"I cannot conquer the Jedi and Sith on my own, not yet," Idoneus continued. "I need allies whom I can trust completely. Bane sensed your potential, I do as well. Join me and we can end this. With our combined strength, we can rule the galaxy as Master and Apprentice; perhaps as something more."

Zannah caught the subtle hint, however Idoneus kept his eyes locked with hers as he said it; not down her body as she used to from the male students back at the Sith Academy. She looked towards Idoneus with weary intention, doubt still plagued her.

She had to admit- he was cute.

Looking towards the mask of Revan on the floor, Zannah walked past Idoneus and retrieved it. Holding the front of the mask to her, she placed it in front of Idoneus; judging.

"You look rather good with the mask on," she teased. Idoneus smiled lightly. "I don't about this. I am unsure if you can really pull this off. But I will trust you… Master."

A sense of ease that Idoneus had not felt in a long time engulfed him. Sighing in relief, Idoneus retook the mask of Revan into his hands and placed it on the counter behind him. "I pray that isn't another trap."

"No, not this time," confirmed Zannah. Idoneus sensed that same genuine emotion the first time Revan asked her that question…

The Revanite felt soft hands rub against his back, slowly rising to his shoulders as Zannah gently massaged them. He shuddered in pleasure as her soft lips pressed against his neck.

"Trust me, my Master. I will obey any and all commands you ask of me," Zannah said, her voice growing sensual. Losing his senses to the pleasure of Zannah's lips, Idoneus slowly regained control.

"That… will be enough. For now," reassured Idoneus. Zannah heard the hesitation in her master's voice, smirking to herself.

"Apologies, my master." Idoneus simply nodded, his body twitching lightly before he faced her.

"Go back to the Brotherhood's camp. I want you to stay there until I call you, I need eyes and ears amongst the Sith," ordered Idoneus. "I need to know of their plans."

"Yes, Master," Zannah answered softly. Before she left, Zannah walked towards Idoneus and wrapped her soft, warm arms around his neck, softly pressing her lips to his in a loving kiss. "Until next time."

Watching her leave in a dazed state, the buzzing of his lips brought Idoneus to focus again.

-Darth Idoneus-

Revan tossed the tons of debris to the side quickly. Where was Bane? He searched for long minutes, yet the body of the Dark Lord seemed to have vanished.

Or was taken.

"You looking for something?" inquired Valenthyne. Revan glanced over his shoulders towards the half-Bothan before looking back to the rubble.

"I was. It's gone." Revan faced Valenthyne. "We have to move to another site. It's no longer safe here, we have no supplies to utilize."

"I agree," Hoth gruffed, moving another large pile of debris out of his way. "The Sith practically destroyed this base even if we "won". We'll have to relocate, fortunately I know of a place where we can set up a new sight."

"I'll leave that to you then," Revan said, looking into the horizon. Hoth eyed Revan then Valenthyne before heading back. Valenthyne caught the glance towards him but focused on Revan. He sensed that the Force wielder was preoccupied with his thoughts.

"You know, my good sir, that a battle ends in victory, also ends in a drink," offered Valenthyne.

Revan chuckled softly. "A drink? I have fought many battles in the past, which I have lost and won. Never before had I took a drink." Revan turned towards Valenthyne. "I suppose I can start now."

Valenthyne smiled reassuringly. "That's the spirit!"

-Darth Idoneus-

Darth Bane floated in front of her, engulfed in a bacta tank. Zannah observed the multiple cuts, slashes, and bruises that her former master suffered at the hands of Revan. At the hands of Idoneus. A mere child.

She had chosen wisely.

Zannah felt the presence of Githany enter the medical bay, she continued to keep her eyes focused on Bane. The soft thuds of Githany's boots drew closer to where Zannah stood, until she saw the Sith Lady from her peripheral.

Githany stared at the sight of Bane. She had heard rumors of the man responsible for his condition, if it was true then the Brotherhood would not survive. Githany faced Zannah, observing the Sith apprentice. She received her answer.

"Bane is as strong as they come in the Sith," Githany said. "He is lucky he survived."

Zannah said nothing, prompting Githany to leave the apprentice with her master.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

So the plot thickens! Idoneus has revealed his secret to Zannah, who in turn, become his apprentice. Is there truth behind her words, or is there deception?

Here is a tiny scale for Idoneus, Hoth, Valenthyne, Bane and Zannah (the power scale further down below presents a more canon look of this characters; Bane and Zannah for example are not at their Multi-Continent stage here since that is during the time of the Rule of Two):

Idoneus (Continent)

Hoth (Large Country)

Valenthyne (Small Country or Country)

Bane (Continent)

Zannah (Island)


Darth Zannah, Raskta Lsu, Asajj Ventress, Githany, Lumiya, Allya, Kirana Ti, Ros Lai, Mighella, Azzenaj, Baritha, Chastina, Ahsoka, Barriss Offee, Luminara, Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, Fay, Celeste Mourne, Cyndra

Power Scale-

Planet to Planet+:

Son (Large Planet; possibly Star)

Daughter (Large Planet; possibly Star)

Grand Master Luke Skywalker

Darth Sidious (Small Planet)

Valkorion (Small Planet)

Yoda (Small Planet)

Darth Nihilus (potentially; constant hunger can fluctuate his power)

Mace Windu (Small Planet; through continued usage of Vaapad against Sidious in their duel in ROTS)

Moon to Moon+:


Revan (Possibly; at his best, nearly matched the Sith Emperor [of note, Lord Scourge's perceived futures where both Revan or the Emperor could have come out on top in their fight])

Multi-Continent to Multi-Continent+:

Darth Vader

Galen Marek/Starkiller


Count Dooku

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Anakin Skywalker

Darth Bane

Aayla Secura

Plo Koon

Shaak Ti

Darth Bane

Darth Zannah

Darth Plageuis

Ki-Adi Mundi

Kit Fisto

Darth Plageuis

Darth Maul

Meetra Surik

Darth Traya

Darth Nihilus (Force Drain)

Country to Country+:

Darth Malgus

Satele Shan

Darth Sion (Small Country)

Bastila Shan (Small Country)